Revivals Part 4: The First Great Awakening & The Controversial George Whitefield

Noachide Laws | Nikki Haley & the Queen of Sheba

This Dec 19, 2018 Breaking News Israel article, “Sanhedrin Invites Nikki Haley to be Honorary President of Organization of 70 Nations” sheds light on the agenda behind the migrant invasions and Donald Trump’s “fight” against “globalism”: The “Organization of 70 Nations” under the rule of the Seven Noachide Laws.

In the article, Rabbi Weiss is quoted as saying,

“In the Organization of 70 Nations based on Mount Zion, every nation shall retain its language, culture, and traditions. Each nation shall retain its sovereignty in its place without any threat from ROAMING BANDS OF REFUGEES.”

“Each nation shall be solely responsible for maintaining a fitting and proper justice system as per the SEVEN NOACHIDE LAWS incumbent upon all of mankind.”

Weiss explained the necessity for the declaration.

“The world faces global threats in the ecology, from war, and from terrorism [like when we destroyed the twin towers],” he explained. “The Bible includes a framework for the nations to join together with universal values and a belief in the one creator as described in the Bible. The United Nations was begun with this framework in mind but have moved away from these values and has become a political tool advocating principals that go against the basis of humanity and will surely lead to the destruction of all humanity.”

“Globalization is a lie that goes against the Biblical concept of a sovereign nation [of course NOBODY WANTS GLOBALISM!]. Each nation has its own borders, its own resources, its own language and culture [sounds like a breath of fresh air!]. This is true of Israel as it is for every nation. Israel has the right to establish its capital, undivided. Israel and every other country has the right, even the obligation, TO PROTECT ITS PEOPLE FROM INVASION, WHETHER IT COMES IN THE GUISE OF MASSIVE IMMIGRATION OR OPEN THREAT. [now we have EMPATHY for the fraudulent state, we’re ALL being invaded! We’re in this TOGETHER guys!] Entire continents, specifically Africa and South America, have been deprived of the benefits of their resources. The United Nations has never addressed any of these issues.” ~ BNI – (ALL CAP added for emphasis)

The rabbis would have us believe the Noahide (Noachide) Laws come from the first five books of the bible; the Torah, or Pentateuch. The word Pentateuch comes from two Greek words that mean “five books” or “five scrolls”. These include Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. According to Jewish tradition, the books were written by the Israelite leader, Moses. The Pentateuch is often called the Five Books of Moses or the Torah. But The seven Noahide Laws are NOT explicitly listed in the Bible. They are DERIVED ACCORDING TO THE TALMUD’s INTERPRETATION OF GENESIS 2:16, and GENESIS 9:4-6. The Talmud is a voluminous Jewish literary collection of the RABBI’S TEACHINGS, LAWS, and INTERPRETATIONS of the Torah. (You can read more about the Noahide laws here.)

Here’s how the website Tzfat Kabbalah describes these Laws:

“The Jewish tradition teaches that the Torah given at Mount Sinai has messages for all humanity, whether Jewish or not. The Torah (AS EXPLAINED IN THE TALMUD – SANHEDRIN 58b) presents seven principles of faith, for all humanity. These principles are the pillars of human civilization, and are named the “Seven Noahide laws” since all humans are descended from Noah. They are:

1. Do not worship idols (belief in the oneness of the creator)
2. Do not curse the creator (proper use of the power of speech)
3. Do not murder (the sanctity of life)
5. Do not steal (the respect others’ property)
4. Do not be sexually immoral (strengthening family life)
6. Do not eat a limb removed from a live animal (respect all created beings)
7. Set up courts of justice (promote moral values)

Maimonides, the great KABBALIST and master of Jewish law from the 12th century, explains the spiritual background of the observation of this principles and how they were given at Mount Sinai to all human beings.

Today, there are many active groups of people all over the world, who faithfully observe the Seven Laws of Noah and are inspired by the KABBALIST ideas that are reflected in them.

The 7 SEPHIROT and the 7 laws

KABBALAH teaches that the seven Noahide laws correspond to the SEVEN EMOTIVE POWERS OF THE SOUL – THE SEVEN SEPHIROT.

Chesed: (“loving kindness”) prohibition against adultery.
Gevurah:(“severity”, might) prohibition against murder.
Tiferet: (“beauty”) prohibition against theft.
Netzach: (“victory,” “eternity” )prohibition against idol worship.
Hod: (“splendor”) prohibition against blasphemy.
Yesod: (“foundation”) prohibition against eating flesh torn from a live animal or drinking its blood.
Malchut: (“kingship”) establishing a legal system.

That adultery is a perversion of love and murder is a perversion of might is obvious. Theft is a perversion of beauty, since beauty is the trait that enables one to relate to another with concern and consideration.

