Revivals Part 4: The First Great Awakening & The Controversial George Whitefield

World Space Programs and the Occult | NASA

I have been covering the Occult and NASA for sometime and have written several posts that address this topic.  This story is fascinating because it exposes the occult connection that exists between all space agencies around the globe.  So the global elite that run these agencies are all formulating Insignias or logos that express a hidden agenda that is only known by the elite.  Within the design of logos, talismans, or seals, the occult has expressed a magical desire upon the mission that each Space logo represents.  The general category of magic which is referenced that pertains to talisman or symbolic magic is called Sigil Magic.  What is interesting is that all these “Rocket Scientists” are participating in the use of occult technology.  So it is erroneous to believe these agencies or scientists that state the scientific method as the only modality being used by these agencies.

Dahboo video on Vector Veneration:

I have always heard the mindless misapplied repetition of the term “separation of church and state” in all public ventures.  What this post clearly shows is the double standard used by the elite and occult members of society to influence and impose their belief system upon everyone else’s without and consequences for violating fellow citizens rights not to participate in occult rituals.

Vector/Chevron Veneration Freemasonry & The NWO





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