
Paradise Fire: Occult Background of the Main Players

“For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.” Eph 6:12

Betsy, The Captain and The Eye of the Fire by Craig Patin

In Part 2 we will look at the occult backgrounds of the main players in this Paradise event.


So here’s how the story “goes”. Betsy Ann Cowley claimed that she had gotten hold of PG&E weeks prior to the November 8th fire. She was the 31 year old woman who now owned Pulga with her stepdad lawyer Charles “Bucky” Zimmerman.

“In March 2015, Cowley bought Pulga for $499,000 in partnership with her stepfather, the class-action attorney Charles “Bucky” Zimmerman.” (

She said PG&E had never gotten back to her and she was making complaints about sparking lines on her property. She went on a Caribbean vacation with her family for the first time in 4 years since buying Pulga. While on vacation she said PG&E sent her a email on the 7th claiming that they were there to fix the problem. She assumed they fixed it.

Now that was the official story. But different stories have started to come out. Now PG&E claims that the problem wasn’t even on her property to begin with and they were fixing an entirely different line than they were told. The report is here.

“On Monday, the owner of the Pulga resort told reporters she received an email from PG&E the day before the fire informing her that the utility planned to fix a transmission line near her property. The Associated Press reported that Betsy Ann Cowley said the utility told her it involved a “sparking” transmission line.

“We have not seen anything that includes a discussion with the customer in question about ‘sparks’ and PG&E infrastructure,” the company said. “This is not the same line that PG&E identified in its Electric Incident Report on Nov. 8.”

Steve Hertstein, a right of way consultant with ARWS in Pleasant Hill, first emailed Cowley in April and said he was working with PG&E on a North American Electrical Reliability Corp. (NERC) project. For almost a decade, the utility has been upgrading 12,000 miles of its transmission system to bring the circuits into compliance.

He said the work would involve the Cresta-Rio Oso Circuit. On Friday, the day after the Camp Fire started, PG&E reported to the California Public Utilities Commission that it suffered a power outage on the Caribou-Palermo line about 15 minutes before Thursday’s blaze was first reported. (

So it is beyond me why Betsy Ann Cowley is made to be the face of the Paradise/Pulga fire when in reality it wasn’t even associated with her to begin with. I find it strange and suspicious that out of all the times she could go on vacation, she picked that time of year. And you throw in that her step father class action lawyer was co-owner of Pulga, well, it seems a little suspicious. She was quoted as saying,

“This needs to become a class action lawsuit,” she said. “They don’t help people pay to rebuild their homes.” (

And of course there will be, look who her step-dad is.

“We’ve been slowly bringing it back to its original look and feel. It’s been quite a labor of love,” said Charles “Bucky” Zimmerman, Miles’ longtime husband, and Cowley’s stepfather.

He is also founding partner of Zimmerman Reed, a law firm that operates in Los Angeles, Minneapolis and Phoenix. Miles and Zimmerman brought their two daughters, including Cowley, to a vacation in the Caribbean when they got the call that the Camp Fire was inching close to Pulga.

“I guess your first thought is, oh my gosh, our little town of Pulga, our dream, our business plan, burning up in flames, it’s such a helpless thought,” said Zimmerman. “It was very anxiety provoking and nerve wracking, but the one thing we knew, Betsy was safe.”

Zimmerman, who is a class action attorney, recently handling cases like the NHL brain injury litigation and the Target data breach class action lawsuits, says he is looking into possible class action litigation brought against the Pacific Gas & Electric Co. (PG&E) if found responsible for the Camp Fire. (

So the whole timing of the vacation, who her stepfather is and how the story is now changing about how and where the fire started is not right. Something with Cowley just doesn’t sit right, in my opinion. My first thought when seeing her name was of Alesteir Crowley. But there was no r. So I line to look of etymologies of names and her is what I found. The name Cowley is “derived from two Old English elements: the first, cu, meaning “cow”; the second element, leah, meaning “woodland clearing”. Two other places are located in Derbyshire which are derived from the Old English col, meaning “coal” (in reference to charcoal).” (

Her name Betsy comes from Elizabeth. It is “from Late Latin Elisabeth, from Greek Eleisabeth, Eleisabet, from Hebrew Elishebha “God is an oath,” the second element said by Klein to be related to shivah(fem. sheva) “seven,” and to nishba “he swore,” originally “he bound himself by (the sacred number) seven.” ( Ann comes from Hannah meaning graciousness.

So her name Betsy Ann Cowley can translate into God (shiva) is an oath graciousness cow woodland clearing. It is interesting to me that Betsy is related to a binding oath and can come from a word that means to bind yourself by the sacred number 7. The fire started on the Thursday the 8th which in the occult is Jupiter’s day. This binding or oath by 7 also reminded once again to the oak at Shechem and the Baalberith oath the Jews made with Belzebub. It was done under OAK tree and if you remember at around 7-8 hours later, another fire started near Thousand Oaks along with the false flag shooting the night before in the same city. So why do I bring up a oak tree in relation to Betsy? Well she owned Pulga which was surrounded by OAK trees. The canyon where the fire actually started was filled with oaks. Probably all just a coincidence right?

Her last name is also referencing a cow, charcoal and a woodland clearing. 2 out of 3 of those can be associated with a fire. And the cow reference is interesting. Concow which is near Pulga also was destroyed in the fire. I have read where Concow means Man Cow.

On a quick sidenote, there was a story of a giant cow that came out after the fire. Man cow.

What’s a man cow for those of you who are new here? The Serapis of course. The death of Osiris and a Apis give us Serapis. And that’s how you get the false jesus Jupiter Serapis. All of this is just happenstance right?

Pulga: the esoteric town

Pulga was a sleepy little ghost town until Betsy Cowley showed up. It has the basic Californian story to it. It was discovered by the Concow Maidu Indians in the early 1800’s (notice we never know what predated the 1800’s out West?), taken by the gold rush miners and then bought by tycoon William King in 1904. William King right? That was the name of the man who discovered it and made it a town. It first belonged to a “king”. In 1916 it was renamed to Pulga by the train because flea creek ran into the town and Big Bar was already a name of another town. For all of the history of the town you can go here:

Concow Maidu

Now let me tell you about the Indians that were at Pulga first. The Concow Maidu was a very ceremonial tribe. I mentioned that Concow means cow and Maidu actually means man. Essentially you could day this phrase was cow man. Now if you have read my guest book them you know where this is going. The cow man was none other than Osiris, Apollo, Nimrod and a host of others. This cow man or bull god represented the divine masculine god of ancient civilizations and the Maidu followed suit. They worshipped tje “world maker” and had ceremonies for rain and would help their crops and food. Sounds like ancient Baal fertility worship right? They lived near water and worshipped the bear and the rattlesnake. You can see already that if you have an ounce of discernment, this may be the reason why people today believed that Feather River (which I will go over later) had supernatural powers to it. When you see that people held hypnosis ceremonies and mediation ceremonies there it was for a reason. It did have supernatural powers there that tapped deep into something demonic.

