INSILICO the Battle for Body and Soul (AI Documentary)

Revivals Pt 25: Creating the American Mythos – Christopher Columbus: The Great American Hero Pt1

In the past few articles I’ve been examining occultists’ ambitions to establish a Great Philosophic Empire, with America chosen as the center of its leadership. Since the Mystery Schools/Secret Societies operate on two levels; the Exoteric and the Esoteric, it’s not surprising that the aspired Philosophic Empire is interchangeably spoken of in terms of;

  • A Physical Location
  • A Worldview (Perception of Reality)

The physical location served as an embodiment of their ideals, allowing them to freely structure laws and society toward their cause…. Naturally, generating revenue was a key objective... But crucially, the American Mythos portrays the new nation as having been founded on ‘Christian doctrines. I’ve established that is false, but this Mythos created the ideal setting for integrating Christianity with Mystery School teachings. Their ultimate goal was and is to destroy Christianity and create a satanic World Government in which man is his own god. According to the insights of Philip Mauro, this aspiration is foretold in scripture as the beast with the “head wound that was healed;” which he interprets as the return of The Earthly Power of Heathendom (Rev 13:3). (aka – remove faith from the earth (Lk 18:8). Their audacious goal (the “Great Work”) required a monstrous campaign. Today I’ll be looking at a key story in that campaign; the convoluted legend of Christopher Columbus.

Embedding the Image

The massive structure above was proposed to be built for The 1893 Chicago World’s Fair in commemoration of the 400th anniversary of Christopher Columbus’ “discovery” of America. I found the following on the Ephemera Society website;

“Within the period between 1891 and 1903, plans were made to construct two different monstrously huge iron buildings in the shape of the globe, for two different World Fairs.

Neither came to pass.

The World’s Columbian Exposition (WCE) — also called The Chicago World’s Fair — was held to celebrate the 400th anniversary of Columbus’s arrival in the “New World”… the fair opened on May 1, 1893* and ran through October 30th of that year [from summer solstice to winter solstice]. More than 27 million people attended. [or so they say…].

In 1891, it was announced that an utterly fantastic structure would be built for the fair to be called the Columbus Monument. The British Printer magazine described it thus:

“The Americans, with their natural love of ‘big things’ have decided to celebrate the 400th anniversary of the discovery of their continent by Columbus by the erection of a monument, for which size, expense, and novelty shall ‘lick all creation.”Ephemera Society

*Occult Significance of May 1st

    • May 1st is known as Beltaine, Walpurgisnacht, Festival of Isis “Earth Mother.” These festivals originate in Sun and Fire Worship
    • The Etymology ofBeltane” means “Bright Fire”, “bale-fire” or “Baal’s Fire.
      • Bel is sometimes referred to as the God of ‘Light.’
    • Great bonfires are lit on the Eve of Beltaine, April 30, in order to welcome the Earth Goddess.
    • May 1st is the highest day on the Druidic Witch’s Calendar. Human sacrifice is required.
    • May 1st, 1776 is when Adam Weishaupt founded the Illuminati.
      • The date was chosen because Fire worship was central to the celebrations and fire-worship was to be the basis of the highest mysteries of the Illuminati.
    • March 19 – May 1st is the 40-Day Season of Sacrifice which commemorates Ba’al being killed, sent to the underworld, and resurrected by his sister-lover, Anat.


Interesting! Let’s dig a little deeper.


Here’s an excerpt from the promotional 1891 article (pictured above).

“The feature of Mr. Palacio’s design is a colossal sphere, a minute copy of the earth, 1,000 feet in diameter. This is mounted on a base 262 feet high, and crowned at its North pole by the caravel which carried Columbus to the New World… The sphere will be encircled at the equator by a platform 3,280 feet, or more than half a mile long. An exterior spiral running round the northern hemisphere will form a track nearly two miles long, leading from the equator to the North Pole. At night the sphere will be illuminated by the lines of light which will form the outlines of the continents and islands, thus casting over the city torrents of refulgent brilliancy. The great pyramids of Egypt, the Sphinx and the Colossus could lie in the hollow interior like jewels in their case. So much for the exterior spiral. The total length of the spiral is nearly four miles, over which the sightseer can travel on a tramway.

