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Hillary Clinton: Some Things To Consider Before Neglecting To Go To The Polls

I’m as disillusioned as anyone when it comes to the upcoming election. And while I am not convinced that Trump is the answer, clearly, Hillary is not. Still, let’s not give up the ship just yet! Let’s get out there with hope against hope that we are still being counted, and let’s pray diligently throughout the day as this plays out. That said, here are a few things for the “beyond creepy” file to encourage you to the polls.

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Vigilant Citizen |  Clinton’s Campaign Chairman John Podesta Invited to an Occult ‘Spirit Cooking’ Dinner by Marina Abramović

Symbols Rule the World 


The Podesta e-mails released by Wikileaks contain various bizarre entries, including an invitation to a ‘Spirit Cooking’ dinner hosted notorious occultist Marina Abramović. These parties include blood, semen, breast milk … and God knows what else.

In another e-mail leaked, it is revealed that John Podesta was invited to a ‘Spirit Cooking’ by Marina Abramović. John David Podesta is the Chairman of the 2016 Hillary Clinton presidential campaign. He previously served as Chief of Staff to President Bill Clinton and Counselor to President Barack Obama.

Hillary Clinton and John Podesta, 2011.

Hillary Clinton and John Podesta, 2011.

Here’s the leaked e-mail.

Marina sent an e-mail to Tony Podesta (John Podesta’s brother) who then forwarded it to his brother.

Before going any further, here’s a video of Maria preparing a ‘Spirit Cooking’ dinner.

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Yes, the process involves a whole lot thick congealed pig’s blood. Marina paints on walls instructions who appear to be coded in classic occultist matter.


Spirit cooking refers to “a sacrament in the religion of Thelema which was founded by Aleister Crowley” and involves an occult performance during which menstrual blood, breast milk, urine and sperm are used to create a “painting”.


Strange fact: In another leaked e-mail, Podesta discusses with his doctor about an infected finger.

Further in the video, Marina drenches in blood a statue which looks like a small child.

Why do I have the sick feeling that actual toddlers might be used during these ceremonies?
Why do I have the sick feeling that actual toddlers might be used during these ceremonies?

Why does an occultist such as Marina Abramović have direct contact with people in such position of power? This is why we called them the ‘occult elite’.

Marina Abramović

Marina Abramović is considered to be the “grandmother of performance art”. Most of her work however takes place in private settings where she conducts magick rituals. She is an important and powerful figure in pop culture and is greatly influential in Hollywood, the fashion world and the music business.

Marina 'training' Lady Gaga in the 'Abramovic Method'.
Marina ‘training’ Lady Gaga in the ‘Abramovic Method’.
Marina performing with Jay-Z.
Marina performing with Jay-Z.

Marina is a “occult pop culture icon”. Here are symbolic pictures celebrating this fact.

On this cover of Vogue Ukraine, Marina represents the stronghold of occultists on the fashion world.
On this cover of Vogue Ukraine, Marina represents the stronghold of occultists on the fashion world.
In the same shoot, Marina is holds a goat’s head by the horns – a classic way of representing the drawing of magical power from Baphomet.
Same photoshoot: Marina standing in front of a model with inner body parts exposed while doing an occult handsign .
Same photoshoot: Marina standing in front of a model with inner body parts exposed while doing an occult handsign .
This picture accompagnied an article about Marina in The New Yorker. A serpent hiding one eye: The perfect way to represent being a pawn of the occult elite.
This picture accompanied an article about Marina in The New Yorker. A serpent hiding one eye: The perfect way to represent being a member of the occult elite.
Marina on the cover of ELLE with one eye hidden.
Marina on the cover of ELLE with one eye hidden.
Mimicking devil horns.
Mimicking devil horns.
Performance art: Cleaning the Mirror 1995.
Performance art: Cleaning the Mirror 1995.

Another interesting fact: Marina’s Twitter name is @AbramovicM666

Another interesting fact: Marina's Twitter name is @AbramovicM666

So, when the ‘occult elite’ is used, do you see the dots connecting?


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In today’s video, Christopher Greene of AMTV breaks down the connection between convicted felon Jefferey Epstein ‘known pedophile” and the Clinton’s. Will this be the next shoe to drop in the Wikileaks Podesta dump? Will find out this weekend in an Exclusive RT interview with the man himself Julian Assange.


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