
Where Should I Go To Church?

If you’re visiting this site, you’ve possibly seen your way through dispensationalism and may be finding yourself looking for a church that doesn’t teach this false Zionist doctrine (and others). So where do you go?

Dispensationalism has been the predominant eschatological teaching in seminaries for decades, and although I’ve heard that is recently changing, most Christian churches still hold to this view.

The churches that do not hold to it (for the most part, although there are exceptions) are the Reformed churches. So, is that where we should go? …back to the Reformation?

Before you jump right into that, please read on! The problem with the (organized*) church is much deeper than dispensationalism, Zionism, or the many branches of extreme Pentecostalism. To gain a better understanding of what is being portrayed as “the church” today, let’s take a look at its beginnings. Starting with a brief look at Muslim Jihads, let’s look at the Holy Wars; the (Catholic) Crusades/Inquisitions and the (Protestant) Inquisitions to get a clearer picture of the history that brought us the organized “church” of Jesus Christ today.

*Distinct from the true church of Jesus Christ, which is spiritual, the physical, organized church is what most non-Christians as well as some Christians wrongly understand as “The Church” “Christianity” or “The Body of Christ” today. ~ Not to say that many physical churches aren’t filled with sincere people led by good pastors who do understand this.

Below are excerpts from an online book by Renette Vermeulen.

Jihad and the Crusades – Jewish/Muslim/Christian Human Sacrifice 

In 638 AD, shortly after Muhammad first launched the intolerant, imperialist religion of Islam in his quest for world domination and control, (as still witnessed in our day,) Islam began to wage merciless and extremely violent jihad or ‘holy war’ against the Jews, Samaritans, and native Christians in Israel. Persian Muslims succeeded in liberating Jerusalem from Roman Christianity, but tolerated Catholic pilgrimage as a source of income. However, when Muslim Turks took Jerusalem during the 11th century, Islamic militants stopped all Christian pilgrimages to Israel.

During those 472 years of Islamic control, Muslims sacrificed tens of thousands of Jews, Samaritans, and Christians to their Muslim god Allah. In addition, Muslims evicted thousands upon thousands more from Israel; brutally attacking, and destroying synagogues and Christian churches, murdering everyone inside. They even tore down the papacy’s most ‘sacred’ cathedral, ‘The Holy Sepulchered,’ to turn it into a mosque.

In 1099 A.D., allegedly to “put an end to the Muslim destruction and massacre in Israel,” Pope Urban 11, the Catholic Church’s special advisory to Roman Emperor Alexus 1, reinstated the “just and holy wars” or Christian crusades to Christianize Jerusalem. Their creed was, “God wills it!”

Just as Islam promises suicidal Muslim militants special rewards and privileges in paradise, the pope promised the fighting crusaders, “God himself will lead you, for you will be doing His work. There will be absolution and remission for sins for all who die in the service of Christ. Here you are poor and miserable sinners [under the oppression of Europe’s Feudal System,] there you will be rich and happy!”

In 1212, the Vatican even sacrificed thousands of German and French child crusaders in their “just and holy wars” to submit forcibly all non-Christians to their rule!

Roman Catholic Jihad in Israel and in other countries replicated Islam’s Jihad perfectly, both in concept and in style.

serveimage (3)

For the next 200 years, in an ongoing orgy of blood, rape, plunder, torture, (and the continual murder of both Christian and pagan soldiers, innocent civilians and children especially,) their human sacrifice to their unbiblical ‘trinity,’ (with their false ‘holy spirit’ Mother Mary or actually the Roman Catholic fertility goddess Sophia or Shekinah, her father-god-‘husband,’ and dead christ-‘son,’) exceeded that of Islam by about 9 million people! In addition, the countless numbers of helpless animals such as horses, which Jews and other inhabitants of Israel, Islam, and Roman Catholics sacrificed to their brutal gods during those centuries of murder and mayhem, are never even mentioned!

Most disturbingly, modern preachers, charismatic evangelicals especially, refer to their spiritual wars against demons as “Christian crusades” – while their church members do not realize that these ‘crusades’ refer directly to the inhumane Roman Catholic (and Protestant) “just wars,” which were nothing else than continuous, en-mass human and animal sacrifice to Satan!

The truth of Jesus’ Word declares the complete opposite of ‘holy or just war,’

“We do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down [spiritual] strongholds, casting down arguments…” Eph. 6:12

“bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ…” 2 Cor. 10:4-5

“You, therefore, must endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. No one engaged in warfare entangles himself with the affairs of this life, that he may please him who enlisted him as a soldier…” 2 Tim. 2:1-3

“Fight the good fight of FAITH, lay hold on eternal life…” 1 Tim. 6:12

“Jesus answered, ‘My Kingdom is not of this world. If My Kingdom were of this world, my servants would fight [physically,] so that I should not be delivered to the Jews; but now My Kingdom is not from here.’” Jn. 18:36

The Christian Inquisitions – more ‘Just and Holy’ Mass-Sacrifice

Roman Catholic Inquisitions, just as the Protestant (Lutheran/Calvinist, etc.,) Inquisitions, also remain etched in history as more continual, shameless human sacrifice to Satan, which these Christian leaders, as well as their millions of followers, (both Roman Catholic and Protestant,) conveniently ignore – and as we will see, still practice! Before and after, but especially during the Middle Ages, the Christian Inquisitions, as the Roman Catholic crusades, drenched nearly the entire known world with rivers of human blood.

