
More About The Mask

The Mask

by Craig Patin | Originally Posted on Hidden in the Crag

You are witnessing human alchemy in real time through a ritual of a mask. It is Carl Jung’s “Becoming Osiris”. Let me explain, not from my words but by the Word of God.

Mystery Babylon

Revelation 17:5 And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY (musterion), BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.

Musterion (hidden thing, secret, mystery) is from a derivative of (μύω) muō (to shut the mouth); a secret or ” mystery” (through the idea of silence imposed by initiation into religious rites). muō is related to panthema. “The verb μυω (muo) and its future form μυσω (muso) predominantly means to shut (of eyes or the mouth), but with the secondary meaning of to cover, to hide or to be just under the surface. Our verb μυω (muo), meaning to be covered, and its derivation μυστηριον (musterion) meaning discovery, are obviously closely akin the verb λανθανω (lanthano) and its derivation αληθεια (aletheia), meaning truth.” (

3453 myéō (akin to 3466 /mystḗrion, “mystery”) – properly, shutting the eyes and mouth to experience mystery; (figuratively) initiated into the wonderful “mystery revelation” of learning to be content in Christ in every scene of life – no exceptions! See also 3804 /páthēma (“suffering”). [The metaphor was also used of “the initiatory rites of the pagan mysteries. ‘I have been initiated’ ” (WS, 893).] Muo is related to 3804 páthēma (from 3958 /pásxō, “the capacity to feel strong emotion, like suffering”) – properly, the capacity and privilege of experiencing strong feeling; felt, deep emotion, like agony, passion (ardent desire), suffering, etc. (Helps Word-Studies)

“You’re being ritually initiated into the new order. You may not realize it. But in occult magic, the victim doesn’t have to be knowledgeable of the meaning behind what he or she is being told to do. The performance of the ritual itself – on demand — is all that matters…If you don’t think wearing the mask quite literally changes people, as the Encyclopedia Britannica states in the quote above, think about all of the masked “Karens” (“wild, dirty, low-caste man” and Congress from Catherine – from the two and Persian for Qaran) you’ve seen online videos of, wildly chasing people who aren’t wearing masks down the road, publicly berating them for not wearing masks, and screaming at them that there’s “blood on their hands” for not masking up like good little boys and girls always should.” S.B.

“A form of disguise or concealment usually worn over or in front of the face to hide the identity of a person and by its own features to establish another being….The person who wears the mask is also considered to be in direct association with the mask’s spirit force and is consequently exposed to like personal danger of being affected by it.…Upon donning the mask, the wearer sometimes undergoes a psychic change, and, as in a trance, assumes the spirit character depicted by the mask…But often the wearer [of the mask] seems to become psychologically one with the character he is helping to create. He seems to become an automaton, without his own will, which has become subservient to that of the personage of the mask.” – Encyclopedia Britannica

Mask is from Arabic maskharah مَسْخَرَۃٌ “buffoon”, from the verb sakhira “to ridicule”.
However, it may also come from Provençal mascarar “to black (the face)”. Hebrew masecha= “mask”; Arabic maskhara مَسْخَرَ = “he ridiculed, he mocked”, masakha مَسَخَ = “he transfomed”, states about the wearing of masks:

“Ancient peoples understood well the power of the mask. Evidence of mask-wearing in prehistoric societies shows that masks may have been intended to transform the wearer magically.… The mask has been revered as a sacred object of power, a living thing that either has its own persona or represents the persona of another being. It enables the wearer magically to bring to life, and even become, the persona or spirit being represented by the mask.…The mask is a mediator between the ego and archetype, the mundane [i.e., worldly] and the supernatural, the sacred and the comic. It connects the present to the past, the individual to the entire collective of race, culture, country—and humanity.”

“A form of disguise or concealment usually worn over or in front of the face to hide the identity of a person and by its own features to establish another being….The person who wears the mask is also considered to be in direct association with the mask’s spirit force and is consequently exposed to like personal danger of being affected by it.…Upon donning the mask, the wearer sometimes undergoes a psychic change, and, as in a trance, assumes the spirit character depicted by the mask…But often the wearer [of the mask] seems to become psychologically one with the character he is helping to create. He seems to become an automaton, without his own will, which has become subservient to that of the personage of the mask.” – Encyclopedia Britannica

What is a mask essentially? Something not essential. To be someone you are not. To be like The cattle of the field that are yoked with a muzzle. You are submitting to the world and are handing over your submission from God. The wearing of a mask is a token of submission to Mystery Babylon and an initiation rite according to mystery religions and a historical context. According to Scripture, The mask is related to Mystery Babylon. To shut your eyes and mouth through confusion to the mystery of God.

“It’s an initiation into a new order. But it’s also a transformation of the self into a new position in that new order. Under the sway of the occult ritualist, you, being mouth-masked, are no longer the person you used to be. You’re no longer a designated mouthpiece of God on this earth. You’re suddenly demoted and re-assigned to the position of obedient subject.

Symbolically, you become a serf in the new order. That’s your new role…your new identity… as represented by the wearing of mask. The wearing of the mask is simply part of the initiation ritual used to visually and psychologically signal your consent to this new arrangement. Yes, by wearing the mask, you’re signaling your consent to accept a new and very different position in a new global order.” – Steve Barwick (

You have 4 choices to make as far as a mask goes.

1) wear it in order to go out to public places.

2) don’t wear it and stay home and get everything online.

3) get a shemagh and mess with everyone’s head because this works in this psychological war.

4) don’t wear anything and expect the worse from the mentally ill.

I do 4 & 3.

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