
Antioch Tennessee Theater Shooting – False Flag?

Several people asked me the day of this event, whether the Antioch theater shooting was yet another false flag event. I scanned through the news reports and immediately came upon the tell-tale conflicting, ever-changing reports from the event. Here are a few:

Shooter is 51 years old – no – he’s 29 years old.
Shooter was shot during a “gun battle” with police.
Shooter was shot while attempting to escape out the back door of the theater.
“Shooter” was wielding a (?) an air gun… A BB gun?!
Shooter was wielding a hatchet – by the photos it looks like it’s just a toy.
Then there are the pictures of the can of pepper spray that change depending on which report you look at.

What also glaringly stood out to me was how the police were universally heralded as “heroes” for killing this guy. My dad was a cop in Los Angeles. I remember distinctly that when a shooting took place, the officer was taken off duty until an investigation could be completed. It was a big deal to justify the shooting (ie, did the suspect have a gun). If indeed there was a “gun battle” as some reports said, the police would have been aware that this guy’s weapon was a pea shooter … (BB gun). What ever happened to the aim being to get everybody (including the clearly suffering mental patient) out alive? Is this a propaganda driven effort to gain public support for a police state? I could be wrong of course, but with all the other clearly staged shootings we’ve become accustomed to of late, I see this as simply yet another orchestrated event intended to cause fear, to give people the sense that our world is “out of control”. The Luciferian theme “order from chaos” comes to mind.

Who was Vincent David Montano? We may never know. Was he yet another victim, a tortured and programmed multiple? Very possible, I think even likely. Is the evidence that this is a hoax conclusive? On it’s own, probably not, but in light of the many other theater shootings having been shown to be agenda driven hoaxes, This event deserves scrutiny.

YouTube video

You can read this shape shifting report for yourself:


ANTIOCH, Tenn. (AP) — The latest on reports of shots fired at a movie theater in Antioch, a suburb southeast of Nashville, Tennessee (all times Central):

9:06 p.m.

Police have identified the assailant in the Tennessee movie theater attack as a 29-year-old man who had been committed four times for psychiatric treatment.

Metro Nashville Police spokesman Don Aaron said at a news conference late Wednesday that Vincente David Montano of Nashville had “significant psychiatric or psychological issues,” and that he had been arrested in 2004 for assault and resisting arrest. He said a fingerprint taken at the theater matched that from his arrest.

8:30 p.m.

Metro Nashville police are now saying that the man who waged an attack inside a movie theater was armed with a pellet gun. Police spokesman Don Aaron gave the information to The Associated Press moments before police were scheduled to hold a briefing with the latest developments on the attack.

Earlier Wednesday, authorities had said the unidentified assailant was armed with a regular gun and had exchanged fire with a police officer before being shot dead by a SWAT team.


6:10 p.m.

Police now say the man who attacked moviegoers at a Nashville-area theater was a 29-year-old local man.

Earlier Wednesday, police had said the man was 51. (just off by a couple years) He died in a shootout with police. Investigators say he was wielding a hatchet and gun and was carrying two backpacks, one of which had a fake device made to look like a bomb.

Metro Nashville Police Chief Steve Anderson said investigators need to fingerprint the attacker and do other analyses before releasing his identity.

Anderson says investigators also have not yet found the gun that the attacker used to shoot at police. (!?) 


5:20 p.m.

Police say a man who attacked moviegoers at a Nashville-area theater had a fake bomb inside of a backpack he was carrying.

That backpack was detonated by a bomb squad on Wednesday afternoon after the man used pepper spray inside the theater. Three people were treated for exposure, and one of them had a superficial cut from a hatchet the attacker was wielding. They detonated a fake bomb?

The attacker also had a gun and died in a shootout with police.

Nashville police spokesman Don Aaron says investigators are going through a second backpack that the suspect left at the theater.


4:35 p.m.

A man says he has no idea why he and six others were attacked inside a movie theater by a man wielding a hatchet and a gun.

The man spoke to reporters outside the Nashville-area theater and was identified by a police spokesman only as Steven because his family “does not want any kind of 15 minutes of fame.”

Nashville police spokesman Don Aaron says there were eight people in the theater for the screening of “Mad Max,” including the suspect.

Steven and his daughter were among three people pepper-sprayed, and he was cut by the suspect’s hatchet.

The victim says he has “no idea why this gentleman decided to attack us.”


4:15 p.m.