These incredibly serious acts of witchcraft reflect on everyone who calls him or herself by the name of “Christian.” Religious Christians without moral conscience, (who have never yet accepted or known the true God of the Bible,) might be able to ignore such vile acts of premeditated torture and en-mass human sacrifice to Satan. However, truly born again, Holy Spirit filled children of God will renounce these church systems, their incredibly false doctrines, and their bloodthirsty, false leaders; drastically distancing themselves from every single one of their acts of human and animal sacrifice to “be holy, as God is holy,” (1 Pt. 1:15.)

In the words of Jesus Christ Himself,

“A bad tree [CANNOT and will not] bear good fruit… Therefore, by their fruits you will know them” Mt. 7:16

“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of my father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your Name, and done many wonders in Your Name?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’” Mt. 7:18-20

Both the Vatican and the Reformers, (in union with Europe’s bloodthirsty Christian monarchs,) assumed the so-called ‘divine right’ to use any means of torture and execution to eradicate witches and so-called ‘heretics,’ or those who disagreed with their church doctrines.

Simply accusing one’s personal enemy of ‘witchcraft’ or ‘heresy,’ gave one the ‘godly right’ to deal with the accused in whichever way one deems fit. Although not even a quest for real Scriptural truth and justice sanctions torture, and physical and emotional murder, God’s truth, justice, and righteousness never came into play. The mere accusation of witchcraft was a death sentence in itself.

Once labeled a witch or a heretic, the stigma was, (and still is ) enough to banish the accused from society, or to lead to public execution. For instance, so-called ‘street law’ still ‘sanctions’ a whole community to execute the accused without trial. Nowadays, so-called ‘civilized’ religionists like Catholics and Protestants still organize families and societies to execute their enemies and so-called church ‘heretics’ on an emotional level by slander and banishment – a most evil form of religious torture and murder. Religion always has been, and always will be a most callous and dangerous murderer. The bad tree of both pagan and Christian religion simply cannot bear good fruit.

The Roman Catholic Inquisitions During The Dark Ages

The Dark Ages began when Caesar Constantine declared Christianity the state religion of the Roman Empire in the 4th century, and lasted until about 1200 A.D. The control of the bloodthirsty Roman Catholic Church brought new a much deeper understanding to the world where spiritual and emotional darkness, and physical misery are concerned.

The Dark Ages marked the beginning of the Roman Catholic Church’s ‘holy’ and ‘just,’ killing spree by ‘divine right.’ Drunk on the helpless pleas, torturous screams, and the moaning and gasping of their dying victims, the Vatican of Rome feasted on an ongoing orgy of human sacrifice and innocent blood – all in the name of their unbiblical ‘christ!’

Whether attending their feasts of torture and mass-murder, or attending the ‘holy’ altars in their ‘holy’ crystal-and-gold cathedrals, the pious papacy wore their ‘holy’ purple, scarlet and black robes, muttering their mystical prayers in Latin while threading their talisman-beads, the rosary, through their bloodstained fingers, going about their many ‘divine’ duties most serenely. This depicts the fulfillment of John the Beloved’s prophesy in Rev. 17:4-6 perfectly. He wrote,

“The… [whore, exactly the opposite of Christ’s holy bride,] was arrayed in purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls, having in her hand a golden cup full of abominations… [they drink the so-called ‘literal blood of christ’ from a golden cup.] On her forehead a name was written, Mystery, Babylon the Great, the Mother of harlots [such as Protestantism in the form of Lutherism and Calvinism, which was born directly from her, keeping to much of her doctrines, forms, and norms,] and of the abominations of the earth. I saw the woman, drunk with the blood of the [true] saints and with the blood of the [true] martyrs of Jesus…”

Before any of their victims could sink into the sweet, dark abyss of unconsciousness and death, they had to endure the unimaginably dreadful dungeons and the maximum amount of force, pain, and humiliation, which the Catholic inquisitors used to extract confessions from their prisoners. wrote,

“Priests threatened their female penitents that, unless they would have sex with them, they would turn them over to the Inquisition! So effective was this threat that one dying priest revealed in 1710, “by these diabolical persuasions they were at our command, without fear of revealing the secret.” [Page 36, “Master-Key To Popery”, Father Givens]

However, rape, violence, and shame were the least of the worries of the accused. In most cases, death or life-long incarceration was a certainty. No one knows for certain how many people the Royal (Roman Catholic) Inquisitors, had tortured to death, slain by the sword, burnt at the stake, baked in ovens, hacked to pieces with satanic torture devices, or drowned in rivers as witches, heretics, so-called ‘re-baptizers,’ who rejected their unbiblical ‘baby baptism of rebirth and salvation,’ etc.

