
Revivals 24: The Great American Mythos Pt2 – A Whole New Mystically Enlightened World

In my last post I contrasted true Christian Identity with Nationalism and Esotericisms’ Philosophic Empire. I discussed how America was founded by esotericists, and that, far from being Christian, Democracy represents “faith in the inherent power of man to overcome and abolish all the evils in himself and in his circumstances.”  I realize how offensive that might sound to many decent American believers, and offense is certainly not my aim. But American Christianity has been infiltrated with Mystery School ideals, embedded by Secret Societies through imagery, legend… and the Revivalists. Today I want to paint a little more of a backdrop for this massive topic of the Great American Mythos before getting to America’s infamous “discovery.”

The Economic, Political & Spiritual Background of The Enlightenment

Let’s start with a mental picture of European society where the false “Enlightenment” took hold. In the 14th century bouts of plague (the organic origins of which I seriously question) caused a drastic decrease in population. By the 15th century the entire economic system had shifted, weakening the Roman Catholic Church’s (RCC’s) iron-hold on the laity. Laborers were now in high demand, so once-lowly serfs were able to increase their wages and own land. More commoners were able to get an education, and we’ve already covered the mystical aspects of the Islam-inspired Universities.

Reformation was brewing when Gutenberg’s press began to print multiple copies of God’s Word in “the vulgar tongue” for a laity of which many could now read. The RCC’s Counter-Reformation was hot on its heels, the (Secret Society) Jesuits infiltrating Protestantism with Papal teachings.

Enlightenment thought had been seeded in Europe since roughly the 12th century, and Enlightenment literature was printed right alongside the Holy Scriptures, culminating in the Age of Reason and Scientific Revolution.

The Enlightenment marked the resurfacing of the Earthly Power of Heathendom (paganism) in force (Rev 13:3).

In a lecture about Francis Bacon’s book The New Atlantis, Manly P. Hall mentions not only this revival of the Ancient Pagan Mystery Teachings, but the aspirations to blend them with Christianity.

“[Catholic Priest, Humanist Philosopher, Astrologer and Neoplatonist, Marsilio] Ficino’s [1433-1499] mission was to revive the Ancient Pagan Mystery Teachings of the “Chaldeans, Egyptians and Platonists,” characterized as representing the Prisca Theologia, or Ancient Wisdom, considered a pure tradition imparted to the wise men of antiquity, and THE KEY TO ESTABLISHING A UNIVERSAL RELIGION THAT COULD RECONCILE CHRISTIAN BELIEF WITH ANCIENT PHILOSOPHY[!]” – Manly P. Hall – Lecture on Bacon’s The New Atlantis

And there it is – your One World Religion aspiring to Absorb Christianity in the 1400s, before the Reformation or Counter-Reformation.

Prisca Theologia – (“ancient theology”) is the doctrine that asserts that a single, true theology exists which threads through all religions, and which was anciently given by God to humans. – Wikipedia

Their plan brings to mind the feet of the statue in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream doesn’t it? (Daniel 2:43) 🤔

“Oneism” / “All is One” / One True Theology; One Universal Religion is also held by Kabbalah which was formalized (the Zohar written) in the 1200s… That same century marked the beginnings of the campaign to embed the “Globe” in the world’s mind through the text; De sphaera mundi. But we’ll get to that later. Prisca Theologia was also later held by the Rosicrucians.

Johannes de Sacrobosco‘s De Sphaera Mundi (1230) was hand copied until the invention of the press.

Nah, afraid not.

But while we’re on the subject of Ancient Wisdom and Philosophy (and the aspiration to blend it with Christianity), let’s take a peek at just WHO the Greek Philosophers WERE. **Keep in mind that these are the HEROES of the Intellectual Atheists who say that Christianity is silly.**


The Psychedelic Philosophers

Plato is said to have more-or-less invented Philosophy in the sense of the rigorous and systematic investigation of ethical, political, metaphysical, and epistemological questions.” – PhilosophyTerms

Hmmm… How did he come to have such a deep curiosity about those things? 🤔 We’re supposed to think he was just super-smart, right? An olden-days “influencer” extraordinaire.

