
Communitarianism and Synarchism: A Synthesis of Ideologies

The best way to describe the emerging form of global government is that it is a synthesis of ideas. The communitarian plan for religion ends up being something very similar, which is a New Age synthesis that gives credibility to all religious faiths of the world.  Each faith of the world will add its own distinguishable ingredient, so it will be recognized. This religion is like a Subway sandwich with “everything on it”.
There have been attempts by several writers to explain communitarianism, but it’s not an easy topic to fully understand or write about. Since it is a relatively new political synthesis, and because the meaning of the word “communitarianism” has changed over time, so has synarchism. It takes a while to grasp how far-reaching it is. The best way to describe the emerging form of global government is that it is a synthesis of ideas.The communitarian plan for religion ends up being something very similar, which is a New Age synthesis that gives credibility to all religious faiths of the world. Each faith of the world will add its own distinguishable ingredient, so it will be recognized. This religion is like a Subway sandwich with “everything on it”. It has Judeo-Christian elements, Islam, nature worship, along with aspects of other false faiths. It is much like the Bahá’í Faith. It recognizes one God, and hopes to see all faiths of the world reconcile their differences in worship of that one God – even though this view is an abomination to the One True God. [1]

“Everything on it” – the grand synthesis

Synarchism is another ingredient that has been added to the communitarian synthesis. In actuality, it very well could be one-in-the-same as synarchism, or communitarianism is a reinvention of synarchism – but I have no proof to back either of those claims. Presented here are the similarities between synarchism and communitarianism, since both have foundational elements of the final form of world government. It too has the same characteristics of the Subway sandwich with “everything on it”.

As you will see, both offer a synthesis of ideologies – stemming directly from the philosopher Plato. His studies in philosophy reconciled opposing views of other philosophers before him – one of them being the philosopher Heraclitus. He believed in the unity of opposites, stating that “the path up and down are one and the same”, all existing entities being characterized by pairs of contrary properties. Unity of opposites is the central theme of dialectics, made popular by Plato and the German philosopher Georg Hegel. Both communitarianism and synarchism work on the dialectic, which makes them the perfect pair of Plato’s philosophy straight from the pit of Hell.

 Plato with his right-hand pointing upwards indicates 
the right-hand path. Esoteric groups, using so-called 
“benevolent white magic”, are considered to be right hand path.[3]
An illustration of this can be seen in this excerpt of research:

“…synarchism unfolds as a strange paradox of fundamental contradictions, such as Nazi-Communism. The modern world is presently choked in the stranglehold of numerous such paradoxes of self-contradictory pursuits.  It is really nothing more than a form of anarchism that is cleverly hidden behind the cloak of many disguises. Like anarchism, its general goal is to eradicate legitimate government…

Ordo ab Chao meaning Order out of Chaos

“…The synarchist approach towards this goal, is usually to create chaos by means of irrational impositions for the purpose ofconditioning society for the imposition of imperial rule. Synarchy is a special kind of anarchy. By setting up multiple forms of ‘order’ at once, the end result is no order – creating the ground work for a global world empire.”

The paradox described by the author explains why it is so difficult to nail-down the allusive enemy. It is Nazi and Communist, Zionist/Jewish and Fascist, and the death cult Roman Catholic Church/Jesuits and apostate Evangelical leaders.

Just as it is difficult to point your finger at who is running the operation behind the New World Order, the fault can’t entirely be blamed on one political, social, spiritual, or scientific scapegoat. It’s a package orchestrated down through the ages, to create chaos, and is preparing for a grand false messianic entrance to make order out of chaos.

According to Plato, there are dialectical forms of government, and they degrade over time. In his literary work Republic, Plato wrote about democracy as a socioeconomic government that will divide do to tensions between social classes. He says that with too much freedom, the people become drunk and tyranny takes over – very similar to what is occurring today.

 The Academy of Pluto where  
metaphysical/Hermetic alchemical teachings were taught.

Upon close examination, the secret societies used Plato’s literary works as a playbook for tyranny –  to bring about their endgame. Since the secret societies worship Satan, their endgame is described in Isaiah 14:13:

“For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:”

Lucifer’s grand plan for world domination was laid years prior to the foundation of America by Freemasons, and it is within the political workings of synarchism and communitarianism. Plato’s dialectic and eventual synthesis of ideas is an obvious part in both of these plans. Plato’s synarchism – the key – placed communitarianism in its modern position on high. The fusion of the two, along with the other -isms, will bring about the global community under one dictator.