The general estimation of humans, which Roman Catholics sacrificed to Satan during the Dark Ages only, is about 1 million* (I’ve actually I’ve read that this number is much higher). If we consider the sparse population of those times, these numbers amount to mass murder on a most phenomenal scale! However, given the immense span of 600 to 800 years, (the duration of the Dark Ages,) the fact that no one seriously kept score, and the free reign and unlimited state support that these psychopathic witches assumed for themselves, these numbers could amount to anything.

Roman Catholic Inquisitions During The Middle, And Post-Middle Ages

Since the 4th century AD, the Vatican ruled their Roman/Christian, Byzantine Empire with a crushing fist from Constantinople in Rome. (Constantinople was the seat of the 4th century Caesar Constantine, the first Roman Catholic Caesar of the Roman Empire.) They tolerated no resistance to the dissemination of Catholicism. They had their mind firmly set on submitting all of Europe, all of the many European colonies, and eventually, the entire world to their rule. At the dawning of the Italian renaissance in Europe, (the Middle Ages, which signified the rebirth of Roman mythology, or Roman religious beliefs, which, as we will see, form the basis of almost all of Roman Catholic doctrine and practice,) the Vatican shrugged all forms of self-control, unleashing another great flood of Inquisitions to eliminate all religious and political opposition once and for all.

Medieval inquisitions officially began again in 1233 A.D. when Royal Inquisitors dispatched unrecorded numbers of troops to paint the farms and streets of Europe with human blood. According to plan, the inquisitions quickly grew in strength and brutality and overflowed into Spanish and Portuguese colonies in the New World; Asia; Goa and Brazil, Mexico; the Philippine Islands; Guatemala; Peru; New Granada and the Canary Islands. This time, en-masse human sacrifice to the Roman Catholic gods swamped almost the entire known world, which, at the time, was in the dark, destructive grip of the merciless Vatican and their royal puppets, the monarchies of Europe.

It is logic that during more than 14 centuries of ongoing lawless tyranny and unrivaled bloodshed, most trials were never recorded, and so, most of the victim’s names got lost in the mayhem. Most non-catholic sources calculate that, from the time that Caesar Constantine instituted the Roman Catholic Church as Roman State religion in the 4th century until the Spanish inquisition in 1834, (a span of some 1400 years,) the papacy murdered an estimated 75 MILLION people through their brutal inquisitions alone. Other sources, influenced by the Vatican itself, set the final figure merely into the thousands. wrote,

“…In the Inquisitions, pain inflicted on sexual organs was very prevalent, another clear sign of the sexual obsession brought on by the perversions of celibacy… Another demonic spirit swept through the Church… of absolute, diabolical hatred of mankind, accompanied by a corresponding love of torture… Wealthy [Roman Catholics] sat on the other side of a plate glass window, looking at people being tortured [to death,] as if they were watching an opera! [For instance, they often watched the accused] slowly die, suspended with ropes so they can be rotated on an exceedingly sharp point sticking into their anuses or vaginas… [This type of human sacrifice was ritual impalement and seated in the anti-god sin of homosexuality — a most anti-creational sacrifice, which satan demands continually, and for which the roman catholic papacy had been well known throughout the ages.]

And so was inflicted on the south of France one of the ferocious massacres in history. Bands of northern brigands pillaged and plundered. In the Cathedral of Saint-Nazaire, 12,000 ‘heretics’ were killed … Thousands more were burned at the stake. At Toulouse, Bishop Foulque put to death 10,000 people accused of heresy. At Beziers the entire population of more than 20,000 was slaughtered. At Citeau, when asked how to distinguish Catholics from Catherists, the abbey replied with his famed cynicism: ‘Kill them all; God will know his own’.” [Thompkins, p. 58.]

“It is no secret why they chose burning at the stake as one of their favourite methods of execution…”

During such annual sacrifices as the 13-Day Sacrifice to the Beast, April 19 – May 1, their human sacrifices must be by fire, and must produce as much human terror as possible. A sacrifice to Lord Satan that is most pleasing contains the following elements, with each element exaggerated to the highest possible degree.

  1. Trauma, stress, and mental anguish, sheer terror.
  2. The final act in the drama should be destruction by fire, preferably a conflagration [cremation.]
  3. People must die as human sacrifices…”

Legendary too, is the inhumane cruelty of Roman Catholic and Anglican kings and queens during the inquisitions. (The Anglican Church separated from the Roman Catholic Church to allow Europe’s kings to divorce their wives.) In a most daring orgy of blood sacrifice, the royals and the instigators of these incredible crimes against humanity, the Roman Catholic papacy, targeted Anabaptists especially. (The Anabaptists were the true disciples of Jesus, who baptised them Biblically, as Jesus Himself set the example and as He had commanded in Mt. 28:18-20.) Together, church and state tortured the Anabaptists to death by tearing their bowels out while still alive, and by burning them inside and between all their sensitive body parts. They were buried alive. Sawn through down the middle. Frozen in snow. Their cheeks and chins were cut away to expose their jaws and teeth. Baptists especially, were slowly drowned “for the glory of [the Roman Catholic] god(s)!” (Roman Catholics worship Mary, ‘queen of heaven’ or ‘god’s wife;’ ‘father god,’ Mary’s husband; and their dead son, the false Roman Catholic christ, still nailed to the Roman Catholic cross.)

