
Revivals Conclusion Pt 3: Subversion | From the Revivalists to Modern Times – A Summary

“We Need Revival!”

The ‘spontaneous revival’ at Asbury, KY in May of 2023 put a check in my spirit that prompted me to delve into the history of the great American Revivals. I had no idea the deep-dive I was in for. But after researching these events and their leaders for well over a year and a half now, I can confidently say that the LAST thing we need is any more of the “Revival” tomfoolery that’s been peddled in the name of Jesus Christ.

What we do need in these dark days is a fresh understanding of the Gospel and God’s Holy Spirit to discern His Word and walk in love.

The Revivalists and their teachings have succeeded in convoluting the Gospel to where Christians are tracking right along with the rest of the world. And that did not happen by chance.

We know that we are from God, and the whole world lies in the power [control, sway] of the evil one. (1 Jn 5:19)

Know this: Our worldviews are not created in a vacuum. The god of this world has always offered carnal counterfeits for the meaning and knowledge man lost when cut off from his Creator. Since then, he has governed and socially engineered mankind’s worldview and behavior through Control Systems of religion, politics and higher education in mathematics, philosophy, science and finance.

All of these are combined in our “enlightened,” technologically advanced society today. But despite technology’s progress and promises, despite beautiful sounding talk of oneness or a coming singularity, this world and its systems are carnal and can never provide true meaning, lasting peace or eternal life. In fact, scripture tells us just the opposite is true.

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. (Jn 10:10)

The School of Athens is a fresco painted between 1509 and 1511 (around the Reformation) that’s located in the Stanza della Segnatura of the Apostolic Palace in Vatican City. It depicts a gathering of ancient philosophers, mathematicians, and scientists, with Plato and Aristotle as the central figures.

In this series, we’ve looked at how the enemy mixed the supernatural Gospel of Jesus Christ with the teachings of man, initially blending it with Mystery School Thought by erecting a heretical Religion in Christ’s name; the Roman Catholic Church (RCC). We explored how that same blend was brought into Protestantism through Enlightenment Thought and the Counter-Reformation, transforming it into yet another Religious Control System. We’ve looked at the origins and unbiblical nature of various falsehoods that were seeded into Protestantism toward that end. And we considered how the entire world was brought to embrace the IMAGE of the evil one’s aspired world Control System; the Globe. Scripture tells us of a day when the temptation in the garden will come to fruition in a great religious/political system that deifies man (Rev 13). I’m personally convinced that system is AI.

For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” (Gen 3:5)

With the ritual burning and restoration of Notre Dame and symbolic burning of Hollywood, the internet is taking over the job of societal engineering and Holy-Spirit-void AI—the reasoning of man brought to “life” (golem)—is replacing (institutional) Christianity.

These are truly terrible days.

And with the sea of voices on the internet all screaming “TRUTH!”—people are divided to the point of utter chaos.

Sorry—couldn’t resist.

But only Jesus is the truth.

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. (Jn 14:6)

There is no “truth” that matters as much as the truth about Jesus Christ. We need to know it and we need to have confidence in it.

Therefore do not throw away your confidence, which has a great reward. (Heb 10:35)

And that confidence is exactly what believers have been robbed of through the carnal teachings that have been seeded into His church.

Think about it. What have the esteemed revivalists taught us?

  • They’ve taught us to lose confidence in our eternal security in Christ, to return to carnal efforts of earning and maintaining our salvation.
  • They’ve taught us to seek experiential “miracles” instead of basking in the miracle of the spiritual life we’ve been given.
  • They’ve conflated our hope of a heavenly reward with the anticipation of an interim carnal “golden age.”
  • Rather than teaching us to celebrate our freedom in Christ, they’ve brought us back into captivity. Paul states this concisely in his letter to the Colossians.

See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ. (Col 23:8)

The Revivalists helped to elevate rationalism above spiritual truth, leading to a spiritually-illiterate ‘Christianity.’ Instead of teaching believers how to study and interpret scripture as they’re led along by the Holy Spirit, they brought carnal, “other Gospels” (Gal 1:6-7) that produce “believers” who may not be spirit-born at all. And, void of the true spirit-born experience, these poor souls are being made merchandise of through book-led Bible studies, films and conferences.

