
Rwanda Joins France and Outlaws the Use of Cell Phones in Schools So Students Can Concentrate on Education

As utility companies in the US continue their criminal roll out of Smart Meters on American homes, other countries are acknowledging the dangers of wireless technologies and and restricting their use, particularly around children.

Activist Post | June 20, 2018

By B.N. Frank

Announced last week in Rwanda, The Ministry of Education decided that primary and secondary schools students will no longer be allowed to own or use a cell phone at school, citing distraction.

According to Education Minister, Dr Eugène Mutimura, “…a study conducted by the ministry revealed that when students use phones at school, it affects their studies as they spend most of their time on them and forget about their core duty of studying.”

Gender and Family Promotion minister, Espérance Nyirasafari stated. “How can a student follow classes while chatting on social media, share photos and everything else?”

France has also decided to take the same approach citing the same reasons.

Many schools in the U.S. and around the world have already done this as well.

Research and media reports continue to confirm that we can’t expect all children to practice discipline with their phones and other digital devices.  We can’t expect it from all adults either.  These devices and their software was deliberately designed to be addictive.  Many tech inventors have expressed remorse for their role in this.

Research has also confirmed that cell phone and other sources of wireless WiFi radiation exposure can cause a multitude of health issues including increased cancer risk and disrupting the blood-brain barrier which can cause it to leak.  Exposure is especially hard on children.  No safe level of exposure has yet been scientifically determined for children or pregnant women.

Over the years, many medical professionals and organizations have encouraged limiting children’s exposure to all sources of wireless WiFi radiation and other sources of electrical pollution (aka Electrosmog).  This is why many schools are also replacing WiFi with wired Internet.

YouTube video

Cell phone companies have been warning SHAREHOLDERS – not consumers – about health risks and potential lawsuits based on harm caused by their products.  Tech companies continue to design and market their products to everyone from cradle to grave anyway.

Cell phone companies have been warning shareholders – not consumers – about health risks and potential lawsuits based on harm caused by their products.  Tech companies continue to design and market their products to everyone from cradle to grave anyway.

Unsafe tech use is regularly portrayed in TV, film, and marketing campaigns as well – even for prescription medications.

We can’t expect children to believe that all of this technology isn’t safe for them to use 24/7 when adults continue to provide it to them.

With the increasing incidents of school violence, it is understandable that many parents want kids to have phones with them at all times for emergency purposes.  However, because teachers have their cell phones turned on at all times and schools are increasing security, it isn’t absolutely necessary that children’s phones be turned on as well.

If children are the future and we’re supposed to protect them, when will we start using “The Precautionary Principle” regarding the potential for harm from use and exposure to new technology?

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