
Michael Brown: Praise for Rabbi Higger’s “Jewish Utopia”

I often talk about the hope of the coming “Utopia” or “solution” (to the workings of the evil elite) that’s being formed in the minds of millions through both New Age thought and Kabbalist Rabbis (all being  one and the same; Kabbalah). Tragically, this same “Utopia” has been represented in churches as the (coming) “Millennial Reign of Christ” in Dispensational/Futurist eschatology.

Many believers have begun to see through this lie that virtually all of us learned in church, and in response to this growing awareness, Kabbalist Rabbi’s like Michael Brown are upping their game. Not only are they continuing their cry of “anti-Semitism” against those who challenge their Futurist/Dispensational/End Times Script, but incredulously, now they are telling Christians that their beliefs have placed them under an “ancestral generational curse” which must be broken. (Brown’s declaration is reminiscent of the Pope’s statement in 2014 that  “a personal relationship with Jesus Christ” was dangerous and must be avoided at all costs).

In her article, author Deanne Loper looks at an alarming direction taken by Rabbi Shapira, who Brown endorses, calling for Christians to “come out of Christianity quickly.” Quotes from her article;

“Brown himself paints a picture – with broad strokes – that those Christians who do not agree with his eschatology are guilty of anti-Semitism and Replacement Theology. “

“Believe it or not Mr. Brown, there are many Christians who do not subscribe to your end-time views, but that does not qualify them as anti-Semitic.  No Mr. Brown, I do not, nor will I ever agree with Higger’s Talmudic, kabbalistic vision of a Jewish Utopia in which Leviathan is exalted as a god and symbol of the standard of righteousness.  If this makes me anti-Semitic in your opinion, then of course, you are entitled to your opinion.”

For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh:  But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God. 

Romans 2:28-29

Michael Brown: Praise for Rabbi Higger’s “Jewish Utopia”

By Deanne Loper

A Response to “Christian” Antisemitism

Michael Brown and Christian media giant, Charisma House, have teamed up to release Brown’s latest book, Christian Antisemitism:  Confronting The Lies In Today’s Church, in which Brown accuses myself and other Christians as being “Christian” antisemites.  After my initial surprise at being labeled anti-Semitic, I am delighted that Brown has referenced my book, Kabbalah Secrets Christians Need to Know; a clear indication that the truth about kabbalistic influence in today’s Church is making an impact.

Not giving heed to Jewish fables, and commandments of men, that turn from the truth.  Titus 1:14

I have to admit, I have never been a follower of Michael Brown, nor have I ever read one of his books.  Before I wrote Kabbalah Secrets, the only thing I knew of Brown was that he was well-known and respected in Messianic Judaism and certain Charismatic circles, which is why I was astonished when I discovered his endorsement of Itzhak Shapira’s book, The Return of the Kosher Pig.  Consequently, I concluded Brown must agree with Shapira’s doctrine; surely he must have read and understood the book.

While Michael Brown has inferred that I am anti-Semitic, my book is simply a compilation of rabbinic writings and mystical doctrines held by the sages of historical and contemporary kabbalistic Judaism, which Jesus Himself denounced.

I can only assume Brown is firing back from the line because I mentioned his endorsement of Shapira’s book in chapter 10 of my book.  I also dared to speak out – not against the Jewish people – but against the dangers of kabbalisitc sorcery; what it is, and how it has infiltrated Christianity, including the Charismatic/NAR/Messianic movements Brown identifies with.

I first became aware of Itzhak Shapira in 2018 when I happened to stumble upon a YouTube video in which he and Jonathan Bernis were being interviewed by Benny Hinn.  At one point during the interview Shapira stated that when Yeshua returns he will destroy Christianity as an entity.  Out of 33,868 views (to date) and 319 comments, only myself and one other person – The Chief Magician of Mystery Babylon – recognized that what was being promoted in the interview was Kabbalah.  The Chief Magician of Mystery Babylon, who has a YouTube channel by the same name, commented:  “Wow!!!  never thought I would see a Qabbalistic Jewish Rab go on major Christian show!!”

