Revivals Part 4: The First Great Awakening & The Controversial George Whitefield

The Hypnotic Power Of Germ Propaganda



When perverse elites are building a false matrix for the masses, it’s always wise to find the elites’ most basic assumption and question it.

Time and time again, over the years, we hear about new germs and old germs and “mystery germs” that are afflicting people, suddenly, in various parts of the world.

And this news is met with nearly universal faith. Yes, there must be a germ. It must be what’s making people ill. When researchers speak about the germ, they are correct and truthful.

Really? Why?

Who said so?

I took my first serious germ-foray, when I was writing my book, AIDS INC., in 1987. To my shock, I discovered that, even by the conventional rules of disease-causation, there was no reason to infer that something called HIV was causing something called AIDS.

Going a step further, I investigated every so-called high-risk group and found non-germ causes that accounted for all the symptoms of what was being called AIDS.

Without HIV as the lynchpin welding all these risk-groups together, “AIDS” was immune-system failure resulting from a variety of causes. Not one cause.

For example: T-cells are significant troops in the immune-system army. The biggest reason for T-cell depletion on the planet? Malnutrition.

The last time I looked, malnutrition is not a germ.

AIDS INC. is replete with illustrations of germ-touting that turn out to be irrelevant.

But people are fascinated by germ-stories. They love them, they fear them, they add their own wrinkles, they behave as if they’re in a theater watching a horror movie.

When the dreaded SARS epidemic made global headlines in 2003, the germ was the “coronavirus.” Of course, SARS turned out to be a dud. As a horror movie, it didn’t deliver. Too few people died.

Frank Plummer, a Canadian microbiologist working for the World Health Organization, achieved a few moments of honesty when he told reporters that, strangely enough, he was seeing fewer people with SARS who “had the coronavirus.” Eventually, Plummer said, almost none of the people being diagnosed with SARS had the coronavirus.

Which is exactly like saying, “They’re all suffering from disease X, except none of them have what causes disease X.”

A contradiction. Garble. Gibberish.

Six years later, in 2009, there was the fabled Swine Flu H1N1 pandemic, another dud.

Sharyl Attkisson, writing for CBS, and Peter Doshi, writing at BMJ Online, exposed the Swine Flu fraud: most people across the US who were “likely Swine Flu cases” didn’t have the H1N1 virus. That’s what lab tests revealed.

Obviously, for both SARS and Swine Flu, doctors were making eyeball diagnoses based on “typical flu symptoms.”

The public wrongly believes that, when doctors and medical bureaucrats say there is an outbreak of a virus, accurate tests are being done on every patient to confirm the presence of the virus.

Because tests aren’t being done (or because the tests aren’t accurate and relevant), it’s the easiest thing in the world to take numbers of sick people who display very general similar symptoms—and claim all these people have the same disease caused by the same germ.

In the fall of 2009, during the “Swine Flu crisis,” Sharyl Attkisson was shut down at CBS. Her investigation was drilling too deep. She revealed that the CDC had stopped counting the number of Swine Flu cases in America.

Scandal. The sole federal agency tasked with keeping an accurate and updated count had ceased doing its job.

Why? The answer was obvious. As Attkisson reported, the overwhelming number of lab tests on Americans who were suspected of having Swine Flu were coming back negative.

The tests showed no sign of the H1N1 virus, the supposed cause of Swine Flu.

It was even worse than that. Those tests couldn’t find evidence of any type of flu virus.

Back up and think about that.

One of the consequences: even for people who believed in flu vaccines, there was a huge and embarrassing problem.

How could these vaccines make a difference if what was being called the flu wasn’t flu at all?

To which many people would respond: “I don’t understand. If people are sick, the cause has to be a germ.”


There are many reasons for illness.

Don’t automatically buy into the “germ-language horror movie.”

The movie is designed to prey on people’s fears, while also stimulating a fascination for The Virus, the “tiny, invisible, diabolical force at work.”

Achieving both objectives is how the directors of that horror movie earn their living.

It’s how they make people into believers who flock to The Church of the Virus.


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