Looking Closer

  1. Synarchy is a term which generally refers to a conservative political philosophy focused on solving economic, political, and social problems.
  2. A term which generally refers to “joint rule” or “harmonious rule”.
  3. The word synarchy is derived from the Greek; “Syn” meaning fusion or with, together, and “archy” meaning rule, government.

Alexandre Saint-Yves d’Alveydre (1842–1909) popularized the use of the word “synarchy” in his writing, when he explained:  

“Synarchy…is government by secret societies or by a
group of initiates who operate from behind the scenes.
It is an analogue of theocracy or rule by a priesthood.”
~Marquis Alexandre Saint-Yves d’Alveydre

Synarchism has been planned by design, and is the work of the Father of Lies.
“He (Satan) was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.”
John 8:44b
Synarchism is an ancient lie, and it is said to be more at-home in totalitarian regimes. It is a very distinct mystical tradition and the very highest form of magick/Satanism. Synarchism seeks to take the power of the Nation-state and return it to the world aristocracy. This is the fault found in communitarianism. Politically, communitarianism tends toward aristocracy. Neither view it as violating personal liberty. Both have a rigid social hierarchy topped by an elite that is predestined to rule – placing at odds the concepts of democracy, individual liberty and social mobility.Both are firm believers in Hegel’s dialectic, that thesis+antithesis=synthesis, and it is the only way for humanity to progress. This is why it’s essential for them to control both sides, Right and Left politics, regardless of the differences the two have. The differences are meant to be there. We’re meant to clash and ultimately accept, unknowingly, their predetermined synthesis.
A Big Idea
Wikipedia explains that:

Marquis Alexandre Saint-Yves d’Alveydre elaborated a political formula which he believed would lead to a harmonious society. He defended social differentiation and hierarchy with working jointly between social classes, surpassing conflict between social and economic groups.

On a grander scale, Alexandre Saint-Yves d’Alveydre envisioned a supranational system of governance, later seen  in the creation of a united Europe, and the eventual world government. He wanted a corporatist government composed of three councils: one for academia, one for the judiciary, and one for commerce.

Synarchism is a model of social order based on the rule of the spiritual elite, ruled by a priesthood of a Judeo-Christian theocracy. This can be seen by Saint-Yves’s desire for order through universal laws and principles.

Based on a quote from Sion Revelation:

“Saint-Yves’s concept of synarchy was essentially a reaction to the rise of anarchy, and therefore the opposite—a highly ordered method of government based on what he believed were universal laws and principles. Everything and everybody had its place and purpose; harmony is achieved by keeping to that place and fulfilling that purpose, whereas any circumvention of those natural lawsleads to disaster. Everyone has to remain in his or her allotted station in life.”

This falls in line with the philosophy of Plato’s Enlightenment. “Each person has been assigned their station in life and justice requires that each person should remain faithful to their “calling”. Peasants must knuckle down and embrace a life of unremitting toil and hardship. Aristocrats must abandon themselves to idle luxury and occasional military activity. Priests must administer the sacraments and provide solace for immortal souls.”[2]

More Bad Ideas
The occult elites believe that the solution to our world’s problems can be found by looking into the past. According to this New Age online magazine, esoterics believe a world of peace and harmony has already been played out once before in history.The magazine said:

“Saint-Yves claimed that in the ancient past an advanced civilization – based, of course, on synarchic principles – had governed the whole world. This golden age lasted from 7500 to 4000 BCE, before imploding due to a global catastrophe, remembered in legends such as Atlantis. Since then, the occult powers-that-be have periodically reintroduced the revelation of synarchy, sending or inspiring figures such as Moses and Jesus – and, naturally, Saint-Yves himself.”



According to Plato’s Atlantis, synarchy principles governed the whole world at the time of this legendary humanist utopian island. The concept of synarchy (and communitarianism) is based on Cabala/Kabbalah – the secret doctrines taught to the Jews while in captivity in Babylon. Synarchy is depicted in Francis Bacon’s Atlantis – his vision for a utopian New World, which ended up in North America

Synarchists achieve power by taking over the three key institutions of social control: politicalreligious and economic. With its own members in positions of power, the synarchists could, in effect, secretly govern entire states/countries – just as a shadow government guides the United States.

David Rockefeller has acknowledged that he is part of a secret cabal (a synarchy) which works against the best interests of the United States.

David Rockefeller in a pose 
familiar to practitioners of Cabala.[1]
In his book titled Memoirs, he wrote:

“For more than a century, ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents such as my encounter with Castro, to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over the American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.” David Rockefeller, Memoirs


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