One of the main teachings of Shapira is that Christianity is Edom, which is responsible for the current 2,000-year exile of the Jews.  This fable is expounded upon in the kabbalistic mystical book, Kol HaTor, and in the 1932 book, The Jewish Utopia, by Rabbi Michael Higger, both of which I have covered in my book.  (For a true exposition on the Biblical identity of Edom read my article).

While claiming to be a follower of Yeshua, Shapira has made countless videos in which he vehemently tells Christians to leave Christianity and return to Judaism.  According to the Midrash, the mystery of the kosher pig’s return is summed up in an end-time paradigm shift scenario in which Christianity undergoes a spiritual transformation and rejection of Jesus Christ as the Messiah, which renders them kosher. (Kabbalah Secrets, p. 139)

In a 2018 video Shapira praises false messiah, Sabbatai Zevi, and condemns Christians in his audience by telling them that they and their families are under a curse because they took Christianity… an ancestral generational curse that must be broken off their families. (55:49-57:21)  Citing Leviticus 26:38, Shapira tells the audience that “the land of your enemies” where the Israelites would be scattered to and “perish among the goyim” is Christianity.  Even the Christian translator at this conference is stunned by this statement.  It is obvious he does not want to repeat this heresy and later admits that he is “sweating bullets.” (46:17-48:43)  With forceful finality, Shapira references the Parable of the wicked Prodigal Son, as he tells those in his audience to return (tashuvu), to “renounce the curses, the cowardly action of leaving Judaism,” as the translator continues to wrestle with his own conscience. (1:12:56-1:14:17)

Is it anti-Semitic when the Christian translator confesses he is sweating bullets over Shapira’s statements and no one in the room stands up for Truth, out of fear?  Is it anti-Semitic to question this kind of anti-Christ rhetoric being propagated in Today’s Church by many so-called rabbis of Messianic Judaism?

It is now 2021 and Itzhak Shapira is still calling Christians to “come out of Christianity quickly,” which he now equates to Egypt – even though Jesus said in Revelation 11:8 that Jerusalem, “the great city” where our Lord was crucified, is spiritually called Sodom and Egypt.  But Brown seems to view this Scripture as anti-Semitic when he writes, “That is quite a contrast: Jerusalem the praise of all the earth (Isa. 62:7) or Jerusalem the mother of harlots.  Which is it?  And why does it matter?” (Christian Antisemitism, Kindle loc. 3088).

In a recent video promoting his new book, Shapira states, “Brothers and sisters, those who are holding the garment of Christianity in these last days, woe to be to them!  Vengeance is coming, wake up!” (56:05-56:14)  This is no different than Higger’s vision of the Jewish Utopia in which Edom – aka Egypt – is to be destroyed by the Mashiach in the millennial age, of which Higger says, “traditional Edom [Christianity] and Rome…will disappear from earth before the ushering in of the millennium,” and that “Dogmatic Christianity has come, dogmatic Christianity will be gone.” (The Jewish Utopia, p. 4, 36)  And Brown agrees with this utopian vision?

“The Leviathan is thus a universal symbol of the new era in which the righteous will prosper and the wicked suffer.  The Leviathan, furthermore, is the emblem of the ideal age, when this world will become the home of the righteous.  It is an ideal symbol of a new economic order in the world, when righteousness will be one’s only requisite for acceptance unto the realm of happiness and prosperity.”  (The Jewish Utopia, pp. 16-17)

Utopia – often capitalized: a place of ideal perfection especially in laws, government, and social conditions; an impractical scheme for social improvement. (Merriam-Webster)

In chapter 10 of my book, Kabbalah Secrets Christians Need to Know, I have referenced Higger’s Jewish Utopia as interpreted by the Babylonian Talmud and other rabbinic texts.  In chapter 7 of his book, Brown notes the following quote of Higger from page 130 of my book, “Only those who are convinced of Israel’s divine purpose in the world, will be welcome to join Israel in the upbuilding of an ideally spiritual life on earth.  Israel, the ideal, righteous people, will thus become spiritually the masters of the world.” (The Jewish Utopia, p. 41)

After presenting a more picturesque vision of Higger’s new social order, Brown then tells his readers to ask themselves “if she [Loper] has painted a true or false picture of the expected Jewish Utopia.” (Kindle loc. 1774)  I am in full agreement with Brown here, but will go one step further.  I encourage every Christian to read The Jewish Utopia in its entirety so that each one may make his or her own estimation of the work, as Higger’s Talmudic definition of the millennial kingdom is in direct conflict with the Kingdom of God as presented by Jesus and the Apostles in the New Covenant and Higger is quick to point this out using New Testament Scripture.