I also want to point out that the Maidu had a “secret society” within their tribe that involved the shaman. Their shaman didn’t just communicate with one particular spirit but many spirits. You can read more about them and their creation story here: I will tell you that their creation story had no sun, moon or stars and was complete darkness. There was a raft with a turtle and the “father of the secret society”. They were met by a “earth initiate” who came “from above” from a rope of feathers. During there ceremony they have “The Pehe’ipe is to-day a participant in the dances of the Secret Society, and usually plaj’S the part of a clown. ” How would they know what a clown is? And once again, if your familiar with my research then you know the clown is symbolic of the ancient nephilim spirit. And also remember if you read their creation story, that this all took place right near there at Feather River.

Pulga: Recently

Now back to the most recent history of Pulga and how we get to where we are now. This comes from there own website.

“In 1994 the family collectively sold the property, passing on the legacy to a new institution. It became the Mystic Valley retreat, a sought after getaway for those seeking respite from the city with interests in meditation and hypnotherapy. As the new owners and the property aged, many of the buildings fell into disrepair and in need of substantial restoration.

In March of 2015, ownership changed hands once again and the laborious task of rehabilitating the historic town was underway. A blossoming new mythology was initiated, accompanied by the friends and artists that have collectively helped breathe new life into the strong roots of the once ramshackle gold mining town of Pulga. Come join us in writing the new chapters of this old town.” (

I want you to pay special attention that this was Mystic Valley retreat in 1994 until 2005 for almost 20 years. Now, by Mystic Valley they mean exactly what it insinuates. Those in Pulga believed the Feather river canyon had supernatural abilities. I’m sure they thought this, based on legends from when the Indians were there. I want to drive home that this place was a magnet for New Agers and witches. Others might not see these people as witches but I, in fact, do. The wording off of Pulga’s website hints to all of this, especially when they say a “new mythology was initiated”. That is esoteric talk, like it or not.

These people are the “artsy” people who call esoteric occult nonsense art when it’s not realistically art. Cowley comes from the same mold that made the Oakland Ghost Ship community that ironically was destroyed in a really bad fire. You never wish anything bad upon people but these sad and tragic events seem to find these types of groups. I’ll talk more about the Ghost Ship fire shortly but I’ll bring this up from the mentioned article below.

“Cowley showed me the sole object she recovered from the ash of her house: a coffee mug from the 5th Avenue Marina arts enclave in Oakland, a relic of the life she left behind in order to build an intentional community in the remote foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mountains.”

The only thing that survived, according to the article, was a pirate mug. And I thought this was a fitting quote from the article below.

“You can’t call them hippies. There must be a name for them, but I don’t know it.”

Eye of the Fire

I’m going to quote an article called Inside Pulga, Artist Refuge at the Center of the Camp Fire by Sam Lefebvre. You can source it here: I will put it at the end of this section so you know all quotes come from this article. And isn’t it interesting that the focus is on the “artist refugee”? Is the focus her and not the thousands who were displaced and have nowhere to call home? Everything is backwards and upside down. You will see this with how the article is written and the wording this man uses. You be the judge of it.

When Cowley bought Pulga in 2015, her plans weren’t to rent it out as a wedding venue but was to be a safe haven for her Bay area Oakland friends. She eventually did rent Pulga out for weddings and groups like If/When/How, a reproductive justice group who are Columbia lawyers who defend the rights of black women, trans oriented people and a woman’s (and everyone else for that matter) rights to decide for themselves, admit how they raise a family. Don’t get it confused, they aren’t a group of gals in it for supporting traditional families. Cowley said,

“some clients, such as reproductive rights group If/When/How, are inspiring, and she’s come to see the rentals as an opportunity to promote a different future to urbanites”.

When Cowley moved to Pulga she seemed to have problems with PG&E. She wanted just the opposite of the big baller PG&E a small fingerprint.

“Cowley has developed complicated feeling towards the utilities and agencies operating in the area, growing fond of their blue-collar workers while resenting grander corporate designs for the region. For example, she’s vehemently opposed to expanding internet access. She recalled a PG&E worker complaining that he had to drive in to manually check Pulga’s meters, since they aren’t the company’s networked SmartMeters. “I told him that’s his job security,” she said. (I thought it was interesting that the writer mentioned the Smart Meters, being that they were a big part of this event.)

“While digitized communications might seem like a security safeguard in the event of disaster, Cowley considers the Camp Fire a counterpoint—especially if it’s definitely linked to power lines. She likes to point out that, in the early 20th century, Pulga ran primarily on hydroelectricity generated from the Feather River, a water source that today largely routes to corporate crops in Central Valley. The people in and around Pulga, in her view, are bound to a potentially hazardous utility—PG&E—and needlessly deprived of safer alternatives.” (There is a hydro plant about 2 miles from Poe Dam. I’m wondering if this is where they are talking about in the article because initially this is where I thought everything kicked off at. And it still very well could’ve.)

Now I want to go back to the beginning of the original article. The way he started it was on purpose, not by accident. Like I mentioned before, the symbolism in this article and the words that were chosen were on purpose. Here is how the article starts.

“Six inches of ash settled on the ground beneath smoke so thick, it cloaked the stars.”

We know six inches of ash is a lot of ash. Not only that the number 6 is associated with man and the number of the beast. Now, stars are connected to angels in Scripture. To cloak the stars seems a bit occultic in my opinion. He went on to say that this 6 inches of ash was all that was left of Pulga and Cowley’s house. I think to see that much ash covering the ground means that it just wasn’t ash from a fire but maybe from part of the explosion of whatever it was that came out of the ground.

