My sister in Christ Cheryl Devine Tuumalo was led to some interesting connections between Daniel’s 490 years and the Jesuits. Originally posted on her Facebook page, she gave me permission to repost it here.
By Cheryl Devine Tuumalo
I think you may find this to be quite interesting.🤔
Now I understand that there are so many views of the end days, and not all will agree with me, and that’s okay. However, all I can do is share what is shown to me. And I give all praise to our Precious Father in Heaven!
So let’s talk about this ‘490 year’ prophetic promise. To keep this post to a reasonable length, I will have to summarize quite a bit. But I can share an older post in the comments for those interested, that has greater detail. [*posted below]
For those of you that understand the Daniel 490 year prophecy to have been fulfilled, you can skip down to the marked ‘Jesuit’ spot, I’ll just review this quickly first.
So for those of you that don’t know, I believe that the book of Daniel, with the prophecy of 490 years (70 weeks) given by the Angel Gabriel, was fulfilled by the Messiah’s first coming. Basically, I don’t believe that our Father ripped out one week (a 7 year period) and sent it 2000 years into the future and gave it over to the Antichrist. I get that this is what most mainstream churches teach. I know it’s hard for many to even hear such a thing. However as I’ve shared in the past, we have proof that a Jesuit priest started this teaching to counter the Reformation, and it’s worked well ever since, sadly. We need to be of the mind of ‘Questioning Everything’ and be as the Bereans, test it to the scriptures to see if it be true.
Here is an excerpt from my older post concerning the 7 year (one week) teaching….
“It goes back to a Jesuit priest named Francisco Ribera 1537-1591. He taught that the 69th week was concluded at Jesus’ baptism and that the Father extended the 70th week way into the future. But why? This was done to take the pressure off of the Vatican during the Counter-Reformation. It wasn’t until 1826 that Dr. Maitland (a librarian to the Archbishop of Canterbury) discovered this futurist view taught by Jesuit Ribera. He wrote a pamphlet on this. At this time, no Protestants taught such things, they were all Historicists. Then John Darby (1800-1882) took on this view, and influenced many people like Scofield (1843-1921). So much damage has come from the Scofield study bible of 1909. Years ago our Scofield study Bible went to the trash!) Now today, sadly this has been popularized over the years by people like Hal Lindsey, Christian book stores are flooded with movies and books on this futurist interpretation, the secret rapture and the 7 year tribulation. It looks as if the Roman Counter-Reformation Jesuit tactic has worked wonders. No one is looking to the Vatican any longer.”
👉 When we read the book of Daniel, we know that Daniel was seeking The Father and pleading for mercy and forgiveness for sins through fasting and prayer, not only for himself but for all the people of Israel. Then the Father sends Gabriel to deliver an important message to him. He tells him that there will be a period of 70 weeks ‘490 years’ until this prophecy would be fulfilled. “To ACCOMPLISH seventy years”, key word there. That would be when Jesus the Messiah came the 1st time and fulfilled the Everlasting Covenant and this Prophecy. Jesus came to atone for the Believer’s sins.
🔸 NOTE….Remember the story of forgiving 70X7 (Taken from Matthew 18:22). Why did Jesus answer Peter in this way when asked how many times must I forgive my brother when he sins again me. Because the promise was given to Daniel when he prayed for Israel. Forgiveness of 490 was a reference to the fulfillment of this Prophecy. We have a wondrous Word of God to look to for details.
Also note…”Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city” Daniel 9:24…. The Biblical meaning of ‘Determined’ is (Ended; concluded; decided; limited; fixed; settled; resolved; directed.) Taken from the KJV Dictionary.
Once the 490 year Prophecy was (‘Determined’) concluded, now both Jews and Gentiles can receive the promise of the fathers through Jesus.
“If you belong to Christ then you are Abraham’s seed and heirs according to the promise.” Galatians 3:28-29.
We must remember that satan has used the Jesuits to infiltrate the Protestant Christian Churches for years. I believe this quote here can easily apply to the Vatican… ”
He who controls the past, controls the future. Who controls the present, controls the past.” -George Orwell
As I said, I will leave my older post in the comments if you want more of a breakdown on this. [*below] Now let’s move on to the Jesuits….