Faith in the oneness of the creator represents man’s victory over evil whose power is its ability to misdirect one’s faith. The perversion of faith is idol worship. Blasphemy is a perversion of the soul’s acknowledgment and expression of thanks to the creator.

While the first five and the last one of the Noahide laws were given to Adam at the outset of creation, the sixth was first given to Noah after the Flood. The Torah refers to Noah as the “righteous one”, the “foundation” (yesod) of his generation. The first 10 generations of mankind had been instructed by G-d to be vegetarian. After the Flood, G-d permitted Noah and his descendants to eat animal flesh in general, but forbade them to eat limbs amputated from a living animal, or to drink blood from a living animal.

The seventh Noahide law is a positive one. It is the commandment to establish a legal system in order to instruct and judge righteously and in this way to regulate and rectify society…. ” (More on this later)

Now, the important thing to understand about the Noahide Laws is that the TALMUD calls for CAPITAL PUNISHMENT for Gentiles who worship JESUS CHRIST, as He is considered an “idol” according to the Talmud. Christians would be guilty of violating the first law and deserving of the death penalty.

“Under the Talmud’s counterfeit Noahide Laws, the worship of Jesus is forbidden under penalty of death, since such worship of Christ is condemned by Judaism as idolatry. Meanwhile various forms of incest are permitted under the Talmudic understanding of the Noahide code. (Enziklopediya Talmudit, note 1, pp. 351-352).” The Watcher Files

But instead, the BNI article focuses on a Noahide prohibition that ensures Zionist-Christianity’s assent:

“The Sanhedrin also cited a recent move by the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) to declare abortions and assisted suicides as universal human rights. The body declared these actions to be in direct violation of the Noahide prohibition against spilling blood.”

Pepper the story with some rioting in Paris and fighting over building a wall in the US, and voile’! We’re primed for their “SOLUTION!”

Of course all this is just happening in the PHYSICAL. In the SPIRITUAL what they want to do is place the entire world back under the fallen “princes” (Eph 6:12), to WORSHIP THEM under the Talmud’s Noahide Laws, under which the WORSHIP OF JESUS IS FORBIDDEN under penalty of death because it is condemned in Judaism as idolatry. The seven Noahide Laws are NOT explicitly listed in the Bible, but are derived from the Talmud‘s interpretation of Genesis 2:16, and Genesis 9:4-6.

The idea of “70 Nations” is symbolic. There are actually 195 nations in the world, but Jewish tradition maintains that there were 70 nations and languages at the time of the dispersing of the nations at Babel, based on the “70 sons of Noah.” I think this number refers to 70 SPIRITUAL PRINCIPALITIES governing the world.

OK, but who is Nikki Haley and how does she fit into all this?

Trump’s former Ambassador to the UN and staunch defender of political Israel, Nikki Haley, was born Nimrata Randhawa meaning “humility/war attack” in South Carolina to immigrants from Punjab India, the center of the Sikh religion. She comes from a distinguish clan of warriors.

“She comes from an Indian Sikh family from the warrior clan Randhawa. Her given name means “humility” and was called Nikki as a nickname which means “the little one.” In English it means victory over the people.” – Craig Patin

Raised in a religious Sikh home, Haley converted to Christianity in 1997 at the age of 24 after marrying her Methodist husband in both Sikh and Christian ceremonies.

Haley identifies herself today as a Christian but attends both Sikh and Methodist services. In an interview with the New York Times in 2012, Haley said she and her husband “chose Christianity because of the way we wanted to live our life and raise our children.”

Rabbi Yakov Nagen, a yeshiva teacher in the South Hebron Hills active in “Yisrael VeHaamim” (Israel and the Nations) interfaith movements and organizations, believes that Haley’s Sikh identity has had a significant influence on her Israel advocacy, giving her an affinity for a religion that the rabbi claims is similar to Sikhism, which Nagen first became familiar with when he visited the Sikh Golden Temple in Amritsar. He called the Sikh faith the “closest to the vision that Judaism has for a monotheistic world religion for humanity as spelled out by the Talmud”.

“Like Biblical Abraham, Sikhism rejects the idol worship that is prevalent in Hindu Indian society,” Rabbi Nagen told Breaking Israel News. “Like Judaism, Sikhism is strongly monotheistic, believing in an unperceivable infinite God.

“This parallel with Judaism is embodied in the Golden Temple,” Rabbi Nagen explained. “The Golden Temple is comparable to the Beit Hamikdash (the Jewish Temple) insofar as it gives insight to the meaning of a concrete physical temple for an infinite God.”

The rabbi pointed out that Sikhism rejects claims that no particular religious tradition has a monopoly on absolute truth.