“The blaze appeared to have touched down at random, razing her home but not the guest lodging, and, nearby on the property, destroying a cabin but not the historic schoolhouse. An Airstream trailer seemed to have exploded from within, but the vegetation just feet away was spared. “The fire danced,” said Cowley, 31, wearing overalls and a fur cap when I visited on Wednesday after the fire, embers still smoldering. “It leapt over the valley.” (It even seems to them that the fire had a mind of its own and why would an Airstream explode from the inside out? Was it actually that hot near the point of contact that it exploded like a popcorn kernel?) (

This article even confirms that not only armed private security were at Pulga blocking the road North of Pulga but military with Humvees. This was within a week of the fire because Cowley evidently didn’t show up until 4 days after the fire happened.

“Armed, private security were stationed at the entrance to the town for unclear reasons. Multi-agency caravans drove along the hillside late at night. (Ultimately, California Highway Patrol escorted us out of the evacuation zone after questioning our media credentials.)…When I arrived, the road to Pulga was guarded by military Humvees and lined with the scorched shells of abandoned vehicles. Some were marked with pink and green ribbons to indicate they’d been checked for cadavers.”

I mentioned that Betsy showed up 4 days later on the 11th or 12th and the article says

“She’d been away when the fire started, and returned to find smoldering stumps and coal-like embers dropping from trees.”

Coal like embers? I’m telling you, something came out of that ground near there. This was not a power line arching starting a small “brush fire”.

The article goes on to state,

“Even if she’d been home when the fire started, “I would’ve refused to evacuate,” she said. “There’s nothing wrong with not leaving.”

She says this after the fact that thousands of people have died and everything was incinerated. To not flee that fire means something is seriously wrong with you.

I mentioned the past occult history of Pulga and I’m positive I’m only scratching the surface. I’m pretty sure Cowley knew of its esoteric history prior to buying the small ghost town. She claims,

“Often you’ll hear music,” she said, suggesting the valley had supernatural protections. “We both did on that first night. But it was different, more of a symphony.”

Now how odd and weird is that? She actually heard music? If that isn’t scary than I don’t know what is. And how/where did she get the idea that the “valley had supernatural protections”? I assume, like I mentioned already, She knew of the supernatural qualities to those area.

Mystic Valley Retreat

Cowley bought the town from Lorraine Paloma. Here is where it gets modern-day weird.

“The property’s seller was Lorraine Paloma, who’d lived there for years with Fred Leidecker; he ran the Mystic Valley Retreat, advertising it as a school of “paranormal hypnotism and enlightenment.” (Celebrating the transaction, Leidecker hypnotized several of Cowley’s friends.)”

They sold to Cowley and her stepdad in 2015 and like the article states, it was a place for “paranormal hypnotism and enlightenment”. Cowley and her friends even got in on the hypnosis action from the Mystic Valley Retreat. I read some less than flattering comments about Leidecker on Yelp.

I did come across a few articles where it mentioned the sale and their retreat.

“Leidecker used the property as a kind of sanctuary for those who came to him for his expertise in hypnotherapy, as it was home to the Mystic Valley Retreat and School of Hypnotism.” (

I actually came across a few articles on them selling Pulga.

“Fred Leidecker came to Pulga with Lorraine to start the Mystic Retreat School of Hypnotism. It had it’s run and did well enough.” (

“They founded Mystic Valley Retreat, which for many years was a destination for people across the nation, Canada and overseas. They came for the solitude, meditation and to undergo hypnotherapy from Fred Leidecker.” (https://www-times–

The Mystic Valley Retreat was also associated with the Feather River Grove, a church of Druids.

Here is there statement of “faith”.

“We, the members of Feather River Grove, are committed to regular worship of the Spirits, dedicated to the study of Paganism, devoted to service to the Earth and our our community, supportive or our members and their families, and faithfully participate in sharing genuine fellowship with our Pagan community.” (

“The local group, though ostensibly dedicated to Druidry, is open to Neopagans who follow other paths and pantheons as well. While Wilcox’s favored deity is Lugh the Long-handed, revered by the original Celtic Druids of the British Isles, Caughell—the group’s secretary—favors Norse gods worshipped by the ancient Vikings. Handley is devoted to Iemanjá, a goddess of African origin particularly revered in Brazil and by practitioners of voodoo.” (

Lugh was the celtic sun god, king and savior. And Iemanjá was a WATER goddess, a mermaid and was equivalent to the Catholic Virgin Mary ie Ishtar\Isis.

“Yemoja is often depicted as a mermaid, and is associated with the moon, water, and feminine mysteries. She is the protector of women. She governs everything pertaining to women; childbirth, conception, parenting, child safety, love, and healing.” (Wiki)

Pulga’s Goetic

I mentioned that Pulga actually means flea. Before I go there I want you to look at the present logo of Pulga.


It is a circle with a line connecting to a right side up triangle with an N over the top of it. The N I assume stands for North. I can’t find out what it actually stands for but it made me think of the KING of the NORTH. They actually have a anagram for Pulga. T.O.P. Town of Pulga.

It’s interesting that they call it TOP for short because a top is something on TOP i.e. North, summit or a crest. Once again, it reminded me of the king of the North. And look at the T.O.P. image. The crow or raven is lighting the fire. The crow has been synonymous with the Phoenix in some cultures. Crows have always been bad omens.

Now this symbol of Pulga actually looks like the Goetic circle, a sigil used in Alesteir Crowley’s book on the front cover of The Lesser Keys of Solomon. Almost identical actually but a variation of it in my opinion.

This book mentioned is separated in five parts. It gives you prayers, spells, invocations and all the stuff you need for conjuring up demons. They say these come from Solomon when he had his ring that he used to control demons. He allegedly had power over 72 demons and kept them in a brass jar or something like that. This is where real chaos magick comes from when conjuring demons and I want you to remember that the shaman of the Concow tribe conjured many spirits. It goes back to these Indians that knew of the supernatural powers of this canyon and Feather river.

Let me show you what Wikipedia says about this Goetic symbol. Below is Aleister Crowley’s variant of the Goetic circle and triangle, magic symbols/objects used in the conjuration of the seventy-two spirits of the Ars Goetia.

Goetia or Goëtia[Notes 1] is a practice that includes the conjuration of demons, specifically the ones summoned by the Biblical figure, King Solomon. The use of the term in English largely derives from the 17th-century grimoire Lesser Key of Solomon, which features an Ars Goetia as its first section. It contains descriptions of the evocation, or “calling out”, of seventy-two demons, famously edited by Aleister Crowley in 1904 as The Book of the Goetia of Solomon the King. Goetic Theurgy, another practice described in the Lesser Key of Solomon, is similar to the book’s description of Goetia, but is used to invoke aerial spirits.