The ‘Society of Jesus’, known as the ‘Jesuits’ was founded on Aug 15th 1534, by Ignatius De Loyola, he was a Spanish soldier turned priest. He was even canonized as a Catholic saint in 1622. A little background for those that don’t know, Ignatius started this military order to fight for the Roman Catholic Church. This religious order played a huge role in the Counter-Reformation and they succeeded in converting millions upon millions all around the world to Catholicism. However, their main mission was to win back those who left the Catholic church for Protestantism. This is the time when millions upon millions of Believers were slaughtered by the Jesuits, fulfilling Revelation 17:6, claiming this is in service to ‘God’ fulfilling John 16:2. After years of intimidation through threats of violence, they turned to infiltration.
Over time these Jesuits were often expelled from countries, even ‘Catholic’ countries. What most people don’t know is these Jesuits have infiltrated into many different church denominations, top universities, scientific organizations and the Governments of the world.
👉🚨 NOW, since the Jesuits were founded on ◼️Aug 15th 1534◼️ in this eventful year coming of 2024, the Jesuits will celebrate their 490th year of service to the Pope. This I believe is huge. You see, when you understand that the Pope of Rome, the Vicar of Christ, Substitute of Jesus, The Counterfeit, ‘IS’ the Man of Sin, then you will see this. This is a type of mocking with the Father’s 490 year prophecy. It’s all Spiritual! 📖⚔️🛡
The Father’s 490 year promise was to make a way for ALL His children to be reconciled through His Son. Yet the Popes 490 year promise was to destroy all who wouldn’t worship him, whether through fear of death or corruption through infiltration. Satan comes to steal, kill and destroy, and the Jesuits have done their job. Look at Revelation 17:6, no one else can fit that verse, other then the Papacy. These Jesuits have been hard at work building satan’s One World order, for the last 490 years.
⚠️ Now let’s look at the year 2024….
I’ve shared in the past that I believe that the year 2024 is a huge marker in time. Here is a reminder of what is coming in 2024, other then the 490th year of the Jesuits.
👉 Remember we are told there will be signs in the sky. Gen 1:14, Luke 21:25 and Acts 2:19, Joel 2:30
🔸 The Great American Solar Eclipse ‘X’…
In the year 2024 there will be another solar eclipse that will be forming an ‘X’ right over the U.S. on a region in Illinois known as ‘Little Egypt’ on April 8th. Interestingly it will be 7 years since the Aug 21st, 2017 ‘Great American Solar Eclipse’ that made the first line of the ‘X’. And ’33’ days later the Sept 23rd wonder in the sky appeared.
Well of all places ‘Little Egypt’, Hmm, makes you think of the story in Exodus doesn’t it. The Father poured out His Wrath on the Pharaoh (Antichrist type) and his people. Which is coming soon.
🔸 The Pope…
Remember that in the year 2024, it will be the 11th year of this ‘Jesuit’ Pope Francis’ reign. There are many indications that Pope Francis could be the final Pope. The prophecies, numerology, signs, etc speak loudly. He’s also got his Global 7 year plan laid out, to go into effect on October 4th of 2021.
🔸 ‘Sphere X’…
There is also another interesting thing taking place in 2024 as well.
“Nasa to launch SphereX telescope into space in 2024 to search for clues about the Big Bang”
They will never stop trying to convince people about the Big Bang because they hate The Almighty. This is CERN’s mission, right. That device allows physicists to recreate conditions just after the ‘Big Bang’ by making a beam of fast moving particles and bringing them in very high energy collisions.
🔸 Pluto’s Return…
“The United States of America is soon approaching what astrologers call a Pluto Return.” This means that Pluto returns to the exact same spot it was at when America was founded on July 4th, 1776.
And your thinking what does this have to do with the Jesuits, well John Carroll, the first Archbishop in the United States, who established the Jesuit University of Georgetown, in Washington D.C. already started the to infiltrate America early on.
And as Pluto moves into Aquarius, there is the ‘Extremely Rare Outer Planet Astronomical Square taking place as well. In 2024, Pluto moves into Aquarius and stays there until the year 2044. Will ‘History repeats itself’? Is another civil war coming?
