
Deceived by the Plan | Two Floods

The Great Flood of Noah vs The Flood of Deception.

The Great Reset is the buzz of the hour; a new World Economic system that can be realized thanks to COVID. Religions are all looking forward to “resets” too. Everyone seems to be talking about a new era; The Messianic Era,  Millennial Reign, Charismatic Renewal, The New Age / The Age of Aquarius… Every religion is preparing for a great shift…. There is undeniably a shift taking place. We all feel it. We see it portrayed in television, in movies… But a great shift into what? The groups promoting some version of a coming new era would have us believe this is all a good thing. Christians used to hear about the New Age being bad, but now NAR and Ecumenical teachers are saying that something wonderful is coming. I’m sorry, but I just can’t find that in my Bible.

In Genesis 6 we’re told that God sent a flood of waters over the earth and the Bible tells us of another coming great spiritual flood; a flood of deception that will sweep away the bride. Rev 12:13-15. I believe this is speaking of the time at the end of the thousand year reign (thousand being symbolic not literal as dispensationalism teaches), and I believe we are currently in that time; when the devil is loosed to once again deceive the nations.

Deceived by The Plan – by Craig Patin

“Trust the plan”. That is what the deceived say. By now you should be coming to your senses and know that Satan was in fact released from the abyss to deceive the nations. The symbolic thousand years is up. Look at Revelation 20:3.

And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive (planēsē – πλανήσῃ) the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season (chronon – χρόνον).

We are at the “after that” part right now. He has a little time or season (chronos). Chronos represents “time, especially viewed in sequence (a “succession of moments”); time in duration in the physical-space world”. I want you to also look at the word “deceive” or planēsē. It comes from planē and means “wandering and something objectively fraudulence”. We get our word planet from this word which translates to planet.

So Satan has in fact been released for a short time (Chronos, which represents Saturn in an esotericist view) and is out deceiving (planēsē – through fraudulence that leads people to wander) the nations through world leaders.

Isn’t it strange how this chronosvirus has done this much damage to the world in such short time (Chronos)? People have been deceived for 8 months and that just so happens to be close to a full term pregnancy. Full term from 3/11/20 (CDC declares pandemic) is 12/18/20. 3/13/20 (Trump declares National Emergency for U.S.) is 12/20/20.

3/11/20 Covid-19 was declared by the WHO as a pandemic. From 3/11/20 to 12/21/20, it’s 285 days…

Duration of pregnancy:
“There are, as a rule, 266 to 270 days between ovulation and childbirth, with extremes of 250 and 285 days.” Source: Britannica

Their birth of the new age.

These are the 2 dates that this all started this Great Reset due to the corona or crown venom virus that will lead to the Great Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter. And these dates are just after the historical 40 days of flood of Noah destroying all of creation and a few days prior to the conjunction or cleaving. We are coming into heavy times….I hope your faith is in Jesus.

About this Great Reset…Mark Gray caught this but always interprets it through Gnostic eyes. Me, not so much. My interpretation is different.

The Great Re-Set is part of the Great Conjunction. It is the full term pregnancy of deception that started March 11th, 2020 and will be birthed around the Great Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter. Re is Ra (Jupiter). Set is Satan (Saturn), who killed and mutilated his own brother Osiris (Jupiter). The Great Re-Set. I have also discovered that they want the first vaccine to be released to the public by December 14th, 2020 – the day the flood and rain waters stopped for the 40 days.

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