
Transhumanism, DNA, Vaccinations, the Flu Epidemic and Proactive Health Measures

Ephesians 5:11, 13-16: “And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light.1-13-13
Scott Johnson – Condending for Truth
Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light. See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.” The 1828 Noah Webster Dictionary defines: Reprove: To blame, to convince of a fault, or to make it manifest, to excite a sense of guilt. Circumspectly: Cautiously; with watchfulness every way; with attention to guard against surprise or danger. Matthew 24:24: “…if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.” II Corinthians 2:11: “Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.” II Chronicles 7:14: “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”
Here Comes The Beast! The U.S. National Intelligence Council Now Says Humans Will Become Superhuman Cyborgs Over Next Two Decades, Function Wirelessly Via Machine Integration And Biometric Hand Scanning
Every four or five years, the futurists at the National Intelligence Council take a stab at forecasting what the globe will be like two decades hence; the idea is to give some long-term, strategic guidance to the folks shaping America’s security and economic policies. On Monday, the Council released its newest findings, Global Trends 2030. The Council says the link between man and machine is about to get cyborg-like. “As replacement limb technology advances, people may choose to enhance their physical selves as they do with cosmetic surgery today. Future retinal eye implants could enable night vision, and neuro-enhancements could provide superior memory recall or speed of thought,” the Council writes. “Brain-machine interfaces could provide ‘superhuman’ abilities, enhancing strength and speed, as well as providing functions not previously available.” And if the machines can’t be embedded into the person, the person may embed himself in the robot. “Augmented reality systems can provide enhanced experiences of real-world situations. Combined with advances in
robotics, avatars could provide feedback in the form of sensors providing touch and smell as well as aural and visual information to the operator,” the report adds.
From: Rene
Dr. Scott Johnson I was listening to Coast to Coast last month and there was a guest on who stated that he created an android phone application that facilitates you performing necromancy from you Android phone. He stated he’s used it himself and it works. He did a historical time progression of necromancy from the Greeks staring into a pool of water to people staring into mirror to the android app he just created. This really means your phone can literally be demonically possessed now. Scott Johnson’s Comment: Yes Satan wants to indoctrinate the whole world into high level witchcraft and this is just further evidence of that. See my teachings on this subject here:
From: Jimmy Subject: Watch “Verizon Commercial – Droid DNA “Hyper Intelligence””
Hey Dr. Johnson, you gotta see this commercial if you haven’t already! Do you think this could be what this whole smart phone phenomenon could be about? “Upgrading” humans? I think God did a good enough job when He created us. You always say it’s all about our DNA. Well, this commercial shows a smart phone actually changing a guy’s DNA. It’s called the Verizon Droid DNA.
Watch: Scott Johnson’s Comment: Yes the Transhumanists want all humans to have neural implants to take us to the next level of our supposed evolution, making us (what they term) as: “post human”.
See my teachings on this here:
& Transhumanism, Vaccinations, DNA and Corrupting the Seed of Mankind
9/27/2009 Transhumanism advocate Natasha Vita-More (MSc, MPhil, PhD Candidate) states “A transhuman is a human in transition. We are transhuman to the extent that we seek to become posthuman and take action to prepare for a posthuman future. She goes on to state: Whether it is the shingles or the flu, the proactive development of molecular agents, such as nanorobots, to combat these and other protagonist viruses is the right thing to do…building a strong defense through nanomedicine to combat viruses is a worthy undertaking.”
Christian author Sharon Gilbert states: “Transhumanism, also known as the H+ movement envisions a higher lifeform surpassing homo sapiens in favor of homo sapiens 2.0, a bioengineered construct that fuses man’s original genome with animal and/or synthetic DNA. For decades, laboratories have created chimeric combinations of animal, plant, and even human DNA under the guise of medical research. The stated goal is to better man’s lot by curing disease, but this benign mask hides an inner, sardonic grin that follows an ancient blueprint to blend God’s human creation with the seed of fallen angels: ‘You shall be as gods’. I warn of a day when true humans may unknowingly receive transhuman instructions via an implant or injection. A seemingly innocuous vaccine or identification ‘chip’ can initiate intracellular DNA changes, not only in their own ‘body’ cells but also in germline cells such as ova and sperm. The former alters the recipient only; the latter alters the recipient’s doomed descendents as well.