“The last time Pluto was in Aquarius, we went through a major uproar of changes from 1778-1798. The Revolutionary War happened during Pluto’s stay in Aquarius.”
Let me also make note that ‘Pluto’ is the Roman god/ruler of the dead and lord of the underworld.
The planet Pluto symbolizes ‘Intense Transformation’ and ‘Rebirth’.. Pluto is one of the most feared planets, as its destructive power is one of its kind. Possibly since before rebirth comes, destruction takes place first. It is also called the father of the phoenix as it rises from the ashes, the symbol of rebirth. Kind of fitting for their ‘New Word Order’ huh.
🔸 Trump
Then of course in 2024 it will be time to put a new U.S. President in power, will it be Trump again, to ‘Save America’ to bring more false hope to the people, probably. All those false prophets will be screaming from the roof tops that they were right, that ‘God’ told them that Trump would win twice, I can hear it now. And sadly even those that can see the one world taking shape, will say, “I would rather have the lesser of two evils”. Trump is nothing more than another puppet. Don’t forget he pushed proudly for Operation Warp Speed.💉
🔸 ’33’
This is a very interesting one here. If you understand the occult symbolism and are watching then you know that they love their 11’s and their multiples like the number 33. Many believe it’s to celebrate the 1/3 (33%) of angels that fell and the death of our Messiah at age 33. Now in the year 2024, it will be ’33’ years since George Bush’s New World Order speech on Sept 11th, 1991. And don’t forget, from that day back in 1991, it was exactly 10 years to the day after they took out the twin towers to build a ‘One World’ Tower, another sign of their new order.
🔸 And this last point needs to be added as well, it’s from a May 27th 2021 article….
‘Microsoft president warns “Orwell’s 1984 could happen in 2024’…
“Life as depicted in George Orwell’s 1984 “could come to pass in 2024” if lawmakers don’t protect the public against artificial intelligence, Microsoft’s president has warned.”
So what will 2024 bring, after this 490 year period since the Jesuits were founded? Only time will tell, but we can clearly see that this spiritual battle is only intensifying by the hour. May we ALL be filled with the Holy Spirit and be able to stand strong. We were told to watch and pray. I’m just so humbled and thankful that our precious Father in heaven reveals these things to His children. We just need to make sure to prepare Spiritually, Mentally and Physically the best we can.
Much love to you all.💗
Keep Watch!📖⚔️🛡
Rather than provide a link, in case anyone is not on Facebook, here is the post Cheryl refers to in the above article in its entirety:
If this peaks your interest, I’m going to ask you to take off your ‘Church Glasses’ for a moment. Just because a belief is mainstream, that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s accurate. Many times just the opposite is quite true. Such as, ‘The broad (popular) road leads to destruction yet the narrow (unpopular) road is the way’.
Many great men of God have had to change their way of thinking as they grew in their knowledge of the scriptures over the years, it’s a lifetime of learning and growing. And we must not be afraid to question what we have been taught, or why we believe what we believe. And you know me, my motto is, ‘Question Everything’.
Most seem to believe in a 7 year Pre-Trib, Mid-Trib or a Post-Trib. Now, just what ‘IF’ there is NO ‘7 Year Tribulation time period’? The Word tells us to be Bereans and test all things, right. I must say that my heart has been heavy as of late, watching so many believers having their bags packed, sitting on the curb and awaiting their secret rapture, many making no spiritual and mental preparation to endure through hard times that are to come. I have even seen some, so filled with pride, that they claim if you don’t believe in this secret rapture belief, you will be left behind, as a form of punishment. That is truly disturbing and disheartening. Let me just remind you that no where in the Word does it mention 7 years of Tribulation, this theory is based on an assumption.
Some believe this topic is not important as others see it as very critical. YES, it doesn’t matter when our Savior returns, as long as our hearts are in check, since we could take our last breath today. However, if we are being misled on this topic, it’s a game changer as to how we view the future.
I’ve been asked many times as to my view on this ‘7 year Tribulation period’. I have a few things to share that I hope will provoke you to question your belief, that our Father in Heaven put a 99% (literally) filled prophecy on pause for over 2000 years. That He took one week (a 7 year period) FROM a 70 week (490 year period) of prophecy from Daniel, and threw it all the way into the future AND gave it over to the Antichrist. Hmm!!!
