
Big Brother Is Not Only Watching…

HHA | 12/7/2014

He’s busily CENSORING – Making Sure You’re Looking At The Right Stuff…!

This is a little disturbing. Have you ever heard of a company called HONR? I hadn’t. Leonard Posner is the owner of HONR Network, which specializes in getting content removed from the internet which they don’t approve of.  Here are several Youtubers who have had trouble with HONR IN THE PAST 5 DAYS.

HONR seems to be particularly interested in the new film about the Fake Sandy Hook shooting. I’m posting links to a few of these people’s videos – Again, they’re all within the last 5 days. I’m not crazy about some of their language, but they still have every legal right to post their videos. Apparently they all received a “copyright infringement” notice from Youtube, which was filed by “Leonard Posner”.

Dutchsinse (Michael Janitch) had his social media shut down after he posted somethingEXPOSING HONR! (that’s below the list of  vids).

If we’re nothing but a bunch of ‘conspiracy theorists’ and we’re full of nonsense, somebody is sure putting a lot of money into keeping us quiet.




Censored by Honr/Lenny Pozner

Dec. 5, 2014 – HONR Network CENSORS New Sandy Hook Movie!

YouTube video

Sandy Hook Documentary Censored by Honr Network, Vimeo and YouTube

YouTube video

Michael Janitch posted: “I got hit hard yesterday, after putting out calls for help to my viewers across all social media, after being shut down 6 times in 4 years, after multiple falsely filed copyright claims which I fought and won (and was restored strike free), after falsely ”


New post on Dutchsinse


12/07/2014 — Social Media Shutdown due to Sandy Hook false copyrights

by Michael Janitch

I got hit hard yesterday, after putting out calls for help to my viewers across all social media, after being shut down 6 times in 4 years, after multiple falsely filed copyright claims which I fought and won (and was restored strike free), after falsely filed community guidelines violations which I fought and won (and was restored strike free) — and after false claims by others that THEY owned my channel, where I had to “prove” I was Michael Janitch to google…

After all of that…

Yesterday, a Sandy Hook family member came to a video I made and filed a false copyright claim against it because I’m showing a google search containing something they don’t like.

The man filing the false claims of copyright goes by many names, the name associated with the COMPANY (which filed the claim against me) is Leonard Pozner.   HONR Network is his company which specializes in getting content removed from the internet which they don’t approve of.

They filed a claim against my video showing who was filing claims against videos!!  Epic fail circular reasoning.


Yes, that really happened, I’m explaining who is filing claims on videos, and that person comes over and files a FALSE copyright claim against me.

Sandy Hook family member getting a special pass on youtube?!  Free speech for HE but not for ME?

Is that how things are going to be going?  You guys want to get your earthquake and weather news from this Sandy Hook guy?

Is the Sandy Hook guy going to be around 24/7 to report news to you people?  Or is the Sandy Hook guy going to cash in some more, and go start more businesses that bring him in more $$?

People are LETTING this Sandy Hook family walk all over our rights, all because they supposedly lost someone?  Do we let victims of crimes determine our free speech rights?  Crime victims can be unreasonable, reactionary, and sometimes downright crazy in their behavior.

I personally think that it is VERY odd a Sandy Hook family member would CLAIM victim status, but then actively go out online and pick fights with people who will never agree with him.

Are we supposed to all believe the Sandy Hook families?  Is it a law?   MUST I BE COMPELLED to believe ?  I have a right to say I think the Sandy Hook families are full of shit, I think their liars cashing in.  I don’t care if it offends them, or anyone else.   You think you have a right to shut people down whose opinions you don’t like?

Just wait until it’s done to you!

I tried to file a dispute against his false claim, and youtube would NOT allow a dispute to be filed.  First time I’ve seen this in over 4 years of making videos.

NO DISPUTE!  You are a criminal by dictate of the whim of a Sandy Hook family member?

Imagine if I came to you falsely claimed you stole something from me, and then filed a report saying it!  You don’t get to present your side, because I say it, you’re guilty!


Filing a claim of copyright theft (by the Sandy Hook family) is a public accusation of a crime being committed.

The fact that I cannot dispute this means that even though I committed no crime, I have been deemed guilty by the person accusing me of the crime.  I now have to get a lawyer and sue to have this accusation of a crime removed.

