Revivals Conclusion Pt 3: Subversion | From the Revivalists to Modern Times – A Summary

Mind Control: America’s Secret War

It is one of the ill-kept secrets of America’s intelligence agencies–for decades, they have worked virtually non-stop to perfect means of controlling the human mind. But while many have suspected the existence of these projects, the details have long been preserved.

Mind Control blows the lid off years of chilling experiments, drawing on documents reluctantly released through the Freedom of Information Act and interviews with some of the victims, including a woman whose past was literally taken away.

Hear from John Marks, the author of In Search of the Manchurian Candidate, who broke the story of the CIA’s abuses by unraveling the mysteries contained in financial records. All the other records pertaining to the experiments were destroyed by the agency in an attempt to prevent the details from ever being known.

After viewing this important program, you’ll have reason to wonder about your own thoughts.

YouTube video

(If this video is removed from Youtube, it can be viewed at this: link )

The documentary above about the government MK Ultra project gives insight into the mind control victims Russ Dizdar discusses in the interviews below.

YouTube video

YouTube video

You can find Russ’ book here

Mind Control: America’s Secret War
A History Channel Video Documentary

Mind control is one of the most secretive, disruptive activities ever conducted by elements within the government. Yet it is also one of the best documented of the cover-ups. Over 20,000 pages of declassified CIA documents prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that these programs not only existed, but were very well funded. To read highly revealing excerpts of these documents with links to online versions of the originals and instructions to verify authenticity, click here.

By far the best video exposing these top secret mind control programs is the History Channel’s excellent documentary Mind Control: America’s Secret War. Though available for purchase on theHistory Channel website, this disturbing, yet incredibly important video can also be viewed free at the link below. For the good of all of us, educate yourself on this most important matter by watching this masterfully done program, and then read below for what you can do about it.

This powerful History Channel video documents how for decades, top secret government projects worked virtually non-stop to perfect means of controlling the human mind. Though for many years the government denied that these projects even existed, the details have long been preserved in the thousands of pages of now declassified government documents mentioned above, which were reluctantly released through the Freedom of Information Act. LSD and electroshock therapy in huge doses given to unsuspecting citizens are only a part of this unbelievable program.

Mind Control blows the lid off years of chilling experiments, drawing on the declassified documents and interviews with some of the victims and respected experts in the field. Hear from John Marks, the author of In Search of the Manchurian Candidate, who originally broke the story of the CIA’s abuses by unraveling the mysteries contained in the declassified documents. Learn how many of the most important records pertaining to the mind control experiments were destroyed by the director of the CIA in an attempt to prevent the details from ever being known.

The projects involved brutal, at times lethal experiments on thousands of unsuspecting citizens in direct defiance of law, all ethical codes, and basic human rights. Interviews with top psychiatrists, lawyers, and victims send chills up the spine. U.S. intelligence agencies spent millions on these mind control projects with a goal of creating programmable human spies. A former head of the American Psychiatric Association, Dr. Ewen Cameron, is one of many highly respected doctors who erased the personalities and manipulated the minds of thousands of unsuspecting victims, while many in the profession simply turned a blind eye.

Among the captivating interviews presented, you will hear from Dr. Cameron’s patient Linda McDonald, whose past was completely erased by a brainwashing experiment. Linda describes how at age 25 she was placed on a psychiatric ward and subjected to horrific shock and drug treatments which completely erased her mind and brought her back to being the mental age of an infant. She, along with many other victims of these highly unethical programs eventually won a significant lawsuit against the U.S. government for the crimes committed against her by one of the most respected doctors of psychiatry in the world.[…]

[The following] mind control summary is based on astonishing excerpts from three landmark books:Bluebird by Colin Ross, MD; Mind Controllers by Armen Victorian; and A Nation Betrayed by Carol Rutz. The authors provide hundreds of footnotes to support their thorough research. Their revealing information is derived largely from 18,000 pages of declassified CIA mind control documents. To order these key documents from the U.S. government, click here. Join in powerfully building a better world for all by spreading the word.

The Secret Agenda of Mind Control 

Please note: the letters and numbers after each paragraph denote the book and page number from which the information was taken. BB—Bluebird  MC—Mind Controllers  NB—A Nation Betrayed.