Among the most bloodthirsty of these monarchs were England’s ‘Bloody’ Mary, (Mary Tudor,) and her ruthless husband Philip 11 of Spain. They are notable for their personal management of the slow, meticulous murdering of the accused – particularly the Anabaptists. Amongst other diabolical means of human sacrifice, Mary Tudor herself commanded her Roman Catholic soldiers to tear and hack the accused to pieces while still alive and to stuff their mouths with explosives to blast off their heads.

The Protestant Inquisitions – Human Sacrifice Of The Reformers

The Protestant Reformation from Roman Catholicism began in the 16th century. However, this was not a complete break with the Roman Catholic Church.

Although the Reformers renounced saint worship and other types of Roman Catholic witchcraft, they kept the most important core doctrines, structures, and pagan initiation rites of the Roman Catholic Church, as we will prove during this study.

In fact, Calvinists still revere many of the Roman Catholic papacy, such as ‘saint’ Augustine and ‘mother’ Theresa of Calcutta as their church fathers and mothers; teaching their distorted doctrines, commending their false ascetic lives, etc. In this way, Protestantism carried the same false and murderous, antichrist spirits of their Catholic ancestors into their ‘reformed’ Christian religion. (Calvinism with its Catholic doctrines and initiation rites still forms the very foundation and core of the Dutch Reformed and Methodist Churches, and of all the other churches associated with her.)

This Protestant witchcraft in the form of Lutheran and Calvinist Christianity germinated in Switzerland, quickly took root amongst many of Europe’s monarchs, and spread to all the captured, European colonies worldwide.

As the Reformation was primarily a political and economical revolution, the support and protection of Protestant monarchs exalted the Reformers, (Martin Luther, John Calvin, Zwingli, Melanchthon, and their other contemporaries) to the status of the Vatican and the papacy, allowing them the same military might and religious rule. The Reformers, just as their Catholic church fathers, immediately insisted that all the citizens of these countries immediately and mindlessly submit and convert to their so-called ‘reformed’ doctrines and Protestant authority. Those who would not surrender and obey, (just like in Roman Catholic despotism,) were declared ‘heretics’ and ‘witches,’ and were either forced at the barrel of a gun or at the tip of a sword to convert or die.

Falsely, the Reformers presented ‘religious freedom, true church advancement, and doctrinal, [not Scriptural] purity’ as motivation for their atrocious Protestant Inquisitions and political wars, which we also discuss in this study. Just as the Roman Catholic popery, these so-called ‘true ministers of the Gospel’ declared that they have a “holy doctrine which no man might speak against or resist” – so-called “irresistible grace.” The motivation behind this doctrine is that this false ‘grace’ ‘anointed’ the Reformers, (just as the Vatican,) with ultimate, ‘divine’ power while it eliminated God’s own special gift to all of humanity – free will and personal choice.

John declared most explicitly,

“[Jesus] came to His own, and they did not receive Him. But as many as received Him, to THEM He gave the right to become children of God, to those who [personally] believe in His Name; who were born, not from blood, nor of the will of the flesh, [as through Christianized, church initiation rites,] but of God [Himself.]” Jn. 1:12-13.

Why did the Mighty Vatican not Crush the Protestant Reformation?
John Calvin ‘came out of nowhere’

During the Catholic inquisitions, very few of the Vatican’s enemies escaped the relentless Royal Inquisitors of the reigning monarch and his partner in crime and witchcraft, the ‘holy’ pope. As witnessed by their bloody crusades and earlier inquisitions, it was in the power of the Vatican to obliterate all opposition against the Roman Catholic Church. Yet, the papacy never crushed their ‘enemies,’ Luther and Calvin for ‘heresy’ against their church. They did not throw them in a wet, dark, stinking dungeon to torture them inhumanely until they finally confessed their crimes against the king or queen, the church, and god, (the Vatican;) nor did they execute them by burning, homosexual ritual impalement, or by tearing their ‘blasphemous’ tongues from their mouths.

To clarify this ‘mystery,’ one has to understand who Martin Luther and John Calvin especially, really were. Calvin’s mother raised him a staunch Catholic, yet he was never ordained to the priesthood. Instead, he lived an ordinary life and went to study law. Then, suddenly, he came ‘out of nowhere’ to establish a worldwide, Protestant Reformation to dethrone the mighty Roman Catholic Vatican as the ruling power of the world.

The Jewish Cabbalists, the Vatican, and the Protestant Reformation   

It is clear that the Reformers did not have the truth of God’s Word and the real salvation of souls in mind when they ‘challenged’ the mighty Roman Catholic Church to set up an entire religious ‘reformation.’

So, what was the hidden agenda behind the Protestant Reformation?

Well, while the witches of the Roman Catholic Church say they hate freemasons and Jews, in reality, Martin Luther was a Rosicrucian freemason, and John Calvin was a clandestine Cabalist Jew called “Chauvin.”  (Some say this is untrue; ‘Chauvin’ is French for ‘Calvin.’)  During the Reformation, the capstone on the masonic pyramid, the Cabalist Sanhedrin, secretly sponsored the Jew, John Chauvin to ‘break away’ from Catholicism to found Protestantism – a new religion that would transform the world not just politically, but economically as well.

