Revivals Part 4: The First Great Awakening & The Controversial George Whitefield



Release Of Aerosolized Virus;

Deaths To Frighten Americans To Demand Use Of Unproven Vaccines And Drugs  | 10/16/2014

There is no ethical way to conduct a study of anti-Ebola virus vaccines and drugs in humans.  You can’t intentionally inject individuals with a deadly virus and then give an inactive placebo pill to half of those who agree to participate as they do in most controlled human clinical studies.  [Guardian UK Oct 10, 2014]  An article published in Scientific American asked: “How do you test a human Ebola vaccine that works?”  The answer: “You don’t.” [Scientific AmericanSept 17, 2004]

But what if the Ebola virus is spreading rapidly and killing hundreds or even thousands?  The public would likely demand public health officials do something even if available vaccines and drugs are still unproven.

A manufactured outbreak of Ebola would force the issue.  Something would have to be done.  The public outcry for a cure would be deafening.

Was the unfolding Ebola epidemic contrived?

In a revealing report entitled “Ebola is in America – And, Finally, Within Range Of Big Pharma,” the London-based Guardian newspaper tells how the battle against Ebola was pre-planned. [Guardian UK Oct 4, 2014]

It appears an effort to drum up an Ebola virus crisis emanated from publication of a list of neglected diseases by the World Health Organization in 2012.  With the publication of that list, 13 pharmaceutical companies teamed up with the World Health Organization and the Gates Foundation to control or eradicate ten diseases like tuberculosis, river blindness, sleeping sickness and Ebola.

The End Neglected Tropical Diseases Act [US Govt. Printing Office] introduced in Congress this year calls for the US to expand its disease-fighting activities to address international tropical diseases.

Investment houses are paying attention.  “Ebola could be the issue that sends the whole thing snowballing.  You are going to get more industry engagement.  The signs were already positive after the London Declaration on neglected tropic diseases in 2012,” said a Deutsche Bank analyst.  Commercial interests, not disease, are the driving force behind this epidemic.

That analyst also said: “To the extent that these diseases are starting to appear in the US, this will put the issue much more firmly on US companies’ radar.”  Is this why the arrival of a single case of Ebola involving an airline traveler to the US is getting so much attention?

Once US citizens lives are threatened this will justify use of US funds to develop drugs and vaccines that poor countries can’t afford and also pawn the cost of human studies on the American public rather than pharmaceutical or vaccine makers.  This will save billions of research and development dollars for the vaccine and drug companies.

And apparently both sides will profit.  It is difficult to fathom that agencies purported to promote public health hold patents on varieties of deadly viruses like Ebola. [US Patent publication number US20120251502A1]  One begins to wonder what business these public agencies are in – profiteering or health?

So the unprecedented Ebola virus outbreak occurs right on time, based upon questionable diagnostic tests to count up the numbers needed to gain world attention.

An article in Forbes Magazine says the Ebola epidemic has silenced critics of Big Pharma, especially “innovator” drug companies that have been criticized for using patents to produce over-priced drugs beyond the affordability of many countries with exotic tropical diseases.

Now, says the Forbes article, “with the tragic outbreak and ominous spread of the Ebola virus, the whole world seems to be knocking at the drug companies’ doors hoping they will devise some way to prevent or cure Ebola.”  [ Sept 11, 2014] But has the whole Ebola epidemic been contrived?

The next step is to involve the American public in the drama.  [Guardian UK Oct 4, 2014]  It’s beginning to sound more and more like the Ebola epidemic was pre-arranged.

Research into tropical diseases is chronically neglected, but the horror of it is the modern effort to quell this epidemic may be worse than the disease itself.

Is Ebola an aerosol weapon?

While public health authorities are saying only direct contact with the virus via body fluids serve as a vector to transmit Ebola from person to person, animal studies in the laboratory say otherwise.  A published report says: “At the very least, the potential exists for aerosol transmission, given that virus is detected in bodily secretions, the pulmonary alveolar interstitial cells, and within lung spaces.” [Viruses Oct 15, 2012]

Unsurprisingly, Ebola virus and the whole class of filoviruses which includes the Marburg virus are characterized as potential bioweapons making the list of the CDC’s Category-A Bioterrorism Agents.