A declassified CIA document dated 7 Jan 1953 [1] describes the creation of multiple personality in 19-year old girls. “These subjects have clearly demonstrated that they can pass from a fully awake state to a deep H [hypnotic] controlled state … by telephone, by receiving written matter, or by the use of code, signal, or words and that control of those hypnotized can be passed from one individual to another without great difficulty. It has also been shown by experimentation with these girls that they can act as unwilling couriers for information purposes.” BB 32

Mind Control

Under the provisions of the National Security Act of 1947, the CIA was established. One of the main areas investigated by the CIA was mind control. The behavior control program was motivated by Soviet, Chinese, and North Korean use of mind control techniques. The CIA originated its first program in 1950 under the name BLUEBIRD. MKULTRA officially began in 1953. In 1973, tipped off about forthcoming investigations, CIA Director Richard Helms ordered the destruction of any MKULTRA records. [2] MC 3, 10, 17

The Senate Intelligence Committee did find some records during its investigation in 1976. Senator Frank Church, who led the congressional investigations of the CIA’s unlawful actions, said that the agency was “a rogue elephant” operating above the law as it plotted assassinations, illegally spied on thousands of Americans, and even drugged citizens in its effort to develop new weapons for its covert arsenal. [3] In 1977, through a Freedom of Information Act request, 16,000 pages of mind control documents were found as part of the Agency’s financial history. That is how this information has been pieced together. MC 5, 18, NB xvi, 38

The CIA Mind Control Projects

A CIA document dated 10 Feb 1954 [4] describes an experiment on the creation of unsuspecting assassins: “Miss [deleted] was then instructed (having expressed a fear of firearms) that she would use every method at her disposal to awaken Miss [deleted] (now in a deep hypnotic sleep) and failing this, she would pick up a pistol and fire it at Miss [deleted]. She was instructed that she would not hesitate to “kill.” Miss [deleted] carried out these suggestions including firing the (unloaded) gun at [deleted]. After proper suggestions were made, both were awakened. Miss [deleted] expressed absolute denial that the foregoing sequence had happened.” BB 36, 37

MKULTRA grew into a mammoth undertaking. The nature of the research included these specific problems:

  • Can we create by post-H (hypnotic) control an action contrary to an individual’s basic moral principles?
  • Can we “alter” a person’s personality? Can we guarantee total amnesia under any and all conditions?
  • Could we seize a subject and in the space of an hour by post-H control have him crash an airplane?
  • Can we devise a system for making unwilling subjects into willing agents and then transfer that control to untrained agency agents in the field by use of codes or identifying signs? NB 13, 14, 28  [5]

In a 1971 Science Digest article [6], Dr. G.H. Estabrooks states, “By the 1920’s clinical hypnotists learned to split certain individuals into multiple personalities like Jeckyl-Hydes. During WWII, I worked this technique with a Marine lieutenant I’ll call Jones. I split his personality into Jones A and Jones B. Jones A, once a ‘normal’ Marine, became entirely different. He talked communist doctrine and meant it. He was welcomed enthusiastically by communist cells, and was deliberately given a dishonorable discharge. Jones B was the deeper personality, knew all the thoughts of Jones A, and was ‘imprinted’ to say nothing during conscious phases. All I had to do was hypnotize him, get in touch with Jones B, and I had a pipeline straight into the Communist camp.” BB 167-169  For more on CIA mind control projects, click here.

Dr. Jose Delgado, a neurosurgeon and Yale professor, [7][8][9] received funding for brain electrode research on children and adults. In the 1950s, he developed a miniature electrode placed within an individual’s cranium capable of receiving and transmitting electronic signals. Delgado was able to control the movements of his subjects by pushing buttons on a remote transmitter. He demonstrated by wiring a fully-grown bull. With the device in place, Delgado stepped into the ring with the bull. The animal charged towards the experimenter – and then suddenly stopped, just before it reached him. The powerful beast had been stopped with the simple action of pushing a button on a small box held in Delgado’s hand. [10] MC 147, BB 88

