
Revivals 22: Counterfeit Enlightenment: The Cosmati Pavement – Crowning The Lord of the Earth

Since the 1800s, Westminster Abbey’s Cosmati Pavement had been concealed by carpets due to its deteriorating condition. It remained covered for Queen Elizabeth’s coronation upon it in 1953, but was restored in 2010 just in time for the wedding of William and Kate, Prince and Princess of Wales. It was also recently the site of Prince Charles’s coronation in 2023.


2010 wedding of William and Kate, Prince and Princess of Wales



Cosmati Pavement – 2023 Coronation of Prince Charles


The Cosmati Pavement is so significant that Australian artist painted a rendering of Queen Elizabeth standing upon it.

The Anointing Ceremony

The anointing ceremony is considered the most sacred and symbolic part of the coronation ritual, and represents the belief that the monarch’s authority is derived from God. The anointing is performed behind a veil, hidden from public view, monarchs (including Charles) are anointed with a specially prepared and blessed oil. When the oil is poured, it is believed that the “Holy Spirit” enters the monarch’s body, transforming him/her into a divine being who is given a new name/title. 😳 source.

Everything the devil does is a counterfeit.

Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. (2 Cor 5:17)

Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust. (2 Pet 1:4)

 He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To the one who overcomes, I will give the hidden manna. I will also give him a white stone inscribed with a new name, known only to the one who receives it. (Rev 2:17)

The anointing of King Charles, 2023

“It has historically been regarded as a moment between the Sovereign and God, with a screen or canopy in place given the sanctity of the anointing,” Source.

Lord of The Earth

The concept of Universal Monarchy dates back to the ancient civilizations of Egypt and Mesopotamia. From earliest times, Pharaohs and Emperors have born such titles as the “Sun of Ra (the sun god), “Son of the Sun,” and the “Son of Heaven.” From Europe to China to South America, kings and emperors claimed to rule over the entire world in the name of “god” (divine mandate).

The monarch’s all-encompassing rule embodies the concept of the ‘Lord of the Earth,‘ exemplified by the ancient figure of Saturn, or Chronos.”

Sumerian Sun God Shamash



Since ancient times, the castle and throne of that king have been seen as the symbolic “center of the Earth,” the axis upon which the universe rotates, the king being a conduit between Heaven and Earth. The monarch was viewed by the ancients as literally preventing the sky and ethereal realm from collapsing and annihilating the land of the living.

Usurping Christ’s Reign

The Pope of the Roman Catholic Church (RCC) claims the title “Vicar of Christ” on earth, which literally means “in place of Christ” (kind of a New Testament “Lord of The Earth”). The term was first commonly used by Pope Innocent III (1198-1216). And it was during the same century that a bizarre coronation ritual began to take place upon the floors of at least three of the Roman Catholic cathedrals in Europe.

The Cosmati Pavement at Westminster Abbey was created to represent this MYTHICAL REALM AT THE CENTER OF THE WORLD. (I won’t go into it here, but on that subject see: Axis Mundi).

So, while there is nothing new about Universal Monarchy or bizarre coronation rituals, it IS significant that they are taking place in these “Christian” cathedrals upon these symbolic floors.

The Latin inscription around the perimeter of the floor reads: “The spherical globe here shows the archetypal macrocosm.” 🤔

The Latin inscription around the perimeter of the floor reading: “The spherical globe here shows the archetypal macrocosm.”

Another coronation floor is in Hagia Sophia (Saint Sophia) a cathedral in Istanbul, Turkey. The cathedral was commissioned by Emperor Constantine in 325AD and built on what had once been the grounds of a Pagan temple(!) The cathedral was turned into a mosque in 1453, became a secular UNESCO site in 1985, and was turned back into a Mosque in 2020.  All but the coronation area have now been carpeted.

The Omphalion, a marble section of the floor in Hagia Sophia, is the place where Byzantine emperors have been crowned. The stone floor of the Hagia Sophia dates from the 6th century.

There are others, like Aachen, Germany where Charlemagne was crowned.

Aachen Pavement

Palatine Chapel was constructed as the royal chapel of the Palace of Aachen of Charlemagne in roughly 796AD. From 936 to 1531, the Chapel saw the coronation of thirty-one German kings and twelve queens. source

One of the oldest cathedral buildings in Europe, it was constructed as the royal chapel of the Palace of Aachen of Emperor Charlemagne, who was buried there in 814. From 936 to 1531, the original Palatine Chapel saw the coronation of thirty-one German kings and twelve queens.

Note the repeated use of spheres, squares, and spiraling borders.

Charlemagne’s coronation took place in the Basilica of St. Peter

The Byzantine Empire / Eastern Roman Empire (330–1453 AD) was based in Constantinople. Many Roman Catholic and Islamic cathedrals feature the floors. Which is interesting as the two religions were erected as a counterfeit and opposition to that counterfeit, respectively, (principle of polarity) of Christ’s kingdom reign.

St Isaac’s Cathedral, St Petersburg 1858AD. 

I’ll leave you with the video that inspired this.

YouTube video


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