In the base and under the majestic central rotunda will be placed a gigantic statue of the great discoverer, surrounded by the navigators and missionaries who rendered his discovery fruitful…

In the remaining spaces of the compartments in the base a large Columbus library will be distributed; auditorium for the cultivation of the natural sciences; museums of zoology, mineralogy and botany of America; rooms for the Spanish Geographical Society; a great naval museum in the interior central compartment; and a meteorological observatory in the hull of the caravel. All this is independent of the promenades, cafes and restaurants for the public.

In the interior the celestial sphere can be exactly reproduced. It can also be used for magnificent panoramas, because the spherical form is the best for obtaining illusions of perspective. [hmm] There will be a place for public entertainments... – The Manufacturer and Builder, (1890-91)

It’s clearly a coded article.

Topping the Image of the Beast…😒 er… proposed Globe structure like a tiny crown is a life-sized replica of Columbus’ ship  (Rev 13:1). Which got me to wondering; in what sense is a ship metaphorically like a crown? Themes of power, leadership, mastery, and legacy come to mind.  Interestingly, Manly P. Hall speaks of a metaphoric ship;

“The title page of Bacon’s masterpiece, Novum Organum [1620], features a small sailing ship between two columns.  These columns are the pillars of Hercules, the Strait of Gibraltar, which marked the western boundary of the sea.  THE LITTLE SHIP IS SCIENCE, sailing forth from the limits and boundaries of the old world into the unknown sea of Universal Learning.  Is not this the same ship that finally came to haven in the Wise Man’s City* ? – Manly P. Hall, The Secret Destiny of America

(*”Wise Man’s City” likely represents some idealized state of enlightenment or spiritual attainment – a place where wisdom and knowledge are fully realized. The “ship” coming to haven in the “Wise Man’s City” symbolizes the journey of the “wisdom seeker,” reaching a state of “understanding” or “spiritual fulfillment.” The “City” is also likely a metaphor for a Utopian Society governed by wisdom and truth, like the philosophical concept of a “City of God” or “New Jerusalem.” Anyway…)

I’m sure more could be pulled out of that image, but basically, the SHIP symbolizing SCIENCE / an ESOTERIC JOURNEY is the CROWN (power, leadership, mastery and legacy) upon the IMAGE of their NEW PHILOSOPHIC EMPIRE… 

As to the location of the ship, many ancient societies viewed the North Pole as a Mystical Place where Heaven meets Earth, or the Prime Axis Mundi

“[Representing “the connection between Heaven and Earth” or the “higher and lower realms”… Axis mundi closely relates to the mythological concept of the omphalos (navel) of the world or cosmos.” – Wikipedia

The idea is empirically explained by an enormous Magnetic Mountain at the north pole; Mount Meru, which is said to create the strong northerly pull seen on a magnet.

Since no one can pop on up to the North Pole and see the mountain (and four rivers flowing from it) for themselves, I can only speculate whether such a place physically exists. But the fact that so many myths surround the location, and that the Bible tells us God sits enthroned over the circle of the earth (Isa 40:22) suggests to me that it may well be like the sun, moon and stars in nature which both lack empirical substance while being seen and felt (hot and cold) by earth’s inhabitants. Which is why ancient pagan societies worshipped the sun, moon and stars.

So, looking at the image symbolically again we see SCIENCE sitting in the place of God (atop Mount Zion?) where Heaven and Earth meet.

The message: the Ascendency of Human Knowledge to govern man upon the earth.

Incidentally, here’s the Coney Island Globe Tower, NYC from 1907 which was never-built either and turned out to be a scam.

“The Globe Tower would have been the largest building in the world. The proposed structure had a long list of amazing planned features, including the largest ballroom in the world and a hotel around the Equator with soundproofed rooms. Underground, the complex would house a subway station, a railroad station, parking garages, and a railroad branch line connected to a boat pier. After a cornerstone laying ceremony on May 26, 1906, Friede leased a piece of property on Coney Island and poured some footings. When investors grumbled about a lack of progress, he held another ceremony on February 17, 1907.

By 1908, it had become clear that the entire enterprise was an elaborate scam. Company treasurer Henry Clay Wade was convicted for embezzling proceeds from the stock sales.” – Ephemera

I seriously doubt the World’s Fair was anywhere near as grand as history makes it out to have been. And today the inflated story is being used to support the Tartaria / Mud Flood / Little Season narrative that’s further convoluting eschatology… but anyway…

The Universe of the Mind

OK, so check this out. Manly P. Hall speaks of ANOTHER New World BEYOND America. This, Hall says, is a NEW KIND of World. A WORLD OF THOUGHT in the “Universe of the Mind.”

