
Chemtrails Planet and Fellowship Of The Minds Suspended by Wordpress – Internet Censorship

CO – YNightingale

The days of freedom of speech on the internet are officially numbered. If “conspiracy theorists” ever longed for a day that their claims would be legitimized, that day has arrived. Yesterday, Chemtrails Planet, hosted by Harold Saive, and Fellowship Of The Minds were suspended by Like Youtube, Instagram, Twitter and other social media sites, the platform requires users to adhere to their “terms of service. These “terms of service” are being used to justify censorship of content that is not in line with the official narrative of Corporate/Tech Giants & “Globalists,” as exampled in the recent banning of Alex Jones and Infowars.

  • Harold Saive, widely respected for his educated and expert insights into ongoing chemtrail programs and other nefarious military technologies and operations. His website was a source of vital, comprehensive information for those shining light on these crimes against humanity.
  • Although not coming from a Christian perspective, this website also offered intelligent, comprehensive information.

After the banning of Alex Jones, the next front to be attacked was “climate change deniers“, of which Christian Observer one. It must be noted that only ONE anti-chemtrail activist is ON BOARD with the UN’s “global warming” and “overpopulation” deception, and that activist is Dane Wigington of With the removal of these two recent sites, we can anticipate a day-soon-to-come where the only “allowable” anti chemtrail/geoengineering site on the internet will be that of Mr. Wigington.

But censorship is going even further than that. The PTB are particularly sensitive to the truth about the Sandy Hook event. You’ll remember that Alex Jones was falsely accused and even sued over his reports about the Sandy Hook event. Mr Saive commented on the take-down of Chemtrails Planet site that,

“ reveals many key Sandy Hook photos were removed from this post by Wordpress trolls. They fail to show in the archive version

It is not my intent to bash anyone or play into the divisiveness and chaos of the layers upon layers of disinformation. I am posting this information as a critical warning to my fellow believers in Christ that the days of free speech on the internet are numbered!

If you have found any benefit from the articles posted on, if there are any articles you find of importance to where God has you positioned in this battle, I encourage you to download them, print them out and save them in a secure place. If you need help making copies of anything such as videos, slide shows or audio files, you are welcome to email me at: [email protected].

Finally, God has put it on my heart to encourage the startup all over the world of prayer/fellowship groups for believers who are aware of world events and the great deceptions the enemy has blanketed the earth with. Please be in prayer about this. It would be wonderful if your local church will allow a group like this, but if they do not, consider starting one on your own. I am praying for more direction about content and study material and I welcome the input of any pastors or bible teachers! More to come on this!

“Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.” Eph 6:10-13



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