Flu: It’s an epidemic and spreading
(CNN) — The flu is spreading fiercely across the United States, with more than 40 states reporting widespread activity in what one of the nation’s leading health officials is calling an epidemic.
“If you look at the charts that the (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) put out on their website, it clearly has gone above that threshold. So we are into what would classically be described as a flu epidemic,” & “It’s still on the uptick,” said Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the National Institutes of Health.

The season has started earlier, and cases are more severe than last year, health officials say.
The latest Centers for Disease Control and Prevention flu advisory report, which covers the week of December 23 to 29, suggests that 41 states have widespread influenza activity, which was an increase of 31 states from the previous week. The CDC will issue an update on the flu situation Friday. Vaccination is the main recommendation being given by the mainstream Medical community.
TENTS SET UP FOR FLU VICTIMS… In response to the early start of flu season, the Lehigh Valley Hospital-Cedar Crest had to open an emergency tents outside their hospital to care for the increased number of people with flu-like symptoms.
Chicago Hospitals Turn Away Ambulances… Illinois Department of Public Health spokeswoman Melaney Arnold says almost 150 people have been admitted to intensive care units with the flu this season and six have died.
Eight Chicago-area hospitals were turning away ambulances Monday night as they dealt with a flood of patients with flu-like symptoms. U.S. health officials say the strain of influenza virus going around this year has been linked to more hospital admissions and deaths. Big Brother Pharma Propaganda: Flu Spike: Here’s How to Stop It
Corrupt Officials & MD’s are urging Americans to get flu vaccinations with the start of what could be a particularly bad season.
No room at Hospitals… January 8, 2013 (CHICAGO) (WLS) — Emergency rooms at Chicago-area hospitals are so packed with flu patients, ambulances carrying patients are being diverted to other hospitals.
Six area hospitals were on bypass early Tuesday evening. That means the affected hospitals are asking ambulances to take patients elsewhere, if they can do so safely.
Visitor restrictions in ‘epicenter’ of outbreak…
NEW ULM, Minn. (WCCO) – The southern part of Minnesota is described as the epicenter of the flu outbreak this year.
Later this week, hospitals and clinics will announce visitor restrictions to help stop the spread, and some have already taking action in hit hard areas like Mankato and New Ulm.
Dr. Joan Krikava, medical director at New Ulm Medical Center, says the numbers are staggering. They’re seeing more people with the flu now than they did at the height of the H1N1 outbreak in 2009.
To prevent the spread of the flu, hospitals in this part of the state have implemented visitor restrictions.
CDC Estimates Over 200,000 Will Be Hospitalized in 2013 Due to H3N2 Influenza Outbreak Global Flu Pandemic ‘Inevitable,’ Expert Warns 25 Dec 2012 A new global flu pandemic within the next couple years is inevitable, one prominent flu vaccine manufacturer says. [Can they get any more blatant? See: ‘V for Vendetta’ sub-plot, if you want to know what happens when a tyrannical government conspires with pharma-terrorists to create a worldwide pandemic.] Joseph Kim, head of Inovio Pharmaceuticals, which is currently working on a “universal” flu vaccine that would protect against spread most strains of the virus, says the world is due for a massive bird flu outbreak that could be much deadlier than the 2009 swine flu pandemic. Last year, Ron Fouchier, a Dutch flu researcher, genetically modified a strain of H5N1 so that it was transmissible between ferrets, which are often used to test human-to-human transmissibility. At the time, Fouchier said he had created “probably one of the most dangerous viruses you can make.” [Now, why would he do that?] Paul Keim, a geneticist with the U.S. National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity, echoed that sentiment: “I can’t think of another pathogenic organism that is as scary as this one,” he said. “I don’t think anthrax is scary at all compared to this.”
