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5/29/2015 — 5.1M earthquake strikes North California near Mount Shasta Volcano — DIRECTLY at Trinity Lake Dam | Dutchsinse


The Northern California earthquake directly followed an even larger 6.8M which struck just minutes before off the coast of Alaska.

The Alaska earthquake was just a few hours after a large unexpected volcanic blast from a volcano in South Japan.  The Japan blast, the Alaska earthquake, and this California earthquake all occurred within less than 12 hours time.

california 5.1m earthquake may 29 2015


A review of the surrounding area shows the earthquake in California is very close to Mount Shasta, and also the Lassen Volcanic center (seen with multiple dark lava flows to the East).

This activity is a sign of the greater unrest happening in the Pacific due to the “global seismic unrest event” currently taking place across the planet.

lassen volcanic complex may 29 2015


You might be asking .. “what global seismic unrest event” am I talking about?

The one you’re not hearing about from the main stream media, which is totally obvious to even the casual observer (if you’re paying attention).

Check my youtube videos, and website posts to catch up on recent seismic events.



Source: 5/29/2015 — 5.1M earthquake strikes North California near Mount Shasta Volcano — DIRECTLY at Trinity Lake Dam | Dutchsinse


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