Finally, in chapter 11 of his book, Brown himself paints a picture – with broad strokes – that those Christians who do not agree with his eschatology are guilty of anti-Semitism and Replacement Theology.  I do not know what sort of label to put on this kind of reasoning, but God’s people should never divide on eschatological issues, much less resort to name-calling.  Jesus sent His Apostles to the lost house of Israel; to the Jew first, then to the Gentile nations and the Kingdom of God continues to advance by the same commission of preaching the Gospel.

Believe it or not Mr. Brown, there are many Christians who do not subscribe to your end-time views, but that does not qualify them as anti-Semitic.  No Mr. Brown, I do not, nor will I ever agree with Higger’s Talmudic, kabbalistic vision of a Jewish Utopia in which Leviathan is exalted as a god and symbol of the standard of righteousness.  If this makes me anti-Semitic in your opinion, then of course, you are entitled to your opinion.


In Kabbalah Secrets Christians Need to Know, I have referenced Rabbi Joel David Bakst’s book, The Josephic Messiah, Leviathan, Metatron & the Sacred Serpent.  In addition to being a Jewish Rabbi, Mr. Bakst is a competent researcher and revealer of secrets kept hidden in rabbinic texts until the appointed time.  According to Bakst and other rabbis, now is the time.  Does this make Rabbi Bakst anti-Semitic as well?

Kabbalah Uroboros – Joel David Baks
Universal Uroboros – Joel David Bakst

Drawing from such rabbinic sources as Kol HaTor (a kabbalistic work on Jewish eschatology and redemption), Bakst states the following from an article on The Perspective of Kabbalah:

“As depicted in the ancient texts of the Kabbalah the Jewish uroboros, however, appears to be unique in that it is a serpent whose straight body splits into two tails…This Two-Tailed Uroboros is also the secret of what is known in ancient Biblical texts and traditional Judaism as Leviathan…a code name for the Two-Tailed Sacred Serpent.”

There is a strong warning in Galatians 1:8-9 to those who preach another Gospel.  The Scripture tells us to earnestly contend for the Faith which was once for all delivered to the saints, not giving heed to Jewish fables and commandments of men that turn from the Truth, but holding fast to the faithful Word by sound doctrine.

How is it that The Chief Magician of Mystery Babylon – a sorcerer by all accounts – accurately called out Itzhak Shapira as a Qabbalistic Jewish Rab?  Because he recognized Shapira’s doctrine.  How is it that I identified Shapira’s teaching as Kabbalah?  It was because of the doctrine.  I had already read Kol HaTor, The Jewish Utopia, the Zohar and countless rabbinic documents that have purposely been kept hidden by those who have an agenda of Christian subversion from within. (Acts 20:17-31)

The real issue is not “Christians who are fearful of a Jewish utopia,” as stated by Brown. (Kindle loc. 3084)  The real issue is that kabbalistic and occult doctrines of demons are flooding into the Church and leaders, pastors, those with a voice, are not warning the flock as Paul admonished the elders of the church in Ephesus to do in Acts 20.

Michael Brown identifies himself as a “leader in the body of Christ.” (Kindle loc. 866)  Being Jewish himself, Brown knows fully well what Kabbalah is, as explained in his 2013 video, Hidden Secrets of Kabbalah.  If calling out heresy is anti-Semitic, then I guess Jesus and His disciples were anti-Semitic as well.  As true leaders in the body of Christ, neither Peter nor Paul gave place to sorcery, even when the sorcerer they were confronting was an Israelite after the flesh. (Acts 8:5-25, 13:6-12)

But in these days of spiritual compromise by our leaders, why should anything surprise us?

What is this?  (

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