Revivals Part 4: The First Great Awakening & The Controversial George Whitefield

Sacred Names | Deception in the Christian Truth Movement

CO | Yvonne Nachtigal | Edited 4/1/18*

“Divine Names: Like Holy Keys. Kabbalah reveals that the entire Torah is dependant upon G-d’s Names. Your enthusiasm is far greater than your question… You, my brother and soul mate, have asked me to show you the pathway to the Names of the Ever-Blessed G‑d so you may derive what you will from them and reach the place that you desire. Even though your enthusiasm is far greater than your question, I still feel compelled to divulge to you the way the light is disseminated and how G‑d wants us to reach it.

When you have learned this, then G‑d will answer when you call. You will be one of those who are truly close to Him and you will love Him with all your heart. Yes, you will delight in G‑d, and He will grant you all that you ask.” ~ “Divine Names of G-d Like Holy Keys” – Gates of Light: Sha’are Orah – (emphasis added)

Every time I’m watching a Christian “truth” video and hear the “sacred” Hebrew names of God – my heart sinks.

Christian Observer | from 7/4/2017

*I’ve edited the section about other nations worshiping a god called “Yahweh” because after doing some more research, I found the evidence for that to be weak. Instead I focus on God’s heart, which is the crux of the matter.

Modern Judaizing

The Christian “Truth” community is largely made up of people who hold to a dispensational view of prophecy; typically holding to a 7 year tribulation at the end of the age followed by a 1000 year millennial reign of Christ on earth. While eschatology (a part of prophecy dealing with the final events in world history) is not a gospel issue, the dispensational interpretation of prophecy was created by the Vatican/Zionists as a “script” for Christians to interpret current events and steer their narrative. I show the history of the teaching in my video “Chemtrails: a Christian Perspective.”

The “Hebrew Roots” (HRM) and “Sacred Name” “movements take dispensationalism a step further. HRM is nothing but a modern form of “Judaizing” strongly warned against by the apostle Paul:

“O foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you? It was before your eyes that Jesus Christ was publicly portrayed as crucified. Are you so foolish? Having begun by the Spirit, are you now being perfected by the flesh?” (Gal 3:2-3) “Not giving heed to Jewish fables, and commandments of men, that turn from the truth.”  (Titus 1:14)

(Description) …  this historic publication of Gates of Light allows readers to enter the hidden world of the Kabbalah and its profound and beautiful Biblical interpretation. This central text of Jewish mysticism was written in thirteenth-century Spain, where Kabbalah flourished. Considered to be the most articulate work on the mystical Kabbalah, Gates of Light provides a systematic and comprehensive explanation of the Names of God and their mystical applications. The Kabbalah presents a unique strategy for intimacy with the Creator and new insights into the Hebrew Scriptures. In the Kabbalah, aspects of God emanate from a hierarchy of Ten Spheres interconnected by channels that may be disrupted or repaired through human activity.

The Jews of Paul’s time were trying to force believers to come under Jewish law.

The goal of the HRM is to rob believers of their freedom in Christ through “another gospel” of law keeping and indoctrinate them into occult esotericism. The mystery schools have always taught man to look within himself, and obtain immortality through works, rituals and practices, where, by contrast, Jesus’ message was rest:

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”  Matt 11:28-30

The HRM frequently quotes Matt 5:18

“until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished.”

~ but they neglect to read verse right before it:

“Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.” Matt 5:17

Jesus fulfilled the law. 

I mention the HRM because it is closely related to the Sacred Name movement. The HRM is about adding LAW to the teachings of Christ and the Sacred Name Movement is about Jewish Mysticism (kabbalah.)

In an article on the Kabbalist website,;”Divine Names: Like Holy Keys”, (an excerpt from the book, Gates of Light), Sha’are Orah writes:

“Divine Names: Like Holy Keys. Kabbalah reveals that the entire Torah is dependant upon G-d’s Names. Your enthusiasm is far greater than your question… You, my brother and soul mate, have asked me to show you the pathway to the Names of the Ever-Blessed G‑d so you may derive what you will from them and reach the place that you desire. Even though your enthusiasm is far greater than your question, I still feel compelled to divulge to you the way the light is disseminated and how G‑d wants us to reach it.

When you have learned this, then G‑d will answer when you call. You will be one of those who are truly close to Him and you will love Him with all your heart. Yes, you will delight in G‑d, and He will grant you all that you ask.” ~ “Divine Names of G-d Like Holy Keys”

This is mysticism; or magic.

Sacred Name Movement – Nothing New

The “Sacred Name” movement insists on the need to call God “Yahweh” or Jesus “Yahashua” or other “sacred” names. Some go so far as to say that if you fail to call Jesus by his “Hebrew” name you are not really saved! But the teaching of using sacred or “divine” names for God is not biblical. The Jehovah witness’ cult uses the “sacred” name of “Jehovah,” and yet the same Christians who see through the deceptions of this cult do not recognize the same teaching in this new movement.

What IS God’s Name?