“As such, the Golden Temple, like the Jewish Temple, is a House of Prayer for All Nations,” the rabbi said. “Devoid of pictures and statues, the heart of the Golden Temple is a book, the original copy of the central book of the Sikh religion, as is in the Beit HaMikdash [The Temple] whose heart is the Torah* and Tablets* given to Moshe (Moses) by God and contained in the Ark in the inner sanctuary.” [*not true – see free downloadable book “Judaism’s Strange gods“]

Despite the similarities, Rabbi Nagen believes it is Haley’s Sikh identity as an outsider that has led her to take a stand in the UN.

“Christians and Muslims have complicated relationships with Jews, involving a lot of history and baggage,” Rabbi Nagen told Breaking Israel News. “They are children religions, offshoots of Judaism. Eastern religions like Sikhism have no common roots with Abrahamic religions and are able to have a healthier perspective.

“There is something not natural in this obsession with Israel by Christianity and Islam. As a Sikh, Nikki Haley has a much more objective perception of Israel than a Christian or Muslim. She sees the Muslim and Christian attitudes as an unreasonable and baseless prejudice, something that the involved parties are too close to see.”…/nikki-haleys-sikh…/

A commemorative coin was recently minted in her honor by the Sanhedrin:

Israel loves her.

YouTube video

Others, not so much.

YouTube video

Haley being set as head the “Organization of 70 Nations, brings to mind the Greater Israel Project, which seeks to expand the borders and influence of Israel throughout the middle east to mind. In his article “Greater Israel the Zionist Plan for the Middle East” Michel Chossudovsky writes,

“The “Greater Israel” project consists in weakening and eventually fracturing neighboring Arab states as part of a US-Israeli expansionist project, with the support of NATO and Saudi Arabia. In this regard, the Saudi-Israeli rapprochement is from Netanyahu’s viewpoint a means to expanding Israel’s spheres of influence in the Middle East as well as confronting Iran. Needless to day, the “Greater Israel” project is consistent with America’s imperial design. “

When viewed in the current context, including the siege on Gaza, the Zionist Plan for the Middle East bears an intimate relationship to the 2003 invasion of  Iraq, the 2006 war on Lebanon, the 2011 war on Libya, the ongoing wars on Syria, Iraq and Yemen, not to mention the political crisis in Saudi Arabia.

“Greater Israel” consists in an area extending from the Nile Valley to the Euphrates.

Greater Israel would create a number of proxy States. It would include parts of Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, the Sinai, as well as parts of  Iraq and Saudi Arabia. (See map). read more…

In light of the stated goals of the Sanhedrin, I think that’s only the beginning.

And here’s an interesting parallel: The story of Solomon and the Queen of Sheba. Some scholars believe that the Queen of Sheba was INDIAN. Granted, that would have been a long journey for her to visit Solomon in Jerusalem, but details from the story of Solomon’s partnership with Hiram in 1 Kings 9-10 seem to make this was entirely possible.

“And king Solomon gave unto the queen of Sheba all her desire, whatsoever she asked, beside that which Solomon gave her of his royal bounty. So she turned and went to her own country, she and her servants.”

Now the weight of gold that came to Solomon in one year was six hundred threescore and six talents of gold” 1 Kings 10:13

Hiram was half Phoenician and had a Hebrew mother. The Phoenicians were builders and shipping experts. King Hiram of Tyre is celebrated by FREEMASONS for bringing the secret craft to the Hebrews. Now, think about this:

Solomon | Hiram – Phoenician King of Tyre | the Queen of Sheba – BUILDING A TEMPLE – 1 Kings 9-10

Netenyahu  | Trump (Freemason)| Haley (Indian) – As Counterfeit Israel prepares to BUILD A THIRD TEMPLE


Trump’s action of pulling the US out of the UN for not standing with Israel, earned him comparison with with King Cyrus, (who, according to the biblical story, released the Hebrews from Babylon,) and the minting of a coin in his honor in 2018.
Freemasonic Hidden Hand anyone?

Author, researcher Craig Patin’s insights,

“…I still believe the 70 nations is represented here as the 70 principalities that have dominion over each literal nation. Honduras, Guatemala and Mexico I believe are the only 3 nations who have signed on to this 70 nation Jewish Edomite Sanhedrin scheme. So I think it’s safe to say we are dealing with something spiritual here. Now please remember that Kabbalah was given to those Jews in Babylon while in slavery under Nebuchadnezzar. This is according to Kabbalistic Jews who claim all of this came from angels, which we know to be the fallen one’s. Their tree of life (Sephirot) is nothing more than the likes of the tree of knowledge of good and evil which brings nothing but spiritual death.

Read this carefully but pay close attention to this sentence (below). “All the rivers [the six powers] flow into the sea [malchut].” Keep in mind, we in the United States are under Maritme Law. How is it we are under Maritme Law when on land? It’s all a set up. Their justice courts or Sanhedrin courts are represented by the sea. What comes from the sea? The first beast, the culmination of the prior 7 world powers throughout history that have had the spirit of Satan behind them leading them along. Noahide laws “kingship” is that final piece of this puzzle. We are under Maritme Law because we await that final system to judge us. The beast of the sea. Noahide Laws.