The Mind Control Doctors

In the second half of the 20th century, mind control projects resulted in extensive political abuse of psychiatry. Many thousands were subjected to unethical mind control experiments by leading psychiatrists and medical schools. Mind control experimentation was not only tolerated by medical professionals, but published in psychiatric and medical journals. Dr. William Sweet participated in both brain electrode implant experiments and the injection of uranium into medical patients at Harvard University. [11][12] Army doctors were involved in LSD testing at least until the late 1970’s. Subjects of LSD experiments included children as young as five years old, and brain electrodes were implanted in children as young as 11 years of age. BB, pg. K, 1, 21

Linda MacDonald was a victim of Dr. Ewen Cameron’s [13][14][15][16] destructive mind control experiments in 1963. Dr. Cameron was president of the American and World Psychiatric Associations. He used a “treatment” which involved intensive application of these brainwashing techniques; drug disinhibition, prolonged sleep, and prolonged psychological isolation. These were combined with ECT [Electro Convulsive Therapy]. [17][18][19] The amount of electricity introduced into Linda’s brain exceeded by 76.5 times the maximum amount recommended. Dr. Cameron’s technique resulted in permanent and complete amnesia. A class action suit against the CIA for Dr. Cameron’s MKULTRA experiments was settled out of court for $750,000, divided among eight plaintiffs in 1988. BB 126, 181-187  For more on the mind control doctors, click here.

26 July 1963, Memorandum For: Director of Central Intelligence [20] From: CIA Inspector GeneralThe concepts involved in manipulating behavior are found by many people both within and outside the Agency [CIA] to be distasteful and unethical. Nevertheless, there have been major accomplishments both in research and operational employment. Over the ten-year life of the program many additional avenues to the control of human behavior have been designated under the MKULTRA charter, including radiation, electro-shock, and harassment substances. Some activities raise questions of legality implicit in the original charter. A final phase of the testing places the rights and interests of US citizens in jeopardy.Technical Services Division initiated a program for covert testing of materials on unwitting US citizens in 1955. TSD has pursued a philosophy of minimum documentation in keeping with the high sensitivity of the projects. Some files contained little or no data at all. There are just two individuals in TSD who have full knowledge of the MKULTRA program. NB 108-113

For 10 riveting pages of reliable, verifiable mind control information, click here
For other reliable resources on mind control, visit our Mind Control Information Center

[1] CIA MORI ID 190684, pp. 1, 4. This is a declassified CIA document dealing with mind control. For free, unlimited access to this and other mind control documents, see our archive of these declassified documents. To go directly to the CIA document quoted, for page 1, click here. For page 4, click here. You can also verify the statement in the text using a FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) request as described on our ten-page mind control summary at this link.

[2] New York Times, Aug. 2, 1977, Mind-Control Studies Had Origins in Trial of Mindszenty. This engaging article includes a concise history of mind control projects. To view the entire article, click here. The U.S. Department of Energy Website also provides a highly revealing, detailed report of these mind control projects and the destruction of their records available here. See also a CIA document available here.

[3] Final Report. Book 1, Foreign and Military Intelligence. Senate Select Committee to Study Government Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities, 94th Congress, 2nd Session, 26 April 1976, Special Report No. 94-755 (Better known as the Church Committee Report). See Book 1, p. 406. For instructions on how to order this document from the National Archives, click here. For a related article on George Washington University’s National Security Archive website, click hereFor an excellent Wikipedia article, click here.

[4] CIA MORI ID 190691, p. 1. This is a declassified CIA document dealing with mind control. For unlimited access to this and other mind control documents, see our archive of these declassified documents. To go directly to the page with the document quoted, click hereYou can also verify the text statement using a FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) request as described on our ten-page mind control summary at this link.

[5] CIA MORI ID 140401, pp. 6, 7. This is a declassified CIA document dealing with mind control from Project BLUEBIRD, the immediate precursor to Project MKULTRA. Its estimated publication date is 1/1/52. The nature of the BLUEBIRD research was very similar that of Project MKULTRA. To order this highly revealing documentclick here and follow the instructions. For reasons unknown, this document is not included in the mind control CDs, but you can read the text of the entire declassified document at this link.

[6] Estabrooks, G.H. Hypnosis comes of age. Science Digest, 44-50, April 1971. A revealing excerpt of this article is available here.

[7] Delgado, J.M.R. Evaluation of permanent implantation of electrodes within the brain. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 7, 637-644, 1955. To order, click here.

[8] Delgado, J.M.R. Social rank and radio-stimulated aggressiveness in monkeys. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 144, 383-390, 1967. To order, click here.