The Ancient Greek word γοητεία (goēteía) means “charm, jugglery, sorcery”,[1] from γόης(góēs) “sorcerer, wizard” (plural: γόητεςgóētes).[2] The meaning of “sorcerer” is attested in a scholion, or commentary, referring to the Dactyli, a mythical race, stating that according to Pherecydes of Syrosand Hellanicus of Lesbos, those to the left are goētes, while those to the right are deliverers from sorcery.[3][page needed] The word may be ultimately derived from the verb γοάω “groan, bewail” (goáō). Derivative terms are γοήτευμα”a charm” (goḗteuma, plural γοητεύματαgoēteúmata) and γοητεύω “to bewitch, beguile” (goēteúō).” (

One thing I want to point out is that I call these warlocks wizards jokingly but looking at where the word Goetia comes from, well its a wizard. And who was a famous wizard? MERLIN. And ironically Merlin is about 7 miles upstream from Pulga. Merlin is near a big body of water. It is a federally recognized name with no census. Just another strange connection to Pulga.

The sigil is a circle with the names of 72 demons in it. In short, the circle is meant to protect the “wizard” (just in case) while the triangle is meant to bind them from moving to and fro.

“The Ars Goetia is the first section of the Lesser Key of Solomon, containing descriptions of the seventy-two demons that Solomon is said to have evoked and confined in a bronze vessel sealed by magic symbols, and that he obliged to work for him. The Ars Goetia assigns a rank and a title of nobility to each member of the infernal hierarchy, and gives the demons “signs they have to pay allegiance to”, or seals.” (

The magical circle is to protect them against demons. Funny right? They invoke them and then need to be protected from them. Don’t worry, the v same people that conjured these demons in Paradise will need protecting also. The only way is the blood of Jesus and I highly doubt they come to the redeemer.

This is the form of the Magical Circle of King Solomon, the which he made that he might preserve himself therein from the malice of thse Evil Spirits. this Magical circle is to be made 9 feet across, and the Divine Names are to be written round it, beginning at ehyeh, and ending at levanah, Luna….MAGICAL TRIANGLE OF SOLOMON..This is the Form of the Magical Triangle, into which Solomon did command the Evil Spirits. It is to be made at 2 feet distance from the Magical Circle and it is 3 feet across. Note that this triangle is to be placed toward that quarter whereunto the Spirit belongeth. And the base of the triangle is to be nearest unto the Circle, the apex pointing in the direction of the quarter of the Spirit. Observe thou also th Moon in thy working, as aforesaid, etc. Anaphaxeton is sometimes written Anepheneton.” (

“The subject of the Triangle of Solomon is an overlooked one. Oft, the triangle, given to us in the Lesser Key of Solomon and used by Ceremonial Magicians of many paths to bind summoned spirits and keep them away from the magician, is simply recreated as instructed in the Lemegeton and given little more thought. Consider however, that the nature of solomnic magic requires an understanding of the forces being called, and that Ceremonial Magic is a tradition relying on the weight of older traditions to give its right force and authority. In that light, recreating ritual implements without an understanding of their components is a dangerous prospect (and if nothing else is less powerful than a true understanding of the work at hand).” (

Here is a website explaining how to use the circle and triangle in a ritual. I suggest you don’t go there. I will post what is relevant to all of this study here.

“There have been many reported cases of this going wrong, leading to horrible poltergeist-like activity to even deaths. It is considered dangerous, and proper study must be met before even thinking of attempting anything from its passages. These spirits deceit, trick and do everything in their power to hurt you. They have been known to give correct answers, but slowly overtime, will begin to mislead you and leave you weak and dependent on them. The two main tools for the person evoking, according to the Goetia, are simple; a Magical Circle (whereby one becomes fully protected from any malicious attacks by setting the boundaries) and the Triangle of Solomon (whereby the person is able to call forth the demon/spirit and hold them bound within the triangle). Proper mastery of meditation and use of one’s will must be adhered to before engaging with or summoning from the Goetia.

The tools as mentioned by the Lesser Key of Solomon are the Circle, Triangle, parchment, seal, ring as well as brass vessel. Variations of these tools can be substituted, as seen in variations later Goetic rituals. The most important tools that are necessary for any Goetic ritual are the circle (which establishes a boundary), the triangle (which establishes a medium), and seal (which directs the focus or attention). I have seen Golden Dawn groups use wands/swords/daggers during the preliminary invocations in addition to the ritual. These tools can be used to transfer the entities from the Triangle, and into the Circle and into a medium, such as Ouija Board, etc. The belief is that the dagger or sword is the only item capable of penetrating or transferring back and forth between the Triangle and Circle.

The Circle of Solomon “is to be made 9 feet across and the divine names are to be written around it, from Eheye to Levanah…made for to preserve himself from the malice of those evil spirits” Peterson, Joseph H. Lemegeton Clavicula Salomonis (The Lesser Key of Solomon), pg.41. This can vary in size, as some Golden Dawn groups maintain massive circles able to hold up to 20 people inside. I have also seen people use string or other items (including salt), to maintain a stable perimeter in which to work.

It was written that the Triangle that Solomon “commanded the disobedient spirits into; it is to be made two [feet] of [out] from the Circle and 3 [feet] over [across]. Note this triangle is to be placed upon [towards] that Coast [quarter] [that] the spirit belongeth [to]. Observe the moon in working” Peterson, Joseph H. Lemegeton Clavicula Salomonis(The Lesser Key of Solomon), pg.42-3. It is the medium in which the entity summoned inhabits. The original Triangle, as drawn, maintains a black spot in the center which is where the entity enters into. Various practitioners believe that the empty space is really occupied by black mirror or dark reflective surface. There have been several citations relating to such a mirror occupying the triangle, however, it is mere speculation. In all practicality, I do believe a mirror is the best medium to be used along with the Triangle of Solomon for the purpose of conjuration.” ( And this is why this sigil is used in chaos magick.

I should also point out that the Pulga symbol is in fact like the Western Astrology symbol for Mars. It’s strange that a woman who supports feminist views has a sigil that looks like Mars, the god of war.

You will see how the color red goes hand in hand with this event weeks after it happened and how Mars is connected to all of this. By now, you should know that this Paradise event was in fact an act of war on people being that dew and smart meters were used as weapons. And you will see at the end of this article that their #redwednesday is nothing but war against the saints.