“Today we are again seeking for a new world. No longer do there remain undiscovered continents to serve us as laboratories for social experiments[!], so we are turning our attention to other kinds of worlds—worlds of thought, INNER SPHERES which must yet be explored by daring navigators. Science in the last fifty years has discovered a New Universe—the Universe of the Mind. The infant psychology has but to come of age for us to fully discover a new sphere for new exploration in the science of living.” – Manly P. Hall, America’s Secret Destiny

In recent years we’ve seen the Moon move to center stage. 2020 saw multiple Super Moons & Blue Moons; in 2022 Artemis supposedly returned to the moon; and then in 2023 India purported to have gone… in a cartoon ship.

Seriously? What… Did it shape shift?


Sorry guys, I guess I haven’t drunk enough Fluoride to buy it.

Now look at this: “Moon” in Dubai that was proposed to be built in 2023. To date, nothing has come of it either, and again, the description is similar.

“Inside, guests will find a full-service destination resort in addition to approximately 300 private residences available for purchase. Drawings on social media also depict plans for a nightclub, event center, spa, retail space, and piano lounge, among other amenities. However, the main attraction isn’t a hotel room or dance floor, but a lunar surface simulation that lets guests experience the sensation of space exploration firsthand. “MOON will form the bridge, delivering an affordable and entirely authentic space tourism experience millions of enthusiasts around planet Earth have been patiently waiting for,” Henderson says. The company even hopes to establish MOON as an authentic training location for various space agencies. ” – Architectual Digest

That is the closest thing to “space tourism” as anyone is ever going to get. Because, “outer space” only exists in people’s MINDS, the seeds for which were planted in part by these proposed mammoth structures.

Sphere’s are popping up everywhere these days as they amp up their Space Travel campaign (the Final Frontier).

YouTube video


The point being that regardless of whether they are actually built, the ADVERTISEMENT of these enormous structures is intended to create a PERCEPTION in the Public Mind… and apparently, in at least on case, to bilk people out of their money.

But enough about globes and spheres. Let’s take a closer look at Christopher Columbus and his “discovery.”

A Whole New World; Set Apart For their Satanic… Philosophic Empire

For starters, there’s ample evidence that men were aware of America long before Columbus or the colonists ever thought to venture there. A fact stated by Hall.

“The area was anciently set apart for coming generations in THE GREAT HUMAN EXPERIMENT OF THE DEMOCRATIC COMMONWEALTH..

Thousands of years before Columbus they were aware of the existence of our Western Hemisphere and selected it to be the site of the Philosophic Empire

It is nothing short of foolish to assume that the ancients lacked ships sufficiently seaworthy to navigate the larger oceans. Long before the Christian era, the older civilization had constructed boats far larger and more seaworthy than any of the vessels used by ColumbusManly P Hall, The Secret Destiny of America

The Great Work of the Sorcerers

The aspiration to resurrect the Earthly Power of Heathendom required a great shift in Worldview of both the general population and specifically Christendom.

… for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived. (Rev 18:23)

Sorry Disney, but sorceries aren’t cute.

Secret Societies represent the Earthly Power of Heathendom. Simply put these people are witches, and witchcraft works through manipulating PERCEPTIONS. Perceptions are altered through repeated imagery (symbols), words, and perceived authority (“experts,” religion).

I’ve shown that many if not all the Revivalists were Secret Society Members, which means they were complicit in this “Great Work” to build the Philosophic Empire.

The Religion they created to Unify Humanity, which very much includes Christianity, is Intellectualism & Enlightened SCIENCE; SCIENTISM.

The mystery is that religion is but a tool to control the masses. Knowledge (or wisdom) is their only god, through which man himself will become god. The snake and the dragon are both symbols of wisdom. Lucifer is a personification of the symbol. It was Lucifer who tempted Eve to entice Adam to eat of the tree of knowledge and thus FREE MAN FROM THE BONDS OF IGNORANCE. The WORSHIP (a lot different from STUDY) of knowledge, science, or technology is Satanism in its purest form, its secret symbol is the all-seeing eye in the pyramid.”William Cooper

Their campaign needed a MYTH; a Unifying STORY…


and IMAGE.

So, let’s get to this Columbus guy.

Who Was Christopher Columbus?


As the story goes, in 1492 Christopher Columbus “sailed the ocean blue” in search of a New World beyond the horizon.

