
Georgia Opens Beaches – Is It Almost Over?

People have been “sheltering in place” for 3 weeks now and it’s getting old. Facebook is full of posts by mommies at wits end who want their kids to go to the park, to the beach, just to go outside and PLAY with their friends. People want the world to go back to normal. This is depressing. I mean, seriously, how much can people take? But, maybe more importantly, how much WILL they take before they start shouting like the little guy in the story who yelled “But the emperor has no clothes on at all!” that

“HEY! The hospitals are empty! The body bags are empty! Everyone knows that the test kits are unreliable and the statistics are being tampered with! Crisis actors are running around like goons in hazmat garb! This whole thing is a great big FARCE and those behind it are ruining my life and livelihood!”

It’s going to happen, it’s just a matter of time.

But the “hidden hand” people behind the scenes know that.

Today, for the first time, I saw a teensy glimmer of hope that this might all be winding down. Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp reopened the state’s beaches. But Kemp’s executive order, which allows exercise, with social distancing, on the beaches and prohibits beachgoers from using chairs, tents and umbrellas until April 13, couldn’t be implemented without the predictable drama:

“Mayor Shirley Sessions called the decision a “reckless mandate,” adding that the health of the town’s 3,100 residents, staff and visitors are now at risk.

“As the Pentagon ordered 100,000 body bags to store the corpses of Americans killed by the coronavirus, Gov. Brian Kemp dictated that Georgia beaches must reopen, and declared any decision makers who refused to follow these orders would face prison and/or fines,” she said in a statement. “Tybee City Council and I are devastated by the sudden directives and do not support his decisions.” source

“100,000 body bags to store the corpses of Americans”? Seriously Shirley? Spare me, the fear mongering is getting old.

Meanwhile, we’re fast approaching Ishtar…er Easter. The holiday which heretically mixes the Babylonian worship of the goddess of fertility with our savior’s triumph over sin and death, thanks to the Roman Catholic religion, who shifted the day from Passover to the pagan date. Hey, do you know how the Babylonian cult was worshipped in it’s original form? Apparently the temple virgins were ceremoniously impregnated by the temple priests and they gave birth in December to infants that were sacrificed three months later on the first Sunday after the full moon after the spring solstice. Their blood was then used to dye boiled eggs. (source) Isn’t that a nice thing to think about as you culturally join in and have your little ones dye Easter eggs in celebration of Jesus’ resurrection? Trump had been saying that he hoped the COVID-19 scare would be over by Easter, although that doesn’t seem to be happening. But as much of a tradition as it is and regardless of how we enjoy dressing up our little girls in their pretty new Easter dresses, the resurrection isn’t about that, bunnies or, goodness forbid, colored eggs. I admit I’ll miss Easter brunch though.

There are two possible outcomes as I see it. Either this will all finally fade and things will go back to a more normal way of life for a while before they bring in wave II of their financial/political/religious reset, or we’ll shelter in place until the people erupt from their homes and hit the streets in protest. That’s just my guess, but I do know this: Whether or not people fully believe this virus story or not, they are scared. These are scary times, especially if you have young children. The waves of evil are bigger than most of us have ever seen, reminding me of the final, giant wave the little fishing boat took on in the movie “The Perfect Storm”. The Bible has a story of a great storm.

On that day, when evening had come, he said to them, 

‘Let us go across to the other side.’

And leaving the crowd, they took him with them in the boat, just as he was. And other boats were with him. And a great windstorm arose, and the waves were breaking into the boat, so that the boat was already filling. But he was in the stern, asleep on the cushion. And they woke him and said to him,

‘Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?’

And he awoke and rebuked the wind and said to the sea, 

‘Peace! Be still!’ 

And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm. He said to them,

Why are you so afraid? Have you still no faith?’

And they were filled with great fear and said to one another,

‘Who then is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?'”

The King of Kings and Lord of Lords that’s who! And the hidden hand people would not have the power to do ANY of this unless He had given it to them! And this is a great time to share the gospel!

Following are some thoughts Jon Rappoport has on what to expect down the road in the natural.

The COVID Illusion and the Currency Reset
The Reset: Not All at Once; Step by Step

By Jon Rappoport

When this highly destructive farce is over, there are several ways things could go. In this article, I describe one path.

The World Health Organization (WHO) and the World Bank (WB) are joined at the hip. In 2018, they double-knotted their ties by forming a partnership to monitor outbreaks and epidemics before they spread.

Basically, behind the scenes, the deal looks like this: WHO creates the illusion of global epidemics; WB steps in later, to pick up the pieces of the result—injured national economies— by shelling out loans to governments.

These loans always carry conditions. The prime condition is: let in private, roaming, foreign, predatory, private investors so they can take over vital sectors of a nation: energy, agriculture, water, etc.

But this time, WHO, as planned, has gone ballistic. The lockdowns are shredding economies. It’s not going to be “here’s a loan.”

It’s more on the order of: we have to bail out everybody.