Scott Johnson’s Presentation: Avian Flu/Pandemics: What to Expect & How to Prepare (1-16)
by av161177777’s channel
In recent years, the specter of the Avian Bird Flu has been hanging over mankind like a sharp sword. ‘Experts’ have repeatedly stepped to a news microphone to warn that human deaths could reach into the hundreds of millions worldwide – a death carried by birds in their global migratory patterns. A TV show entitled “Fatal Contact” even aired, depicting so many fatalities that their bodies were carried away in dump trucks. When this show aired back in May of 2006, I was actually on a 14 city tour of America entitled: ‘Avian Flu: Killer of Millions?’. This teaching is an updated version of that presentation. This teaching covers so much more than Avian Flu and can be used as an ‘icebreaking’ education tool for both saved and unsaved who may not understand these issues. I endeavored to present the big picture with this presentation & point people to our only hope for any calamity: Jesus Christ. There have been numerous confirmations that the ‘Avian Flu Pandemic’ card (or some other global pandemic card) will be played, and in reality it is long overdue. Topics will include: Proof the Illuminati telegraphs their punches prior to cataclysmic events, Why Avian Flu is the perfect vehicle for world depopulation, What the globalist elite are planning for Americans, Why the Avian Flu could be a repeat of the Spanish Flu of 1918 that killed millions!, Vaccinations and injectable
microchips regarding the Avian Flu, potential kill rates, food shortages, forced vaccinations, project bioshield, and quarantines. I will also extensively cover proactive steps you can take to protect your families and yourself.
Mild Silver Protein Website is at:

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Study Reveals: Vaccinated children five times more prone to disease than unvaccinated children
(NaturalNews) An ongoing study out of Germany comparing disease rates among vaccinated and unvaccinated children points to a pretty clear disparity between the two groups as far as illness rates are concerned. As reported by the group Health Freedom Alliance, children who have been vaccinated according to official government schedules are up to five times more likely to contract a preventable disease than children who developed their own immune systems naturally without vaccines. Released as its own preliminary study back in September 2011, the survey includes data on 8,000 unvaccinated children whose overall disease rates were compared to disease rates among the general population, the vast majority of which has been vaccinated. And in every single disease category, unvaccinated children fared far better than vaccinated children in terms of both disease prevalence and severity. In other words, the evidence suggests that vaccines are neither effective nor safe. “No study of health outcomes of vaccinated people versus unvaccinated has ever been conducted in the U.S. by CDC or any other agency in the 50 years or more of an accelerating schedule of vaccinations (now over 50 doses of 14 vaccines given before kindergarten, 26 doses in the first year),” wrote Louis Rain back in 2011 for Health Freedom Alliance about the survey. As disclosed at, vaccinated children are nearly twice as likely as unvaccinated children to develop neurodermatitis, for instance, a skin disorder marked by chronic itching and scratching. Similarly, vaccinated children are about two-and-a-half times as likely, based on current data, to develop a pattern of migraine headaches compared to unvaccinated children. The numbers are even more divergent for asthma and chronic bronchitis, where vaccinated children are about eight times more likely than unvaccinated children to develop such respiratory problems. Vaccinated children are also far more likely to develop hyperactivity, hayfever, and thyroid disease, with their likelihood three times, four times, and a shocking 17 times higher, respectively, compared to unvaccinated children. You can view the complete data, as it currently exists, here: Where the gloves really come off on the issue, however, is with autism, the long-held point of contention in the vaccine safety debate. According to the data, only four of the 8,000 unvaccinated children that were included in the 2011 release of the study responded as having severe autism, which is a mere half of one percent of the overall population. Meanwhile the autism rate among the general population, as tabulated in the German KiGGS study used for comparison, is about 1.1 percent. This means that vaccinated children are about 2.5 times more likely to develop severe autism compared to unvaccinated children, a shocking find when considering the medical establishment vehemently denies any link whatsoever between vaccines and autism. And as it turns out, the four unvaccinated children who reported severe autism all tested high for heavy metals, including mercury, which further indicts vaccines and their disease-causing adjuvants.. In a similar but unrelated study conducted back in the 1990s, researchers found that the death rate among vaccinated children for infection with diphtheria, tetanus, and whooping cough (pertussis) is also twice as high, on average, compared to unvaccinated children. Sources for this article include:
Self-Administering Micro Flu Vaccine Patch Sent Via Mail!
Play to 7:34:
Neurotoxic Tamiflu Flu Drug Approved for Use on Infants Tamiflu, the antiviral drug facing international criticism for its deadly side effects, has been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration for use on infants just two weeks old. Infant’s are significantly more vulnerability to drugs as their lesser developed blood-brain barriers and detoxification mechanisms make them less capable of keeping chemicals out of their developing brains and bodies.
The FDA’s decision comes amidst international controversy over Tamiflu, known generically as oseltamivir. Since the drug’s approval in 1999, several suicide deaths and incidents of bizarre side effects have been recorded.