Ebola is described as being “relatively stable in aerosols” and can remain present on surfaces for extended periods of time.  Tests were performed on monkeys to show that aerosolized Ebola, especially under low temperature and humid conditions, can result in increased body temperatures (a fever) beginning 4-5 days following initial exposure.  This shocking report shows that infectious disease experts have already pre-tested Ebola as a bioweapon – and here is the key part of the report – “as a foundation for testing vaccines and therapeutics.”

The tests were conducted in 2012 by investigators at the US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases, Fort Detrick, Maryland [Viruses Oct 15, 2012] the very same bioweapons center where an engineered anthrax bacterium was genetically traced back to in the crisis following the 9-11 terrorist attacks.  A similar test was performed by scientists at the same military bioweapons center in 1995. [International Journal Experimental Pathology Aug 1995]

It appears the heightened outbreak of Ebola in Central Africa actually emanated from cutbacks in public health funds directed toward control of the disease, not from the disease mutating into a more virulent form. [British Medical Journal Oct 2, 2014; Nature Oct 1, 2014]   Was this pre-planned?

A shortage of doctors in regions of Central Africa has also been blamed on the spread of Ebola. []

Interestingly, two drug/vaccine makers developing therapeutic agents against the Ebola virus receive funding, not from the Centers For Disease Control, not from the National Institutes of Health, not from the World Health Organization, but from the US Department of Defense which has pre-tested Ebola in the animal lab as a terrorist bioweapon, not as a preventive vaccine.  [CDC Aug 29, 2014]

Professor exposes the plot

In an outspoken article published in The Liberian Observer by Dr. Cyril Broderick, a former professor of plant pathology at the University of Liberia’s College of Agriculture, the pharmaceutical industry and the US Department of Defense are fingered as conspirators in a plot to intentionally spread Ebola to provoke public demand to use unproven vaccines and drug as rescue remedies.

Professor Broderick notes reports that the US Department of Defense funded Ebola trials on humans just prior to the Ebola outbreak in Guinea and Sierra Leone.  In his letter addressed to all “world citizens,” Professor Broderick pleads for everyone to “please stand up to stop Ebola testing and the spread of this dastardly disease.”  [Liberian Observer Sept 9, 2014]

Malnutrition as another cause

As millions of people around the world die of preventable infectious disease due to malnutrition (PLoS Medicine May 2007] public health authorities now focus their efforts on a single transmissible disease that kills an average about 40 people a year – the Ebola virus.

Stop the world – for Ebola

Inflating the priority of their own interests, over 40 public health officials and infectious disease specialists have written an open letter to European governments, locked up in a financial crisis of their own, to stop everything and “urge governments to mobilize all possible resources” in the control of “this horrific epidemic.” [The Lancet Oct 4, 2014]

Stopping Ebola has now become a worldwide priority even though it has been confined to Central and West Africa for decades.  United Nations health officials describe it as “likely the greatest peacetime challenge the United Nations has ever faced.” [LA Times, Sept 18, 2014]

The discoverer of the Ebola virus, Peter Piot, says “In 1976 I discovered Ebola – now I fear an unimaginable tragedy.” [Guardian UK Oct 4, 2014]

For unexplained reasons this outbreak of the Ebola virus is said to be far greater than prior regional epidemics in 1976 (Sudan, Congo), 1995 (Congo), 2000 (Uganda) and 2007 (Uganda, Congo). [New York Times Oct 7, 2014]  The current Ebola epidemic in Central and West Africa began in December of 2013.

Despite the fact that over the past 38 years since Ebola virus infection was first diagnosed less than 2000 have died from it over that time span, a report issued by National Public Radio says Ebola is currently growing by exponential numbers. [NPR Sept 18, 2014]

So why is Ebola virus being researched at all given its relatively low incidence?  An article published in Canadian Medical Association Journal provides the answer: “Fears that Ebola could be turned into a bio-weapon. A spokesperson for one vaccine maker says: “Were there not a perceived need to protect against an Ebola outbreak being spread around the world as a bioterrorist weapon I don’t think anyone would be3 where we are now.”  Another public health officer says: “If public health need was the absolute driver we would be absolutely nowhere because frankly not too many people were getting sick with Ebola.”  [Canadian Medical Association JournalOct 2, 2014]

Ironically, the only entity that has the technology and funding to develop a weaponized from of Ebola virus is the US biodefense conglomerate comprised of industry virologists and military bioweapons experts, not any rogue group of terrorists who are likely to kill themselves experimenting with such a deadly virus.  The US has spent $79 billion on so-called biodefense since 2001. [Biosecurity Bioterrorism Sept 2013]

What happened to quarantine?