But I recently learned something that casts a different light on that. Did you know that the Greek Philosophers all participated in something called the Eleusinian Mystery rituals (with the apparent exception of Socrates who took issue with their secrecy)? These rituals which represented death and rebirth into a ‘higher nature” involved consuming a psychoactive drink called kykeon. Similar to Ayahuasca, the drug Kykeon is an entheogen that facilitates entering the spiritual realm to discover “divine wisdom” and experience inner healing.

The most potent tool of any secret society is the ritual and myth surrounding initiation. These special binding ceremonies have very deep meaning for the participants... Initiation performs several functions which make up the heart and soul of any true secret society… Initiation bonds the members together in mysticism. Neophytes gain knowledge of a secret, giving them special status. The ancient meaning of neophyte isplanted anew or REBORN.” – William Cooper

In my book, I explain how man was forbidden entrance into the spiritual realm when God banished him from the garden of Eden. And that was likely because without God-given spiritual life – which man lost at the fall – he’s completely vulnerable to deception by demonic spirits there. I point out how sorcerers and shamans have always used drugs to facilitate entering that forbidden realm.

As an NDEr, (my NDE likely facilitated by anesthesia drugs – which are entheogens) I can testify to the insatiable curiosity my experience left me with that resulted in this website. Gratefully, I was a spirit-born Christian at the time of the experience. I did not seek it out – it just happened to me. I believe that the fact I was on a great angel’s wing during the experience may have served to signify that I was being protected from deception there. Incidentally, Francis Crick and his psychedelic “DNA” discovery fall under the same heading.

Plato: The Original Timothy Leary

How ironic it is that intellectual atheists hold both Crick and the Greek Philosophers in such high esteem. I wonder if their views would change if they knew about the psychedelic mystical rituals these guys underwent to gain their profound “wisdom.” … Nah, they’d just call it “fake history”… plus the New Age Movement is there for any who slip through the cracks… and more recently, thanks to quantum physics, mystical spirituality is being viewed as “scientific.”

Anyway, according to Hall, the Eleusinian Mystery Schools were destroyed in 400AD by “Christians” – who else? 🙄

“The Eleusinian Mysteries… did not cease to exist as an institution until nearly four hundred years after Christ, when they were finally suppressed by Theodosius (styled the Great), who cruelly destroyed all who did not accept the Christian faith.” – MP Hall, The Secret Destiny of America Ch 7

Hall’s description of the “Classical intellectual pattern’s ideology” takes on a whole different light in view of the Eleusinian Rituals doesn’t it?

The rise of the Christian Church brought persecution of the classical intellectual pattern’s ideology, driving the guilds into greater secrecy; but all have continued searching for human happiness under a variety of rituals and symbols; and they still exist, as the Order of the Quest*.” – ibid

*The “Order of the Quest” oversees the preservation of the “Great Plan.”

The Mysteries’ gradual re-emergence started the following century (minus the Eleusinian rituals) through the newly-created Islam.

I previously wrote about how Philip Mauro interprets the beast with the headwound in Rev. 13 as the Mysteries aka the Earthly Power of Heathendom…  And their re-emergence as the headwound being healed. So, wounded unto death but not quite dead yet.

The New Atlantis

Sir Francis Bacon’s (1561 – 1626) “New Atlantis” heralded the coming of theKingdom of Man.Humanist Philosophy says that everything revolves around man and is for man’s glory… Which goes right back to the original lie; the very antithesis of a righteous fear of God.

For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil. (Gen 3:5)

 The story of Nebuchadnezzar serves to show how God feels about man glorying in himself. (Dan 4:1-37)

I mentioned last time that Bacon founded the Rosicrucians (aka Society of Unknown Philosophers) from which Freemasonry emerged.


