
::UPDATED:: COVID Test May Breach The Blood/Brain Barrier

:::July 8, 2020::: The test itself does not breach the blood/brain barrier, but there is still cause for concern.

The spot where they are “getting a sample” for the Covid-19 test is [*QUITE NEAR*] what’s called your Blood-Brain Barrier. It is a single layer of cells that protect your brain from heavy metals, pesticides & other toxic substances that are usually kept out. It is the way vital nutrients, like oxygen, reach the brain.

If, in some way, your Blood-Brain Barrier is compromised, it becomes a “Leaky Blood-Brain Barrier” which is an inflamed brain! It then allows bacteria & other toxins to enter your brain & infect the brain tissue which can lead to inflammation and sometimes death.

More symptoms (long & short term) include autism, ADD, ADHD, heart disease, autoimmune disease, cancer, neurodegenerative disease, stroke, liver damage, chronic fatigue that isn’t resolved with rest, hypoxia, anxiety, mood disorders, depression & other mental health conditions like schizophrenia, seizures, memory loss & cognitive decline resulting in Alzheimer’s or Dementia, insufficient blood flow to the brain, abnormal brain activity.

Nasal lining used to breach blood/brain barrier

“Using mucosa, or the lining of the nose, researchers have demonstrated what may be the first known method to permanently bypass the blood-brain barrier, thus opening the door to new treatment options for those with neurodegenerative and CNS disease.” – read more… 

1) Modern Science can take a swab from the inside of your cheek and do a COMPLETE DNA MAPPING.

2) If this COVID-19 is so CONTAGIOUS that tiny microscopic particles of Saliva in your MOUTH could spread out in excess of 6 feet and you need to wear a mask to stop the Spread. WHY not Swab the inside of your HIGHLY CONTAGIOUS MOUTH?

3) Is it possible that instead of retrieving a SAMPLE, they could actually be IMPLANTING SOMETHING? (Like I say, I won’t put anything past them anymore.) Again DNA can be done at home through the mail with simple MOUTH SWAB but the HIGHLY CONTAGIOUS COVID-19 in your MASK COVERED MOUTHS can’t be tested with a Mouth Swab? 

***Dr. Morgan Katz, the doctor that FB has contradicting this claim says that the test itself does not breach the blood/brain barrier, but adds:

“It’s true that the barrier can be compromised in a number of ways. Some bacterial infections, certain neurological diseases and inflammation are all ways in which the barrier could be damaged. That is why many think they are putting Covid 19 on the swab so it will infect those coming in for the test.”
So the concern becomes the integrity of the tests. (Combine that with the concerningreport that COVID tests were contaminated.)
Inflated numbers, what’s happening to the elderly, minorities & the poor, doctors reports, the testimony of nurses and more are leading many, myself included, to distrust everything having to do with this “virus”, including this bizarre testing method.

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