Revivals Part 4: The First Great Awakening & The Controversial George Whitefield


“Shekhinah is the majestic presence of G-d among us. Kabbalists view her as the channel through which Divine Light passes into the world.

In the Zohar, Shekhinah is G-d’s face turned toward creation. She is the life force that underlies the laws of nature.

Kabbalists teach us that the spark of Divine energy is active and dominant above. This energy has a male polarity. Shekhinah is the feminine polarity of G-d. Her energy is passive and must be energized through our the performance of mitzvot (commandments). We alone bring out the potential of Shechinah’s hidden energy in our lives. We “draw her down” by the observing and keeping the commandments and asking to be imbued with “her” as the guiding edge of our Souls.” – Kabbalah Center .com

Full Article at Blessed Quietness | Abridged by HHA

Many Fundamentalists, Charismatics, and Bible believers jabber about “the Shikhina Glory” of God. What exquisite blasphemy. Read on, and weep for us all for letting our minds be invaded by the most pagan forms latent from ancient Babylon and Sumer.


The appended post by Alan Morrison comments on the latest rejection by the United Methodist Church of orthodox Christian doctrine and embrace of theosophy or ancient wisdom. Prior to this, the UMC Discipleship Resources published a Christian Initiation Series whose stated purpose is

“designed to help United Methodist and other congregations guide individuals who seek initiation into the Christian faith through baptism.” source

Rites of initiation often involve invocation of the hieros gamos, the divine feminine. This goddess is in reality the sacred prostitute which Cynthia and Robert Hicks borrowed from The Sacred Prostitute: Eternal Aspect of the Feminine for the Promise Keepers publication, Masculine Journey.

The feminist faction cites medieval mystic, Dame Julian of Norwich as justification for this concept of God. In The Trojan Horse, Samantha Smith and Brenda Scott mention Richard Foster’s Devotional Classics regarding Dame Juliana: … Juliana of Norwich showed him the depths of Divine Love … of’ a somewhat sensual and ‘intimate’ relationship with God.” (p.129)

In Kabbalah, the term for Holy Spirit, Ruach, supposedly has a feminine gender and is therefore “the Mother.” Therefore, say the Kabbalists,

“the Christian Trinity properly translated should be Father, Son and Mother.”


“Shekinah – a Chaldee word meaning resting-place, not found in Scripture, but used by the later Jews (who were paganized) to designate the visible symbol of God’s presence in the Tabernacle, and afterwards in Solomon’s temple.” – The public domain Easton’s Bible Dictionary, 1897

“In the work by anthropologist Raphael Patai entitled The Hebrew Goddess, the author argues that the term Shekhinah refers to a goddess by comparing and contrasting scriptural and medieval Jewish Kabbalistic source materials. Patai draws a historic distinction between the Shekhinah and the Matronit. In the bestselling thriller The Torah Codes by Ezra Barany, the storyline refers to the Shekhinah as a goddess and one of the characters is even named Patai. In the appendix are essays by Rabbi Shefa Gold, Zvi Bellin, and Tania Schweig about the Shekhinah.” – Raphael Patai, Jewish writer from a Kabbalistic pagan European Jewish heritage:  Main articles: Raphael Patai and The Hebrew Goddess 

Branch Davidians[edit] Lois Roden, whom the original Branch Davidian Seventh-Day Adventist Church acknowledged as their teacher/prophet from 1978 to 1986….. laid heavy emphasis on women’s spirituality and the feminine aspect of God. She published a magazine, Shekinah, often rendered SHEkinah, in which she explored the concept that the Shekinah is the Holy Spirit. Articles from Shekinah are reprinted online at the Branch Davidian website.Wikipedia

References to the Shekinah in Christianity often see the presence and the glory of the Lord as being synonymous, as illustrated in the following verse from Exodus; And Moses went up into the mount, and the cloud covered the mount. And the glory of Jehovah abode upon mount Sinai, and the cloud covered it six days: and the seventh day he called unto Moses out of the midst of the cloud. And the appearance of the glory of Jehovah was like devouring fire on the top of the mount in the eyes of the children of Israel. —Exodus 24:15–17 ASV

All of the above, and many other religious sources, find NO point of reference in the Bible in Hebrew of Greek. Where they make such claims they do so by deduction and Mother Goose logic.