This article below comes from here:

“The seventh Noahide law is a positive one. It is the commandment to establish a legal system in order to instruct and judge righteously and in this way to regulate and rectify society. This commandment corresponds to the power of Malchut (“kingship”), for law is the foundation of any kingdom. Malchut receives input from the other powers of the soul, as it is said: “All the rivers [the six powers] flow into the sea [malchut].” In the body of man, Malchut corresponds to the mouth, whose function is to direct and instruct.”

Here’s BNI’s full article about Haley:

Sanhedrin Invites Nikki Haley to be Honorary President of Organization of 70 Nations
By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz December 19, 2018 , 1:46 pm

During their session during the recent Hanukkah holiday, the Sanhedrin decided to invite Nikki Haley, the former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, to be the honorary president of the Organization of 70 Nations.

Their decision read as follows:

“God established the borders of the world based on the 70 children of Israel who went down to Egypt and the 70 nations that came out from Noah. The concept of 70 Nations is from the Bible and symbolizes the basis for the organization while not being intended to imply a limit or requirement for participation.”

The concept of 70 nations also appears in reference to the 70 oxen offered in the Temple throughout Sukkot (the feast of the tabernacles) which the Talmud (Sukkah 55b) teaches are for the merit of the 70 nations.

“The decisions by President Donald Trump as enacted by his emissary, Nikki Haley, regarding the United Nations, by which he removed his country’s support were fitting and proper responses to actions of the UN.”

Rabbi Hillel Weiss, spokesman for the Sanhedrin, explained their decision to choose Nikki Haley to head the organization.

“Nikki Haley displayed a strength of character that showed a deeply sincere and unwavering willingness to fight for truth,” Rabbi Weiss told Breaking Israel News. “She was a faithful representative of the president but her character gave her a strength that went far beyond the requirements of her job.”

Haley was raised a Sikh but converted to Christianity later in life. Nonetheless, Weiss insisted that while serving at the UN, she acted in a manner that represented Biblical tenets.

“Her support of Israel’s claim to the Golan and Jerusalem came from a belief in the Biblical boundaries of Israel and our claim to those boundaries today,” said Weiss. “This is the type of person we need to head a true Biblical organization of nations. Just as the U.N. is trying too rewrite Jewish history and steal our culture and borders, they can do so for any other nations. This must not happen. This organization must remain an organization of universal truth and not a tool for political interests.”

The Sanhedrin referred to several resolutions by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) denying the connection between the Jewish people and their holy sites on the Temple Mount and in Hebron. The Sanhedrin statement noted that these resolutions directly contradicted the Bible which explicitly describes the immutable historical and spiritual connection between the Jews and the land of Israel.

The Sanhedrin also cited a recent move by the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) to declare abortions and assisted suicides as universal human rights. The body declared  these actions to be in direct violation of the Noahide prohibition against spilling blood.

“In the Organization of 70 Nations based on Mount Zion, every nation shall retain its language, culture, and traditions. Each nation shall retain its sovereignty in its place without any threat from roaming bands of refugees.”

“Each nation shall be solely responsible for maintaining a fitting and proper justice system as per the Seven Noahide Laws incumbent upon all of mankind.”

Rabbi Weiss explained the necessity for the declaration.

“The world faces global threats in the ecology, from war, and from terrorism,” he explained. “The Bible includes a framework for the nations to join together with universal values and a belief in the one creator as described in the Bible. The United Nations was begun with this framework in mind but have moved away from these values and has become a political tool advocating principals that go against the basis of humanity and will surely lead to the destruction of all humanity.”

“Globalization is a lie that goes against the Biblical concept of a sovereign nation. Each nation has its own borders, its own resources, its own language and culture. This is true of Israel as it is for every nation. Israel has the right to establish its capital, undivided. Israel and every other country has the right, even the obligation, to protect its people from invasion, whether it comes in the guise of massive immigration or open threat. Entire continents, specifically Africa and South America, have been deprived of the benefits of their resources. The United Nations has never addressed any of these issues.”

A concert celebrating the anniversary of the creation of the world at the The Jerusalem Archaeological Park – Davidson Center. (Credit: Mordecai Persoff/ Mikdash Educational Center)

The project has already begun and at the World Creation Concert in September, ambassadors from Honduras and Guatemala along with representatives from Mexico officially signed an agreement to take part.

The Sanhedrin is planning a conference in Jerusalem to present the Organization of 70 Nations to the world and to invite nations to participate. They also plan on minting a commemorative coin engraved with the image of Nikki Haley in recognition of all she has done for Israel.


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