
Revivals Pt 19: The Counterfeit “Enlightenment” Pt4: Secret Societies: The Earthly Power of Heathendom

Without a correct interpretation of the book of Revelation, we’ve been kept unaware of the Secret Societies now exposed behind the scenes of politics, economics and religion. If we’d been aware, they would never have been able to infiltrate the church. But infiltrate they have, and twisting the meaning of … Read More

Revivals Pt 18: The Counterfeit “Enlightenment” Pt3: Islam in the Bible(?)

We’ve been looking at the history of the “enlightenment thought” that the Revivalists were all so determined to seed into Protestantism. Knowing these thoughts originated in the antiquities of Aristotle, Plato and the like, I wondered how this occult worldview had suddenly re-emerged – right alongside the Reformation. Many of … Read More

Revivals Pt 17: The Counterfeit “Enlightenment” Pt2: The Dark Ages & The Golden Age of Islam

Continued from part 16… The Moors and the Enlightenment The Islamic Golden Age refers to the years during which the “Classical Knowledge” of Antiquity (Mystery School knowledge) flourished in the Muslim world. The Islamic Golden Age predates Europe’s Enlightenment by several centuries. Wikipedia’s article on the Islamic Golden Age explains … Read More

Revivals Pt 10: The Pagan “Virus”

With all the talk of a “New Variant,” I can’t help but see the spiritual principles behind this “Coronation” of evil taking over the world. I’ve been reading a book I found online by Scottish historian of religion and Presbyterian minister James Aitken Wylie (1808 – 1890) called The History … Read More

Revivals Pt 21: Counterfeit Enlightenment Pt6: The Image of the Beast

June 25, 2024 May 6th 2023 marked the coronation of King Charles III on Westminster Abbey’s famous Cosmati pavement. The magnificent mosaic, comprised of the spheres, cubes and serpentine patterns of Pagan Astrology, has served as the coronation floor of England’s Royalty since its completion in 1268.  Its central sphere … Read More

Revivals Pt 8 | From Wesley to Finney by way of Count Zinzendorf

While I was looking for a segue between John Wesley and Charles Finney, I discovered that I’d neglected to look deeply enough into Wesley’s “Holy Club” and his significant association with the Moravians and Nikolaus Ludwig, Count von Zinzendorf. This article will examine Zinzendorf’s secret society membership, his heretical doctrines, … Read More

Revivals Pt 6 | John Wesley (1 of 2) – The Mystery School Dialectic & Christian Mysticism

“Statements such as ‘I follow Christ, not creeds’ smack of Christian mysticism. Anyone who downplays the role of theology in the church or who speaks of going ‘beyond doctrine’ is following the path of the mystic. Such a person will usually gravitate toward practices such as contemplative prayer or walking … Read More

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