Fulfilling the Torah of Moses in the Shekhinah and the Asherah

“Many Kabbalists conceive of God as embodying both male and female energies, which were divided during creation as part of the process of emanation. They speak of the shekhinah, which in traditional Judaism means the divine presence on earth, as the feminine aspect or mystical bride of God. And they often use language as a means to analyze such mysteries, as in this excerpt from a contemporary non-Jewish Kabbalist which offers an explanation for the mysterious use of the plural form for God early in the Bible:

“The Hebrew word used to denominate God in Genesis is Elohim. This word is a plural formed from the feminine singular ALH (Eloh) by adding IM to it. Since IM is the termination of the masculine plural, added to a feminine noun it makes ELOHIM a female potency united to a male principle, and thus capable of having an offspring. The same intended misconception is given in the Christian idea of the Holy Trinity: Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost. In the Kabbalah the Deity manifests simultaneously as Mother and Father and thus begets the Son. We are told that the Holy Spirit is essentially masculine, but the Hebrew word used in the Scriptures to denote spirit is Ruach, a feminine noun. The Holy Spirit is really the Mother, and thus the Christian Trinity properly translated should be Father, Son and Mother. – Migne Gonzalez-Wippler, A Kabbalah for the Modern World”

The website of Hebrew scholar Eliezer Segal of the University of Calgary explains the function of the Ten Sefirot of the Kabbalah as the pathway to divinity. The union of the Shekhinah with the upper sefirot consummates the marriage of male and female elements:

“The Shekhinah is a Talmudic concept representing God’s dwelling and immanence in the created world… It is through the Shekhinah that humans can experience the Divine. The passivity of the Shekhinah is often emphasized (equated with its femininity), as the recipient of forces from the higher Sefirot… Human Imagery (Primordial Man)… The Shekhinah is often portrayed as a bride or princess whose male lover is the composite of the nine upper sefirot, represented by the prince/bridegroom Tiferet.” source

The Ten Sefirot of the Kabbalist Tree of Life are the attributes or emanations of God and also the path of initiation which unifies in the initiate the male and female attributes of Adam Kadmon, aka “God,” to produce the Son. Evidence that the Hebrew Roots embraces the gnostic interpretation of Shekhinah may be found by comparing the Kabbalah with Avi ben Mordecai’s promotion of the Sefirot:

“The Ten Sefirot of the Kabbalah: This Sefirah unites all the upper nine powers….Tif’eret is the offspring of Hokhmah and Binah. It is often symbolized as a bridegroom or prince who strives to be united with the Shekhinah. Their union produces the human soul.” source

“…But, there is something more in the use of the word Grace in that it ties in powerfully with a teaching in Judaism called Torat HaSod which is describing an emanated attribute of G-d called Tiferet which is part of something else called the lower Seven Sefirot of Adam Kadmon.” Avi ben Mordecai

We include this information to show the direction in which the Church is moving by allowing the Hebrew Roots and other neo-kabbalist cults posing as Christian ministries to teach their adherents.