In Japan, close to the cries of a then-imminent avian flu pandemic, 54 people with no previous discernible psychiatric or health complications were dead after taking Tamiflu in 2005.
Avian Bird Flu: What to Expect and How to Prepare (Full Version) Regarding Tamiflu play from: 40:17- 46:52: Police Take Newborn After Mother Refuses Hep B Vaccination; Lawsuit and Trial Follows
Activist Post January 3, 2012
The state has granted powers to individuals though the use of titles, uniforms and badges; in this instance both ‘social worker’ and ‘police officer’ are the titles used to seize custody of Jodi Ferris’s newborn child after she questioned the hospitals ‘safety plan’. Once in the custody of the state the baby was injected with a Hepatitis B vaccination and the mother was evicted from the hospital and forced to stay in the parking lot, only permitted to return every three hours to breast feed her newborn daughter.
The next morning the court system determined this was a violation of Constitutional laws and the baby was immediately returned to the custody of her parents with no mention of the possible damage done to her immune system after receiving this toxic concoction.
With the help of the Home Schooling Legal Defense Association {HSLDA} the Ferris’s have filed a civil rights lawsuit on grounds that their 4th and 14th amendments had been violated.
This lawsuit has been making its way through the court systems and earlier this month a judge
ruled in favor of the Ferris’s claims and the case will now proceed to trial.
Jodi had planned on avoiding this situation altogether by having her baby born at home with the help of a midwife.
Unfortunately a contingency plan for this particular vignette was not written down. When she went into labor out in the community her only advice was to take an ambulance to the nearest hospital. We can learn from this by having vaccine exemption forms and a packet containing all legal information and documentation necessary, just in case you end up in a similar situation that involves employing the help of the medical death industry, which in this instance takes no responsibility for exposing the Ferris’s daughter to harmful toxic filled injections known as vaccinations. Proactive Vaccination Legal Resources: ++Find A Compassionate Doctor To Help You Prevent Vaccine Injuries–Prevent-V.aspx
++Under American law, you do not have to allow either yourself or your children to be immunized – vaccinated! The individual American has now discovered he has legal tools with which to fight the insanity of being vaccinated against a virus — for which the Medical Cartel will never have an answer (all by design). “How To Legally Avoid Unwanted Immunizations Of All Kinds” ++National Vaccine Information Center: State Immunization Exemption Laws ++Liberty Counsel – Post Office Box 540774 – Orlando, FL 32854 – Phone: (407) 875-2100 Email: COMPULSORY VACCINATIONS THREATEN RELIGIOUS FREEDOM by Attorney Mathew D. Staver ++THE IMMUNIZATION RESOURCE GUIDE: Where To Find Answers to All Your Questions About Childhood Vaccinations by Diane Rozario: ++NDF Plus: (If I could only recommend one product to my patients in regard to dealing with the aftermath of vaccinations, heavy metal exposure and/or mercury amalgam dental fillings, this would be the one): The Vaccine Hoax is Over – Secret Documents Reveal Shocking Truth Freedom of Information Act in the UK filed by a doctor there has revealed 30 years of secret official documents showing that government experts have 1. Known the vaccines don’t work 2. Known they cause the diseases they are supposed to prevent 3. Known they are a hazard to children 4. Colluded to lie to the public 5.

Worked to prevent safety studies
Those are the same vaccines that are mandated to children in the US.
Educated parents can either get their children out of harm’s way or continue living inside one of the largest most evil lies in history, that vaccines – full of heavy metals, viral diseases, mycoplasma, fecal material, DNA fragments from other species, formaldehyde, polysorbate 80 (a sterilizing agent) – are a miracle of modern medicine. Freedom of Information Act filed in the US with the CDC by a doctor with an autistic son, seeking information on what the CDC knows about the dangers of vaccines, had by law to be responded to in 20 days. Nearly 7 years later, the doctor went to court and the CDC argued it
does not have to turn over documents. A judge ordered the CDC to turn over the documents on September 30th, 2011. On October 26, 2011, a Denver Post editorial expressed shock that the Obama administration, after promising to be especially transparent, was proposing changes to the Freedom of Information Act that would allow it to go beyond declaring some documents secret and to actually allow government agencies (such as the CDC) to declare some document “non-existent.”