Now Pulga in my humble opinion is and was tied to witchcraft. Not just witchcraft but Chaos Magick. We have seen the symbol for Pulga that could either be just some symbol with no thought to it, the symbol for men ie. Mars (highly unlikely) or representing the Goetic sigil. Well if it is the stripped down non-offensive (if that’s even possible) Goetic circle and triangle, then they are definitely connected to Chaos Magick. But what is Chaos Magick? Some describe it as a sort of Christian Gnosticism but its basically a hodge-podge of occult and religious practices.

“Sometimes referred to as “success magic” or “results-based magic”, chaos magic claims to emphasize the attainment of specific results over the symbolic, ritualistic, theological or otherwise ornamental aspects of other occult traditions. Chaos magic has been described as a union of traditional occult techniques and applied postmodernism– particularly a postmodernist skepticism concerning the existence or knowability of objective truth Chaos magicians subsequently treat belief as a tool, often creating their own idiosyncratic magical systems and frequently borrowing from other magical traditions, religious movements, popular culture and various strands of philosophy….Chaos… is the force which has caused life to evolve itself out of dust, and is currently most concentratedly manifest in the human life force, or Kia, where it is the source of consciousness… To the extent that the Kia can become one with Chaos it can extend its will and perception into the universe to accomplish magic-Peter Carrol.”

“Austin Osman Spare is largely the source of chaos magical theory and practice. Specifically, Spare developed the use of sigilsand the use of gnosis to empower these. Most basic sigil work recapitulates Spare’s technique, including the construction of a phrase detailing the magical intent, the elimination of duplicate letters, and the artistic recombination of the remaining letters to form the sigil. Although Spare died before chaos magic emerged, many consider him to be the grandfather of chaos magic because of his repudiation of traditional magical systems in favor of a technique based on gnosis. Aleister Crowley was a marginal yet early and ongoing influence, particularly for his syncretic approach to magic, and his emphasis on experimentation and deconditioning. However, despite these influences, it’s clear from their early writings that the first chaos magicians were attempting to recover a sort of universal shamanism by stripping away any accumulated cultural gloss.” (

If you don’t see the connections here with the history of Pulga then you will very soon. Notice that Chaos Magick from the beginning was only trying to bring back Shamanism, which was what the Indians in the Pulga area practiced.

William Blake

And who was a famous face of Chaos Magick? William Blake (1757-1827) was. He was a poet and artist from England who many considered a great mystic. Many believed he made Crowley look like Harry Potter, and this may be true. How could a man be worse than another man who called himself 666 and the beast? “Blake was adept at entering mystical trances, and even practiced sexual yoga. The visionary states he could produce in himself opened doors to incredible creativity. Blake followed a kind of radical Gnostic Christianity, but his path was completely unique.

“I must create a system,” he once said, “or be enslaved by another man’s.”

This makes Blake one of the distant ancestors of chaos magick.” (

And did I mention that there was a entity that Blake saw and he drew a picture of it. Isn’t it strange that it looks like the beast of the sea from the movie The Shape of Water? But what is crazier is that he called it FLEA. Yep, that’s right, like the name of the town Pulga…flea.

“The more you read about Blake, the stranger he appears. For instance, “The Ghost of a Flea,” an artwork reproduced below, Blake drew from life. The painting depicts an entity that he and an associate contacted through ceremonial magick. At least, that’s what Blake claimed.” (Link above)

Now in using the Goetic in chaos magick they can invoke 72 demonic spirits/entities but the first principle entity they invoke is called Bael. That’s very reminiscent of Baal now isn’t it? Ironically it represents Baal of the Bible and is the first entity when using the Goetic circle and triangle through the ritual.

Here is the Ghost of Flea (Pulga). “According to Varley, the imagery of a Flea came to Blake during an 1819 séance. Varley described the scene:

“As I was anxious to make the most correct investigation in my power, of the truth of these visions, on hearing of this spiritual apparition of a Flea, I asked him if he could draw for me the resemblance of what he saw: he instantly said, ‘I see him now before me.’ I therefore gave him paper and a pencil with which he drew the portrait… I felt convinced by his mode of proceeding, that he had a real image before him, for he left off, and began on another part of the paper, to make a separate drawing of the mouth of the Flea, which the spirit having opened, he was prevented from proceeding with the first sketch, till he had closed it.”

Although not directly stated by Gilchrist, there is a close connection between the ghost and the later The Head of the Ghost of a Flea.[11]

Blake often said that he was joined by invisible sitters as he drew them, including, he claimed, a number of angels, Voltaire, Moses and the Flea, who told him that

“fleas were inhabited by the souls of such men as were by nature blood thirsty to excess.”[12]

In his obituary, it was stated that,

“The flea communicated to Mr. Blake what passed, as related to himself, at the Creation. ‘It was first intended,’ said he (the flea) ‘to make me as big as a bullock; but then when it was considered from my construction, so armed—and so powerful withal, that in proportion to my bulk, (mischievous as I now am) that I should have been a too mighty destroyer; it was determined to make me—no bigger than I am.”

Fleas are often associated with uncleanliness and degradation; in this work, the artist sought to magnify a flea into “a monstrous creature whose bloodthirsty instinct was imprinted on every detail of its appearance, with ‘burning eyes which long for moisture’, and a ‘face worthy of a murderer’.” (

I brought up Bael for a reason.

“According to le Grand Grimoire, Baal (or Bael) is the head of the infernal powers. He is also the first demon listed in Wierus’ Pseudomonarchia daemonum. According to Wierus, Bael is first king of Hell with estates in the east. He has three heads: a toad, a man, and a cat. He also speaks in a raucous, but well formed voice, and commands 66 legions. Bael teaches the art of invisibility, and may be the equivalent of Baal or Baalzebub, one of the Seven princes of Hell.” (

I also want you to remember that Baal is the lord of the air and two of the elements of chemtrails is Barium (BA) and Aluminum (AL). BAAL. Baal is also a title like Lord but Bael seems to be connected to the lord of the flies Belzebub or Ba’alberith the lord of the covenant under the oak at Shechem.

So this entity is a cat, man and frog at any given time or all three at one time. The frog connection is obvious I think. Revelation 18 mentions the 3 frogs that have demons come out of their mouths. The cat on the other hand is associated with witches. I’m pretty everyone knows this common theme.

Chaos Star

The one thing I want to bring up in connection to chaos magick is the chaos star. This is the 8 pointed star that represents Ishtar/Venus.

