The Wailing Wall as a Jewish holy place is a modern invention that was selected for Jewish worship by one of the greatest mystics of the Kabbalistic age. His name was Isaac Luria … who in his many geographical mistakes … selected the Western Wall as a holy place for the Jews to assemble … – a mere 430 years ago.
In actual fact, the Jewish people today at their Wailing Wall are NOT praying at a wall of their former Temples. They are actually praying toward the western wall of Fort Antonia.
The shrine on the other side of the Wailing Wall in the time of Jesus was NOT the Temple built by Herod, but it was a Roman Temple dedicated to the Roman Emperor and the Gods of Rome. – Ernest Martin
CO | Yvonne Nachtigal
A reader recently called my attention to the wailing wall, being troubled in spirit by the fact that all world leaders go there to offer prayers and wondered what it might mean. He wrote in part:
Many, including world known pastors travel miles just to go and pray at the “Wailing Wall”, some even ask their members including top politicians to give them their prayer request to pray for them at the “Wailing Wall”.
World leaders also travel to Jerusalem to pray at the “Wailing Wall”.
Is it only at the “Wailing Wall” that prayers are answered?
I believe something extraordinary, not Godly takes place at the Wailing Wall”.
He is right. Vaguely remembering a video on the subject I pulled up this:
![YouTube video](
Here’s the Transcript:
If there’s one rite of passage that every American politician must pass through it’s doing obeisance to the Jews at the Wailing Wall.
Even Rand Paul caved to the Jews (something his father would never do) and found himself sacrificing his own son to the Kotel Rabbi looking as if he was being led away to the slaughter.
You see, taking the mark of the beast in order to buy Jewish admission to sell political services is every American politician’s career-dependent rite of passage.
Now, the Jews would have us believe that there’s something sacred about the Western Wall, that it’s a remnant of the Second Temple, where paper prayers of the Goyim are snatched by the ‘Divine Presence’ who supposedly dwells in its crevices and stones.
Dead wrong.
The Wailing Wall is actually the remains of a Roman fortress called “Fort Antonia” built north of the actual Temple where no protruding rock ever existed but rather was built upon the Gihon Spring.
The rock upon which the Dome of the Rock was built adjoining the Western Wall was actually the centerpiece around which Fort Antonia was built. There’s nothing sacred about this rock or this Wall.
This is attested to by the eyewitness, Jewish historian Josephus, who also wrote in his “Jewish Wars” that the Romans left nothing above or below ground of the Second Temple so that one coming to Jerusalem thereafter would never believe a Temple ever existed.
According to Josephus, Titus, the Roman General who razed Jerusalem to the ground in 70 AD, allowed Fort Antonia to remain to house the Tenth Legion left to monitor Roman affairs in Jerusalem.
And thus the prophecy of Christ, “Not one stone will be left upon another,” was fulfilled. God will not be mocked.
If you still don’t believe me, then get the book, “The Temples That Jerusalem Forgot,” by Professor Dr Ernest Martin, and you’ll surely be convinced.
Now, what Rand Paul should have known is that the Wailing Wall is the seat of a Satanic ritual outlined by the 13th Century Jewish occult system known as the Kabbalah as expounded in the Zohar and expanded upon by the 18th Century Hasidic Movement.
You see, this so-called ‘Divine Presence’ at the Wailing Wall is actually the Kabbalistic feminine emanation of their false god, the “Shekinah.”
Watch closely how the rabbis thrust their pelvises and penises back and forth in a prescribed prayer movement called “davening” in which the Jew copulates with the ‘Shekinah’ in order to give birth to an erotic union with the ‘Ein Soph,’ the Kabbalistic masculine emanation of their false god.
Now watch this young Jewish boy, who instinctively knowing that “davening” is a lewd and embarrassing act…just can’t bring himself to perform the thrusting of his pelvis.
My friends, for Rand Paul, and for so many other saps like McCain, Bush, Obama, Clinton, and Romney, to perform the rite of political passage at the Wailing Wall is nothing less than to shake hands with the Devil.
And if God doesn’t dwell in temples made by human hands, (as the Bible tells us), much less would He dwell in a Roman fortress.
The hoax is on.
Not only are our politicians selling their souls to the Jews at a Roman fortress named Fort Antonia, now misnamed, ‘The Western Wall,’ they’re participating in a lewd occult ritual where the so-called ‘Divine Presence’ is actually Satan himself.
Satan’s seat is at the Wailing Wall and our politicians—brought there by the Jews—are carrying him all the way back home to America.
Looking further, I came upon this video:
**Disclaimer! While the producer of this video (Ken Klein) compellingly refutes the location of the Temple of Jerusalem and rightly rejects Futurism, this is not an endorsement.
![YouTube video](
![YouTube video](
![YouTube video](
Here is a (lengthy) abridgement of the book mentioned by brother Nathaniel; The Temples Jerusalem That Jerusalem Forgot :
About the Author:
Ernest Martin was formerly a leader of the Herbert Armstrong World-Wide Church of God but left when he realized through study of scripture that the church teaching was seriously at odds with the Bible. He has come to his own conclusions from Scripture without much influence from Christian tradition, and thus has a unique point of view. He now teaches strongly that Jesus is God become a man (denied by Armstrong), but has 2 serious errors in theology: He teaches that
1) the Holy Spirit is not a person (Matt 28:19; 2 Cor 13:14; Heb 3:7) and
2) every person including Judas and Satan will enventually be reconciled to God (Matt 26:24; Rev 14:9-11;20:10).