The KabBalist website distinguishes between the traditional Jewish understanding of Shekinah as the “divine presence” and the Kabbalah’s divine feminine aspect of their god. Gershom Scholem, author of On the Kabbalah and Its Symbolism was careful to make this distinction between the intended meaning of each:

“In Talmudic literature and non-Kabbalistic Rabbinical Judaism, the Shekhinah—literally in-dwelling, namely of God in the world—is taken to mean simply God himself in His omnipresence and activity in the world and especially Israel. God’s presence, what in the Bible is called His ‘face,’ is in Rabbinical usage His Shekhinah. Nowhere in the older literature is a distinction made between God himself and His Shekhinah; the Shekhinah is not a special hypostatis distinguished from God as a whole. It is very different in the usage of the Kabbalah, beginning with the Bahir, which already contains most of the essential Kabbalistic ideas on the subject. Here the Shekhinah becomes an aspect of God, a quasi-independent feminine element within Him. Such an independence, as we have seen above, is realized in a sense in the third sefirah, which is the upper mother or upper Shekhinah, but also, strange to say, the demiurgic potency.” (p. 104-105, Schocken Books, 1965,1996.)

The word Shekhina is NOT found in the Bible, either Old or New Testament. It is a feminine word, and there is NO feminine noun, adjective, verb, or adverb in the Hebrew or Greek Bible that takes the feminine case of gender endings. Please read that again.

The Goddess Rides the Beast- Kabbalah is back in full force

“…New Age spokesmen applaud orthodox Jewish teachers for recently releasing Kabbalah from the restricted access imposed on it by past generations of Jewish sages, making its teachings available to all, and even encouraging free exploration without rabbinic supervision. In Israel the Zohar (a major Kabbalistic work) is even being sold door-to-door. [This is strictly forbidden under the ‘old order’ of Judaism…]”

There is presently an alliance between Freemasons and the Kabbalists which dates from the Middle Ages. The Knights Templar assimilated the Kabbalah during their occupation of the Holy Land after the first Crusade and then brought it to Europe. The study and practice of Kabbalah was especially widespread among the Jews and Moslems in Spain until their expulsion in 1492 whence it was further disseminated throughout Europe. Roman Catholic history reveals that Kabblists were feigning conversion to infiltrate the Roman Church with the objective of subverting the European monarchies with which the Church was allied. The movement was a criminal element threatening civilization with the ritual murder of Christians, and the Holy Roman Empire established the Inquisition to contain it.

There is an occult revival taking place across religious lines and Kabbalah is a foundational doctrine of an occult underground that is surfacing and infiltrating Judaism, Catholicism and Christianity. Hinduism has entered the Church as the Laughing Revival and Kabbalism through the Hebrew Roots Movement. Churches and parachurch organizations like Promise Keepers subtly introduce Kabbalistic concepts through reading materials such as those mentioned above. The thesis of James Webb’s two famous historical works is the ascendancy of the Occult Underground to the Occult Establishment in this century. MYSTERY BABYLON, the woman who rides the beast in Chapter 17 of the book of Revelation appears to be a reference to the goddess worship which will replace orthodox Christianity in the last days. The apostasy we are witnessing today is in essence a return to the mystery religion of ancient Babylon.

Kabbalism runs through almost all of the Zionist system of government in Israel.


Shakhina is the wife of the Kabbalist god. When you get all prickly in a highly charged meeting and start talking about the Shakhina glory coming down, that is THE SPIRIT OF THE GODDESS OF PAGAN ISRAEL AND BABYLON. In your frenzied “praise and worship” services in your Charismatic church, and in all mega churches, your jumping, shouting, leaping, and acting out your emotions are nothing more than having spiritual sex with the goddess Shakina.

[According To The] Shekhina Goddess [Myth:]

The female presence of God. The Indwelling One, the Shekina is regarded as the feminine aspect of God, who dwells inside every individual, the Goddess Within, the female soul of God. In Hebrew, Sh’kina means “dwelling place” and like Her Tantric counterpart, the Shakti, the Sh’kina was the source of all “soul” in the universe.

The hexagram, which came to be known as the star of David, was introduced into Judaism in the Middle Ages via the Tantric influence on Medieval Jewish cabalists. Shekina is the Jewish Cabalist version of the Hindu.

Shakti, who when joined to Her male counterpart forms the perpetual sexual union believed to maintain life in the Universe. This reunion was symbolized by the Tantric mandala – Shakti (the downward pointing triangle) and Shiva (the upward pointing triangle).

