
Mad Science – Genetically Farmed ‘Micro Humans’ Could Be Farmed For Drug Testing By 2017

HHA | 10/2/2014

Eliminating disease with vaccines is the first step in controlling the fate of human biology. Many of us have already accepted we will ultimately be “chipped” as a matter of economic and medical convenience under State managed health care. 

Chemtrails The Exotic Weapon

If you’re confused about what the New World Order is planning for you and your family, let this news from the corporatist wing of the medical industrial complex clear your thinking.

Eliminating disease with vaccines is the first step in controlling the fate of human biology. Many of us have already accepted we will ultimately be “chipped” as a matter of economic and medical convenience under State managed health care.

The following Global Research article on GMO human drug testing is a bold corporatist move to have the population accept direct engineering of the human genome as a “product”.  History reminds us that direct human engineering clearly qualifies as the NAZI goal to, “eliminate the unfit”.

Obama google glass obeyFor now, Google Glass is a highly promoted, wearable technology with an optical head-mounted display.  The stated goal of this first generation device is to mass-market aubiquitous computer.  Future versions will logically offer an “implantable” computer requiring installation by medically qualified personnel.  Later versions may offer a simple ingestible “capsule” filled with all the right nano-bots to re-arrange your thinking to FIT a determined “norm”.   We can easily imagine the gradual sophistication and miniaturization of these technologies will eventually achieve what Hitler’s medical experiments did not have time to complete.

If the NWO corporatists plan to eliminate the unfit through genetic engineering their “product” is likely to hatch humans who are docile, less intelligent, obey orders and reproduce in numbers determined to be “sustainable”.

The NWO corporatist view of “sustainability” may be far more reaching than that of the progressive left or the “Sierra Club”.   The propaganda that instilled the nebulous concept of “sustainability” years ago will likely be coming back as government “policy” requiring medical intervention to genetically engineer behavior, life-span, rates and gender of pro-creation and more.  A population who’s thinking is medically adjusted to make them “FIT” could never find the need to form an organization like the Sierra Club where the goal is to protect the environment from corporate pollution.

Mad Science – Genetically Farmed ‘Micro Humans’ Could Be Farmed For Drug Testing By 2017

Global Research

Developers of artificial micro-humans, or ‘mini GM humans,’ are hoping to release their technology on the market by 2017. No this isn’t a sci-fi joke. Scientists are developing artificial humans in the same vein as GM plants with the hope that these creations will replace the need for using animals in laboratory testing.

Artificial humans will be ‘farmed’ with interacting organs that can be used in drug tests, speeding up the process of FDA and other government regulatory approvals, and supposedly without damaging rats or other animals currently used in laboratories. The GM humans will contain smartphone-sized microchips that will be programmed to replicate up to 10 major human organs.

Each GM human will be tiny – roughly the size of a microchip itself, simulating the response of humans to substances inhaled, absorbed in the blood, or exposed to in the intestinal tract.

Early versions comprising an artificial kidney, heart, lung or gut are already being used by the cosmetic industry and to observe the use of chemical drugs on non-GMO humans.

The Times of India reported that researchers said this could replace up to 90 million animals each year in labs. Uwe Marx, a tissue engineer from Technische Universitat Berlin and founder of TissUse, a firm developing the technology said:

“If our system is approved by the regulators, then it will close down most of the animal-testing laboratories worldwide.”

Currently, this type of technology is already used on artificial organs like hearts and livers, but the results must be verified on a ‘live’ being – animals in a lab, for instance, to prove that substances are safe when interacting with a living being with real organs.

The problem with current testing, and obviously this proposed ‘solution,’ is that artificial organs, like animals, won’t respond the same way as a human body. We have already observed unforeseen side effects during human trials after animal trials that are far from ‘safe’ – GM crops are a perfect example of this phenomenon.

Organs cannot be divided into ‘fake’ computerized components. They interact with one another, the endocrine system, the brain, the nervous system, environmental cues, emotions, and according to advanced research, even our energetic bodies.

This reminds me of how genetically modified humans are planned to be the next venture for biotechnology companies working with the United States military, with the admitted goal of producing a ‘super soldier’ that does not require food or sleep to perform Olympic-style physical feats. The genetically modified humans, or ‘super soldiers’, will even be able to regrow limbs that were destroyed by enemy fire and live off of their fat stores for extreme lengths of time.