I remember my fourth-grade teacher saying that the “ignorant” people of his time worried that if Columbus sailed too far, he would fall off the edge of the earth. 😱 Even though many people today are realizing they do not live on a “Globe,” questioning Heliocentrism still invites the same ridicule from academia.

There were other European explorers who landed in North America. But it was Columbus — a guy who never got any closer than Bermuda, who was mythologized.

Why was this particular figure chosen?

Let’s see if we can figure that out.

Christopher Columbus and His “Discovery”

“It is an unfortunate aspect of historical documentation that it always favors those who write it, and typically those who write it are the ones with the money to do so.” – source

“The falsification of history has done more to mislead humans than any single thing known to mankind.” – Jean Jacques Rousseau

If there was ever an example of altered history this is it. It’s common knowledge among academics today that Christopher Columbus did not discover America. He never set foot on American soil, and it would have been impossible for him to “discover” a people and continent that was already thriving.

So, who was this guy?

The Elusive Name


For starters, his name is likely a PSEUDONYM which symbolically blended Christianity with Heathendom:

  • Christopher – “bearing Christ,”
  • Columbus – Italian Colombo, Portuguese Colom, Spanish Colón). Related: Colombian. Source name of the female goddess that symbolizes America: Columbia. Columbus is a composite of:

So the name “Columbus” appears to combine “colony” with Mystery School teachings. This, together with the countless sites and monuments commemorating “Columbia,” the goddess namesake of the mythical voyager leads me to think that the name “Christopher Columbus” denotes the birth of the New Atlantis / The Philosophic Empire.

The Freemasonic/ Secret Society project had nothing to do with “proving” by experiment that earth was a globe (especially seeing how it is not one), rather it served to embed the IMAGE and CONCEPT of the globe in people’s minds. And no, it wasn’t about discovering a westerly route to the Indies.

Mythos Starter Pack

OK, to create a Myth (I looked this up) the first thing you need is:


Not that hero… but he’s cute


Here we go: HERO! ✔

The hero needs to be someone the public can relate to. A common man. How about a weaver’s son?


In our hero’s case, his story is set in the country of Spain which had recently been re-acquired from Islam.


As a result of Astrology and Prophecies, our hero believes that he was being led by God to spread Christianity to the New World. After persuading the king and queen to fund him, he sets a westerly course and discovers America! (not really)

But… Wasn’t he looking for a better trade route? Astrology told him to spread Christianity? And how do you reconcile torturing, enslaving and murdering indigenous people with spreading Christianity?

The story is full of contradictions, but that’s what he recorded in his book later in life; Book of Prophecies (“El Libro de las Profecías“). The book is a collection of biblical texts, theological reflections, and excerpts from classical writings, all interpreted as prophetic messages supporting his voyages. Our hero was apparently quite apocalyptic and viewed himself as chosen of God. A product of medieval times, his worldview both championed crusades and maintained the idea that indigenous people were not fully human. It was also popularly believed in his day that in order for Christ to return, the Holy Land must be taken back from the Muslims.


Ya, that thing

There’s also that Templar (Order of Christ) Cross on the flags of his ships, which serve to show his backing and reveal Columbus’s voyages as part of a larger, more esoteric mission linked to Templar beliefs in a hidden or lost knowledge. The cross is a sign of the Templars’ quest for sacred knowledge or power.

A Moral or Lesson

How about “Blind adherence to an ideology or a sense of superiority can lead to profound moral failings.”

No, the story serves several purposes:

  • Our hero is portrayed as a visionary who pursued his goals with unwavering determination in the face of opposition and skepticism.
  • Legitimize the conquest and colonization of the Americas and the expansion of European power and influence, portraying European settlers as divinely ordained to expand across the Americas while minimizing the moral and ethical issues.
  • Columbus’s “discovery” is depicted as the beginning of a NEW ERA, laying the groundwork for the Philosophic Empire.
  • Reinforces the conviction that Western civilization has a moral obligation to spread its values to other parts of the world.

You get the idea.

Hall Points Out the Holes in the Story

“It is astonishing how difficult it is to ascertain the facts about the celebrated voyage of discovery and the life of one so prominent in history as Christopher Columbus; it appears that history entered into a conspiracy to conceal the truth. Possibly an elaborate misrepresentation was intentional, for certainly the confusion began before the death of Columbus.” – M.P. Hall, America’s Secret Destiny

Astonishing indeed. The story doesn’t make sense. For starters, it doesn’t make sense that Columbus was a common weaver’s son. Anyone who could read and write in those days was no commoner. Columbus had to have had money to marry a noble and gain the audience of King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella. Manly P. Hall states the obvious;

“All modern research on the life of Columbus tends to prove that he was not a man of humble station, poor or uneducated, and the story of Queen Isabella and her jewels is rapidly becoming recognizable as fiction.” ibid


“Christopher Columbus” the Adept

Hall deduces from the presence of a “mysterious stranger” in Columbus’ writings that Columbus was an Adept (Secret Society Member).