Before we take a look at how this one week ‘7 year’ period was fulfilled (in my opinion) and is not thrown into the future, where would this teaching that the word ‘He’ in Daniel 9:27 is speaking of the Antichrist to come, even come from???
Well, from none other then the Jesuits! It goes back to a Jesuit priest named Francisco Ribera 1537-1591. He taught that the 69th week was concluded at Jesus’ baptism and that the Father extended the 70th week way into the future. But why? This was done to take the pressure off of the Vatican during the Counter-Reformation. It wasn’t until 1826 that Dr. Maitland (a librarian to the Archbishop of Canterbury) discovered this futurist view taught by Jesuit Ribera. He wrote a pamphlet on this. At this time, no Protestants taught such things, they were all Historicists. Then John Darby (1800-1882) took on this view, and influenced many people like Scofield (1843-1921). So much damage has come from the Scofield study bible of 1909. (Years ago our Scofield study Bible went to the trash!) Now today, sadly this has been popularized over the years by people like Hal Lindsey, Christian book stores are flooded with movies and books on this futurist interpretation, the secret rapture and the 7 year tribulation. It looks as if the Roman Counter-Reformation Jesuit tactic has worked wonders. No one is looking to the Vatican any longer.
When we read the book of Daniel, we know that Daniel was seeking The Father and pleading for mercy and forgiveness for sins through fasting and prayer, not only for himself but for all the people of Israel. Then the Father sends Gabriel to deliver an important message to him. He tells him that there will be a period of 70 weeks until this prophecy would be fulfilled. “To ACCOMPLISH seventy years”, key word there. That would be when Jesus the Messiah comes the 1st time and fulfills the Everlasting Covenant and this Prophecy. Jesus came to atone for sins.
✳NOTE….Remember the story of forgiving 70X7 (Taken from Matthew 18:22). Why did Jesus answer Peter in this way when asked how many times must I forgive my brother when he sins again me. Because the promise was given to Daniel when he prayed for Israel. Forgiveness of 490 was a reference to the fulfillment of this Prophecy. We have a wondrous Word of God to look to for details.
And this is why, the Word states that the fulfillment of time has come, when Jesus was baptized. Now there is one week left to bring this 490 year prophecy to an end. As you read on think about if this sounds like something to be left hanging for over 2000 years or was this fulfilled by our Savior.
✳Also note…”Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city” Daniel 9:24…. The Biblical meaning of ‘Determined’ is (Ended; concluded; decided; limited; fixed; settled; resolved; directed.) Taken from the KJV Dictionary.
We need to remember that ALL of the 490 years (70X7) is a Messianic prophecy. It’s about Jesus and the gospel….
70 weeks are determined upon thy people (the Jews)…
(7 weeks; 49 years) (62 weeks; 434 years) (1week; 7 years) =490 years. Let’s break this down….
🔹️ 7 weeks (49 years)
The 70 weeks of Daniel starts in the year 457 BC, The Decree went out from King Artaxerxes I (Daniel 9:25/ Ezra 7:1-27) This is the Decree to rebuild Jerusalem.
🔹️ 62 weeks (434 years)
Jerusalem was rebuilt, and then 434 years until the Messiah would be anointed in the year 27AD.
🔹️ 1 week (7 years)
This one week starts with the Messiah being anointed (baptized Mark 1:15) in the year 27 A.D. and bringing His ministry to the Jews. Jesus said that He came yet FIRST to the lost sheep of Israel Matthew 15:24, Romans 1:16. We know that Jesus’ ministry lasted 3 1/2 years. So when it states that in the mist of the week, (3 1/2 years later) He is cut off (Crucified) and the temple veil is tore in half and the animal sacrifice is CEASED in Dan 9:27, this makes perfect sense. Jesus’ timing is always flawless because He is fulfilling prophecy… “The hour is come, that the Son of man should be glorified” John 12:23
Now the question remains, but we need a whole 7 years right, so where is the other 3 1/2 years of this last week (27A.D. to 34 A.D.). The disciples were FIRST preaching to the Jews just as Jesus did. Jesus said….”He that receiveth you receiveth me” Matthew 10:40. They were not allowed to go to the Gentiles YET, only to the Jews Matthew 10:5-6. At the end of the 3 1/2 years of preaching and witnessing to the Jews, Paul had his vision and conversion, Stephen was stoned to death by the Jews for preaching (blasphemy that Jesus was the Son of God). As well as Peter had his vision. NOW they were allowed to go to the gentiles and to the whole world and preach the gospel because it was time…”And he said unto me, Depart: for I will send thee far hence unto the Gentiles” Acts 22:21. Remember in Acts 11:15-18 the Holy Spirit came down a second time, now for the Gentiles, because the one week (7 years) had been fulfilled for the Jews.