The lack of quarantine has been criticized widely.  Why does it seem like public health officials are allowing travelers from Africa to travel without a health check?  However, closing borders to quarantine large populations of people may not be practical says an article in Time Magazine.  [Time Magazine Oct 6, 2014]  Yet tried-and-true methods of walling-off Ebola via quarantine and confinement has worked at the Firestone rubber plantation in Liberia.  [Wall Street Journal Oct 6, 2014]  There’s no money in quarantine efforts.

Transmission of Infectious Disease During Air Travel

Getting back to the issue of airborne transmission: Tom Frieden, M.D., Director of Centers for Disease Control, said “at this point there is zero risk of transmission of Ebola on air flight. It does not spread from someone who doesn’t have fever or other symptoms.” [USA Today Oct 1, 2014]  Thirty-eight years of Ebola virus says that statement is true.  But maybe not if the deadly Ebola virus is being purposefully weaponized and instilled into an airplane cabin or airport by a terrorist.  And maybe that terrorist isn’t wearing a towel on his head.  The only organization with the knowledge of how to spread Ebola is the US Department of Defense.

The transmission of viruses during commercial air travel has been demonstrated to be a potential health threat.  [The Lancet March 12, 2005]

Ebola can spread by aerosol transmission and also by direct contact with blood, mucus or other fluids from an infected person. Ebola can cause hemorrhagic fever.  These viruses have long incubation periods, making infected passengers initially symptom-free and unaware that they are infected at the time of travel even though they can spread a disease by droplet transmission. These droplets are created by infected persons when they cough, sneeze or speak and the droplets are propelled up to 3 feet and deposited on a susceptible host’s eyes or mucous membranes. Other infectious diseases that can be transmitted during air flight: Tuberculosis, SARS, the common cold, influenza, meningococcal disease, measles, Salmonella, Cholera, smallpox, and others.  So Ebola is not completely removed from the list of transmissible disease during air flight.  It has been widely reported that 35 countries are one air flight away from Ebola-affected countries. [Quartz July 30, 2014]

A disturbing report describes a laboratory where Ebola-infected pigs were placed in a room with monkeys separated by a wire barrier from monkeys, yet the monkeys got sick even though there was no contact with blood, tears, sweat or other airborne vectors. [Scientific Reports Nov 2012]

Way back in 1999 in the Journal of Infectious Diseases researchers working for the Centers For Disease Control (CDC) reported on a scary outbreak of Ebola virus in the Congo.  Some hospital visitors who did not come in contact with Ebola-infected patients came down with hemorrhagic fever.  These researchers concluded that casual contacts might spawn future epidemics. [Journal Infectious Disease Feb 1999]

Another frightening report was published in 1992 showing that Ebola virus among lab animals (monkeys) spread to other animals despite discontinuation of all direct contact with other animals and  handlers of animals developed antibodies to the virus, meaning it had spread to humans! [Lab Animal Science April 1992] This suggests the virus can escape from the animal lab to humans though it also suggests it did not emanate into full-blown hemorrhagic disease in animal handlers in a well-fed population (Virginia, USA).

Ebola: the comparable risk

The viral infection is said to be incurable because there are no proven drugs or vaccines for it and it has a high mortality rate, over 50%. [World Health Organization Sept 2014] So the fear factor associated with Ebola outranks the pervasiveness of other more prevalent diseases such as tuberculosis and malaria.

For comparison, a worldwide infectious disease threat like the flu has a mortality rate ranging from 9-20 per 100,000 in a well-nourished US population which includes pneumonia (data published 2013) which is a mortality rate of less than one-tenth of one percent.  [Kaiser Family Foundation]  That is why Ebola virus is so dreaded.

Americans have a 2000-times greater chance of developing malaria [CDC] and a 500-times greater risk from dying from tuberculosis [CDC 2013] than they do Ebola but a survey reveals 40% of Americans believe there will be a large outbreak of Ebola virus in the U.S.  But that same news report says the fear of Ebola “is not even close to the actual reality” and that an individual’s chance of getting Ebola in the developed world are “virtually zero.” [NBC NewsAug 26, 2014]

News media doubletalk

The news media actually dismisses itself for fomenting this unfounded fear.  “Well, it might be our fault.  Us, as in the news media” says a NBC report which quotes a risk communication expert to say the ongoing Ebola drama is “better than a zombie movie” with all of its mental pictures of blood pouring out of a hemorrhaging victim.  The news media whips up the fear and then issues reports asking why is everyone so frightened.  The news media is Big Pharma’s best friend.

