Revivals Part 4: The First Great Awakening & The Controversial George Whitefield

BOOM! France False Flag! Charlie Hebdo “terrorist” MET WITH FRENCH PRESIDENT at Palace

YouTube video

Published on Jan 10, 2015

Yes, the title of the video is correct!

One of the supposed French “terrorists” met with THE PRESIDENT OF FRANCE (Sarkozy) in 2009!!!!

Screenshot of the newspaper article:…


“an unlikely encounter between Nicolas Sarkozy, the then French President and Amedy Coulibaly, the gunman suspected of killing a police woman and of taking five hostages at a kosher grocery in eastern Paris today.

The meeting took place in 2009 in the Élysée Palace when Mr Sarkozy met nine young French men who got just jobs in a local factory. They were all from Grigny, a tough Parisian suburb torn by riots 10 years ago.

quote the “terrorist”:

“Sarkozy is not truly popular with the youth in the estates. But that is nothing personal. In fact it is the case for most politicians,” said Coulibaly. “The encounter really impressed me. Whether I like him or not, he is the president after all.”……


Je suis théoricien de la conspiration? (I am a conspiracy theorist?)

nope, there is no conspiracy ! move on! nothing to see here folks.. keep moving .. keeeeep mooooooving.. nothing to see here!…


tir fausse terreur canular Schießen gefälschte Fälschung schieten nep hoax terreur skydning falsk fotografování falešný ohledně podvodu teroru ירי טרור מתיחה מזויף 偽のデマの恐怖を撮影 γυρίσματα ψεύτικο φάρσα τρόμου skyting falske Frankrike Francie Frankrijk Γαλλία Frankreich צרפת Frankrig フランス faux pavillon terreur tir paris


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