
Revivals Conclusion Pt1: Illusions & Multiple Reality Disorder | Will The New Covenant Please Stand Up?

I’ve often thought that this year-and-a-half-long series could well be called “How the church got so messed up.” Through these many articles, we’ve examined various doctrines that were sown in the church to obscure the New Covenant in Christ and His current spiritual Kingdom Reign by conflating its truth with … Read More

GODS WHO DIE LIKE MEN… (Aliens, Enoch & the Divine Council Controversy)

Aliens, Enoch and the Divine Council. My first introduction to these topics was the film “Age of Deceit.” While the film contains helpful information about secret societies, it leans heavily on extra-biblical “wisdom” from the book of Enoch to provide details where scripture is vague (Gen 6). Like many others … Read More

Revivals Pt 25: Creating the American Mythos – Christopher Columbus: The Great American Hero Pt1

In the past few articles I’ve been examining occultists’ ambitions to establish a Great Philosophic Empire, with America chosen as the center of its leadership. Since the Mystery Schools/Secret Societies operate on two levels; the Exoteric and the Esoteric, it’s not surprising that the aspired Philosophic Empire is interchangeably spoken … Read More

Revivals 24: The Great American Mythos Pt2 – A Whole New Mystically Enlightened World

In my last post I contrasted true Christian Identity with Nationalism and Esotericisms’ Philosophic Empire. I discussed how America was founded by esotericists, and that, far from being Christian, Democracy represents “faith in the inherent power of man to overcome and abolish all the evils in himself and in his … Read More

Revivals Pt 23: The Great American Mythos Pt1 – Christian Identity, Democracy & Secret Society “Wisdom” (The Philosophic Empire)

A New Identity & Citizenship In the next few posts I’ll be taking a behind-the-scenes look at the creation of America from both an occult and a biblical view, including the highly  mythologized Christopher Columbus. But before I dive into all that I want to start with a seemingly unrelated … Read More

Revivals 22: Counterfeit Enlightenment: The Cosmati Pavement – Crowning The Lord of the Earth

Since the 1800s, Westminster Abbey’s Cosmati Pavement had been concealed by carpets due to its deteriorating condition. It remained covered for Queen Elizabeth’s coronation upon it in 1953, but was restored in 2010 just in time for the wedding of William and Kate, Prince and Princess of Wales. It was … Read More

Revivals Pt 21: Counterfeit Enlightenment Pt6: The Image of the Beast

May 6th 2023 marked the coronation of King Charles III on Westminster Abbey’s famous Cosmati pavement. The magnificent mosaic, comprised of the spheres, cubes and serpentine patterns of Pagan Astrology, has served as the coronation floor of England’s Royalty since its completion in 1268.  Its central sphere upon which England’s … Read More

Revivals Pt 19: The Counterfeit “Enlightenment” Pt4: Secret Societies: The Earthly Power of Heathendom

Without a correct interpretation of the book of Revelation, we’ve been kept unaware of the Secret Societies now exposed behind the scenes of politics, economics and religion. If we’d been aware, they would never have been able to infiltrate the church. But infiltrate they have, and twisting the meaning of … Read More

Revivals Pt 18: The Counterfeit “Enlightenment” Pt3: Islam in the Bible(?)

We’ve been looking at the history of the “enlightenment thought” that the Revivalists were all so determined to seed into Protestantism. Knowing these thoughts originated in the antiquities of Aristotle, Plato and the like, I wondered how this occult worldview had suddenly re-emerged – right alongside the Reformation. Many of … Read More


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