Hey, in the news headline business it is well known “if it bleeds it leads.” Even on YouTube: “One drop of Ebola 12 million dead,” already viewed a half-million times online. []

The news media revels in the hype knowing that fear of the spread of the disease attracts more readers and viewers which in turn further heightens the fear.  The world is being drawn into a staged drama.  Only this horror show is not make-believe like Halloween.

And now a CBS News report says there is a fear that some bio-terrorist is going to cross the southern border of the U.S. carrying a vial of Ebola virus [CBS News Oct 6, 2014] and no mention of the thousands of illegal immigrants crossing the border every day with tuberculosis, whooping cough and hepatitis and enrolling their kids in public schools.  [American Association Physicians & Surgeons June 25, 2014]

The news media is Big Pharma’s best friend

Researchers further exacerbate these misplaced fears knowing research funds for human trials of vaccines and drugs will gain rapid approval and be fast-tracked. [The Economist Sept 13, 2014; New Scientist Sept 9, 2014]

The dead bodies piled high in Central Africa are for sure but most of these deaths are more likely the result of tuberculosis, malaria or Marburg virus.

Since the symptoms of Ebola and malaria are similar, it could be that many of the reported cases of Ebola are nothing more than malaria.  In fact, among two patients placed in isolation in Washington DC-area hospitals, 1 had malaria.

As of October 1 the CDC had looked into 100 Ebola scares in 33 states and tested the blood of 15 possible Ebola patients and found only one patient who tested positive, the Liberian man who flew from Africa to Texas and was infected prior to his visit to the US. [WJLA-TV ABC News Affiliate Oct 4, 2014]  He has now succumbed to the virus.

Misdiagnosis of Ebola

The confirmation of a diagnosis of Ebola is very specious.

The Centers For Disease Control publishes a list of diagnostic tests for Ebola.  []   Definitive diagnosis rests on isolation of the virus by means of tissue culture in a lab dish or a sophisticated test known as reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) assay.

However, isolation of Ebola virus in tissue culture is a high-risk procedure that can be performed safely only in a few high-containment laboratories throughout the world.  [MedScape]

Furthermore, reporter Jon Rappoport in his excellent interview of the inventor of the PCR test, Kary Mullis, quotes Mullis to say:  “Quantitative PCR is an oxymoron.” [Jon Rappoport] PCR testing produces questionable diagnoses.

Diagnosis of this viral disease is also confirmed by indirect blood markers (elevated interleukin-6 or tumor necrosis factor – IL-6 and TNF) that are commonly elevated in other diseases as well.  Malaria also increases IL-6 and TNF.  [Malaria Journal Aug 16, 2014]

Meanwhile a company in Japan is said to have developed a quicker Ebola test that within 30 minutes will diagnose this deadly virus. [ Sept 2, 2014]

Why has Ebola spread outside its geographical center?

In 38 years since the discovery of the Ebola virus in Central Africa this disease has never escaped its equatorial geographic zone but we are now led to believe it has killed more inside of a year than the prior 3+ decades and has escaped from Africa via airline travel to become a global health threat.

Ebola is now being called an inevitable transcontinental pandemic based upon two cases (a nurse who cared for an Ebola patient in Spain and an infected man who flew from Africa to Texas), as if this never happened before.  In 38 years no one with Ebola virus in their bloodstream has ever traveled by air to a foreign land?  News reports now say Ebola will spread from West Africa to France and beyond within days. [Daily Mail UK Oct 5, 2014]  This is absurd.

Experimental vaccines proven long ago

Effective Ebola vaccines are not new.  Experimental vaccines were shown in 1980, 2000 and 2001 to be effective against Ebola virus in monkeys. [Lancet Dec 13, 1980; Nature Nov 30, 2000; Bulletin World Health Organization Nov 5, 2001]  But just how do you prove them safe and effective in human trials?