It is definitely not true that the Vatican hates freemasonry, as they themselves instituted the legendary Roman Catholic crusaders the masonic Knights Templar; their secret assassins the Jesuits; Rosicrucian or freemason Christian leaders such as Luther, etc.  The Vatican also harnessed communist Illuminists like Napoleon Bonaparte, etc. to steer the course of history.  It is important to note that the teachings of these secret societies mostly adhere to the “72 Signs from the Heart of the Celestial Mother” – another name for Isis, the fertility goddess, which Roman Catholics worship as Mary.  The Vatican’s secret involvement in, and use of clandestine societies makes it clear that the ‘hidden’ powers behind politics and religion had a special plan with the Reformation.  In fact, the Protestant Reformation was definitely not orchestrated by the God of the Bible.  This ‘new’ religion, based on and still seated in Catholicism, was planned, executed, and violently disseminated by the Illuminati – the covert group of Cabalists, who secretly rule the world from behind closed doors.

The Rise of Capitalism and the Protestant Reformation    

Between the 9th and 15th century A.D., the incredibly oppressive, governmental/religious Feudal System, policed by Roman Catholic, Royal Knights on horseback, crushed Europe under anarchy and virtual slavery.  Coupled with the relentless Roman Catholic inquisitions and crusades, the entire medieval Europe was disintegrating under the violence, corruption, and economic oppression of the joint, so-called ‘divine right’ rule of Europe’s monarchies and papacy.  As explained later on in this book, the Feudal system was akin to communism, where only two classes existed.   Everything belonged to the small, superrich elite on top, (in this case, the king and pope, and their ‘managers’ the nobility,) while the populations of Europe’s Feudal countries, (their captured colonies too,) became super-poor.

To overturn the Feudal System and to free this impoverished world, (and more importantly, to strengthen the depleted economy and to establish the worldwide rule of the underground Illuminati,) necessitated a political, as well as an economic revolution.

The Illuminati was planning their own Economical Empowerment(why does this phrase sound so familiar in our modern day world?) which would bring worldwide political change and limitless power to the Cabbalists.  They intended to use this revolution to bring their own entrepreneurs, bankers, mine magnates, etc., to power during a renaissance, (another familiar word in our day,) or rebirth of Greek/Italian ‘sophistication,’ culture, and pagan religion in Europe.  Eventually, the Illuminati would establish superrich Jewish dynasties like the Oppenheimers and the Rothschilds, who would institute capitalism on a worldwide scale, placing the Cabbalists and their various Masonic branches in financial positions where they could own and rule the world.

This time, the Illuminati chose to disguise their political/economic revolution by calling out a religious revolution!

The true motive behind the Protestant Reformation was money.

Impartial historians always identified the Reformation with economic and social change.  In fact, the illuminati brought that Cabbalist Jew, John Chauvin to religious power to empower other Jews economically in order to change the failing Feudal System into the rise of Capitalism. Willie Martin reported in ‘The Christian Party,’ “Under the influence of Calvinism the position of the Jews gradually improved more and more.  Financially, with the rise of the Liberalism of the 18th century, fostered and promoted by Masonic influence, Jews were accorded full rights of citizenship in nearly every country in Europe and America.  Since then, freemasonry has risen to its present domineering influence in the world.”

The Communist Comrade Jesus of the Protestant Reformation

Politically as well as religiously, the inhabitants of planet earth are always caught between several fires.  It is a Biblical and a practical fact that God allows Satan to keep the “whole [political and religious unbelieving] world under his sway.”  Thus, God’s creatures and humanity will be tortured and oppressed until Jesus comes to establish His  reign in the physical realm as well, (1 Jn. 5:19.)  Consequently, political and economic systems, wars, and other types of physical rule, never really ‘make any sense,’ because Satan does not have any good agenda with earth and its inhabitants.

Even when it seems as if political or religious ‘change’ is for the better, a bad agenda always lurks in the shadows.  For instance, America seems to be the paradise of opportunity and wealth, while America is openly called “The Masonic Experiment.”  Most Americans might feel safe under the wings of their ‘godly’ government, as they have always declared, “In God We Trust.”  However, the ‘God’ they refer to is not the God of the Bible, but the god of the masonic lodge.  We can be certain of one thing – America’s false ‘god’ has not a single good intention with either America, or the rest of the world!  It is a sore fact that political parties and governments, just as religious systems, are never what they seem to be.

