Revivals Part 4: The First Great Awakening & The Controversial George Whitefield

“America’s Pastor” Billy Graham Exposed

Feb 24, 2018 | Richard Kallberg

This post thoroughly exposes the masonic agenda relating to the evangelical preacher known as Billy Graham, who died earlier this week.

Due to Billy Graham’s immense popularity in the “Christian” community this information isn’t exactly met with open ears, but it’s important that this material gets shared around, as it has the potential to alert church-going Christians to the agenda behind “Churchianity”.

As such, I hope this post will be a useful resource for you to share with others (especially through ‘Christian’ facebook groups) to wake them up to the realities of the agenda being fomented by “church leaders” around the world.

Please also let me know if there’s any information I’ve overlooked or that you think should be included, as I would gladly update this post with more information as appropriate.

Before we get started though, let me make a quick preface with some thoughts on why this post was written…


Originally I wasn’t planning on putting this post together, as much of what is included here is already presented in a facebook post I made.

However, Facebook decided to ban me for 7 days shortly after I posted this material (the very same day that another 3 day ban had ended no less), so I felt compelled to ensure that this information gets seen by as many as possible…

It went a little something like this:


facebok jail

3 days.jpg



facebook jail 2.jpg

Rather than playing it cool to lay low, I instead went “all guns blazing” right off the bat to expose their false prophet….




… which sealed my fate rather quickly…


3 hours.jpg





back in jail


That being the case, I decided to do what any self-respecting truther stuck in facebook jail would do… that is, to publish all the information that facebook apparently had an issue with all in one place, so as to make it even easier for this information to be shared far and wide (which I hope you will do after reading!).


This post is dedicated to the Thought Police, without who’s inspiration this post would not have been written.

Censorship and tyrannical nazi’s aside, let’s get started!

  (read more…)


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