
Homemade Smart Meter Cover is TWICE as Effective as Expensive Purchased Ones!

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It looks like a cross between a Hostess Ding Dong and a fully popped pan of Jiffy Pop (do they even make that anymore?), but hey, this thing works! 🙂

Posted on Get Smart Nashville’s Facebook Page – By Yvonne Nachtigal May 28, 4:35pm

Function over appearance. Here’s my “Jiffy Pop Smart Meter Cover” (aka “Poor Man’s Smart Meter cover”). It brings radiation readings down to HALF that of the expensive smart meter cover my neighbor purchased ($120)! Hands down, the professional model is more attractive, but that’s not what I was after. (If  you decide to go the professional meter cover route, you can find one here. In their defense, the meters they’re putting in my neighborhood, and likely everywhere else now, are much stronger than previous models, so mitigating them is a real challenge.)

With a little ingenuity, I’m sure you can improve on my design, (send me videos of what you come up with and I’ll share them!) but here’s what I used:

— 8 layers thick, I made a 3.5”wide band of heavy duty aluminum foil (to go around the meter). I attached it with 2 small strips of duct tape

— Faceplate – 6 layers of aluminum foil with a small hole for the signal to get out

— Aluminum screen to cover everything and a strap to hold it in place

– Aluminum foil – $3
– Strap – $2
– Aluminum Screen – I had some in the garage
– Total cost roughly $5.

Readings before cover -> 1600 ÎĽW/m2
Readings after cover-> 229 ÎĽW/m2

Much better!!!!

I also covered the inside the garage with 2 ft all around the meter ( 4ft in all) with 6 layers thick heavy duty aluminum foil (held in place by duct tape)

Readings inside garage before the foil -> 2000+ ÎĽW/m2
Readings inside garage after the foil -> -0-
Readings inside house after smart meter cover and garage wall covering – next to nothing.

We also put Stetzer filters in rooms where we spend the most time.

Health update:

– No more headaches
– No more dizziness
– No more heart palpitations

My husband:
– MS Symptoms subsiding
– Feeling returning to legs

– Undisrupted sleep!

For the first time since the installation we don’t feel like we’re being microwaved in our own home!

Remaining concerns:

The health and safety of the millions who are not even aware of the danger!!
— Violation of wiretapping laws
— Violation of 4th amendment rights
— Lack of enforcement of consumer protection code
— Complete lack of representation by “representatives”
— Fire hazard
— Insurance companies will not pay damages
— Who pays if the system is HACKED?
— Effect the new meter will have on our electric bill


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