“A chaos star is eight points radiating from a central point. While originating in fiction – specifically the writings of Michael Moorcock – it has now been adopted into a variety of additional contexts, including religious and magicalones. Most notably, it has been adopted by some as a symbol of chaos magic.” (

It is also represented as the Ogdoad or the eight gods that were birthed in creation through an egg through chaos. While I was researching all of this someone posted about a new phone charger that had a 8 pointed star on it. Here is what I found.

Someone shared this in a group and asked if the writing meant anything. It looks to be Hebrew letters in Aramaic script. The letters don’t actually spell anything but look to be random. That still doesn’t mean that it doesn’t say anything. We could be thinking it is supposed to be read from right to left like Hebrew but maybe it’s supposed to be read backwards supporting Crowley’s law of reverse. I mean come on, it’s a amulet or a seal of some sorts…that’s obvious.

They say it’s a phone charger. That’s what they say it is. It looks like an amulet/seal used in witchcraft. You cam see this same sort of image in a movie called The Dark Song. I haven’t watched it but from what I here it’s full of demonic things. You can see the familiar squares and circle on the images from the movie.

Now someone pointed out that it reminded them of the Israelite camp in the wilderness. She posted images of a History channel show but couldn’t remember what they represented other than the camp. I’m sure it was from Ancient Aliens. That’s my guess. Anyhow, they look almost identical and she assumed that the “charger” represented the camp and tribes. Now I’m not so sure this is what the image she posted represents but it was definitely a tribal symbol for someone. Let me explain.

This 8 pointed star is an octogram. Babylonians see it as the star of Ishtar. Then that turned into the star of Venus as we know it today. The overlapping symbolizes the duality and balance in all things we as Christian see and know to be demonic. The yin/yang, male/female, spiritual/physical. It also symbolizes the Wiccan wheel and ironically it is associated with chaos magick. Imagine that. A chaos star.

“A chaos star is eight points radiating from a central point. While originating in fiction – specifically the writings of Michael Moorcock – it has now been adopted into a variety of additional contexts, including religious and magical ones. Most notably, it has been adopted by some as a symbol of chaos magic.” (

Let me show you what witches think about amulets.

“Magical amulets provide amazing value within wicca, the occult, and witchcraft. The energies contained within various different amulets can surround your body always whenever you wear them. Providing you a constant source of these energies. If you worship a certain deity you can use the amulets as a form of an offering. In this way you can take your magical amulet and as you hold it, say a prayer to your deity and then place it on your altar as an offering each night before bed, or each morning when you awake. The deities will be sure to smile down upon you for this act of good faith on your part. Amulets used in such a fashion can still be used in rituals and spells, and still worn. However, if you are going to use them as an offering it is best to cleanse and purify your magical amulet each time after you use it in a ritual, spell, or if you have worn it all day and night before making the offering to your deity.

In rituals and spell work they can be used as a tool or as symbolic symbols to amplify your energies. They can either be used just for your rituals and spells as sacred objects, or they can be used, cleansed, then worn around your neck once again. Magical Amulet that involve protection are perhaps the most powerful ones you can obtain. There are many different types of protection amulets however, when worn, these amulets can help prevent negativity and dark entities from being drawn to you and attacking or draining your energies.

The versatility and usability of magical amulets are incredible. Many amulets already come pre-charged and energized. Other amulets need to be charged and energized by you. Either way however, you can charge your magical amulets quite easily with the proper steps. Some of these steps will be outlined here, and with the many different amulets you can obtain, this post will just go into a few examples.

Charging Your Magical Amulets

The first way to use a magical amulet would be to wear it with you wherever you go. However, before you wear it is always best to charge and strengthen the amulet before you place it around your neck. In order to do this effectively, take the amulet and wait to perform this ritual when the moon is full.” (

So, wow. This is a charger that looks like an amulet that charges your phone that looks like a scrying mirror. Witchcraft charging witchcraft. To me it sounds like our phones are more an amulet than the charger that looks like an amulet. I wouldn’t even buy one of these regardless but these earth dwellers will.

Watch the video here: e

Paradise Logo

While I’m bringing up the Pulga logo I might as well mention the Paradise logo that comes from their Facebook page. You can see that it has 2 acorns, a pine tree on one and a mirrored image of the forest on the other side that makes a pyramid or triangle that has a circle or halo over the top of it. Anyone that knows symbolism knows that this is a esoteric image.

We know the right side up triangle/pyramid is associated with the divine masculine false god worship. I’m assuming the pine on the left is a Ponderosa Pine which they call a bull pine. The bull is associated to false god worship divine masculine nonsense also. The right side is a image that looks like a mirror of the forest in Paradise. A mirror is always associated to the spirit world and can be related to doors or gateways. The circle over the tree triangle/pyramid can be related to the ring of Saturn. I also showed you earlier that the circle and triangle is used in chaos magick as a holding “cell” to contain the evil spirits that they conjure and invoke. You also see this same image with the new and modern group of the Illuminati.

The 2 acorns are from a Oak tree. I’ll go over a little bit more on the acorns and oak tree because this is crucial. I want to give you what witches think of the oak and acorn because this whole event is brought on by black magick and chaos magick.

“The acorn is seen as the representation of the supreme form of fertility and creativity of the mind; as such, they are used to increase fertility of both projects and ideas and human reproduction, and also ease pain. Acorns can be used to attract someone of the opposite sex, used for divinatory powers, and to attract prosperity and wealth. Acorns should be planted during the Dark moon to attract prosperity.

The Waning moon is the right time to harvest Oak, during the day for Acorns, and at night for the leaves and wood. Offer wine to the Oak’s roots as thanks for allowing you to take a part of him. Because of its ties to immortality symbolism, acorns are sacred to the Samhain season and are often used in fall decorating.” (

“Technically, I’m not sure if the acorn counts as an “herb”, since it springs from the mighty Oak Tree…however, I do know that it most definitely is full of magickal energy, and it is part of the sacred world of plants, so we’ll include it here. Just so you know, I have an entire glass container full of acorns for my own magickal use. The lore: The oak is a sacred tree to many cultures and spiritual practitioners, including the Druids. There is a Nordic tale of the great god Thor sheltering beneath a mighty oak tree during a storm. The goddess Diana is often depicted wearing a necklace of acorns. The Celts and Druids found the oak tree especially symbolic of the Samhain season. The tree is a symbol of the Horned God, Herne (or Cernunnos) The acorn is considered the first sacred food of civilization.” (

I mentioned already that the Celtic word for oak is duir meaning door. A gateway or portal. “The word “Duir” comes from the Sanskrit “Dwr” which means “Door”. It is the door to the three worlds of the Shaman. As the month of Duir has the summer solstice in it, the Oak is a powerful symbol of Midsummer. It is said that the voice of Jupiter can be heard in the rustling of the leaves. At midsummer, the future can be divined by listening to the wind in the leaves. Oak is known as the “King of the Grove”; a holy tree; the lord of truth and is one of the three sacred trees “Oak, Ash & Thorn”. Worship of the Oak may stem from the early nomadic Europeans using acorns for food.” (

There is a lot here in this one but I want to reiterate what witches believe about the oak and acorns.