The name Shekina does not appear in the Bible or in the Apocrypha, but is regarded as part of Hebrew lore, as described in the Talmud and the Cabala. The Shekina was often defined as God’s “Glory” which, like “Holy Spirit” was another way of concealing the original Goddess relationship that gave Yahweh his powers. Sometimes Her name was simply omitted from scripture, and another word substituted in its place. The Targum of Onkilos, an Aramaic version dating from about A.D. 130, uses the word “Shekina” where later authors substituted the word “name,” in Deuteronomy 12:5 “God shall choose that his Shekina may dwell there, unto the house of his Shekina shall you seek.

In the tradition of the Cabala, She is identified with the tenth Sephiroth, the Earth. Sometimes, She is described as the Mother of the whole Sephiroth (Ten qualities of the Mystical Tree). Kether, the Crown stood for a form of God that was never separated from his female aspect, the Shekina, representing androgynous wisdom.

Israel’s sins caused the Shekina to leave the tabernacle, but some rabbis insisted that She returned when the second temple was built. It was God’s loss of his Shekina that brought about all evils. As a man required his Shekina for enlightenment, so God required his Shekina for wisdom and creativity. He could not be perfect until he could be reunited with Her.

She is the radiance of God, The Bride of the Sabbath, the divine woman image who arrives like a bride every week on the Hebrew Sabbath, to restore the feeling of spiritual wholeness. Every Friday for centuries, Jewish women have celebrated the Goddess Shekina during the celebration called Shabat. The women light white candles and invite the Goddess, the Sacred Bride to enter their homes. She is also celebrated during the new moon, her presence is indicated by the sound of bells.

Rabbinic literature says the splendor of the Shakina feeds the angels. Gnostic Christians of the 4th century spoke of the Sh’kina as a “spirit of glory” in whom Beings of Light lived, as children in their mother’s body or house. God required his Shekina for Wisdom and Creativity.

Sh’khinah was the feminine part of Yahweh, and the light that dwelt within everything. She lived at the root of the Tree of Life. It was said that she resided within the acacia, the tree that produces gum arabic, the glue that holds the world together. Although she was more extensively written about during the Middle Ages in the Kabbalah, her foundations can be traced back to the early Goddess imagery of Asherah and Astarte in Canaan.

Goddess Worship

The following quotes show that Sidney Davis’ “Hebrew roots” Sabbath rituals are witchcraft and idolatry (the “root that beareth gall and wormwood” spoken of in Deuteronomy 29:18). They are derived from the Queen of Heaven idolatry forbidden and condemned in the Bible.

Bureau of Jewish Education, “Havdalah How To,” Internet article: 
“The blessing over spices is unique to Havdalah. Rabbinic legend tells us that with the peace of Shabbat, every Jew receives an additional soul (neshama yeteira). When this extra soul departs at the end of Shabbat, the remaining soul experiences a sort of depression. Enjoying the scent of the spices at Havdalah is an attempt to cheer up this soul as it prepares for the coming week of labor.”

Rabbi Shubert Spero, “Spice Towers and Salvation,” Internet article: 
“According to rabbinic legend, each Jew receives a special soul (neshama yetera) on the Sabbath. As this extra spiritual dimension departs from the body at the close of the Sabbath, one is overcome with a certain degree of sorrow. The spices are interpreted as a means of comfort at the moment of transition to the new week.”

TEFILA Digest 4, Chapter 1, Shabbat, part 3, Internet article:
“On Shabbat, as the Talmud (Tractate Taanit 27b) tells us, we are given a ‘neshama yetera’, an extra soul. This additional soul, derives its pleasure from the learning that our original neshama does on the Shabbat. If the learning represents a true piece of Torah, or an original idea on a Torah subject, the ‘neshama yetera’ will not only derive great pleasure as it hears it but will receive great praise when it returns to the upper worlds.”