Incidentally, this confusion is what led David Needham to write his profound book Birthright: Christian, Do You Know Who You Are?  Although he doesn’t delve into just how we got here, 40 years ago he wrote the best modern study of the true Gospel of Jesus Christ that I’ve read to date. If you’re unsure about your salvation, I highly recommend you pick up a copy of the original version with this cover (You can find it on Thriftbook or Abe Books):

Now, Edwards, Wesley and others are held in high respect for the truth they brought. But we easily forget that the enemy comes as an angel of light. The very nature of deception is that it subtly distorts truth.

For such people are false apostles, deceitful workers, masquerading as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. It is not surprising, then, if his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will be what their actions deserve. (2 Cor 11:13-15)

We’ve covered a lot of ground in this series, but for the summary we’ll just touch on some key figures and the false teachings they brought. We’ll go from there to the present, stopping at a few significant men and events along the way, and conclude with the scriptural focus we need in the world we’re facing today. Buckle up!

Finishing Up Our Review

(Link to the entire series)

First, some key figures.

Jonathan Edwards

Jonathan (1703-1758) and his wife (mystic) Sarah Edwards

Calvinist Revivalist Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758) was quite open about his intent to blend Christianity with Enlightenment thought. He introduced unbiblical Fire-and-Brimstone preaching and the first Mystical (demonic) “Toronto Blessing” to the church.

John Wesley

John Wesley (1703-1791)

Free-Will Revivalist John Wesley (1703-1791) furthered Enlightenment thought by introducing a methodical (reasonings of man) approach to studying scripture. We covered his association with the notorious Count Nikolaus Ludwig von Zinzendorf’s (1700-1791) Moravians whose practices were outright demonic. (<— please read that if you haven’t already).

Count Nikolaus Ludwig von Zinzendorf (1700-1791)

Pietist leader of the Moravians, Count Nikolaus von Zinzendorf (1700-1791) wasn’t considered a Revivalist, but he had a significant and harmful influence on them. Not only did he claim that Christ’s atonement was insufficient for salvation but he blasphemously depicted Jesus as weak, cowardly, intellectually deficient, and ‘devoid of talent or abilities.’ His violence and immorality served to reveal the true spirit at work in him.

Azusa Street

Zinzendorf can be seen as the “grandfather” of the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) / Dominionism that’s rooted in earlier Revivalist Social Justice Movements. Fanned into flame by the 1906 Azusa Street Revival, this ideology has become the driving force behind Nationalism, the far-right, and the personality cult that elevates Donald Trump to divinely ordained status… but

Alexander Dowie, Charles Parham

John Alexander Dowie in his robes as “Elijah the Restorer”


Charles Fox Parham (1873-1929) Freemason/KKK member

More a Faith Healer than a Revivalist, Alexander Dowie’s (1847–1907) “healings” at Zion City and the teachings of Charles Fox Parham (1873-1929) further influenced today’s false prophets and Dominionism.

Charles Finney

Charles Grandison Finney (1792-1875)

Like Zinzendorf, the (Free-will) Charles Finney (1792-1875) insisted that Christ’s atonement was not sufficient for salvation. Finney used deliberate emotional manipulation in his services through methods that included music. His systematic theology further diminished a right understanding of sin. And his emotionally-charged altar calls introduced the (carnal) Decisionism, (Freemasonic) Moralism and (carnal) Rule-Following that’s tragically presented as “Christianity” today.

John Nelson Darby (1800 – 1882)

Considered the Father of Dispensationalism, John Nelson Darby (1800 – 1882) was an Irish evangelist and influential figure among the original Plymouth Brethren. Again, he was not an American Revivalist, but his teachings are not only the foundation upon which American apocalyptic cults like Mormonism, Jehovah’s Witnesses and others are built, but his Dispensationalism created the Future/Carnal interpretation of prophecy that’s popularly presented in Protestantism today.

You can also read in parts 13,14 & 15  how the Revivalists ALL championing (carnal) Social Justice and Apocalyptic End-Times eschatology… which—in itself should be telling.

Players in the Great Work

Remember how we talked about Control Systems. These have always been steered by Secret Societies; a hidden force that works behind the scenes. Nearly all the Revivalists were Secret Society members, and the rest walked in their influence. These men—who our church leaders refer to and upon whose doctrines their teachings are built—were all complicit in the “Great Work” of Freemasonry, which is to unite the entire world in serving their god; the god of this world. Here’s Grand Master Mason Albert Pike crowing about it in his letter to Giuseppe Mazzini.

