Revivals Part 4: The First Great Awakening & The Controversial George Whitefield

Ray Comfort Changes Minds About Abortion In His “180” Movie

YouTube video

Finish the sentence for me: “Killing a baby in the womb is OK when…..”


Throughout history, certain pagan cultures have sacrificed human infants to demons as a part of a complicated ritual in return for favors asked of them.

Few of those involved in abortion today are consciously engaging in child sacrifice, although that is precisely what abortion is – the sacrifice of a human life for the convenience or needs of others. In that respect, it is no less barbaric than the human sacrifice practiced to ensure, for example, a successful harvest. But beyond this, there is a spiritual, satanically inspired dimension that gives frightening realism to abortion’s identification with literal child sacrifice.

The Bible supports this idea as often we see a particular action viewed by God as something of a more overtly occultic nature. Rebellion is called witchcraft; immorality is likened to idolatry; hatred is a kin to murder – thus abortion is child sacrifice. […read more]



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