“If we are worthy, if we have truly done our Avodat Halev (service of the Heart), if our prayers were pronounced with the proper joy (in spite of the trials and we may have undergone during the week), if our permanent soul was able through learning or niggun to impart the neshama yetera with a lesson or a prayer to take back to the upper worlds, then the light which emanated from our service on this lowly plane will be reflected back to us, breaking through all the screens or curtains.”

Rabbi Mendel Weinbach, “Weekly Daf,” Internet article:
“‘Neshama yeteira’ (extra soul) is what our Sages call that extra dimension of spirituality which Heaven instills in a Jew before Shabbat. The practical expression of this extra dimension of soul, explains Rashi, is that the Jew has a greater capacity for relaxation and joy, and is capable of eating and drinking in abundance without becoming disgusted.

“When Shabbat ends, the neshama yeteira is taken away. The spiritual trauma which the Jew may feel at this loss is subtly indicated in the word ‘vayinafash’ (Shmos 31:17) which describes G-d’s rest following the six days of creation. This can be read as a combination of two words ‘vay nefesh’ which means ‘woe to the soul which has been lost.’

“To ease this loss, our Sages instituted the practice of smelling ‘besamim’ (fragrant spices) during the havdalah service at the Shabbat conclusion. Fragrance is the only earthly thing which the soul enjoys, and it is this nourishment which enables the remaining soul to overcome the shock of losing its Shabbat companion.”

“A Guide to the Friday Evening Service,” Internet article:
“Blessing Over the Candles: Blessed is the Eternal our God, Ruler of the universe, who hallows us with Mitzvot, and commands us to kindle the lights of Shabbat.”

“The custom of lighting candles to usher in the Sabbath goes back 2000 years.”

“The Prehistoric Goddesses of the Middle and Near East,” Internet article:
“Described in the Talmud and the Kabbalah, Shakhina is regarded as part of Hebrew lore. The name literally means ‘being’, and is used synonymously with the figure The Bride of the Sabbath.”

“Still, the candles are lit, still the sacred braided loaf is baked, in hopes that Her ancient Sabbath spirit will enter each home—filling it with the Mother love that is the very presence of the Shekhina (Ancient Mirrors of Womanhood 128-9).”

“Shekinah,” The Way of Kabbalah website:
“Shekinah, the female aspect of Hashem is the ‘Divine Presence,’ the ‘Sabbath Queen’ or ‘Sabbath Bride.’ It is believed that the tradition of braiding challah represented her hair.”

Francine Clagsbrun, The Fourth Commandment: Remember the Sabbath Day, book description at the My Jewish Books website:
“Acclaimed writer and lecturer Francine Klagsbrun draws on her extensive knowledge of Judaism and personal experience in applying the profound lessons of the Sabbath to life today…. She began this project after the death of her parents; her mother’s last conscious act was to welcome the Sabbath queen, the shekhina, by kindling the Sabbath candles.”

“Shekhina, Hebrew Goddess,” Internet article:
“[Lyrics to] Shekhina, the Hebrew Goddess

“Shekhina, Hallow the Sabbath
“Kindle the candles of life
“I turn to honor your presence
“Goddess of Peace
“Goddess of Peace
“Goddess of Peace, enter to-night.

“From the Album: Shekhina, Hebrew Goddess.”

“This 1993 release, subtitled Restoring the Balance, is about Shekhina, the Hebrew Goddess of the Kabbala.”

“‘The tape we have been waiting for … a blend of ancient, holy, and new age music with a sustained release infusion of kabbalistic essence of Shekhina’s healing light, love, power and mystery. I can’t stop playing the music!’ —Rabbi Ayla Grafstein.”