“…Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view.” – Grand Master Freemason Albert Pike’s “Three World Wars” letter to Giuseppe Mazzini 1871

Zinzendorf and Finney were Master Masons. And although Finney later “officially” renounced his involvement, he taught Freemasonic Moralism to the end. Parham was also a Mason as well as a KKK member. John Nelson Darby was a Freemason.

There’s no conclusive evidence to suggest that Edwards was a Freemason, but his teachings resonate with that of the Secret Society. His wife was a Mystic and there are several connections between him and Freemasonry, including his son Pierpont Edwards being a Freemason.

The 1900’s to Today

William Branham

William Branham (1909-1965)

Drawing inspiration from men like Dowie, William Branham (1909-1965) (who’s been connected to Jim Jones) inspired the Latter Rain Movement (1940s-1950s) that emphasized prophecy, healing, and the role of apostles and introduced the idea of “restoring the five-fold ministry” (apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers falsely based on Ephesians 4:11) that we see in today’s NAR. We’ll talk more about that shortly. Branham preached against Secret Societies, but his esoteric teachings align with Freemasonry and he used many Freemasonic Symbols in his ministry.

YouTube video


Branham’s Tombstone

More about Branham and his Freemasonry here.

Billy Graham

This series would not be complete without mention of one of the most influential Christian leaders of the 20th century, William Franklin Graham Jr. (Billy Graham 1918-2018). Graham can be credited with combined Finney’s Decisionism with Ecumenism and building the Christian Right. Respected in virtually all Christian circles, “America’s pastor” believed that not only Protestants and Catholics would be saved, but sincere people of All Religions—including Islam.  In a 1956 interview he said,

“We’re coming to New York not to clean it up, but to get people to dedicate themselves to God and to send them on to their own churches — Catholic, Protestant or Jewish.”  – Billy Graham, Protestant Church Life Magazine Sept. 29, 1956

YouTube video

Yet another actor on the world stage.

There are plenty of articles online that go into Graham’s Freemasonry and more. Here’s one by Richard Kallberg.

Ecumenism / Unification

Graham’s Ecumenism actually wasn’t new. Protestantism’s re-unification with “mother” Rome (the Counter Reformation) was always the goal of the Jesuits, but the UNIFICATION OF ALL RELIGIONS can be traced back to the Mystery Schools; Kabbalah; specifically the Illuminati. 

Sabbatai Zevi (1626-1676)

Briefly; in 1666, Ottoman Jewish mystic, Rabbi Shabatai Zevi claimed to be the Jews’ long awaited Messiah and founded the satanic Sabbatean cult. Zevi was followed by half the world’s Jews until the Sultan gave him the option to convert to Islam of be killed. Zevi chose to convert—and lost most of his followers. But then in the 1700s, Jacob Frank (1726 – 1791) claimed to be the reincarnation of Zevi, resurrected Zevi’s satanic cult of Jews and took the Jesuits counter-Reformation to a whole new level by joining together with Adam Weishaupt’s Illuminati and setting out to infiltrate, unify, and ultimately ABOLISH ALL religions.

Jacob Frank (1726 – 1791)

“Anti-clerical and anti-royal, the Illuminati aimed to infiltrate and upset powerful institutions. They created a plan for the global subversion of church, state, royalty, and society.” – Source

Here’s an interesting tidbit from the Wikipedia article about Frank.


“[Illuminati founder] Weishaupt aimed to abolish all religions and obliterate every government so mankind could live happily in a world of equality… Ya… He foresaw the economy operating under a ‘communism of goods’ structure overseen by an enlightened (illuminated) elite over which he presided.” – Spyscape

Henry Makow talks a lot about the Sabbateans, and you can also read more ‘from the horse’s mouth’ on MyJewishLearning.

Theosophy and other “globalist” religious movements in the 19th–20th centuries openly championed a one-world religious system. And today, the U.N. and World Economic Forum (WEF) continue to promote Interfaith Unity in their “global governance” agendas.