The problem is that vaccines are a little bit of the disease itself.  They may cause vaccine-induced disease since they contain a weakened form of Ebola virus or segment of the virus.  Vaccination with an unproven vaccine could result in a horrific outbreak of deadly Ebola, worse than the Ebola virus in a given population.   That is the risk posed by these vaccines.

For example, if you live in Africa the threat of polio from the polio vaccine is now greater than the polio virus in circulation. [Morbidity & Mortality Weekly Report March 23, 2012; Weekly Epidemiological Record, WHO, Vol. 87, No. 38, 2012]

Oddly, over a decade ago an “extremely promising” experimental DNA Ebola virus vaccine was reportedly tested in humans using modified, inactivated genes.  [New York Times Nov 19, 2003]  This appears to be the same vaccine that was declared safe and effective in a human trial among healthy (non-infected) adults in 2006.  [Clinical & Vaccine Immunology Nov 2006]  The developer of that vaccine worked for the federal government’s Vaccine Research Center at the National Institutes of Health and a decade later accepted a position with a major pharmaceutical firm just about the same time the Big Pharma joined forces with the World Health Organization to tackle ten neglected tropical diseases. [ Nov 15, 2012] This move reflects the revolving door between government and commercial enterprise.

Remember, efforts to quell the Ebola virus are to prevent just 40 deaths a year.  It’s possible the vaccine could cause more disease and death than the natural disease.  It’s more likely that efforts to improve nutrition and public hygiene would be more successful than mass vaccination.  But don’t mention that to Wall Street that is banking on the stocks of vaccine makers to soar now.  [The Motley Fool Oct 1, 2014]

Maybe you vaccinate and end up killing millions.  Just like old drugs that have been found to work better than newer ones, maybe the newer vaccines are just versions of older serums being conjured up to develop patentable profits.

Natural immunity

Public health officials claim a person may have Ebola virus in their blood but it is only when it produces symptoms that it is contagious.  [WebMD Oct 6, 2014]  There is some truth to this as apparently some people have Ebola virus in their blood circulation but don’t develop symptoms.

In fact, since the year 2000 it has been reported that some people infected with the Ebola virus do not develop symptoms. [New York Times June 26, 2000]  This means they have developed antibodies to ward off the disease or their immune system blunts the symptoms.  So it cannot be said that humans do not develop natural immunity to Ebola.

A surprisingly high proportion of the population in the African country of Gabon appear to exhibit immunity from Ebola.  There are healthy carriers of Ebola in Gabon. It is suspected that bats are a source of food for some Africans and may facilitate a low-dose exposure of Ebola to the immune system among people in Gabon. [Research Institute For DevelopmentJan 2010]  This means the human immune system is capable of warding off the disease even without a vaccine.


It would be critically important for a successful trial of a drug or vaccine, forced onto the marketplace under the active threat of a pandemic, that no other alternatives be available.  Plant-derived nutraceuticals have been proposed but remain untested.  Nutraceuticals are inexpensive to produce and therefore can be used in developing countries.  Natural remedies for Ebola have been mentioned.  [Biotechnology Journal Oct 2013]

The dietary supplement industry jumps on the bandwagon to sell its nostrums saying its herbs and vitamins prevent or cure the disease (and they do) while public health authorities say natural remedies are unproven and to wait and let people needlessly die till drug and vaccine manufacturers come up with their own elixirs.

The Food & Drug Administration has been quick to warn consumers away from any natural remedies for Ebola.  []  In response the dietary supplement industry cowers and responds to the FDA by saying it discourages use of dietary supplements for nutritional support in the face of Ebola virus when natural products are the only alternative in a health crisis such as this. [New Hope Oct 7, 2014]

There’s no vaccine.  There’s no medicine.  But good God, don’t dare try to use any natural remedies until we have some!

The illogic of the argument against natural remedies doesn’t hold.  While it will be said that herbal remedies are unproven, what is being offered are existing or developmental drugs that will be used on an off-label or purely experimental basis. [PLoS One April 5, 2013; Wall St. Journal Oct 18, 2011]

Recognize, in a public health crisis there is no way public stockpiles of vaccines or antibiotics could possibly meet public demand.  While public health authorities will likely warn the public away from natural remedies, they may be the only hope for the masses.