Cathy Goldberg Fishman, On Shabbat, book descriptions at the book4jewishkids website:
“Fishman follows an observant family through their preparation for the holiday as they put away schoolbooks and briefcases and make ready to welcome the Shabbat Queen. The origins of a variety of rituals are explained through questions the children ask during the course of the celebration.” (School Library Journal)

“On Shabbat, her family lights the Shabbat candles and invites the Shabbat Queen to come into her house. They sing songs, receive blessings from each other, and have a special meal.” (Publisher)

Dorothy K. Kripke, Let’s Talk About the Sabbath, book description at the Tora Aura website:
“Off the pen of a well respected Jewish children’s author, Let’s Talk About the Sabbath is a young person’s guide to the Sabbath. From meeting the Queen of the Sabbath, to celebrating Havdallah, this book delights in the visions of a perfect Sabbath experience.”

Ilil Arbel, Ph.D., “Shabbat Hamalka,” Encyclopedia Mythicawebsite:
“Shabbat Hamalka … means Queen of the Sabbath, and the entity is the personification of the Jewish day of rest, Saturday. She still possesses a prominent position in Judaic mythology. For example, Israeli children, even in completely nonreligious surroundings, still sing songs to her every Friday afternoon (in Hebrew ‘Erev Shabatt’ meaning the Sabbath Eve) before the Queen ‘descends’ from Heaven to grace the world for twenty-four hours.”

“Her origin is extremely ancient, and as the centuries rolled, Shabbat Hamalka acquired magical qualities, combining the character of Queen, Bride, and Goddess. In addition, she took on strong erotic/romantic and cosmic/spiritual significance.”

“The Matronit/Maggid,” Page Two, Inc. website:
“Queen of the Sabbath, the Matronit-Shekhina personifies the Sabbath. She was mentioned in Talmudic literature as early as the 2nd century CE: ‘Rabbi Hanina used to wrap himself [in festive clothes] towards evening on Friday and say: “Come, let us go to receive Sabbath the Queen.”‘ Likewise, the 13th Century Zohar, provided instructions on how to receive Her: ‘One must sing and rejoice at the table in Her honor…. One must receive the Lady with many lighted candles, many enjoyments, beautiful clothes, and a house embellished with many fine appointments….”

“The Spirit of Shekhina, Hebrew Goddess,” Internet article:
“Shekhina is the radiant presence of the Divine. She is daughter, sister and mother, the Sabbath Queen, the eternal light…. The prayer shawls symbolize her clothing.”

Soul Vision website:
“The Legends of the Jews answers that goddesses were well known to the Hebrews of Biblical times who worshipped in the groves of the Goddess Asherah (Judges III. 7; VI. 25-26,30; 1 Kings XVI. 33; XVIII. 190, and bowed down to her images (2 Kings XXI. 7; 2 Chronicles XVII.6, etc.). They also honored Astarte, the goddess of the Phoenicians and Philistines (Judges II. 13; X. 6; 1 Samuel XXXI. 10 … etc.). Not long before Nebuchadrezzar’s destruction of the Judaean Kingdom (586 B.C.), Jewish women were offering cakes to her as the ‘Queen of Heaven’ (Jeremiah VII. 18): alias Anath. She had become so dear to Jews of both sexes, that those who escaped to Egypt vowed to serve her with libations and cakes made in her image (Jeremiah XLIV. 15-19).’ Known by many names, across time and space, Lilith or Eve, Anath and Asherah, Astarte, the Queen of Heaven, the Shekhinah and the Matronit… No matter Her name, she was loved; ‘Yet whatever her origin and whatever her cult, there can be no doubt about the psychological importance that the belief in, and service of, Asherah had for the Hebrews.'”

“Shekinah: The Presence of Divinity,” Internet article:
“Shekinah—also spelled Shekhina, Shekhinah, Shekina, and Shechina—is known in the Qabalah, an ancient form of Jewish mysticism, as one of the emanations of God and the actual Presence of God.”