While the new GM human farms seem great on paper, since eliminating animal testing is indeed noble, they do not address possible far-reaching, negative ramifications for trying to re-create the complexities of Mother Nature’s form. It seems the pharmaceutical industry and biotech don’t learn from their mistakes at all.

geneticallymodifiedhumans 235x147 US Army: Super Soldier Genetically Modified Humans Wont Need Food, Sleep
US Army: ‘Super Soldier’ Genetically Modified Humans Won’t Need Food, Sleep

Natural Society

The next frontier of genetic modification is not centered around a certain fruit or vegetable, but humans. More specifically, military personnel. Genetically modified humans is the next venture for biotechnology companies working with the United States military, with the admitted goal of producing a ‘super soldier’ that does not require food or sleep to perform Olympic-style physical feats.

The genetically modified humans, or ‘super soldiers’, will even be able to regrow limbs that were destroyed by enemy fire and live off of their fat stores for extreme lengths of time.

Backed by $2 billion a year in funding, the Pentagon’s Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) recently unleashed the news after years of secret experimentation and study. The organization did not say whether or not genetically modified humans currently exist to such an extent, however it is known based on previous reports that human chimeras have already been created outside of the public spotlight. Such scientific experiments have drawn fire from scientists and activists alike, who are demanding for laws to forbid the creation of ‘monsters’.

As of right now, DARPA has a functioning exoskeleton that enables soldiers to run far faster and handle heavy weights. This is but a step in the direct of full modification of the genetic coding of soldiers.

DARPA, of course, has earned the nickname of the ‘mad scientist’ wing for its rampant experiments in modifying life and fusing biology and technology. In working with killer drones, DARPA earlier this year was developing research into contact lens-mounted displays that could transport information from drones into the eyeballs of soldiers. Furthermore, the agency is also developing helmets inwhich the soldiers could communicate ‘telepathically’ with the kill drones.

The announcement ties in with the 2045 project, which I’ve covered in the past. The project offers ‘immortality’ to the wealthy elite who financially back it, and touts artificial bodies and brains for humans to achieve ‘immortality’. This entire system, of course, ties into a larger ‘singularity’ project as outlined by the creator of the 2045 plan and others like Ray Kurzweil. In a nut shell, ‘consciousness singularity’ can be defined by a merging of all ‘transhuman’ bodies into one ‘hive mind’ of sorts. Likely a massive super computer of some sorts that has full control over the minds of those ‘hooked in’.

It truly sounds insane, yet it is plainly stated out in the open. A number of issues arise from this singularity plan (not to even mention the fact that ‘soldiers’ are slowly becoming more of DARPA creations than human), such as the serious threat to humanity’s very integrity. We’ve seen the many issues regarding traditional GMOs on public health and the environment, now what about human modification?

Artificial micro-humans to replace animals in lab tests

Times Of India

LONDON: Scientists are creating artificial micro-humans that will eliminate the need for using animals in laboratory testing.

The artificial human machines, each the size of a microchip, will simulate the response of humans to substances inhaled, absorbed in the gut or circulated through the bloodstream.

Early versions comprising an artificial lung, liver, kidney, heart and gut are already being used to test cosmetics, chemicals and drugs, researchers said.

“Farms” made up of hundreds of artificial human machines could begin replacing animal laboratories within three years, doing away with the need for experiments that claim the lives of up to 90m animals each year, ‘The Times’ reported.

“If our system is approved by the regulators, then it will close down most of the animal-testing laboratories worldwide,” said Uwe Marx, a tissue engineer from Technische Universitat Berlin and founder of TissUse, a firm developing the technology.

Scientists are already using individual artificial organs such as hearts and livers to test products, but these cannot be used on their own and a second set of tests have to be conducted later on animals to prove that the substances are safe when put into a living body where organs interact.

However, substances often behave differently in animals and almost half of drugs that pass the animal tests later cause unforeseen side effects during human trials.

The new farms will eliminate such unsafe human drug trials, speed up the development of life-saving treatments and could one day be used to tailor medicine to individual patients, researchers said.


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