Recurring Illuminati motifs include the dot in circle (penis in vagina) , Eye of Horus, rising sun (swoosh – as in horizon) compass and square, 666, two towers, Star of David, pentagrams and pyramid without capstone. This is the way they signal their domination to insiders.
Canadian Liberal Party (swoosh)
Canada’s governing Conservative Party (dot in circle)
Disney 666
Tesoro, a large petroleum refiner
Voice of America, dot in circle
Delta Airlines – Pyramid
Iowa – Swoosh and sunrise
These logos combining dots, pentagrams and swooshes are everywhere.

also 666 (Ken)CBS (dot in circle)

From Joe: Colorado Seal with all seeing eye
Early Dodge car emblem (from Daniel)
GOP and Democrat Logos
GOP Pentagrams inverted
in 2000 (From DU)
Shell Logo is not a shell but a rising sun. (Kevin)
Richard – MS Office Icons for Mac appear to be Hebrew Letters (Richard)
Panhellenic Socialist Party (Governs & Bankrupts Greece) – D
Woolworth in Australia 666 – Jean Claude

The new BC logo adopted by Premier Campbell is pure Freemasonry.
Lithuanian Labor Party
Pyramid, Kangaroo is Eye of Horus
– See more at:–_il.html#sthash.EyXQGCis.dpuf