“Originally it was Asherah who dwelled in the Temple as the Bride of God, His representative there. But after the ‘reforms’ of King Josiah, Asherah worship was forbidden in the Temple. Still, the Jews knew that their Lady was still living there as their Queen and the representative of El, their God. So Asherah evolved. She began to be seen as the presence of God, and less as a separate entity. She became Shekinah, which means something like She who dwells (from the Hebrew shakhan, which means the act of dwelling). However, Asherah did not really change. She was always the representative of Her Husband, just as He was always HER representative. She, an Earth Goddess, was also Queen of Heaven. He, as Sky God, was also Ruler of Earth. This occurred only through Their marriage. So, it was not really that Asherah worship ever changed much within Judaism, or that Asherah Herself changed; only, it was made to look like it had changed to fool the patriarchal priests.”

“Zionism: What Is the Biblical View?” Balaam’s Asswebsite:
“The Talmud and Cabbala call for the death of all Gentiles, and the Cabbala is a book of occult witchcraft from Babylon. Zionists pray to Shakhina, the goddess of Babylon, who has even crept into the vocabulary of Bible believers.”

“Words We Use,” Balaam’s Ass website:
Shakina… This word is supposed to be the Hebrew word for the ‘glory’ or presence of God, especially in the tabernacle. We have been told for years, even by the majority of ‘scholars’ in the seminaries, that this is the correct definition.

“It is also used to describe the pillar of cloud and fire that accompanied the Hebrews in the wilderness.”

Shakhina is the word used in the Cabbala for the wife of Elohim.”

“The word Shakhina is NOT found in the Bible. Check it out.”

“Do you say, ‘Oh no, how can this be? You are making it all up.’ Pay attention now. In the Hebrew Old Testament, no word for the divine, or any grammatical modifying word associated with the divine, especially Elohim, is EVER feminine. Shakhina is feminine.”

Ilil Arbel, Ph.D., “Shekhina,” Encyclopedia Mythica website:
“Judaism is a monotheistic religion, strongly connected to a patriarchal God Yahweh. It may surprise many people to discover that a goddess was associated with Judaism from its conception, and continued to play an important part, in various forms, to the present. The goddess is best known as Shekhina, a Talmudic term describing the manifestation of God’s presence on earth.

“While the Bible does not mention the name Shekhina, she is nevertheless bound to extremely old traditions, and closely relates to the ancient goddesses. Particularly significant is the Canaanite goddess Ashera who, at the beginning of the Israelites’ settlement in the land of Canaan, was often referred to as Yahweh’s Consort.”

“The Kabbalah greatly elaborated on the theme of the feminine aspect of God. She would appear as the powerful Matronit, the controversial Lilith, and finally, as the glorious figure of Shabbat Hamalka—Queen, Bride of God, celebrated every Saturday by Jews all over the world as they light the Sabbath candles. And by tradition, the candles must always be lit by a woman. Naturally—Ashera, too, was served chiefly by priestesses. The cycle is very neatly completed.”

The Shekinah Trap, How a Jezebel spirit
Became the Presence and Glory of God

By Siporrah Joseph
This is dynamite and will prove once and for all that this Shakinah rubbish is blasphemy. This is loaded from this site, so it will stay up.


Shakhina and the White Light teachings
in the occult and by Stewart Best

Wikipedia on Shekhina

Kabbalah and Shikhina connection

Pagan version of Shakhina with attack
on biblical truth

Jewish roots of the Shekhina doctrine

Shakhina in Ireland

A French Based Group Tries to
win Souls under color of Shakhina

Another fool “Ministry” out
of Australia named for Shakhina

Bob Jones Jr,
alleged master of the Biblical languages, about Shakinah:

“I remember an old lady, bedridden, crippled, paralyzed. She said to me once, “You know, there is so little I can do for the Lord, but here I am on my bed. I prayed for you today when you were on the radio. Mrs. So-and-so came to see me, and I had the joy of leading her to Christ.” Bedridden, paralyzed, helpless, unable to move food to her lips; but she feasted on heavenly manna in that little room, and the Shekinah glory of God illumined that place. God was there, and God’s servant was there.” (Bob Jones Jr.)




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