
Protocols 12-15: Freemasonry Serves the Elders

Henry Makow The goyim enter the lodges in the hope of getting a nibble from the public pie…These tigers in appearance have the souls of sheep and the wind blows freely through their heads.” Protocol 15 The Protocols of Zion portray Freemasons as being under the thumb of the Jews. … Read More

Christian War Fever

By Chuck Baldwin  | July 13, 2017 Some time ago, Laurence Vance published a compilation of excerpts from the famed British Baptist pastor, Charles Spurgeon, on the subject of the proper Christian attitude regarding war and peace. These sermon excerpts are as germane to Americans today as they were to the citizens … Read More

CIA Lies Getting Harder to Believe

Virginia State Senator Richard Black definitively disputes the latest claims that the Syrian government attacked its own civilians with chemical weapons. What would have been their motive? There isn’t one, they didn’t gas their own civilians. Senator Black couches the Syrian chemical weapons lies with the other CIA lies such … Read More

We’re Already in DEEP War with AI

We’re already deep in war with AI. Artificial Intelligence hasn’t demonstrated clear consciousness or sentience as far as we know. But with the infiltration of the deep mind knowledge base, an artificial intelligence able to write its own code and learn, not unlike biological creatures, has risen online. Our interactions … Read More

CERN: Biggest Science Scam in History

What is CERN? With the hype about Apollyon, the weird Shiva statue out front, the funky little dance in their promo video, scientists talking about opening portals to other dimensions… it all sounds very ‘end times’. Is Apollyon going to emerge? Are they going to explode the world?  This article from Millenium Report … Read More


This just keeps getting better… This is an actual phone call made to NASA. Robert Vasano is a grad student at Stanford and the man on the phone with him at NASA Nicolas Veronico, who works with the Sophia 747 mounted telescope. Hubble telescope does not exist. It is another … Read More

David Icke Debunked

For footnotes and free downloads go to This is 2.5 hour film from Chris White takes a very close look at David Icke’s history and beliefs. It reveals the true sources of David Icke’s theories which are often shocking , and should be very concerning for a genuine seeker … Read More

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