“Then too, in browsing about among old records I have run across a dim figure involved in the life of Columbus, a strange man who seems to have served the explorer in die capacity of counselor. Nothing very tangible has as yet come to light, but it is hinted that this mysterious person accompanied Columbus on his first voyage. He was not included in the list of the mariners. He did not return, but remained in the West Indies; beyond this, no further mention is made of him.

This mysterious stranger is reminiscent of the black-robed man who guided the destiny of Mohammed[!] Were these obscure figures ambassadors of the secret government?–Columbus being one of the agents through which the society of unknown philosophers [Rosicrucians] accomplished its purposes? It is my opinion that he was such an agent.” (http ://mason33[dot]org /content/ europa/eslovenia/rgle/History.htm)

In The Secret Teachings of All Ages, he expounds on these dark figures as being associated with the Rosicrucians.

“Efforts to join the Order [Rosicrucians] were apparently futile, for the Rosicrucians always chose their disciples. Having agreed on one who they believed would do honor to their illustrious fraternity, they communicated with him in one of many mysterious ways. He might receive a letter, either anonymous or with a peculiar seal, usually bearing the letters “C.R.C. “or “R.C. “upon it. He would be instructed to go to a certain place at an appointed time. What was disclosed to him he never revealed, although in many cases his later writings showed that a new influence had come into his life, deepening his understanding and broadening his intellect. A few have written allegorically concerning what they beheld when in the august presence of the “Brethren of the Rose Cross.”

Alchemists were sometimes visited in their laboratories by MYSTERIOUS STRANGERS, who delivered learned discourses concerning the secret processes of the Hermetic Arts and, after disclosing certain processes, departed, leaving no trace.” – M.P. Hall, The Secret Teachings of All Ages

Italian, Greek or Polish?

Hall claims Columbus was Greek

“Many scholars were fully aware of the global form of the earth in the time of Columbus, who, according to early historians, State documents, and his own son, was not an Italian of humble station and uneducated but was a Greek Prince with an excellent classical education.

“The signature of Columbus, composed of letters curiously arranged and combined with cabalistic designs, certainly conveys far more than is inherent in the signature of a private citizen….

In 1937 a little book was published, entitled, Christopher Columbus Was a Greek. According to its author, Spyros Cateras, the real name of Columbus was Prince Nikolaos Ypsilantis, and he came from the Greek Island of Chios. The statement is backed by quotations from numerous early historians and State documents…

Seraphim G. Canoutas (1874-1944)

Like most Greeks of his time [Columbus] admired the writings of Plato and the other classical philosophers; he had the Greek birthright of legend and tradition, and was mentally well suited for interpretation of classical lore. There is much to indicate that Columbus was inspired for his voyages by Plato’s account of the lost Atlantis and the records of early navigation to the West… – Manly Hall – The Secret Destiny of America

Which just further confirms that he was an adept and we’ve already talked about the Philosophers…

But then along comes a guy named Manuel Rosa, saying Columbus was the son of a Polish king.

Manuel Rosa: New Revelations About Columbus’ True Identity

Historian/researcher Manuel da Silva Rosa studied the historical account of Christopher Columbus for over 30 years and wrote a book “Columbus, The Untold Story.” In his book, Rosa reveals that our hero was the son of the wealthy king Władysław of POLAND. Now, history records Wladyslaw having been killed by the Ottoman Turks in 1443, but Rosa claims that he survived and lived out his life under an alias; “Colon'” on the island of Madeira, where he married and had three children.

“Numerous errors, misdirections, assumptions and inventions by past biographers have further contributed to confusing this story, reducing an admiral and viceroy to an insignificant commoner: a Columbus who came from nowhere.” –

Rosa’s ideas do answer some of the inconsistencies in the official narrative.