When God proclaimed His own name to Moses on Mt Sinai, He said “I Am who I Am” (Exodus 3:13-15)

There  is controversy about “Yahweh” being the name of a god worshiped by neighboring nations, but what’s more important than questions about the name for God, “Yahweh” or “I Am that I Am” is God’s intent behind telling Moses his name. What is the heart of what God says? Before God told Moses his name, He said to him, “‘I Will Be’ With You.” Ehyeh (“I will be”) is used again in the phrase “I Am that I Am,” ehyeh can be translated as either “I will be” or “I am,” so God says; “I Am that I Am,” or “I Will Be who I Will Be.” The meaning is that God is and that He is with us; Emmanuel, God With Us. (Matt 1:23) Shifting the focus from God’s intent (heart) in telling Moses his name, to declaring “JHWH” a “sacred” name is to twist scripture. Our God looks at the heart. (1 Samuel 16:7)

As Sha’are Orah explained, in Kabbalah, the sacred name of a deity is so powerful that the person who knows it then has the power to use that name to command wishes be granted.

Of the fifty four sacred names in the Jewish Kabbalah, the primary one is YHWH.

God’s Heart is Revealed in His Word.

Scripture, on the other hand, magnifies God’s Word:

“I will worship toward thy holy temple, and praise thy name for thy lovingkindness and for thy truth: for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name.” – Psalm 138:2

“Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth.” – John 17:17

Jesus responded to the devil’s temptation in the wilderness with God’s Word. Three times he answers with “It is written.” Matt 4: 1-11

Believers are being taught to receive another Name. Jesus said that,

“I  am come in my Father’s name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive.” (John 5:43)

“Ye are my witnesses, saith the Lord, and my servant whom I have chosen: that ye may know and believe me, and understand that I am he: before me there was no God formed, neither shall there be after me.” (Isaiah 43:10)

But God; “I AM THAT I AM” leaves no room for a god by any other name. In the New Testament, Jesus, who is the great I AM, demonstrated his power and authority as God in the flesh.

“As soon then as he had said unto them, I am he, they went backward, and fell to the ground.” (John 18:6)

The power was in the truth of who He was and is.

Kabbalah In The Church

Kabbalah is at the core of Freemasonry.

Jim Shaw, 33rd degree Mason, says that Masonry is not based on the Bible, but on the Kabbala, a book of mysticism and magic.

Henry Wilson Coil, another high ranking Mason states that Kabbala’s teachings are found in some degrees of Masonry.

Grand Master Freemason, Albert Pike, in his Morals and Dogma, said that the Masonic “search after light” leads directly back to the Kabbala, “the ultimate source of Masonic beliefs.”

The Kabbala, Cabala, Kabala, Kabbala, Kaballa, Qabbala, Qabala, Qaballa, etc., is Jewish mysticism. The Oxford dictionary defines Kabbalah as:

“The ancient Jewish tradition of mystical interpretation of the Bible, first transmitted orally and using esoteric methods (including ciphers). It reached the height of its influence in the later Middle Ages and remains significant in Hasidism.”

These secret societies have infiltrated western fraternities, seminaries and the church with mystical teachings.

Clearly, not everyone involved in the Hebrew Roots / Sacred Name Movement are Kabbalists are occultists. But they should be made aware of the source of these teachings and that they are strongly warned against in the New Testament.

“You are severed from Christ, you who would be justified by the law; you have fallen away from grace.” (Gal 5:4) also (Gal 3:10)

Choose Ye This Day

So, which God do you serve?

Yahweh, Yah, Yahveh, Yaveh, Yaweh, Jehova, Jehovah, Jahova, Jahovah, Yahova, Yahovah, Jahowa, Jahowah, Yahavah, Jahavah, Yahowe, Yahoweh, Jahaveh, Jahaweh, Jah, Yahaveh, Yahaweh, Jahuweh, Yahuweh, Iahueh, Jahuwah, Yahuwah, Yah, Jah, Yahu, Jahu, Yahvah, Jahvah, Jahve, Jahveh, Yahve, Yahwe, YHVH, YHWH?

Or do you serve the nameless (“I AM that I AM”) of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob; the God of Paul, Peter and James; the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ?

” … that we may know him that is true, and we are in him that is true, even in his Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God, and eternal life. (1 John 5:20)

In the words of Michael Houdmann (“”):

“The Sacred Name Movement errs in many ways. But the primary error is the same as that of the Hebrew Roots Movement.

The Sacred Name Movement fails to understand that the Savior did not come to expand Judaism or the Old Covenant.

The Savior came to fulfill the Old Covenant and establish the New Covenant.

Messiah’s death and resurrection fulfilled the requirements of the Law and freed us from its demands (Romans 10:4; Galatians 3:23-25; Ephesians 2:15).

The Old Covenant was but a shadow (Hebrews 8).

The New Covenant, established by our Savior/Messiah, is a fulfillment, not a continuation.”

Recommended Resources –

Faith of Israel: A Theological Survey of the Old Testament by William Dumbrell





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