[9] Delgado, J.M.R. Physical Control of the Mind. New York: Harper & Row, paperback 1977. Order here.

[10] New York Times, May 17, 1965, front page, ‘Matador’ With a Radio Stops Wired Bull; Modified Behavior in Animals Subject of Brain Study. Instructions to purchase this article from the New York Times archives and a free copy of the article are available at

[11] Faden, R.R. Final Report. Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments. Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office, 1995. The full, highly revealing report on the U.S. Department of Energy Website is available here. For pages detailing Dr. Sweet’s experiments, see chapter five page 4page 5.

[12] Mark, V.H., & Ervin, F.R. Violence and the Brain. New York: Harper & Row, 1970. Order here.

[13] Gillmor, D. I Swear By Apollo. Dr. Ewen Cameron and the CIA-Brainwashing Experiments. Montreal: Eden press, 1987. To order this book, click here.

[14] Scheflin, A.W., & Opton, E.M. The Mind manipulators. New York: Paddington Press, 1978. Order here.

[15] Thomas, G. Journey into Madness. The Secret Story of Secret CIA Mind Control and Medical Abuse. New York: Bantam, 1989 (paperback 1990). To order this book, click here.

[16] Weinstein, H. Psychiatry and the CIA: Victims of Mind Control. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press, 1990. To order this book, click here.

[17] Collins, A. In the Sleep Room. The Story of CIA Brainwashing Experiments in Canada. Toronto: Key Porter Books, 1988/1998. To order this book, click here.

[18] Cameron, D.E. Production of differential amnesia as a factor in the treatment of schizophrenia.Comprehensive Psychiatry, 1, 26-34, 1960.

[19] Cameron, D.E., Levy, L. Rubenstein, L., & Malmo, R.B. Repetition of verbal signals: Behavioral and physiological changes. American Journal of Psychiatry, 115, 985-991, 1959.

[20] CIA MORI ID 17748, pp. 2, 4, 6-9. This is a declassified CIA document dealing with mind control. You can verify the statement in the text using a FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) request as described on our ten-page mind control summary at this linkFor free, unlimited access to these documents, go to our archive of declassified mind control documents. 


To go directly to the CIA documents quoted:

For page 2, click here.
For page 4, click here.
For page 6, click here.
For page 7, click here.
For page 8, click here.
For page 9, click here.

In addition the above CIA document, to verify this quote and other key mind control information in a highly revealing July 21, 1977 New York Times article available in their archives, click here.

For more in depth information on the topic of mind control:

Insight Course: Lesson 14 

Control of the Mind

The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off.  ~  Gloria Steinem
Are you ready for another wild trip down the rabbit hole? Now that we have explored our own deepest personal challenges, it is time to explore what is possibly the deepest challenge facing our planet.

The term “mind control” can bring up all kinds of thoughts and feelings. Yet as with almost any tool, mind control techniques can be used for the good of all of us or used to gain personal benefit at the expense of others.

Though this lesson may be the most disturbing of all for some, it is also vitally important as far as understanding how some of the top secret, sophisticated operations which have a major impact on our world have been carried out. This topic also has some amazing healing applications. These applications and the deeper implications of all this information will be discussed at the end of the lesson.

First, you are invited to explore some highly reliable information on how mind control has been used to forward hidden, disempowering agendas in our world. Please watch the revealing, 45-minute History Channel documentary Mind Control: America’s Secret War at the link below:

Some people would rather not know the many potentially disturbing facts about secret mind control programs used to manipulate people and politics around the world. Yet when we collectively choose not to know, those who are abusing these technologies are given free rein to explore further and to cause serious manipulations which lead to even more fear and polarization in our world.

By choosing to at least understand the basics of what is going on, we can come together to stop the destructive behavior and invite others to join us in working together for what’s best for all on our planet. For the best concise summary of secret mind control programs, please read the two-page essay below:

  Sacred Cows
Sacred Cows © Spyder Webb of

Don’t ignore the bad stuff, but make a point of celebrating the beautiful stuff with all the exuberant devotion you can muster. 

~  Rob Brezsny in his fun, profound book Pronoia is the Antidote for Paranoia

To Complete Insight Course Lesson 14: Click Here

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