“In druidic times the Oak played a particularly important role. The very name ‘Druid’ is derived from the Celtic word for Oak – ‘duir’ meaning door. Duir, door, Tür, Tor, can all be traced back to the Sanskrit root ‘DWR’, which also means ‘door’. Traditionally, doors were made of Oak, as this is the strongest and toughest wood. It is also a wood of protection and thus wards off any evil spirits. The Oak King rules over the summer months. Divination: The oak signals kingship, doorway to mysteries, inner strength, protection and fertility. The Oak is connected with spells for protection and strength.

In Greek mythology, the oak is the tree sacred to Zeus, king of the gods. In Zeus’s oracle in Dodona, Epirus, the sacred oak was the centerpiece of the precinct, and the priests would divine the pronouncements of the god by interpreting the rustling of the oak’s leaves.

In Baltic mythology, the oak is the sacred tree of Latvian Pērkons, Lithuanian Perkūnas and Prussian Perkūns.[citation needed] Pērkons is the god of thunder and one of the most important deities in the Baltic pantheon.

In Celtic polytheism, the name of the oak tree was part of the Proto-Celtic word for ‘druid’: *derwo-weyd- > *druwid- ; however, Proto-Celtic *derwo- (and *dru-) can also be adjectives for ‘strong’ and ‘firm’, so Ranko Matasovic interprets that *druwid- may mean ‘strong knowledge’. As in other Indo-European faiths, Taranus, being a Thunder God, was associated with the oak tree. Its name may derive from the Anglo-Saxon word, ac, but in Irish the word is ‘daur’, and in Welsh ‘dar’ or ‘derw’, probably cognate with the Greek, ‘drus’. Some scholars consider this the origin of the term ‘Druid’, since Druids have always been associated with sacred groves, and particularly oak forests. Dense forests of oak once covered most of Northern Europe in those days, so it is not surprising to find this tree help most sacred by people who live in oak forests, used oak timber for building, oak sticks for fuel, and oak acorns for food and fodder. Combined with the Indo-European root ‘wid’: to know, ‘Druid’ may have referred to those with ‘knowledge of the oak’, the ‘Wise Ones of the Oakwood’. The Sanskrit word, ‘Duir’, gave rise both to the word for oak and the English word ‘door’, which suggests that this tree stands as an opening into greater wisdom, perhaps an entryway into the otherworld itself.

In Norse mythology, the oak was sacred to the thunder god, Thor. Thor’s Oak was a sacred tree of the Germanic Chatti tribe. According to legend, the Christianisation of the heathen tribes by Saint Boniface was marked by the oak’s being replaced by the fir (whose triangular shape symbolizes the Trinity) as a “sacred” tree. In the Bible, the oak tree at Shechem is the site where Jacob buries the foreign gods of his people (Gen. 35:4) . In addition, Joshua erects a stone under an oak tree as the first covenant of the Lord (Josh. 24.25–7). In Isaiah 61, the prophet refers to the Israelites as “Oaks of Righteousness”.” (

Also remember that the Ba’alberith (covenant) was made here by the Jews with Beelzebub.

So the oak was a symbol of a false god. That is the best way to sum it all up. And acorns represent fertility, strength and are used in divination for spells. I hate to be rude but the Paradise logo with the tree and two acorns is reminiscent of a males anatomy.

Now the mirrored image reminded me of a scrying mirror.

“There is no definitive distinction between scrying and other aids to clairvoyance, augury, or divination, but roughly speaking, scrying depends on fancied impressions of visions in the medium of choice.”

Scrying used in divination depends on what is being used. Pay special attention to #3.

“The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn(1888-c.1902 in its original form) taught their own version of scrying or scrying that could be done individually or as a group. It emphasized three levels:

1) “Scrying in the Spirit Vision” with an emphasis on inner seeing by focusing on a symbol or mirror,

2) “Traveling in the Spirit Vision” involves going to the place seen and interacting with what is found there,

3) “Rising in the Planes” focuses on a spiritual process (involving scrying via the Tree of Life) that has the potential to elevate consciousness to the level of the Divine.” The were Rising in the Planes through scrying with a tree of life. I’ve already mentioned the tree of life connection in PARADISE throughout this research.

Scrying, also known by various names such as “seeing” or “peeping”, is the practice of looking into a suitable medium in the hope of detecting significant messages or visions. The objective might be personal guidance, prophecy, revelation, or inspiration, but down the ages, scrying in various forms also has been a prominent means of divination or fortune-telling.[1] It remains popular in occult circles, discussed in many media, both modern and centuries old.” (

So what is this “Rising in the Planes”. It is actually a form of astral projection through the use of the Sephirah. The Kabbalistic Tree of Life. “Some occult writers have referred to an extension of the practice, involving culmination higher upon the central column of the Tree.” This ritual is done by using 5 symbols. The third and fifth is what i want you to see but I will tell you the other 3 so you can see the symbology they use for this astral projection. The 1st is a black and white checkered floor.

The 2nd is a Tau or “cross” with a drop of blood.

“The third symbol: an upward-pointing equilateral triangle, mist-blue with silver sparkles, supporting a silver crescent with horns uppermost. Yesod”

The 4th is an arrow

And “the fifth symbol: interlacing squares of red and white, as upon the Tessera, concentric with a golden circle which passes through the corner of each square. Tiphareth.”

“The symbols are reviewed in sequence without consideration of their meaning; for the first, third and fifth symbol respectively, the appropriate Divine Name is vibrated aloud… Imminent entry into a Sephirah produces a feeling of stress. This is followed by a spontaneous change of symbol signalling actual entrance, with sensations relating to the Sephirah in question: one may be “born into” Yesod, “raised up” into Tiphareth.” ( Astral projection os demonic…beware.