If there were a drug that worked to eradicate Ebola virus one should use it.  However, there is no such drug or vaccine.  It is a proven fact that malnutrition is linked to viral infections like Ebola.  The typical seasonal shortage of food running from June through September in central Africa is a possible reason why the current Ebola virus outbreak has reached unprecedented levels.  [Washington Post Sept 16, 2014]

In the midst of this Ebola outbreak public health authorities should be thinking “nutrition.”  Instead they are thinking “vaccine deficiency,” “drug deficiency,” and how to raise the stock price of developmental drug and vaccine companies.

Ebola and vitamin C

It has been said that Ebola virus infection produces many of the same symptoms as scurvy, particularly internal hemorrhages.  Most animals except fruit bats, guinea pigs and primate monkeys internally produce their own vitamin C.  It may not be a coincidence that fruit bats, primate monkeys and humans are the primary at-risk species for Ebola virus.

Fruit bats are considered a vector for transmission of Ebola, which further points to depletion of vitamin C as a factor in acquired infection.  Monkeys also have been found to harbor Ebola virus, again pointing to vitamin C deficiency as a virulence factor.  [Developmental BiologyMay 14, 2013; Biochemical Genetics June 2013]  In fact, with each human outbreak of Ebola virus there have been thousands of accompanying deaths of gorillas in the wild in Africa. [Science Dec 8, 2006]

Humans are in the same genetic predicament as these animals. Due to a gene mutation that universally affected all of humanity long ago in human history, humans no longer synthesize vitamin C. [Medical Hypotheses June 1979] Supplemental vitamin C may be a primary agent to reduce mortality among individuals with any tropical disease including Ebola.

The Orthomolecular News Service has issued a protocol for dosing of vitamin C for any viral infection.  It calls for mega-dose vitamin C in the active treatment of viruses. [Orthomolecular News Service Aug 20, 2014]

Selenium depletion by Ebola virus

Selenium depletion by Ebola virus has been proposed as an explanation for the massive internal hemorrhaging associated with this infection.  An overlooked fact is that selenium plays a role in blood clotting.  As the Ebola virus replicates it requires more and more selenium proteins thus inducing depletion of selenium from the host.  [Biological Trace Element Research Jan 1997; Journal Orthomolecular Medicine 1995]  Depletion of selenium by Ebola virus induces both an incompetent immune response and rapidly mutated viruses.  When selenium is provided to animals with virus infection mutation rates diminish.  [Biological Trace Element Research Dec 2011]  Zaire where Ebola virus first appeared has low soil levels of selenium.  [Selenium Deficiency]  *[Symptoms of Selenium Deficiency.] (added by CO)*

Estrogen cell receptor and EbolaSee comment in PubMed Commons below

Among the proposed drug targets to quell Ebola is the estrogen receptor. Two estrogen receptor targeted drugs have been proposed but there are natural molecules that block the estrogen receptor, namely from lignans from flaxseed and resveratrol from grapes. [Science Translational Medicine June 19, 2013; Molecular Nutrition Food Research March 2010; ELifeApril 25, 2014]

Cholesterol and Ebola

Two young children with a genetic cholesterol disorder (Niemann-Pick) where they are unable to produce sufficient amounts of cholesterol to supply cell surfaces have been declared resistant to contracting Ebola.

Department of Defense scientists actually took skin cells donated from kids who have this cholesterol disorder and tried to infect these cells with Ebola virus.  The virus could not enter into the cells.  [Science Daily Aug 24, 2011]

As background, viruses are not live and do not replicate on their own.  Viruses require the genetic machinery of a living cell in order to multiply.

The young twin girls with the cholesterol disorder are also being treated with a common emulsifier used in drugs and dietary supplements that would theoretically block Ebola’s entry into living cells.  Cyclodextrin has been shown to inhibit a respiratory virus. [] Various news reports have mentioned cyclodextrin as a preventive agent against Ebola virus. [Wall Street Journal Oct 18, 2011]

Antioxidant combination

It has recently been reported that the combination of oral resveratrol, beta glucan and vitamin C work synergistically “as the strongest reducer of biological stress-related symptoms including IL-6.” [Molecules Sept 3, 2014] Vitamin D3 not only should be considered a primary anti-Ebola remedy because of its immune-boosting properties but also because it inhibits IL-6 and TNF, two blood markers of Ebola virus. [Age Aug 2014]

Natural anti-malarials

As many malaria-infected individuals are likely to be misdiagnosed as having Ebola, natural anti-malarials are of interest.