So now both Jews and Gentiles can receive the promise of the fathers through Jesus.
“If you belong to Christ then you are Abraham’s seed and heirs according to the promise.” Galatians 3:29.
The one week, 7 year period was about Jesus being anointed through baptism, His ministry, His death and preaching the gospel to the Jews.
He ‘Jesus’ confirmed ‘The Covenant’ (The Everlasting Covenant) with the Jews. Once time was up, then the gospel went to whole world. He fulfilled it all….
1. To finish the transgression…
“He was wounded for our transgressions.” Isaiah 53:5
2. To make an end of sins…
“Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.” John 1:29, 1 John 3:5, 1 Cor 15:3, “For he shall save His people from their sins.” Matthew 1:21, “He appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself.” Hebrews 9:26 Jesus made an end of sins through His own sacrifice, if not what is the gospel then.
3. To make reconciliation for iniquity…
This is the gospel, Jesus came not only to atone but to reconcile. 2 Cor 5:19, Roman 5:10, Col 1:20, Eph 2:14-16, Isaiah 53:5.
4. To bring in everlasting righteousness…
“The Lord our Righteousness” Jeremiah 33:16, “But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption:” 1 Cor 1:30. Romans 3:21-22, 2 Cor 5:21
5. To seal up the vision and prophecy….
“And the vision of all is become unto you as the words of a book that is sealed” Isaiah 29:10-11. Jesus while weeping for the city of Jerusalem said… ” If thou hadst known, even thou, at least in this thy day, the things which belong unto thy peace! But now they are hid from thine eyes.” Luke 19:42,
6. To anoint the Most Holy….
‘Messiah’ means the Anointed One. “Anointed” Luke 4:18, “The Holy One of God” Mark 1:23, “But ye denied the Holy One” Acts 3:14, “How God anointed Jesus” Acts 10:38.
❗We must remember that satan has used the Jesuits to infiltrate the Protestant Christian Churches for years. I believe this quote here can easily apply to the Vatican…
“He who controls the past, controls the future. Who controls the present, controls the past.” -George Orwell
I’ll leave you with one last point. Some pastors love to harp on just one word in a verse to get you to accept their view. Right here is an example of one word being altered that can change the meaning of something…
The KJV states that “He shall confirm ‘THE’ Covenant”, yet the NIV says “He will confirm ‘A’ covenant.” Some other versions also use the term ‘Make’ instead of ‘Confirm’ as well.
So many have come to believe that the antichrist will ‘make’ – ‘a’ covenant, yet this prophecy is about the Messiah. And there is already a covenant in place, recorded in scripture, the Everlasting Covenant in Hebrews 13:20 “Through the blood of the everlasting covenant”, also Hebrews 9:14-15 and Matthew 26:28. Even Romans 15:8 tells us that Jesus came to ‘CONFIRM the Promises made unto the fathers’. And let us not forget, there is no verse in the Bible that states the Tribulation is seven years long. Just something to think about. I don’t claim to have all the answers, as no man ever will. But I share this to stir up a desire in you to study for your own self and ask questions.
Lastly for what it’s worth, I’m not a Preterist or a Seven-Day Adventist or any other label you can find. I just want biblical truth. Keep searching the scriptures daily my friends and pray to the Father for discernment. May this be a blessing to you. I do understand that this may upset some of you, and that is never my intent. I always try to share in love, and I just want to give you something to ponder on.
Much love!💗