
COVID-19 & 501c3: Churches Submit to Contrived Fear

Church? Where are you?

This has been on my heart ever since I started hearing about churches closing because of the highly exaggerated, possibly false coronavirus scare and ridiculous excuse for a complete lockdown of the entire world, removal of our rights as citizens, and destruction of our economy.

Where is the church? Bound and gagged by its compromising 501c3 tax exempt status so everyone can give their unbiblical, obligatory tithes to build bigger stone temples while receiving tax benefit. The government says “stop social meetings” and like blind sheep they close their doors at a time when it is more crucial than ever to come together and pray. Please forgive me for my anger today, but I’ve been writing about all this for a long time now and the current cowing-down by these “houses of the Lord” to this fake crisis epitomizes what I’ve been saying about the organized church.

I’ve received newsletters from pastors, explaining how they must close their doors for the “safety” of the congregation. What a pile of baloney! Pastors: Please wake up! Your people are looking to you! God has raised up members in your congregations who know what’s going on. Set aside your fear of man’s approval and listen to them! It is long past time to get informed about the leviathan of deception that is taking place in the world. I’ve tried to show the long thread of THE deception of the ages that usurped the church in its early days and is currently reaching its finale, in my book which will be published in a few days, but I confess to you that I was only able to skim the surface of what God has been revealing to my heart. Dear friends who read this humble blog, I’ll be transparent, I am writing through tears this morning.

Maybe it’s good. Maybe the Lord is calling us out of the stone temples to find Him anew, to walk in the power of His Holy Spirit like they did in the great book of Acts. “Come out from her my people!” (Rev 18:4) I pray that’s the case. This much I know, and others do too: We don’t need to talk about prayer. We need to pray. I am following what others have already started and calling all believers to PRAY at 7pm every day. It doesn’t matter what time zone you’re in. Just pray at that time every day, knowing you are praying together with countless others – with one voice, calling out to God. We need shake off the fear mongering, remember who and whose we are, and turn to the Lord our God who IS GOD and invite Him to bring His kingdom into this broken broken world.

I want to post this article by the gifted Jon Rappaport, who, from what I understand, is not a believer. Whether Jon is right or wrong in the action he is calling for (biblically, our first action is prayer), the point is that, Saints, the world is looking to us! Are we falling into fear or boldly standing in faith? I pray that God bless and keep every precious one of you and your loved ones in the mighty name of Jesus! To Him be Praise and Honor and Glory forever! Amen!

“Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.” (Luke 12:32)

(I want to quickly point out a couple other things. Many are waking up to the controlling cabal that’s at work behind the scenes. But that’s not by chance. Notice, for example, that suddenly it is EASY to find the link between vaccines and autism in a Google search now. The CDC has come out and admitted that they cannot prove vaccines do not cause autism. They are exposing themselves in preparation for the greatest deception of all. Count on it, they will be coming with the “solution” (problem/reaction/solution), and it will look good. “See to it you are not deceived.” (Matt 24:4)) 

If Jesus threw the moneychangers out of the temple, why can’t worshipers throw out the CDC?

By Jon Rappaport

Are they really going to shut down all the churches in the world? “Too many people in one place, no more Sunday services.” I don’t think so. Don’t write me and tell me about the churches that have already shut down. I’m talking about the millions of others that are still open.

What are these churches? They’re places where people can wake up their spirit. And what does that spirit say? Huddle in the dark? Wait for the virus to pass over? Give in?

That’s not what I hear. I hear that in some countries, they’re places where the State does not tread. Where the worshipers can even speak their minds. I’ve never been shown Scripture where God says churches have to protect their government granted 501C3 non-profit status and therefore have to cower in fear.

CHURCH is where people can mount a PUSHBACK against the lockdowns and economic destruction. Against the attack.

CHURCH is where people can stand up and say they’re OK and healthy and they’re not falling for the illusion. This is where people can tear away the false curtain.

If one person stands up in church and says the epidemic is hyped up and is a cover story that allows the government to wreck the country, another person might stand up and say the same thing. Isn’t this a tradition called TESTIFYING? Aren’t courage and righteousness supposed to have a place in churches? What happens if 50 people stand up? A hundred? What if this happens in many churches? What if the energy is a fireball? Even out in the countryside, away from the cities, I understand people have things called cell phones. What prevents them from recording all this testifying and sending it all over the world? WE’RE HEALTHY. WE’RE OK. WE’RE NOT GOING TO DIE. WE DON’T WORSHIP THE VIRUS. WE’RE NOT HERE TO FALL ON OUR KNEES AND WORSHIP THE VIRUS. THE VIRUS ISN’T GOD.