Similarly, the first leaders of the Reformation supposedly caused a storm against early monopolists, (who control companies, banks, and in fact entire economies,) and the practice of usury, (their immorally high interest on loans,) but secretly, the Protestants were also working towards an opposite goal.  True to the Illuminist/freemason/communist creed, “Constant Revolution Globally,” Martin Luther preached from his pulpits the communist doctrine of Marx, “[Rise to the revolution,] whosoever can strike, smite, strangle, or stab, secretly or publicly…” and marvelled, “Such wonderful times are these that a prince can better merit heaven with bloodshed than another with prayer…

This ungodly communist call for revolution and bloodshed to advance the false religion of the Reformation shines the light on Luther’s false creed, ‘Sola Scriptura!’ (The Bible Only!)  Let us ignore the Reformers’ many unscriptural Roman Catholic doctrines and sacraments for the moment.  What was the difference then, between this Lutheran call for ‘just and holy’ war, which ‘merited salvation and comfort in heaven,’ and the Roman Catholic call for human sacrifice during the crusades, “…There will be absolution and remission for sins for all who die in the service of Christ…”

What is the difference between these Catholic/Reformed calls to fight their ‘just and holy’ wars ‘for the sake of Christ,’ and the Islamic call for Jihad, which promises militant Muslims salvation and comfort in paradise?

Such revolutionary sermons, petitions, and protests were, and always will be unabashed witchcraft against the Highest God, Who proclaimed, “My Kingdom is not from here.  If it were, my followers would fight…”

To know what spirit guided the Catholics and their spiritual children, the Reformers, also reveals the false, revolutionary spirit behind communist activists such as the iconic Christian minister Martin Luther King.  In step with the destructive path of all religion, calls for religious human sacrifice to Satan strongly relate to the sermons that were preached from the communist pulpits of activists and anarchists such as Archbishop Desmond Tutu, reverend Allan Boesak, etc. in the name of “Comrade Jesus,” the ‘Great Revolutionist of the South African struggle.’

It is the shocking truth that the Protestant god of the Reformation was not the God of the Bible, but the aggressive, political god of Catholicism, freemasonry, communism, and of all other forms of false religion.  The Real Jesus of the Bible gave His disciples only one commission, “Go and make disciples from all the nations, baptize [these disciples] in the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and teach them everything I have said” (Mt. 28:19-20; Jn. 18:36.)

“Master Calvin,” the Dutch Reformed/Methodist Pope of Geneva, “the new Protestant Kingdom of [the Dutch Reformed/Methodist…] christ” 

Calvinist witches, (as all those who insist on clinging to spiritually dead religion,) find the lamest excuses for the unscriptural, antichrist teachings, norms, and forms, which their god, John Calvin, stole from Roman Catholicism, (as explained later on in this book.)  In addition, they blindly defend the historical truths of the atrocities, which Calvin and the other Reformers callously and most unrepentantly committed against God and His free-willed humanity.

Fact remains, Calvin was a man of hard, oppressing, intolerant, and most disturbed character, who did not earn himself the title of ‘Pope of Geneva’ for preaching the truth of the Gospel, and loving for his ‘brethren’ and even ‘his enemies,’ as Jesus commanded.  That closet Jew, John Chauvin, (some say this was merely French for Calvin,) insisted that his subjects have to address him as “Master Calvin.”  By assuming this title of ‘honor,’ he undoubtedly referred the slave/master basis of the Feudal system of medieval Europe.

Calvin described his self-established ‘kingdom of Protestant Calvinism’ as follows, “the Church, the State, and the community in which we live, must not merely be a means of personal salvation or a means to temporal needs, it must be A Kingdom Of Christ!  In this Kingdom, individual duties must be performed by men conscious that they are ever in their great Taskmaster’s eye, [in this context, this means they were always watched by Calvin and his servants,] and the whole fabric is preserved from corruption by a stringent and all-embracing [church] discipline.”

The Word of GOD declared,

“The God of peace Himself… [will] preserve you spirit, soul, and body… [until] the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.”  1 Ths. 5:23

To motivate all the unbiblical laws and actions of the ‘kingdom of Calvin the christ,’ John Chauvin wrote in ‘The Institutes’ a Protestant Summa, “The lightest action should be brought under the iron control of a universal rule!”  His “iron control of universal rule” referred to Calvin’s Protestant church law, which he quickly established as the unbending law of the land, (which was Geneva in Switzerland first, and then all other Protestant countries worldwide.)  Just as the Illuminati had planned, this Protestant church law eventually ruled municipal government, civic administration, markets, prices, interest.

Calvin’s rule extended even wider than this.  The citizens of Geneva enjoyed no personal privacy.  They lived in constant fear under the ‘all-seeing’ eye of their policing Taskmaster, (which is the occult eye of the masonic lodge.)  Calvin’s tyrannical control effectively turned Geneva into a transparent “city of glass.”  Businesses, churches, friends, and families all lived under the constant supervision of a ‘spiritual,’ Calvinist police force that either fined or evicted from the city all those that laughed too loud, drank too much, etc., as ‘shameful’ citizens.  In addition, the police imprisoned, as ‘enemies of the Church and State,’ all non-Calvinists until they ‘repented,’ or chose death instead.  In Master Calvin’s “Kingdom of Christ,” complete law and order also “involved the systematic use of torture, the beheading of a child for striking its parents, and the burning of a hundred and fifty heretics in sixty years… The characteristic of Geneva… was not merely its merciless intolerance…  It was the attempt to make the [so-called] ‘law of God’ [or in reality, Calvin’s law] prevail [in every aspect of society,] which constituted a TOTAL CLAIM ON HUMANITY…”  [P. 126, ‘Religion and the Rise of Capitalism,’ R.H.Tawney.]