The plan runs far deeper than the “Vatican Jesuits” or “Kabbalist Jews,” although they both played significant roles. One of the enemy’s  strategies that we need to avoid falling into is demonizing certain people-groups as “the problem.” This is the spiritual plan of the god of this world, these same aspirations are represented in occult writings like Theosophist (Luciferian) Helena Blavatsky and Alice Bailey.

Here are points 9 and 10 of Bailey’s 10-point plan to Enslave Society.


Promote other faiths to be at par with Christianity, and break this thing about Christianity as being the only way to heaven, by that Christianity will be pulled down and other faiths promoted.”


‘the church must change its doctrine and accommodate the people by accepting these things and put them into its structures and systems.’

It’s ALL intertwined.

Finney’s Decisionism and Graham’s Ecumenism paved the way for the powerful World Council of Churches (WCC) and (Rev. Sun Young Moon’s) Council for National Policy (CNP)—aka Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). You can read Ken Jewell’s excellent three-part series about the “Unholy Alliance’s” (2002) between church leaders and these organizations starting here(I’ve reposted these important articles here).

This is from the article, Unity: A One World Religion on

“In light of the ties between nearly all Christian “evangelicals” with Rev. Moon, the CIA, the Council for Foreign Relations, the Trilateral commission, the Bush family and Bush Sr’s “New World Order”, is it any wonder that after the September 11th tragedy, Billy Graham prayed in the name of God, AND ALLAH, as dignitaries from many faiths were gathered before him? This prayer was broadcast the world over. His call was for religious cooperation and ‘unity of all faiths…’.

Franklin Graham’s (son of world renowned evangelist Rev. Billy Graham, and heir to the very lucrative and influential Billy Graham Evangelistic Ministries) answer to a question by NBC’s Tom Brokaw, …”it’s very important that all the faiths, all the denominations are coming together, cooperating together, working together; it is a wonderful testimony to the spirit of America, and the dedication of the American people.“

So… Ya.

Rest assured, they’ll face God one day like everyone else (Heb 9:27).

OK, moving forward.

The Jesus Movement

Wanting to break free from the corrupt government behind the Vietnam War (1955-75), the Hippie movement of the 1960’s-70’sembraced free love, sexual liberation, and the use of entheogens to gain higher spiritual insights (led by their guru, Harvard Professor Timothy Leary).

In essence, the 1960s hippie movement was a revival of the Eleusinian Mysteries. There’s truly nothing new under the sun.

And let’s not forget the phony “Moon Landing” that emblazoned the Image of the Beast upon the minds of the world amidst the chaos, further embedding an Enlightenment Worldview in the public mind.

Disillusionment with the moral dead-end of the Hippie Movement and the spiritual void of traditional Christianity sparked the rise of the Jesus Movement.

Led by Calvary Chapel’s Chuck Smith, the movement rejected traditional Religion and embraced an informal, spontaneous worship that was more in line with the church’s earliest days.

Chuck Smith

Combining Graham’s Ecumenically-enhanced emotional appeals to make a “Decision” with Charismatic elements of the Azusa Street ‘Revival,’ the movement played a pivotal role in spreading a new conflated Christianity throughout the world.

Barry McGuire

Larry Norman

The Jesus Movement was depicted in the 2023 film The Jesus Revolution. Despite discerning voices pointing out issues like Lonnie Frisbee’s drug use and homosexuality, the film was widely celebrated by Christians.

The Countercultural Jesus Movement eventually led to Institutionalized Charismatic Churches that offered the same emotional fervor in a more structured environment—These paved the way for the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR).


Despite the false doctrines that came with it, many people found new life in Christ through the Jesus Movement… which reminds me again of the Red horse of Revelation, ever on the heels of the White.

…and of Jesus’ parable of the tares being left to grow amongst the wheat (Matt 13:24-30).

The 70’s also saw a rise of voices exposing the Satanic New World Order. Sadly, they didn’t go far enough to expose Enlightenment Thought and Science in the church or the Revivalist’s doctrinal errors. But the “why” of that is a topic in itself.

Harvest Crusade

Thousands gather at Harvest Crusade 2024.

It really struck me that the music at Calvary Chapel’s Harvest Crusade last year made little to no mention of Jesus, but there was plenty of emotion and Greg Laurie did present Finney’s Decisionism.