If I agree, or let this go, it stands as a copyright crime / violation for life.  I have to counter sue (in actual court not on youtube) to have my name cleared.

The Sandy Hook family member is now the Judge Jury and ??  I don’t even want to say it since everyone is so brainwashed into loving these “victims” of Sandy Hook.

I dispute this claim publicly now, since I can’t dispute it with youtube.

I showed a google search in the video, and did NOT steal anything belonging to Mr. Pozner or HONR Network.  Normally, in all other cases I’ve ever seen, youtube allows someone accused to dispute.  When I clicked the dispute button, the above screenshot tells you what I’m up against.

The guy filing claims of copyright to get videos pulled down, Leonard Pozner (Lenny Pozner on youtube) is himself in SERIOUS copyright violation on his own youtube channel !

Notice he has several RIPPED videos on his youtube going off on Alex Jones, Jesse Ventura, David Icke, and “conspiracy theorists”… he is committing copyright violation while flagging others for copyright violation!

New opinionated 1st amendment guaranteed headline:

HYPOCRITE unhinged Sandy Hook family member Lenny Pozner, commits copyright violation, then files FALSE copyright violations against others to stop free speech.


See his channel yourself.    Oh the hypocrisy!

Filing claims against others while you yourself have ripped videos up with NO permission granted.  Copyright theft plain and simple.

While you’re there let him know that despite his “victim” status from Sandy Hook, he can now add “oppressive censoring fascist” to the description.   Maybe add “greedy two faced lying hypocrite” to the description as well.

A greedy unhinged online-trolling oppressive censoring fascist two-faced lying hypocrite named Eliezer Pozner / Lenny Pozner / Leonard Pozner / Len Posner / Traxel Pozner  is filing false claims against people looking into his multiple identities.

Let him know how you feel, since he’s collecting boat loads of money from the public, taxpayers, and in donations off Sandy Hook , while slamming others looking into him!

You’d think I had some huge channel, and a huge following of people with the amount of hatred, resistance, and smearing I’ve received.   Getting crushed as a “conspiracy theorist” in the international news? multiple times? huh?  How does that even happen to someone who is not very popular?

How is it another COUNTRY can pick up your videos and slam you on their morning news, where government agencies respond to you  by issuing press releases denying what you’re saying when you make a video, when countless thousands of people band together form groups, forums, and “tribes” against you, literally NAMING you out in posts, videos, and even main stream news print articles….. being the negative topic of discussing on multiple radio shows, and truther channels to top everything else off (called a shill, and my findings denied by fellow researchers for some reason or another).

How can all that happen to someone, but then that same person gets zero response after?

How can an independent news provider, and researcher be expected to endure the aforementioned, while just trying to cover basic news other people cover online without all the craziness?

Why can’t I cover earthquakes, fracking, severe weather, weather modification, space anomalies, and a bit of fringe hard to find news without getting slammed like I’m Alex Jones?


Imagine it as such, 3 huge baseball stadiums full of people who signed up to see you are out there…. when you take the field, everyone gets up and leaves, and 200 – 1,000 people out of the huge crowd stays.

Somethings just not right, and its not that my posts are lacking.  Posts are thorough, well researched, graphically appealing, and viewer directed.   Everything is free of charge, and provided daily on multiple sites for easy viewing.

Summed up, yesterday when my facebook got flagged multiple times by the Sandy Hook family, when my youtube video was taken down by a false copyright strike by the Sandy Hook family….. when my Dailymotion got hit by the Sandy Hook family…. I came to my facebook to appeal to my viewers for some kind of action or help to take against these people filing false claims of “copyright” against my work.  Saying they OWN a right to my content because I’m talking about them in my videos, and showing a google search?



The response to my removed video , was 1 share .

Out of all those people subscribed above on my different social media sites .. 1 person shared the news.  That person was Tatoott1009 by the way.

I asked my viewers to go over and say something to the guy filing all the claims.   That got ZERO shares after being up 8 hours.

That lets me know, I’m being blocked by certain “groups” in charge of the social media sites involved, AND my viewers are not checking in, or sharing the work I put out.

Michael Janitch | December 7, 2014 at 3:12 pm | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:




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