How is that done?

Step by step, through switching over one kind of illusory money for another kind of illusory money.

“We invented one kind of money out of thin air, and it reached the end of the line. Now we have to invent another kind of all new money out of thin air.”

Universal guaranteed income (UGI). Eventually, for everyone.

It, too, comes with conditions, gradually implemented. Basically, the deal is: “we pay you, and you obey us.”

The behavioral side of the model is the Chinese regime, which works obedience through a “social credit score.”

Infractions lower the score. In which case, the violator can’t travel on a plane or send his kids to certain schools or stay in certain hotels or start a business. There are levels of punishments.

Infractions include walking a dog off a leash, spreading fake news, crossing against a red light, failure to separate garbage properly, business fraud—little and big offenses.

Under a global UGI, it would be: “Here’s your monthly digital check, now follow orders, or your money might be reduced. Be a good citizen.”

Of course, a system like this requires complete and utter surveillance, public and private, every which way.

The holy grail is energy quotas for every person. “Mr. Smith, this is your wall talking through the glorious Internet of Things. Your energy number for the month is reaching its limit. I want to help you avoid that limit and the social credit score penalties that would be enforced. I’m going to initiate brown-outs and dimming in your home for the next two weeks. Your Internet will be shut down—excepting the hours of midnight to three in the morning. Cook all your meals for the day between four and five am…”

Behavior control. What’s going on now is a tune-up for the future. Now they say: stay indoors, don’t let in visitors. Stand in line outside stores, keeping a distance of six feet. Report people who appear sick. Get tested. Wash your hands a dozen times a day. In the future, the list of rules and regs will be different, but the overall theme will be the same: be a good citizen and contribute to a better world. Be sincere and earnest and helpful. Don’t rebel.

And just like now, many, many people will respond: “Yes, thank you. I like the straight and narrow. I like the feeling of contributing to something larger than myself. I like the collective. I like the fact that we’re all in this together.”

A sub-population of these people will want to do more. They’ll want to join the government. They’ll want to help the government enforce the rules. They’ll want to “express their energy.” They would, if asked, gladly march in columns down streets, salute, hand out summons, make arrests, and even commit violent acts under orders.

They would wear crisp uniforms, and take oaths. They would want ranks and seals. They would like to be called ELITE.

Because history means nothing to such people, they’ll never know names like SS, Red Guards, or Stasi. But that’s what they’ll be.

Unless the whole plan for a technocratic Brave New World is exposed and falls apart, because enough people remember another name and know what it means:


When this fake pandemic crisis is declared “done,” several themes will emerge. They will be promoted in various ways, employing many messages. I’m talking about official government and media propaganda.

First of all, the “pandemic” will be described as major turning point in human history. A great shock to the system. All sorts of professional shills and bullshitters will talk about BP and AP. BEFORE THE PANDEMIC and AFTER THE PANDEMIC.

We will be told, “We can’t go back to the way it was before.”

The first great propaganda theme will be: HELP US BUILD A BETTER WORLD. This message is for the sincere people who want to pitch in and do good, in a collective sense. “Let’s build a better world where we can avoid these pandemics, or see them earlier. Let’s form a civilization where equality and justice for all is the top priority. Let’s all share and care…” If you’re looking for logic, forget it. In whatever way they can, the propagandists will imply that somehow the pandemic was a signal that we must “do better.” We must “get through it together” as we did during the crisis. The love we showed then must be the love we show now. An appeal to idealists everywhere who fall for vague generalities like cats fall for catnip.

The second great theme, aimed at the educated class and the technical types and the scientists and “thinkers,” will be: ORGANIZATION. “We must organize world civilization more effectively.” Because somehow, that was the problem Before the Pandemic. Lack of organization allowed things to get out of hand. We can’t any longer be separate groups and nations going their separate ways. Too much disorder. We need better structures in every phase of life. We need more interconnection and coordination. The educated class loves this stuff. It fits their image of success. If society operates like a machine, problems will be solved.

The third great propaganda theme is aimed at all sorts of people who emerged from their lockdown and self-isolation, took a walk in a park on a spring day, and suddenly remembered what they had been missing. Their relief nearly reaches a point of hysteria, as at the end of a World War. The theme is: NEVER AGAIN. “We don’t want to go back to those dark days under any circumstances, and whatever it takes, we’re on board. Tell us what to do.”

With these themes in hand, the technocracy can be enacted. We’re all for building a better world. We must organize it with t’s crossed and i’s dotted. And we must never go back into the dark.

Unless people remember what is left out. THE INDIVIDUAL. And FREEDOM.

Technocratic operators are counting on us to forget. They’re counting on many people who value freedom to say, “Well, it’s all hopeless. I know what freedom is, but too many others don’t. So why bother. I’ll just surrender and float on the tide.”

Floating is an illusion. The tide moves in a planned direction. Toward a shore that isn’t pretty.

Are things pretty now?

That’s called a clue.



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