The Reformers, just as the Catholic papacy, were brutal serial killers and mass-murderers, who also sacrificed human beings, (the exact number is unknown,) to their Protestant god on their altars of burning stakes, rivers of drowning, etc.   The suffering and blood of all these victims still testify against every Calvinist (and Lutheran) – and also against all their affiliates and followers, who gave, and still give their support to the Reformers.  Most evil Protestant men, who followed closely in the human sacrificing footsteps of their ‘holy church fathers,’ the Roman Catholic priesthood of Satan, (Ex. 20:5.)

John Calvin’s most infamous Human Sacrifices to Satan — Servetus on the stake

Among all the heartless atrocities, which John Calvin, the father of Calvinism committed, (as described in the above heading,) the ashes of one victim in particular, Miguel (Michael) Servetus, a Spanish physician, screams to heaven against every Calvinist, who clings to these human sacrificing Satanists.  On 13 February 1546, some 7 years before Calvin captured Servetus for the ‘crimes of witchcraft and heresy,’ he wrote to his friend Farrell, “If [Servetus] comes [to Geneva,] I shall never let him go out alive if my authority has weight.” During Servetus’ trial, Calvin added, “I hope that the verdict will call for the death penalty.” On 17 October 1553, John Calvin personally saw to it that his ‘all-seeing’ police burn Servetus at the stake.

Dan Corner wrote in ‘His Ashes Cry Out Against John Calvin,’ “Servetus refused to ‘recant’ and spent his remaining days in an atrocious dungeon with no light or heat, little food, and no sanitary facilities… [Then, with the implicit command and approval of John Calvin,] the Calvinists of Geneva put half-green wood around the feet of Servetus and a wreath strewn with sulfur on his head…  Servetus whispered with trembling voice:

‘Oh God, Oh God!’

[Farrell, the executioner] snapped at him: ‘Have you nothing else to say?’

Servetus replied, ‘What else might I do but speak of God!’…

For more than 30 minutes, the horrible agony continued… for the wood burned slowly.

‘Jesus, Son of the eternal God, have mercy on me!’

the tormented man cried from the midst of the [smoke and] flames, while the [Calvinist] people of Geneva stood around to watch him suffer and slowly die!  Calvin had thus murdered his enemy, and there is nothing to suggest that he ever repented his crime… John Calvin himself was unsaved, and a child of the devil, (Mt. 12:33) according to Scripture:

‘But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers… their place will be in the fiery lake of burning sulfur..” Rev. 21:8.

As all the Roman Catholic human sacrifices, this human sacrifice of John Calvin can NEVER be justified, no matter how hard Calvinists try – and they DO have the audacity to do just that!  If Servetus was really a ‘heretic’ because he rejected and rebelled against Scriptural truth, (and the false doctrines of Calvinists would then place them in exactly the same position!) he did not deserve to be slowly tortured to death at the stake!  As Dan Corner also points out in this study on Servetus,

“The truth of Scripture commands, in resolving doctrinal dispute, a false teacher should not be “silenced” by murdering him, but by REFUTING his heresies with the contextual truth of the BIBLE! Titus. 1:9-11…  Alas, this is not the only personal execution on the stake of John Calvin…  Jacques Gruet, whom Calvin considered a Libertine… petitioned the Catholic king of France to intervene in the political and religious affairs of Geneva. [The territory of Calvin.]  Cruet… with Calvin’s concurrence, was beheaded for treason…  Bolsec publicly challenged Calvin’s [FALSE] teaching on predestination, a teaching Bolsec, with many others, found morally repugnant.  Banished from the city in 1551, he revenged himself in 1577 by publishing a biography of Calvin that charged him with greed, financial misconduct, and sexual aberration….  It should be apparent that, from the founder down to us today, the “perseverance of the saints” doctrine, (most commonly known as ‘God’s unconditional love and acceptance’ or “once saved always saved”) has most often been a license for immorality [and violent Roman Catholic and Protestant murder, or blood-sacrifice to Satan] taught under the banner of grace.  As Calvin’s own theology allowed for his actions against Servetus [and against his many thousands of other victims as well,] many in our day are sexually immoral, liars, drunkards, filled with greed, [hatred, slander,] etc., while they profess salvation. This is a ramification of Calvin’s perverted grace message – a teaching which has “spread like gangrene” from a man who could openly burn another to death and for the remaining 10 years and 7 months of his life, never publically repent of his crime” – or show even a slither of remorse!

The Reformers’ ‘Just And Holy War’ On The Baptists 

Their Attack Began With Slander, “That Heretical Sect, The Anabaptists!” 

Just as the Vatican, the vision of Calvin & Company’s was world domination.  As a result, they instituted the Roman Catholic teaching, which advocates complete State control over all their Christian-ruled countries.  In their quest to obliterate all political, religious, and church opposition, Roman Catholic and Protestant name-calling became an integral part of their ‘just and holy war’ on all those of ‘the opposition.’  Nowadays, both these branches of Christianity still regularly stick the slanderous labels, which I am about to disclose, onto Jesus’ true disciples.  Everyone who disagreed (or disagrees) with their incredibly false doctrines and rituals, or ‘sacraments,’ suffered – and are still, in one way or another, suffering under their sharp Catholic/Protestant tongues, swords, and other instruments of death and torture.