If Jesus threw the moneychangers out of the temple, why can’t worshipers throw out the CDC?

(Modern translation): “People of Jerusalem, run through your streets! Look around! See for yourselves! Search the marketplaces! Can you find one person who does what is right and tries to be faithful to God? If you can, the LORD will forgive Jerusalem.”

So…is there ONE honest politician anywhere who will go into a church on a Sunday and stand up and say I DO NOT WORSHIP THE VIRUS…WE’RE ALL RIGHT, WE’RE NOT SICK, WE’RE NOT GOING TO GET SICK, THIS IS A LIE AND AN ATTACK AGAINST US…

Don’t hold your breath waiting. Don’t wait at all. People who go to church can take the bull by the horns themselves. TESTIFY.

Real churches, as opposed to fake ones, were never meant to be polite places.

From what I’m told, early on in every religion, the original believers struggled against overwhelming odds. Their FAITH sustained them. Yes?

Also, if I understand correctly, God isn’t telling people to wait for Him to take action. Is WAITING a religion?

Is there a Bible I don’t know about that lists all the permitted excuses for WAITING?


Part Two

Does God want a global lockdown for eighteen months?

Churches are the last bastion of separation from State in the society

When there’s a war, there’s dissent. In this war, where are the dissenters?

Could two-gun Trump, accompanied by a live-streaming video crew, do a blazing firebrand tour of 100 churches across the US, and tell worshipers the “epidemic” is being crazily hyped, in order to wage war against the people, through economic attacks? “THIS IS THE MOST FAKE NEWS OF ALL FAKE NEWS! THE CDC IS FILLED WITH LIARS!” You bet your ass he could. Will he? No.


The latest: Time magazine, 3/17:

“The U.K. government ramped up its response to COVID-19 Monday, asking citizens to cut all unnecessary contact with other people, after a British research team warned its earlier strategy would lead to hundreds of thousands of deaths. But those researchers also gave a troubling warning for countries around the world implementing lockdown measures: in order to be effective, they would need to last 12 to 18 months.”

Twelve to 18 months would blow any national economy apart.

A public official who declares, or assists in the declaring of, a lockdown should have to haul himself downtown and live among the people he just torpedoed. The people who lost their jobs and businesses. Put these political criminals on minimum welfare and see how they like it. THAT’S called a deterrent. “What, Mr. Mayor? You want a job? In this neighborhood, which is changing radically by the hour, it looks like we have three immediate openings. Slim, none, and zero. What’s your preference?”

For the last 60 years or so, I’ve been hearing about churches where they rattle the timbers and shake the windows every Sunday. —Energy in spirit let loose. Churches are the last bastion of separation from State in the society. That’s where people are supposed to go, to find their Ultimate. What are they supposed to do in an economic war that’s being leveled against them? Stay silent? Is that what God is looking for? Eighteen months of silence?

I googled “God wants 18 months of lockdown,” and the first thing that came up was:

“As Italy remains on lockdown until at least April 3, priests across this overwhelmingly Catholic country are being forced to look for alternative ways to minister to their flocks. Even the public mass, the most solemn rite in the church’s liturgy, has been banned along with other public gatherings. Instead, many priests are turning to the virtual world to bring people closer to God.”

“A proliferation of prayer chains are being organized on WhatsApp or websites—such as the new Corona(Anti)Virus for 24-hour rosary recitation—and in addition many priests are now streaming masses on YouTube channels or Facebook. One priest of a small town in Brianza, one of the areas most affected by the new coronavirus, even asked his worshippers to email him selfies or other pictures of themselves, so that he could print them out, stick them on the pews and not feel alone in his church while conducting a mass. He got hundreds of images and ran out of toner for his printer.”

After reading that, I provisionally decided the Vatican has no clue about what God wants.

I could have looked for Biblical references to selfies, but held myself back.

That’s not the kind of church I’m talking about. That’s a complicit corporation.

I’m talking about churches where people stand up and TESTIFY, because in a staggering economic crisis like the one we’re now facing, THE SPIRIT MOVES THEM, AND SO THEY MOVE. And if their church is too polite a place, THEY SANCTIFY IT BY THEIR ACTION.


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