Revivals Conclusion Pt 3: Subversion | From the Revivalists to Modern Times – A Summary

“Look Up…” [2020 Edition] Truth is Stranger Than Fiction

Some much needed perspective beautifully put together by Youtuber Truth is Stranger Than Fiction.

YouTube video

“Four years ago, I made a video titled “Look Up” – The Flat Earth Revelation & the Last Days… [Luke 21]

Has it really been that long already?? Wow… But the other day, I read some really awesome comments left on it by ytber “Savage Dawg”, one of which simply said… “Replace “flat earth” with “covid plague” and you have a video for today, my Brother…

I thought hmmm, that’s interesting… But then as I went and watched it again, I was blown away by how much more it all “holds up” today, compared to even four years ago. So I merely updated the visuals a little, but the audio is unchanged.

This one’s for you, Savage Dawg. And to all of you who have supported and encouraged me, and each other in the Body of Christ, as we learn together what it means, to look up…..”

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