See if you, (as a truly persecuted disciple of Jesus,) recognize these slanderous accusations in modern context!

Besides calling the Baptists, especially, “heretics,” these two mainstreams of Christianity labeled them as ‘a sect.’  Most people understand the word ‘heretic’ as describing a crazy, demon possessed person, who believes deceptions and lies about religious truth; especially about the Bible.  Therefore a ‘sect’ comprises of a group of ‘heretic,’ ‘dangerous,’ ‘demon possessed,’ ‘politically hostile’ religious fanatics, who may be scorned and ill-treated for their fallacies, and have to be avoided and rejected at all costs.  Regardless of the fact that many true sects have existed throughout history and are still growing in number during our time, it is amazing that, as recorded in the Book of Acts, Satan himself still continually directs such insults at “The [TRUE] Way, which [the real heretics] call a sect.”  The Book of Acts is the blueprint for all the N.T. beliefs, Holy-Spirit experiences, and body-of-Christ practices, which Jesus’ truly born again, obedient disciples should follow – and which both Catholicism and her harlot daughter, Reformed Protestantism, hate and reject, (Acts 24:14; Rev. 17:5.)

During the centuries, Catholicism and Protestantism have tried every satanic method known to man to restrict, suppress, and prevent the early Baptists and Jesus’ other children from their obedience, worship, and spiritual growth in Christ.  Hence, the ‘baptism’ or ritual sprinkling of babies to initiate all the citizens of a country into Christianity before they could reason and personally choose to follow Christ according to the truth of His Word, became a huge issue between these Christians and the early Baptists.  It is a sound historical and Scriptural fact that the pagan initiation rite of baby ‘baptism’ was dragged first into the Catholic, and then into the Protestant churches as a means of political domination and control.  This ‘baptism’ has nothing to do with the truth of God’s Word.  Rather, it exists to convert entire families, societies, nations, and countries to Christianity – as experienced under the political/religious rule of the Calvinist, Dutch Reformed Church during the oppression of South Africa’s apartheid regime.

The Gospel-obeying Baptists of the Middle Ages, standing for the Biblical separation between State and Church, seriously interfered with the Protestant’s goal to Christianize all the citizens of conquered countries way.

To do some damage control and to eliminate the Scriptural defiance of the early Baptists, both Catholics and Protestants spread the belief that their ritual, baby sprinkling is the only real and acceptable ‘baptism.’  Those who are baptized ‘as adults’ are enemies of God, the church, and the state, who “baptize themselves again.”  Thus, they also identified the early Baptists as ‘re-baptizers’ or ‘Anabaptists,’ (which is a lie directly from hell,) and declared it a threat to national and church security to baptize oneself ‘again’ ‘as an adult.’  They completely ignored the fact that the real Biblical Baptism is neither a baby sprinkling nor an ‘adult’ baptism by immersion.  Jesus commanded the baptism according to His own example in Mt. 3:13-17, which only relates to sincerely believing disciples of Christ. [More on the pagan origin and aim of this Christianization later on.]

Re-Baptizers are Donatists!” 

In their pursuit of political and religious world domination, the Roman Catholics and Reformers also fiercely defied the Biblical (and Baptist) way of Jesus, Who taught that His was a Spiritual Kingdom, above and apart from all earthly rule, of which He Alone is the Only High Priest and King.   Since the 4th century, all those who opposed the Vatican and later, the medieval Reformers, in their push to convert everyone on earth to their church rule, were branded as ‘Donatists.’

As the original Donatists, the early Baptists also refused to accept the s-called ‘atoning sacraments’ and false authority of Christianity, and chose to stick to the N.T. examples and commandments of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Therefore, the Roman Catholic Church and her harlot daughter Protestantism saw in the Baptists the ‘reincarnation’ of the Catholics’ old, 4thcentury enemies, the Donatists, and hated and persecuted them accordingly.

Catholics and Reformer Protestants deem the Preaching of the Gospel ‘unnecessary’ 

The insult, “Donatist!” led to another source of conflict between the Catholic/Protestant coalition and the Baptists.  Traditional churches unwaveringly declared that the Donatist/Baptist belief in evangelization, (to make disciples for the unseen Kingdom of God in the hearts of men by preaching the true Gospel of Jesus,) “is completely unnecessary.”  Modern Roman Catholic, Anglican, Lutheran, Calvinist  Dutch Reformed, Methodist, and most other traditional Protestant Churches still follow this view, because “everyone in a Catholic or Protestant country are already Christians, as they are members of our churches through the sacrament of the baby baptism!” – (Read the truth in Mt. 28:19-20; Lu. 17:20-21.)

Catholicism and Protestantism – and sadly, most of their church affiliates still declare, “The church is our mother and outside her, there is no salvation.”  Hence, their incredible lie that church membership with its ‘atoning’ sacraments is the first and only requirement for Christian salvation. – Read much more on Renette’s site




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