An interesting connection between the lost ability to self-heal from malaria and the amino acid taurine has been made.  Mice deficient in taurine do not survive malaria.  Taurine inhibits some of the common blood markers of Ebola virus including IL-6. [Infection Immunity April 2010]

In the animal lab vitamin D has been demonstrated to inhibit the occurrence of experimental cerebral malaria by suppressing the inflammatory response.  [Journal Immunology Aug 1, 2014]

An antioxidant regimen consisting of vitamins C, E and glutathione has been shown to be helpful among patients with malaria. [Pakistan Journal Pharmaceutical Science April 2011]


One of the indirect blood markers used help diagnose Ebola is interleukin-6 (IL-6).  A strong IL-6 inhibitor is the red wine molecule resveratrol (res-vare-a-trol).  Resveratrol also targets the estrogen receptor. [Scripps Institute]  Resveratrol works synergistically with vitamin D to optimize the immune response.  [Molecular Nutrition Food Research March 2014]


A natural remedy that comes to mind that conquers all known viruses is garlic’s key molecule allicin. [Planta Medica Oct 1992]

Modern medicine is derelict in not putting allicin to a test against the Ebola virus.  But Allicin has been successfully tested against malaria which most of the reported cases of Ebola are likely to be in reality.

The scientific literature shows that allicin from fresh-crushed garlic protects against acute malaria infection in laboratory animals. [Malaria Journal Aug 8, 2012] Allicin inhibits the parasite that causes malaria. [Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters Sept 15, 2010]  The primary anti-malarial activity of garlic emanates from allicin. [Antimicrobial Agents & Chemotherapy May 2006]

Be aware, standard garlic pills do not yield allicin due to destruction of the enzyme that activates it by stomach acid.  Alkalinized garlic capsules reliably yield allicin.


The widely reported Ebola outbreak is overstated by health authorities and the news media.  Malnutrition largely explains why Ebola virus has remained uniquely confined to central and western Africa.  If Ebola escapes to other well-fed regions of the world it can only be sustained among those individuals who are immune compromised (smokers, diabetics, alcohol and drug abusers, immune suppressive drug users, infants and the very old).

If there is some sinister plot to intentionally expose the US population or any other human population for that matter to weaponized Ebola virus it will likely be foiled by good nutrition.   Nutrition is to Big Pharma what a ring of garlic cloves is to Dracula.

The only entity that has advanced technology to spread Ebola is the bioweapons division of the US Department of Defense, not some towel-headed bio-terrorist.  That is also where the anthrax bacterium was traced to in the aftermath of the 9-11 terrorist attacks.

Whether covert government operations exist to intentionally expose the American population to biological threats to put counter terrorist operations to the test will likely never be revealed.  Whatever is going on, a giant mind control operation is currently underway as the current Ebola crisis is a massive fabrication on a worldwide scale.

In January of 2014 a US Depart of Defense-backed vaccine maker commenced a human trial of its Ebola vaccine among healthy adults. [ Jan 2014]  But it needs Ebola-infected individuals to prove its vaccine works in an epidemic.  Why is another major vaccine maker taking the unprecedented step of starting mass production of a vaccine that has also just commenced testing in humans? [ Sept 18, 2014]  All that’s needed for these investments to pay off is an “unexpected” outbreak of hemorrhagic Ebola virus infections to begin on US soil.

Will some overseas bioterrorist self-infect himself and jump on an airplane before a fever begins to develop and skip past airport health checks, then enter martyrdom by infecting others?

Or will the specific strain of Ebola virus be traced back to the US Army bioweapons lab at Ft. Detrick in Maryland like the weaponized anthrax bacterium that was spread through the US mail system and was cunningly directed at news sources (a tabloid paper in South Florida and NBC News in New York) as well as Congressional representatives and then blamed on an eccentric scientist in the laboratory there who had no motive to hush investigative sources who were delving into the events surrounding the 9-11 terrorist attacks?

According to surveys there is a growing body of Americans who believe that an Ebola attack is coming to America.  The question is whether Americans will fall for the idea some lone terrorist inside some biological lab is capable of such a feat or whether a more sinister operation is underway by parties working on a larger scale.  The current evidence points in the latter direction. As the late Dr. Stan Monteith frequently said: “America has the best enemies money can buy.” Can Americans face that truth?  Maybe this time they can’t avoid it.


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