“I submit that the Spanish documents are enough proof that Don Cristóbal Colón was not Cristoforo Colombo, and he was not a Genoese peasant… we have presented a mountain of irrefutable evidence in support of the Polish-Portuguese prince born on Madeira Island and await access to the bones in Wawel Cathedral for future DNA testing… this ongoing ” Columbus” Identity Mystery will take a long while yet to solve. We are only at the beginning of the truth!”

YouTube video

Rosa’s findings are compelling, but knowing what it takes to gain commendation in this world, the awards he’s received alone make his findings suspect. And for all his research he makes no mention of the Secret Society agenda behind the “discovery” of the Americas. So, for all its detail and acclaim, I’m inclined to see Rosa’s “revelation” is yet another misdirect.


Reportedly, Columbus used several maps. None of them were a globe.

1300 French copy of Tabula Rogeriana (original 1154)


1300 French copy of Tabula Rogeriana (original 1154) Map of Italian mathematician and astronomer Paolo dal Pozzo Toscanelli, who proposed a westward route to Asia


Facsimile of the Columbus Mappa Mundi
This one’s kind of interesting. Facsimile of the Columbus Mappa Mundi. The elongated part of the parchment shows a small, circular mappa mundi with Jerusalem in the middle surrounded by heavenly rings symbolising the geocentric concept of the universe. This is pretty interesting since practical navigation charts are not often found alongside cosmographic maps. Even more interesting, one of the accompanying notes in Latin says that despite being plotted on a flat surface, the mappa mundi must be thought of as spherical.

Columbus set sail from The Iberian Peninsula: aka Spain after the Islamic Moors were booted from the Peninsula and cast into oblivion of western history… Interestingly enough the Moors expulsion from Granada was complete in… Wait for it!… 1492! Hmm

Which Brings Us Back Around to Islam Again!

I’ll pick it up here next time. God bless.

Revivals Pt1 – Asbury: Let’s Talk About Revivals

Revivals Pt2 – Enlightenment in the Land of the Plumed Serpent

Revivals Pt3 – Mystery Schools, The RCC and the Reformation

Revivals Pt4 – The First Great Awakening & The Enigmatic George Whitefield

Revivals Pt5 – The Brimstone and Mysticism of Jonathan Edwards

Revivals Pt 6 – John Wesley (1 of 2) – The Mystery School Dialectic and Christian Mysticism

Revivals Pt 7 – John Wesley (2 of 2) More Mystics & Papal Doctrines of Men

Revivals Pt8 – From Wesley to Finney By Way of Count Zinzendorf

Revivals Pt9 – Charles Grandison Finney, Freemasonic Moralism and Modern Evangelicalism

Revivals Pt10 – The Pagan “Virus

Revivals Pt11 – The Third Great Awakening: Pentecostalism!

Revivals Pt12 – Pentecostalism Pt2: The Founders of Pentecostalism

Revivals Pt 13 – Social Justice Pt 1 – They Don’t Mix

Revivals Pt 14 – Social Justice Pt 2 – A City Upon A Hill

Revivals Pt 15 – Christ in You vs Millennialism

Revivals Pt 16 – The Counterfeit Enlightenment Pt 1

Revivals Pt 17 – The Counterfeit “Enlightenment” Pt2: The Dark Ages and Golden Age of Islam

Revivals Pt 18 – The Counterfeit “Enlightenment” Pt 3: Islam In the Bible?

Revivals Pt 19 – The Counterfeit “Enlightenment” Pt 4: Secret Societies: The Earthly Power of Heathendom

Revivals Pt 20 – The Counterfeit “Enlightenment” Pt5: Placing Man Upon An Esoteric Sphere

Revivals Pt21 – The Counterfeit “Enlightenment” Pt6: The Image of the Beast

Revivals Pt22 – Crowning the Lord of the Earth: The Cosmati Pavement

Revivals Pt23 – The Great American Mythos Pt1: Christian Identity, Democracy, Secret Society Wisdom, The Philosophic Empire

Revivals Pt24 – The Great American Mythos Pt2: A Whole New Mystically Enlightened World

Revivals Pt25 – Creating the American Mythos – Christopher Columbus: The Great American Hero Pt1

Revivals Pt 26 – Christopher Columbus Pt 2 – The Namesake Goddess of a “Christian” Nation

Revivals Pt27 – The Witchcraft of Numbers

Revivals Conclusion Pt1 – Illusions & Multiple reality Disorder | Will the New Covenant Please Stand Up?

Revivals Conclusion Pt2 – What Is The Gospel?

Revivals Conclusion Pt3 – Subversion – From Revivalists to Modern Times


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