Speaking of Decisionism

Christians today have heard “Make a decision to ask Jesus into your heart” so many times that they think it’s in the Bible, but it’s not. The closest thing in the New Testament is found in Paul’s prayer for the Ephesians who were already Christians. He was praying for believers to grow in the fulness of God by being blessed with the ability to comprehend His immeasurable LOVE;

that according to the riches of his glory he may grant you to be strengthened with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith… (Eph 3:16-17)



C. Peter Wagner (1930-2016)

OK, let’s touch a bit on the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR). What is the NAR?

Formalized by C. Peter Wagner in the 1990s, the NAR grew from the Charismatic Movement. Purporting the “restoration of the five-fold ministry” (apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers—erroneously based on Ephesians 4:11), its  “Gospel” of building an Earthly Kingdom is NOT the Gospel of Jesus Christ. What the NAR actually presents is Kabbalah. Here, look at this quote by NAR leader Chuck Pierce:

Chuck Pierce

“I have come to make room for you to ascend to a new height. Extend your wings. Then extend them again. Stretch them to the left and the right. It is time for you to take flight! I AM coming down and cutting through the atmosphere that has been too thick for your vision to progress. I will take you through and over.” – Chuck Pierce

Does that sound even remotely biblical?

Compare it with Kabbalah 365, Daily Fruit from the Tree of Life:

“Although the air of the earthly atmosphere is thick in volume and mass, the mystery wisdom of the spirit realm still manages to enter this world because of the birds. For when the birds are in flight, their flapping wings cut through the thickness of the atmosphere, enabling in the moment for the mystery wisdom of the spirit realm to come through to our world.””- Free Republic

The NAR teaches a form of Kingdom Now theology/ Dominionism, where believers are expected to manifest the Kingdom of God on earth before Christ will return. This is merely a slant on the misguided/carnal Jewish anticipation of a coming Earthly Messianic Reign (<-link is to a video I made about that). It involves transforming culture and society to reflect God’s will: essentially bringing heaven to earth in the present age (Axis Mundi).

(Here’s a real interesting chart BTW: Latter Rain Origins and Developments)

OK, So What Are Supposed To Do? Go Back to Calvinism?

Most Baptists and Charismatics have embraced Darby & Scofield’s Dispensationalism/Futurism. But even when we find our way out of that, we’re faced with the Reformed heresies. I was discussing all this with a friend over email and he pinpointed the problem so well that I’m just going to post parts of what he wrote with his permission (some formatting added).

“[P]eople shifted away from the charismatics and funneled into Calvinism. Once the internet hit, Calvinism started to expand rapidly with the New Calvinist. This was the era of the Emergent Church, so they went to the “brains” of American Protestantism who fought against the heretics.

Here’s an article on that expansion.

Wiki is helpful also.

The honeymoon is over. Calvinism in 2024 has become the theological target in a series of scandals, debates, and online discussions (James White debates, BaalGate, and the fall of Steve Lawson).

People are waking up and have nowhere to go. [No kidding] They can’t go back to the charismatics because they are New Thought lite and they see Calvinism as heretical. From my understanding of scrolling endlessly through comment sections (I mean a lot of reading comments), there are a few factors as to why most Christians are leaving church all together.

    • [They] are tired of being made merchandise of from the endless study Bibles, conferences, books, speaking tours, etc (Calvinists act just like the Word of Faith guys and get their fair share of the cash)
    • [T]he church goer disagrees with some aspect of their theology.
    • [T]hey finally understand that the church is an assembly of believers [ekklesia].

The layman is throwing down his oar and jumping ship.

WITHIN THIS MASS EXODUS THERE’S A HUGE, HUGE PROBLEM WITH UNDERSTANDING LAW VS. GRACE. I’ve seen so many takes on this and it’s disheartening. They do not know the New Covenant, because everyone along this exodus has already trashed Dispensationalism, but unknowingly hold onto Covenant Theology [which is different than the New Covenant in Christ!]. The New Covenant is not understood correctly. From my studying of the New Covenant there are two subtle factors that play into this.

…I think this is our calling during the end: Let people see the real Gospel of Jesus Christ and the indwelling of our teacher and comforter the Holy Spirit. Showing them how we got messed up and proclaiming the everlasting gospel (Revelation 14:6). [<- AMEN! 🎯]

I just got done reading Psalms 40. David is prophesying Christ and the New Covenant. Verse 8 reads like Jeremiah 31:33.