A bomb squad has detonated a backpack that a man had been wearing on his chest while wielding a hatchet and gun inside a Nashville-area movie theater.

The backpack was detonated Wednesday afternoon after police said the suspect was killed by officers in a gunfight.

Metro Nashville police spokesman Don Aaron says the suspect has tentatively been identified as a 51-year-old local man. His name was not released.

Aaron says an officer encountered the suspect, who attacked three people during a showing of “Mad Max.” All three had been doused by pepper spray; one of them, a man, had a cut to his shoulder after he was apparently hit by a hatchet.

The suspect was shot and killed when he tried to leave through the theater’s rear door.


3:05 p.m.

Authorities say a man wielding a gun and hatchet while wearing a backpack on his chest and a surgical mask unleashed large amounts of pepper spray inside a movie theater before he was shot and killed by police.

Metro Nashville police spokesman Don Aaron says the suspect has tentatively been identified as a 51-year-old local man. His name was not released.

Aaron says an officer encountered the suspect, who attacked three people during a showing of “Mad Max.” All three had been doused by pepper spray; one of them, a man, had a cut to his shoulder after he was apparently hit by a hatchet.

The air inside the theater was thick with the chemical irritant, according to Aaron. The suspect was shot and killed when he tried to leave through the theater’s rear door.


2:20 p.m.

Police say the suspect in a shooting at a Nashville-area movie theater was armed with a hatchet and a gun before being shot by an officer.

Don Aaron, a spokesman for Metro Nashville police, said Wednesday that one person may have suffered a hatchet wound. He did not have further details.

Aaron says an officer came into the theater and was fired upon by the suspect. The officer shot back, then backed off. After that, a SWAT team came in, and there was another exchange of gunfire. The suspect was then found dead.

The suspect had two backpacks, which are being checked by authorities.


2:15 p.m.

Police say a suspect is dead after officers responded to reports of shots fired at a movie theater southeast of Nashville, Tennessee. Shots fired? By a BB gun?

Metro Nashville police said in a tweet Wednesday afternoon that there was an active shooter situation at the Carmike Hickory 8 theater, but that the suspect was dead.

Nashville Fire Department spokesman Brian Haas said previously that police were responding to the theater in Antioch, a suburb southeast of Nashville.

No other details were immediately available.

The latest shooting comes about two weeks after a gunman opened fire inside a movie theater in Lafayette, Louisiana, during a screening of the film “Trainwreck.” Police said John Russell Houser killed two people and wounded nine others before fatally shooting himself. Yes, we have made the connection and we are watching


2:05 p.m.

Authorities say police are responding to reports of shots fired (!) at a movie theater southeast of Nashville, Tennessee.

Nashville Fire Department spokesman Brian Haas said Wednesday that police were responding to a theater in Antioch, a suburb southeast of Nashville.

Haas said further details would need to be released by police.

No other details were immediately available.

The report of shots fired comes about two weeks after a gunman opened fire inside a movie theater in Lafayette, Louisiana, during a screening of the film “Trainwreck.” Police said John Russell Houser killed two people and wounded nine others before fatally shooting himself. Yes, you’ve pointed that out.

Copyright 2015 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.

From the site Well Aware

UPS  the media messed up and showed the dummy.


Caught in the act of editing their error.

BRETT GREENBERG is at the Tennessee Shooting playing the role of an UBER driver.  (Product placement is so apparent with this event)



This so called shooting is taking place in a location that is actively trying to revitalize the mall and businesses in that area.  There is an activist group that is associated with the raising of the funds to improve the area.  Therefore, you can rest assured this event is part of the DHS HSEEP program that offers grant money to locations that host domestic terrorist drills.  This is just another chapter in all the schools, mall, and other domestic terrorists DRILLS.  The media loves it because they can report on it as if it were real so there are no chances of getting sued that could happen if they were to report a real event where people were actually injured.

Since there are no injuries or crime committed its none of the law agencies, business how the news exercises their free speech.  It’s the end viewer who is damaged by believing the BS that they see on their TV screens.  The Law enforcement agencies get more money from the campaign for increased budgets, so they are pleased and they would say anything.  Then finally you have the government reaction talking about gun control and all the other crap they push.

If you look at the footage you will see its a multi jurisdictional drill.

Comment by Ed Chiarini – Key words are the movie name, Mad Max, Uber, Ford, #32 etc  Meaning its a drill designed for free publicity for the movie and product  placements. In two weeks the theatre will be remodeled with the grant money they got from DHS.



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