Revivals Conclusion Pt 3: Subversion | From the Revivalists to Modern Times – A Summary

Are the 7 Mountains in Trouble?

Lynch testimony: Dem claims 4 Trump officials were ...

So I’ve been watching NAR “prophet” Kent Christmas responding to the “election” coverage over the past couple of days. On the 5th, he boldly prophesied that Donald Trump would win, then backpedaled yesterday (the 7th) in response to media announcements of Biden’s victory. He stuck to his guns, saying that he’d heard from God. One thing he got right is when he said “My ministry is on the line.” (we all know the signs of a false prophet, right?)

“You may say to yourselves, ‘How can we know when a message has not been spoken by the Lord?’ If what a prophet proclaims in the name of the Lord does not take place or come true, that is a message the Lord has not spoken. That prophet has spoken presumptuously, so do not be alarmed” (Deuteronomy 18:21-22).

I don’t know about you, but watching the NAR folks makes me dizzy. I have to keep pausing the video to double check that I heard them right.

“A new dimension of the church in the realm of the spirit… miracles, signs and wonders…” [God is] “removing principalities” [God will] “remove the tares” referring to the “false” teachers in the church… I can’t help but wonder who he might be talking about. Or what he means when he says, (speaking for God) “I’m going to remove people even in death!”

Christmas promises a “different KIND of anointing”.

Oh, it will be different alright. That could be a post in itself.

Bottom line, you won’t find any of these things in scripture; unless you’re plucking a verse from the OT out of context. This is simply not New Covenant Christianity.

It will be interesting to see who they present us with in the end. It would certainly create some much desired turmoil if things turned around before inauguration day and they put Trump back in office. But much more importantly, we know our hope is not in a man to change things in this world for us, but in God, who has made us citizens of the next one! (Phil 3:20) Hallelujah!

Getting back to Christmas’ bizarre teachings, they reflect the NAR 7 Mountains Mandate. Every believer should be familiar with this because it will explain so much of what we’re seeing in the (organized) church today. You can find a lot on the internet about it, but for those who aren’t familiar with it, here’s an informative overview.

The 7 Mountains Mandate – Is it Biblical?

Compelling Truth

Proponents of the seven mountain (7-M) mandate say and teach that the Church must take control of seven important aspects of society, or “mountains,” before Jesus will return to earth.

The seven mountains are:

1) Education
2) Religion
3) Family
4) Business
5) Government/Military
6) Arts/Entertainment
7) Media

These seven mountains are identified as the molders and shapers of society, impacting the way people think and behave. The mountains are sometimes referred to as “pillars,” “shapers,” “molders,” and “spheres.” The focus of Christians following this teaching is on “occupying” or even “invading” these mountains, thereby “transforming” society.

The 7-M movement grew out of dominion theology based in Genesis 1:28, but does not interpret that Scripture correctly. The 7-M movement teaches followers to pursue control over civil aspects of society as a part of a worldwide kingdom for Jesus. Some point to Isaiah 2:2 which mentions the establishment of the Lord’s temple on the highest mountain. Some also believe the ushering of Jesus back to earth is dependent upon them establishing moral laws and punishments based on the Old Testament.

The 7-M movement grew as self-appointed prophets and apostles added their input based on dreams and visions and other revelations they claim to have received. The seven mountain mandate is now espoused by so-called prophets and apostles, some associated with the New Apostolic Reformation, who say they have special knowledge or revelation from God. They focus on control—both of society in general and of their followers by placing expectations of continual advancing upon the “mountains” making each more honoring to God. However, the Bible clearly says the world will get worse rather than better before Jesus returns.

The seven mountain mandate, followed by some in Charismatic and Pentecostal churches, is unbiblical, damaging to the witness of Christians, and confuses Christians who follow it.

The main teacher of the 7-M movement is a man named Lance P. Wallnau who expanded Jesus’ Great Commission to “go and make disciples” (Matthew 28:18–20) to include social transformation. He teaches that the Church, established in most every nation, has little influence on the culture around it and that must significantly change. He has identified the seven spheres of society in which that influence must be increased, sometimes calling them the “gates of hell” which serve as portals over the “kings” or influence-shapers.


Wallnau teaches that the Abrahamic Covenant in which God promises Abraham lasting inheritance, coupled with Deuteronomy 28:12–14 that Israel should lead nations, leads to a conclusion that the Church should claim that promise and fulfill that mandate. Individual Christians, Wallnau says, should take the greatest control or power over the largest mountain or peak they can in their sphere of influence.

The 7-M movement places upon Christians a mandate to dominate world systems to usher in Jesus’ return. Spiritually, these ideas are closely associated with New Age thoughts that call for a spiritual shift in which humans become co-redeemers of earth.

Though Jesus calls Christians to be lights in the world (Matthew 5:14), there is nothing in the Bible that requires or encourages them to dominate world systems to make them more like heaven and trigger Jesus’ return. The Bible, in contrast with this teaching, says that in the last days the world will be further from God’s ideal rather than parallel to it (2 Timothy 3:1132 Peter 3:3). Christians are called to actively share the gospel of Christ and be His ambassadors in a lost and dying world (Matthew 28:18–202 Corinthians 5:17–21). We should have an impact on society, but not through domination or forceful change. Rather, we are to share the love of God with others, stand up for His truth, and eagerly await Jesus’ return when He will make all things new (Revelation 21).

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