
Arizona Bill Would Allow Infanticide, Repeal Medical Care for Babies Born Alive After Abortions

“This shocked a lot of us ~ didn’t see it coming. California license plates galore here.  🙁  Just wish they’d keep going to Venezuela as everywhere they go they create what they left.  Will let you know how Wed turns out. ” – Judy

On Wednesday at 9:30am the State Representatives will be hearing a bill, HB2696, the”fetal resuscitation” bill to make infanticide legal in Arizona. It would deny medical assistance to a living baby from a botched abortion, leaving the breathing human child to die a painful and lonely death.

Planned Parenthood is expected to have a MASSIVE PRESENCE at the State house in support of this bill.

Miranda of writes,

“We need PRO LIFE WARRIORS. I call upon every conservative to REPRESENT IN PERSON.

We need signs against infanticide, right to life, anti abortion etc…and PEOPLE ON THE GROUND. Media is expected to be there and we do not want thousands of PP and 10 conservatives.



1700 West Washington Street 85007


WEDNESDAY…BE THERE AT 8:30am…hearing at 9:30am

You are asked to call 480-296-8695 if you can make it or have any additional questions.”

For those of you who are not near enough to make it to the event, please PRAY!

New legislation in the state of Arizona would allow infanticide, following the new law in New York state for abortions up to birth. Like that New York state law, the Arizona bill would repeal medical care for babies born alive after abortions. That’s a law that’s been on the books for 44 years.

Life News

Last week, 17 members of the Arizona House introduced HB 2696. The bill is scheduled for a hearing Wednesday morning.

The pro-life pregnancy center Living Hope Centers in urging pro-life Arizona residents to contact legislators to urge opposition to the measure.

“The time to stop the latest move by pro-abortion advocates is today,” Living Hope told LifeNews. “HB 2696 would repeal lifesaving measures for babies born alive during an abortion attempt, a law that has been on the books for 44 years.”

“Pro-life lawmakers learned two years ago of real life situations where babies born alive during attempted abortions were left to suffer and die. Legislators took action to strengthen the 1975 law, requiring updated reporting and equipment standards,” it added. “Now, some Arizona lawmakers want to do away with the entire law dating back 44 years. This would free abortion providers from their obligation to use all available means and medical skill to save the life of a baby born alive during an abortion attempt. Please stand with us in protecting babies who survive abortions.”

Click here to contact your two state representatives today. Ask them to oppose the HB 2696 in order to protect women and their babies.

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo signed into law a bill that legalizes abortions up to birth. While that has been the main focus of the legislation, the new law also revokes medical care for babies who are born alive after botched abortions.

The law Gov. Cuomo signed repealed section 4164 of NY’s Public Health Law, which mandated medical care for any baby born alive during an abortion.

“When an abortion is to be performed after the twentieth week of pregnancy, a physician other than the physician performing the abortion shall be in attendance to take control of and to provide immediate medical care for any live birth that is the result of the abortion,” the law reads.

Does this mean that babies will just be left to die in new York at abortion clinics if they somehow survive the abortion procedure? As Tony Perkins, president of Family Research Council, tells LifeNews, the answer is yes.

SIGN THE PETITION: Stop Infanticide! Stop Abortions Up to Birth!

“This law guarantees it, sweeping away a large chunk of the penal codes that protected abortion survivors. Thanks to this Act, Kermit Gosnell, and his bloodstained, cat-infested, third-world excuse for a clinic, would be untouchable,” he said. “The Resurgent’s Stacey Lennox puts that into its gruesome context. “For those of you who saw the movie [Gosnell], Baby B would not be considered a victim.”

“Person,” as far as this law is concerned, means a human being who has been born and is alive. Not a second before, and maybe — without infant protections — not few seconds after either,” he continued.

A shocking 19 states do not require any protection for babies born alive after botched abortions, a report by Americans United for Life revealed.


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