I delight to do your will, O my God;
your law is within my heart. (Psalms 40:8)

For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, declares the Lord: I will put my law within them, and I will write it on their hearts. And I will be their God and they shall be my people. (Jer 31:33)

[It’s] interesting how there are two versions of Christian Nationalism, one from the Charismatics and their exact opposites the Phari… I mean Reformed Theobros. This townhall is happening today. A lot of convergence of politics into “Christianity” – it’s a Roman Civil Religion centered on the Imperial cult of personalities.” – Will D


It all culminates in the carnal mess that’s being peddled as Christianity today.

YouTube video

Final Thoughts

No one knows the day or the hour (Mt 24:36) but I think it’s apparent to most that we’re fast approaching the end of the age and His glorious return. In Matthew chapter 24 after Jesus prophesied about the destruction of the temple, the disciples asked when it would happen and what the signs of His return and the end of the world would be. Jesus response started with a warning against deception.

Jesus answered, ‘See to it that no one deceives you… (Matt 24:4)

Thanks largely to Dispensationalism/Futurism, we’ve been taught to read this passage with a physical focus on SIGNS of His future return—while understating the importance of the fall of Jerusalem in 70A.D. But PROPHECY HAS MULTIPLE LEVELS OF MEANING: Literal—often Dual—and Spiritual, as Mauro brought out in his interpretation of the book of Revelation. So, looking at Matthew 24 on a Spiritual level, Jesus warned that throughout the age there would be:

  • False teachers;many will say I am Christ.” (v5)
  • Spiritual Warfare;  “kingdom [of light] against kingdom [of darkness]”(v7)
  • A Famine of Truth, False Doctrines and a Great Shaking of God; “And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places.” (v8).

These have occurred with increasing intensity throughout the church age. Then after predicting several things that have physically occurred throughout the church age; persecutions, divisions, etc… He says:

Therefore when you see the ‘abomination of desolation,’ spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place” (whoever reads, let him understand),”

I can’t read that without thinking about false worldviews established in men’s hearts and the technology of AI setting itself up in the Temple of God/individual believer (Matt 24:15, also 2 Cor 6:16).

I just saw news of a second “plane crash” in Philadelphia (the video footage of which looks to me more like a missile strike 🤷‍♀️). So I’ll use it to make my point. Every new catastrophe, and they seem to be daily anymore, goes viral within minutes on the internet, complete with discerning voices pointing out how it was deliberate or staged and how it fits in with the satanic “globalist” agenda. But, while we should be AWARE of what’s happening in the world—just as the men in the Bible were (2 Cor 2:11), we’re not to fear (Isa 41:10, 43:2, 2 Tim 1:7, Jn 14:27...); not to become discouraged (1 Pet 5:7, 2 Cor 4:16-18); not to “wonder” at the works of the evil one (Rev 13;3). Remember, what the enemy desires is worship (Isa 14:14). Like I’ve said many times, this world is all he has, and he wants our focus securely fixed on this temporal world.

Knowing what His followers would face, Jesus instructed them to have a Spiritual focus; to ever be Spiritually Aware, Mature, Faithful, Ready. He told them—and that includes us today—to:

  • Flee Spiritual Blindness; represented by “Judaea,” telling us to run to God/ Spiritual Truth; “flee to the mountains” (v16).
  • Pray and remain Observant; “Let no one on the housetop come down to retrieve anything from his house.” (v17)
  • Remain about Kingdom work and not be Hindered by Earthly Concerns; “And let no one in the field return for his cloak.” (v18 also 2 Cor 5:7)
  • Not to be Immature Babes; But woe to those who are pregnant and to those who are nursing babies in those days” but to be Spiritually Mature (v19)
  • Not to be Stagnant, Unprepared or Unfruitful; “And pray that your flight may not be in winter or on the Sabbath” (vs20) – winter being a time of bareness and spiritual scarcity produced by religious observance.
  • Keep Watch; “Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.” (v42)

Jesus goes on to give multiple examples of how important it is to be ready at all times; the 10 Virgins (Matt 25:10-13), the servants and the talents (Matt 25:14-30).

Dear Christian; Our King IS THE TRUTH. His kingdom is not of this world (Jn 18:36). He only requires us to turn away from finding our meaning and hope in this carnal world and believe in Him (Acts 16:31).

