HHA | 10/25/2014
So I leave my computer for a few hours, come back to ATS and see another shooting on school grounds: www.abovetopsecret.com…
I check my email and find this from a friend.
School Shooting or SWAT Training? By Lori Price,
www.legitgov.org 24 Oct 2014 CNN host Brooke Baldwin, covering breaking news of the school shooting in Marysville, Washington, announces that she has a live update regarding the events. Baldwin said she’s been just handed a paper with new information, which she will read on the air.
She asks for viewers to “bear with her,” as she reads it “cold.” She reads: “Marysville Police Department will be holding a SWAT training –” Baldwin then interrupts herself. “Oh. This is from yesterday.” Later, she adds: “Initially, students thought this was a fire drill.” Via Google search, the vestiges of an archived message from the 23 October can be seen:
Marysville School District www.msvl.k12.wa.us/ October 23, 2014: Local law enforcement under the direction of the Marysville Police Department will be holding a SWAT training in the large fenced parking… That bulletin has been stripped from the Marysville School District website, but here is the screen shoot from Google, showing yesterday’s announcement of SWAT training for Marysville Police.

When Googling the SWAT drill in Marysville, the official school district website is the first result. But when you click on this link, www.msvl.k12.wa.us… it’s changed:
October 24, 2014: The Marysville Pilchuck High School is currently in lock down due to an emergency situation. Police and emergency services have responded. The Marysville School District lock down procedures will remain in effect at Pilchuck until further notice from law enforcement. We will continue to forward communication in cooperation with law enforcement.
Students who attend MPHS campus are being relocated to the Shoultes Community Church at the corner of 116th and 51st Street. Buses will take students home from there. Those parents in the area wanting to pick up their child will need to go to the church location and sign out their child out with school administrator or law enforcement. All after-school activities across the district are canceled today.
Just in time for a new round of gun control debates?
UPDATE 1: There are controversial gun control measures on the ballot in Washington state to be voted on in less than 2 weeks – seattle.cbslocal.com…
And just an hour away another Active Shooter Drill:
UPDATE 2: A high school just north of Marysville held an “active shooter” exercise involving multiple agencies yesterday as well –
FERNDALE — Expect lots of police at Ferndale High School on Thursday morning, Oct. 23, as law enforcement and school district staff practice how they would handle a shooter on campus.
The drill from 8 to 11 a.m. is being coordinated between the Ferndale School District and the Ferndale Police Department. It will prepare school district personnel and law enforcement to respond to an armed gunman in a school or work environment and ensure all agencies, including federal border agencies and the Whatcom County Sheriff’s Office, coordinate response and communication effectively. Read more here:www.bellinghamherald.com…=cpy
I’m lost here. We have seen a lot of coincidental training exercises. (I won’t mention 9/11 drills or 7/7 drills)
So is this how we know to look for something coming? Wherever SWAT is training, duck your head and get your ass out of there?
Or is it all just a coincidence?
Marysville shooting occurs less than 2 weeks before Washington voters decide on new gun control measures
Doesn’t there always seem to be funny business with these alleged school shootings? The latest is the Marysville, Washington active shooter event taking place today.
This post isn’t to discuss the details of the ongoing event, but rather to point out that it appears the Marysville Police were scheduled to run a SWAT training exercise yesterday or perhaps today too. We can’t know for sure because they scraped all references to it from the Internet.
Major props to Lori Price of LegitGov for catching this:
CNN host Brooke Baldwin, covering breaking news of the school shooting in Marysville, Washington, announces that she has a live update regarding the school shooting. Baldwin said she’s been just handed a paper with new information, which she will read on the air. She asks for viewers to, quoting, “bear with her,” as she reads it “cold.” She reads: “Marysville Police will be holding SWAT training today –” Baldwin then interrupts herself, and states, “Oh. This is from yesterday.” Later, the host announces, “initially, students thought this was a fire drill.”
When Googling the SWAT drill in Marysville, the official school district website is the first result:
However, when you click on this link, the announcement has been disappeared and replaced by the following:
October 24, 2014: The Marysville Pilchuck High School is currently in lock down due to an emergency situation. Police and emergency services have responded. The Marysville School District lock down procedures will remain in effect at Pilchuck until further notice from law enforcement. We will continue to forward communication in cooperation with law enforcement.
Students who attend MPHS campus are being relocated to the Shoultes Community Church at the corner of 116th and 51st Street. Buses will take students home from there. Those parents in the area wanting to pick up their child will need to go to the church location and sign out their child out with school administrator or law enforcement.
All after-school activities across the district are canceled today.
We may be dealing with yet another vicious false flag by the authorities to justify gun control and an increased police state. Please add any evidence you can find to the comment section below.
UPDATE 1: There are controversial gun control measures on the ballot in Washington state to be voted on in less than 2 weeks – http://seattle.cbslocal.com/2014/10/10/rival-gun-measures-on-ballot-in-washington/
UPDATE 2: A high school around 65 miles north of Marysville held an “active shooter” exercise involving multiple agencies yesterday as well – http://www.bellinghamherald.com/2014/10/22/3928022/police-drill-to-be-held-thursday.html