
Texan Citizen’s Take Over Rescue – Hurricane Harvey

As I posted yesterday, there’s a lot going on in Texas that the MSM is either not reporting or misreporting.

Following is a collection of interviews with Matthew Short put together by


Boots on the ground reporting from  Matthew Short on Hurricane Harvey TX rescue efforts – Fed Gun Confiscation Stopped – Fed’s don’t have a clue – Relied on Texan Citizen’s  for Rescue – Citizen Rescue Boats Fully Armed – Government Closing Down Roads – Trapping People in Homes – Dams Blown at Night –  Flooding and FEMA Not Doing Evacuations – Bodies Washed out to Sea (Rescuers can’t take dead bodies, Bio-hazard – Must Concentrate on the Living) – Walmart and Shopping Centers use for FEMA Staging. The Private Government Contractors Tried to Disarm us and Take over our supplies…

Edited interview – Going viral on many channels

YouTube video

‘Now that I’m home, and security is not an issue. I can tell some stories from the storm. On the first Night I arrived. I linked up with militia out of the south. All night long, all I could hear was, glass breaking, car alarms, and gunshots. They were leary to give me information. Until they realized one of their own had sent me.
Most of the day before, I was told they had been working with feds, and that they might be walking around the building. Unprepared for the storm. The ATF had approached them for help. The city was flooding and evacuating. Tasked with securing all the gun stores in Houston. They did not have enough men. Looting was terrible, and they couldnt afford to let the gangs get the weapons. The locations were secured, and left with a police presence. I was told only one location had been compromised.

The FEDs come down on militia types all the time. Until they were needed. The storm was out of their control. The militia helped with this security problem. Keeping Houston a little more safe from the storm. Ensuring those with bad intentions were not able to arm massively with stock.

They will probably never be thanked for this security. It was one of many steps I witnessed where Militia was on point, protecting the people in the Gulf region. The feds couldnt do it on their own. Good men were already imbedded within the city.

In the wake of hurricane Harvey. Texans were watching over Texas. In the most dangerous places. This militia bases themselves out of the southern region.’

Edited interview:

YouTube video

Full YouTube post:

YouTube video

New interview Sep 24, 2017 – use closed caption – subtitles option – Matthew Short audio problems – to hear his responses.

YouTube video

Texan Citizen’s Take Over Rescue – Hurricane Harvey

Tx weather modification advisory committee. Laughter as he says they would not be short of rain soon. In the days leading up to Hurricane Harvey.

YouTube video

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