Ya, pretty sure…

And isn’t it interesting that Freemasonry appeared just in time for the establishment of America?


No, not a coincidence. Freemasonry / Rosicrucianism / other Secret Societies / the Greek Philosophers etc. go way back and are all one and the same thing; the Mystery School Religion of man aka the Earthly Power of Heathendom.

Location Location Location

OK, with all that established, why America? It wasn’t even remotely uninhabited. Yet it was apparently on their radar for a long time. Hall again;

“Everything indicates that it was Bacon’s dream that the college of the six days* should be erected in America, an area peculiarly set aside by Nature for the perfection of Philosophy and the Sciences…

Nature huh?

For real though,  I don’t know why they chose it. Maybe it had something to do with why there are pyramids in the Grand Canyon… remnants of dark “energies” in the antediluvian world… 🤔 Dunno. 🤷‍♀️ I wonder if Hall is referring to the “nature” that caused the earth to be divided(?) (1 Chron 1:19) 🤔🤷‍♀️ I welcome your input on that.

BTW “The college of the six days” is a symbolic concept in esoteric philosophy and alchemical, Hermetic, and Rosicrucian traditions. The “six days” clearly alludes to the Genesis account of the creation of the world, which Esotericists interpret symbolically, “six days” representing levels of instruction. Their “college” is a school of wisdom or spiritual enlightenment (higher knowledge) where initiates are instructed in the “Mysteries of the Universe.” So it is a place or state of mind. But anyway…

“Bacon quickly realized that here in the new world… was the proper environment for the accomplishment of his great dream, the establishment of the Philosophic Empire [remember Colossians 2:8-10]…  

Men bound by a secret oath to labor in the cause of World Democracy [Society Of The Unknown Philosophers](<-warning, occult link) decided that in the American colonies they would plant the roots of a new way of life. Brotherhoods were established to meet secretly, and they quietly and industriously conditioned America to its destiny for leadership in a free world… – Manly P Hall, The Secret Destiny of America

And popping back to the theme of Christian identity for a minute; These men who aspire to blend their Philosophical religion with Christianity have a whole different take on what it means to be “born-again.”

“Wise men, the ancients believed, were a separate race, and to be born into this race it was necessary to develop the mind to a state of enlightened intelligence. The old philosophers taught that physical birth is an accident, for men are born into various races and nationalities according to the laws of generation; but there is a second birth, which is not an accident; it is the consequence of a proper INTENT– ibid

wait what? …rabbit trail

…Where’ve I heard that before? 🤔

Christian “purposing” is the same thing…

I’m tempted to post the feet again… 🤔

… I’m posting the feet again.

Anyway, back to Hall.

“By this second birth man is born by Enlightened Intelligence out of nation and out of race into an International Nation and an International Race. It is this larger and coming race that will some day inherit the earth. [oh really…] But unless a man be BORN AGAIN BY ENLIGHTENMENT, he shall not be a part of the PHILOSOPHIC EMPIRE…” – ibid

“But unless a man be born again by enlightenment, he shall not be a part of the philosophic empire…”

I mean, look at the play on scripture. The blatant difference being that theirs is all about MAN’S DIVINITY in this TEMPORAL WORLD, through SOULISH “Enlightenment.” These prideful wannabe’s are SPIRITUALLY DEAD as a doorknob, their “wisdom” carnal/soulish. But there you have satan’s COUNTERFEIT REGENERATION / IDENTITY AND KINGDOM.

Patriots are you getting this? The nation you’re so set to defend in the name of God was not founded on faith in God at all but was the aspiration of esotericists; The Philosophic Empire of MAN. An unimaginably massive campaign was undertaken to bring it about, beginning over a thousand years ago. The empire is twofold; It involved a new location and required a perception, the creation of which “Christopher Columbus'” mythologized journey played a key role.

I’ll leave Columbus for the next post. It’s a long one and I want it to stand alone…

to be continued

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