You can read the rest of this at the link above, but beware, it is divination as witchcraft and it is not to be messed with. Notice they say, one may be “born into” Yesod, “raised up” into Tiphareth.” The Yesod looks similar to what Paradise is doing with there logo and the Tiphareth is actually a chaos star. You are born into their Paradise and raised up through chaos magick. Maybe they should just say that. So is this what we see here in this logo? Divine masculine worship in a place that is a door for chaos magic in the occult in the form of astral projection? You decide for yourself.

And while I was doing this section I was looking into John Krepps video of his Smart Meter on Oak Way in Paradise. The irony of everything being burnt including his house which he believes was caused by his smart meter. It is a strange thing to see a propane tank that didn’t blow up laying near a bunch of fresh oak leaves. And he lives on Oak Way.

Jerusalem connection


I recently received a a testimonial about Paradise from Hattie Cocking. She was a resident in Paradise in the past and no longer lives there. She confirmed things that I suspected.

“I don’t talk about this stuff much with most people because they have no clue as to what’s it is that’s really affecting society, California specifically. My husband and I were experiencing some financial setbacks and we bought a trailer and moved into a trailer park in Paradise 8 years ago. I have been coming to this area since childhood with my family for fishing trips etc. It was a much less satanically influenced place back then 50 years ago. I attempted to help out my neighbors as much as possible with their various needs, but it soon became evident to me that they and much of Paradise had an “undercurrent ” of witchcraft, occult practices, new age philosophy, and intentional drug abuse.

The mainstream Christian population there is not included in this, of course, however, they go about their lives oblivious to it.

I can only explain to you that I have an ability for “discernment of spirits.“ I describe it as sort of a spiritual “antennae ” that allows me to pick up on demonic activity. SKYWAY has an occult tie to the worship of sky gods. And HUMBUG summit rd. as well, has demonic relevance. I also believe that the entire area, yes Pulga, Concow, Paradise, Magalia and Stirling City are affected by the spirit of much turmoil from the deaths of massive amounts of Native Americans and Chinese who were used and killed off during the gold rush heyday there. This spirit promotes and attracts many of these people who have moved in in recent decades. I believe that there are covens operating up in these areas. Jonesville, up by Philbrook reservoir is one place they use and gather.

I can assure you I’m of sound and sane mind. I am a retired 911 police dispatcher. I had a dream a year and a half ago that the President visited Paradise after a natural disaster, I couldn’t tell what had happened, I only saw Paradise engulfed in smoke. My husband and I were fortunate to be able to save enough money to help us buy a place in Forest Ranch, we moved here one year ago today! We were evacuated but Forest Ranch and this side of the mountain above Butte creek valley were untouched. I realize this all may sound vague and un-provable, but I have found this is the way the prophetical world operates.

My Dream

I had been praying and asking the Father to show me or tell me what happened up near Pulga when this fire kicked off. These prayers had been ongoing since the fire had started. I just want to know if it was a power line like they originally said or was it dew activated or was it something more sinister it a spiritual sense. I don’t want to be led in the wrong direction and say its something else when it’s not. Honestly, I would just like to know the truth of what happened leading up to that fire.

I went to bed on December 4th and prayed again for the Lord to show me something. That early morning of December 5th I had a dream. I don’t think it was my own psyche or was based on something I watched because I don’t think watching a bunch of guys building off grid would put something like that dream in had in my head. So I am ruling that out. I will say before I went to bed I had posted the 2 pictures of the symbolism of Pulga’s logo and the sigil from Aleister Crowley’s book The Keys of the Lesser of Solomon. I just posted the pictures and that was it. I prayed then fell asleep.

I had a dream that I was in the mountains in a little town. It had that eerie vibe to it and the dream itself had that film feeling as I was in it. The colors weren’t vibrant but really dull, hazy and oppressive. I hope you can understand what I’m saying. Directors use different film stock to get a vibe that they are looking for and I was seeing the dream in a creepy horror film stock. I sensed I was in a small town near Paradise. I don’t know how I knew this but I just did. I was looking for a house to buy and I had seven thousand dollars in $100 bills. I came upon this little house that was dirty and looked like it hadn’t been lived in. There was a dirty little girl maybe about 3 years old in the house holding a doll or stuffed animal looking at something.

I went to see what she was standing over and it was a dead body. I looked at the body and there was no head. But what was strange is that there was a thick book where the head was supposed to be and the neck was laying on the bottom part of the book. It almost looked like the book was the head. I couldn’t see what book it was but there was a Quija board laying over the top of the book. I wasn’t scared in the dream and I somehow understood what I was looking at.

I suddenly found myself in a bathroom like you see at state parks. Dark, dirty and there were 2 men in it. I was meeting one man to buy a house and the other man was his sidekick. I didn’t feel like I was there to buy the house where the body was though. I told the guy I needed bigger bills than the $100 bills to get the house. That didn’t makes sense to me why I was asking him for bigger bills. His buddy chimed in and said to go talk to another guy about getting the 7k exchanged and the original man interrupted him and mumbled a name and said don’t go talk to him. Then I woke up.

I thought it was a strange dream and I don’t know if its associated with Pulga or Paradise but, I had a feeling in the dream itself it was. When I woke up I even sensed I was seeing something spiritually of what has going on there. Now what makes the whole even creepier is when I walked out my front door at 10 till 6 for work. I had a cat sitting behind my truck staring at me. It just stared at me then walked off. I turned the corner of my truck and guess what was sitting at the front driver side tire of my truck? That’s right, another cat. This creeps me out more than the dream itself because of the cat/Bael connection. I’m by no means superstitious but I find it a strange coincidence that 2 cats are next to my truck after this weird demonic dream.

So what is the interpretation of this dream? Well I definitely think it was near the area of Pulga. I can just sense that it was. The headless body is representing the image of the beast ie the earth dwellers. They are headless because they await their false king/anti-messiah. The book under in place of the head I’m guessing is representing a book of spells and invocations. My guess is that it is The (Lesser) Keys of Solomon and being that their is a Quija on top of it means they have introduced children to black magick/chaos magick and this is why we see the little girl that is dirty. Let me also add this, I looked up this Goetic ritual and they in fact use the Quija as a medium for the spirits from the invocation to the triangle.

They are invoking Lucifer to come join the body as their head. I’m not sure about the money or as to why I would buy a house there. 7 is perfection or completion so maybe it had to be something regarding that. The only thing that comes to mind is the 7k who have not bowed their knee to Baal and notice Baal and Bael. The house symbolically could represent the body as a temple/tent/house. I will continue to pray for the interpretation of what the dream was.


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