We hear a lot about GMO’s these days, but do you know how poisonous they really are? This is not a topic to brush off and make lighthearted talk about. This stuff is cancer causing and deadly. If you don’t know much about GMO’s, please take the time to watch this movie. If not for yourself, for your children.

Here is a collection of links to learn more:
- Africans refuse American corn: http://www.economist.com/node/1337197
- Outlawed in Europe: http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/05/05/france-gmo-idUSL6N0NR2MZ20140505
- Good short video by a pediatrician about GMO’s: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SxYpq-HqRR
- Top 10 GMO foods to avoid. This is a good one and it’s only 15 minutes: http://youtu.be/-LAKFhDguuw
- The people trying to stop Monsanto GMO seeds that are bullying seed companies and farmers out of business. http://www.march-against-monsanto.com (incidentally, Monsanto is owned by the Rockefeller family, if you know anything about all that).