Revivals Part 4: The First Great Awakening & The Controversial George Whitefield

Living Under Communism (WWII First Hand Account)

I grew up in Brachwitz near Halle, which is south of Berlin.

I caught the tail end of the Nazis ( was born 34 ). My father was a Lutheran pastor, and went to jail under the Nazis 3 times, because he preached against Hitler.

The Americans ” took” our town, but we were traded to the Russians, so the Allies could have part of Berlin, which became 4 sectors ( English, American, French and Russian ) For this, they traded us to the Commies.. that’s when the next hell started.  ~ Adelheid Virgin

The planned New New World Order (aka millennial earthly reign of a false “Maschiach”,) is World Communism. Although recorded several years ago, I was only recently  made aware of these two interviews with my mom on Stay Mad Radio in which she recounts her childhood during WWII and life under Communism. You can read more of mom’s story on her blog: 


This Communism Stuff is Great! – Stay Mad Radio

Oh sure! Communism: Equality for all. A “classless” society! Won’t that be grand!…..really?  Of course communism has never worked because the right people haven’t tried it yet.

Today is a break from my format slightly in that I’m having guests on tonight. I have a guest who is an immigrant that lived in Germany under communism. Here’s a taste in her own words:

I grew up in Brachwitz near Halle, which is south of Berlin.

I caught the tail end of the Nazis ( was born 34 ). My father was a Lutheran pastor, and went to jail under the Nazis 3 times, because he preached against Hitler.

The Americans ” took” our town, but we were traded to the Russians, so the Allies could have part of Berlin, which became 4 sectors ( English, American, French and Russian ) For this, they traded us to the Commies.. that’s when the next hell started.

Her story reminded me of the essay I used as the preface in my book which was written by Kitty Werthmann: “Don’t Let Freedom Slip Away”

I stumbled onto this person on twitter and we began to chat. I asked her to come on my show and you’ll hear her in her own words.

I’m going to start out with a reading of the essay by Kitty Werthmann.

Then as a doubleshot of fun, Annie from Southern Sense right here on btr will join us. I thought Annie might like to ask Addie some questions too. For Annie and I it’s Eastern Standard Time 🙂


“Addie’s Back” – Stay Mad Radio

Exclusively on “Stay Mad Radio” We have Addie Virgin, the one who narrowly escaped from East Germany when it was still controlled by communist Russia. This is a return installment of her stories from behind the iron curtain.

From 3 weeks ago, to now, Addie and I have been Emailing each other and I have been collecting stories as she has recalled them. I have collected quite a bit, and although she’s quite modest about her story, I find it gripping and quite amazing. I have learned lot about what communism turns into after a while. She is the proverbial “canary in the coal mine”.

She can see things happening here in America that set off warning bells inside her. One thing she says is that “Political Correctness” is a form of herding and driving people and forcing them to forfeit their freedom. The most basic of freedoms is: Freedom of thought.

Join us again tonight for more of her story as told by her. She poured her heart out on her last appearance, and this one will also be an emotional journey.


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