The 1st error is much more serious than the second because it causes him not to experience the Spirit, and thus is a stranger to the New Testament. – source
Still, his research about the site of the Temples in Jerusalem is compelling.
Biblical Theology | 2000, Dr. Ernest L. Martin (Excerpts – full text and bibliography here)
Abstract: Neither the Dome of the Rock near the center of the Haram esh-Sharif in Jerusalem, nor the Al Aqsa Mosque occupying the southern side of the Haram (nor ANY area within the four walls of that Haram) was the real spot in Jerusalem where the holy Temples of God were located. Biblical and literary accounts dogmatically place the site of all the Temples over the Gihon Spring just north of the ancient City of David (Zion) on the southeastern ridge of Jerusalem.
The Western (Wailing) Wall of the Jews
This abridgment of my book on the Temples needs a concluding comment regarding the Western (or Wailing) Wall where the Jewish people now congregate as their holiest of places in Judaism. On my Web Page on the Internet (where I have an abundance of historical information from early and even modern Jewish scholars), I show that the Jewish people paid no attention whatever to the present Western (Wailing) Wall until they finally took over the site from the Muslims (about 1570 C.E.) who in turn had renovated it from being a Christian holy place where Christian women would discard soiled undergarments. The Wailing Wall as a Jewish holy place is a modern invention that was selected for Jewish worship by one of the greatest mystics of the Kabbalistic age. His name was Isaac Luria (called “the Lion”) who in his many geographical mistakes (as I show in my research writings) selected the Western Wall as a holy place for the Jews to assemble. This was accomplished in the last part of the sixteenth century – a mere 430 years ago. In actual fact, the Jewish people today at their Wailing Wall are NOT praying at a wall of their former Temples. They are actually praying toward the western wall of Fort Antonia. The shrine on the other side of the Wailing Wall in the time of Jesus was NOT the Temple built by Herod, but it was a Roman Temple dedicated to the Roman Emperor and the Gods of Rome.
There is another important observation that needs to be made. Josephus described the Temple as being a square (a precise square of one stadium length on each side — about 600 feet, see War V.5,2 with War VI.5,4 and Antiquities XV.9,3). It had two colonnade roadways from the northwest corner of the Temple to the southwestern corner of Fort Antonia (War II.15,6). These roadways were also a stadium in length. Combining the square lengths of the Temple square with the two roadways that led to Fort Antonia, the length was six stades of 600 feet each. The walls around the Temple were prodigious in height according to Josephus. The southeastern corner of the outer Temple walls was located directly over the very bottom of the Kidron Valley (the bedrock center) and extended upwards 300 cubits or 450 feet (Antiquities VIII,3,9) where it reached the four-square platform on which the actual Temple with its various courts was located. The northeastern corner was also located within the depths of the Kidron though not quite as high as the southeastern corner.
This made the four Temple walls to be a 600 square feet (on each side) TOWER like a 40 story skyscraper in Chicago that extended upward with its southeast section of the wall within the river bottom (its deepest part) of the Kidron. Barnabas described the Temple (15 years after its destruction) as a TOWER (16:4-8), and the Book of Enoch and the Shepherd of Hermas give numerous references that the Temple was indeed shaped as a TOWER (see my Web Page references). The above description is that of Josephus, an eyewitness to the Temple and its actual dimensions.
Let us now take those four square walls of the Temple (each 600 feet in length) and transport them to center over the Dome of the Rock some 1000 feet north of the Gihon Spring. The TOWER would indeed fit well into the enclosure known as the Haram esh-Sharif. But its southeast corner would NOT be located in the bottom of the Kidron Valley (it would be up on the level area of the Haram), nor would its northeast corner be precipitous and over the Kidron Valley as Josephus said. Indeed, if the Temple stood over the Dome of the Rock, the Temple platform on top of a 40 story skyscraper would have been higher than the top summit of the Mount of Olives. In no way was this the proper scenario. If, however, one will return the Temple and its dimensions (as Josephus gave them) to the Gihon Spring site, everything fits perfectly. What this shows is the fact that the walls around the Haram esh-Sharif are NOT those of the former Temple. They are those of Fort Antonia (which are not a square of 600 feet, but of much larger dimensions and they are trapezium in shape). It also makes perfect sense that Titus would have wanted the Tenth Legion to be housed in this remaining fortress that survived the war that formerly overshadowed the Temple on its north side.
What happened to the stones of the Temple? All of the Temple and its walls were torn down to their foundations just as Jesus prophesied they would be. Consequently, let us not get the two different buildings (Fort Antonia and the Temple) mixed up as all scholars and religious leaders have done since the time of the Crusades. It is time to get back to this truth of the Bible. All should read my book “The Temples that Jerusalem Forgot” where the historical evidence shows (without doubt) that the real place of the former Jewish Temples was over the Gihon Spring on the southeast ridge.