He alone is LIFE (Jn 1:4). In Him we are spiritually born to become a New Creation (Jn 14:6, 2 Cor 5:17), His indwelling Holy Spirit giving us new Spiritual Desires, direction and the ability to walk in faith (Jn 16:13, 1 Cor 2:13, 2 Pet 1:3).

It’s so simple a child can understand it.

“Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face, and the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of his glory and grace.”

We most certainly do not need another “revival.” We need to come out from all the trappings and deceptions of the world and believe in the Son of God.

Then I heard another voice from heaven saying, “Come out of her, my people, lest you take part in her sins, lest you share in her plagues; (Rev 18:4)

We need to come away from focusing on behavior and trying to stay “’fessed up.”

We need to come away from trying to follow the law, from searching for emotional experiences, from trusting in men rather than His Holy Spirit within us.

Jesus said to them, `Come away with me. Let us go alone to a quiet place and rest for a while.’ (Mk 6:31)

Come away with Him. He gave His life as a ransom for all who put their trust in Him. That means YOU! He alone lived perfectly under the law, fulfilling it in your stead. He did it all, paid it all. REST in Him (Matt 11:28). Cast your cares upon Him, for He cares for you. (1 Pet 5:7).

He never promised us a life without pain or hardship. But He assured us of a coming hope and promised to be with us through it all.

I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world. (Jn 16:33)

I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you. (Jn 14:18)

I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen. (Matt 28:20b)

I pray He bless and keep you strong in Him in the difficult days ahead.


In loving memory of Petra Fels 

Revivals Pt1 – Asbury: Let’s Talk About Revivals

Revivals Pt2 – Enlightenment in the Land of the Plumed Serpent

Revivals Pt3 – Mystery Schools, The RCC and the Reformation

Revivals Pt4 – The First Great Awakening & The Enigmatic George Whitefield

Revivals Pt5 – The Brimstone and Mysticism of Jonathan Edwards

Revivals Pt 6 – John Wesley (1 of 2) – The Mystery School Dialectic and Christian Mysticism

Revivals Pt 7 – John Wesley (2 of 2) More Mystics & Papal Doctrines of Men

Revivals Pt8 – From Wesley to Finney By Way of Count Zinzendorf

Revivals Pt9 – Charles Grandison Finney, Freemasonic Moralism and Modern Evangelicalism

Revivals Pt10 – The Pagan “Virus

Revivals Pt11 – The Third Great Awakening: Pentecostalism!

Revivals Pt12 – Pentecostalism Pt2: The Founders of Pentecostalism

Revivals Pt 13 – Social Justice Pt 1 – They Don’t Mix

Revivals Pt 14 – Social Justice Pt 2 – A City Upon A Hill

Revivals Pt 15 – Christ in You vs Millennialism

Revivals Pt 16 – The Counterfeit Enlightenment Pt 1

Revivals Pt 17 – The Counterfeit “Enlightenment” Pt2: The Dark Ages and Golden Age of Islam

Revivals Pt 18 – The Counterfeit “Enlightenment” Pt 3: Islam In the Bible?

Revivals Pt 19 – The Counterfeit “Enlightenment” Pt 4: Secret Societies: The Earthly Power of Heathendom

Revivals Pt 20 – The Counterfeit “Enlightenment” Pt5: Placing Man Upon An Esoteric Sphere

Revivals Pt21 – The Counterfeit “Enlightenment” Pt6: The Image of the Beast

Revivals Pt22 – Crowning the Lord of the Earth: The Cosmati Pavement

Revivals Pt23 – The Great American Mythos Pt1: Christian Identity, Democracy, Secret Society Wisdom, The Philosophic Empire

Revivals Pt24 – The Great American Mythos Pt2: A Whole New Mystically Enlightened World

Revivals Pt25 – Creating the American Mythos – Christopher Columbus: The Great American Hero Pt1

Revivals Pt 26 – Christopher Columbus Pt 2 – The Namesake Goddess of a “Christian” Nation

Revivals Pt27 – The Witchcraft of Numbers

Revivals Conclusion Pt1 – Illusions & Multiple reality Disorder | Will the New Covenant Please Stand Up?

Revivals Conclusion Pt2 – What Is The Gospel?

Revivals Conclusion Pt3 – Subversion – From Revivalists to Modern Times



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