Simultaneous to this on-going massive CDC cover up is its decades of covering up the damaging effects of fluoride and affecting the lives of all Americans, especially children and the immune compromised. Lawsuits are being prepared. Children are ingesting 3-4 times more fluoride by body weight as adults and “[t]he sheer number of potentially harmed citizens — persons with dental fluorosis, kidney patients tipped into needing dialysis, diabetics, thyroid patients, etc — numbers in the millions.”
The CDC is obviously acting against the health of the American people. But the threat to the lives of the American people posed by the CDC’s behavior does not stop there. It participated in designed pandemic laws that are on the books in every state in the US, which arrange for the government to use military to force unknown, untested vaccines, drugs, chemicals, and “medical” treatments on the entire country if it declares a pandemic emergency.
The CDC’s credibility in declaring such a pandemic emergency is non-existent, again based on Freedom of Information Act findings. For in 2009, after the CDC had declared the H1N1 “pandemic,” the CDC refused to respond to Freedom of Information Act filed by CBS News and the CDC also attempted to block their investigation. What the CDC was hiding was its part in one of the largest medical scandals in history, putting out wildly exaggerated data on what it claimed were H1N1 cases, and by doing so, created the false impression of a “pandemic” in the US.
Scott Johnson’s Comment:
See my teachings on this scandal of the Swine Flu/H1N1 virus at: The CDC was also covering up a financial scandal to rival the bailout, since the vaccines for the false pandemic cost the US billions. And worse, the CDC put pregnant women first in line for an untested vaccine with a sterilizing agent, polysorbate 80, in it. Thanks to the CDC, “the number of vaccine-related “fetal demise” reports increased by 2,440 percent in 2009 compared to previous years, which is even more shocking than the miscarriage statistic [700% increase].
The beginning of the drug industry began with that success (and Monsanto was part of it). The flu myth was used by George Bush to threaten the world with “another pandemic flu that could kill millions” – a terror tactic to get pandemic laws on the books in every state and worldwide. Then the CDC used the pandemic card to create terror over H1N1 and to push deadly vaccines on the public, killing thousands of unborn children and others. (CDC will not release the data and continues to push the same vaccine.)
And the Obama administration, in attempting to salvage the last vestige of secrecy around what is really happening with vaccines (by declaring agency documents non-existent) has made its claim of transparency, non-existent. But pandemic laws (arranging for unknown vaccines to be forced on the entire country) are still in place with HHS creating a vaccine mixture that should never be used on anyone and all liability for vaccines having been removed. Meanwhile, a Canadian study has just proven that the flu vaccine containing the H1N1 vaccine which kills babies in utero, actually increases the risk of serious pandemic flu.
Americans who have been duped into submitting their children to the CDC’s deadly vaccines, have a means to respond now. People from every walk of life and every organization, must:
1. take the information from the UK FOIAs exposing 30 years of vaccine lies, the refusal of the CDC to provide any information on what it knows about those lies, and the Obama Administration’s efforts to hide the CDC’s awareness of those lies, and go to their state legislatures, demand the immediate nullification of the CDC vaccine schedule and the pandemic laws.
2. inform every vet. active duty military person, law enforcement people, DHS agents and medical personnel they know, of the vaccine hoax, for their families are deeply threatened, too, but they may not be aware of it or that they have been folded into agency structures by the pharmaceutical industry (indistinguishable from the bankers and oil companies) that would make them agents of death for their country with the declaration of a “pandemic” emergency or “bio-terrorist” attack. It is completely clear now that the terrorism/bioterrorism structures are scams so that any actions taken to “protect” this country using those laws would in fact be what threatens the existence of Americans. “The greatest lie ever told is that vaccines are safe and effective” -Dr. Len Horowitz
Diagnostic Devices to Keep you Chained to the Medical/Pharma Cartel
NASA-Based Company Puts a Doctor in Your Pocket
Scanadu, a new personalized health electronics company, today unveiled the first three products in its family of consumer health tools: Scanadu SCOUT, Project ScanaFlu and Project ScanaFlo. Based at NASA-Ames Research Center, Scanadu is using mobile, sensor and social technology to ensure this is the last generation to know so little about our health. The newly introduced home diagnostic tools are set to be the biggest innovation in home medicine since the invention of the thermometer.
Founded in 2010 by Walter de Brouwer after a family medical emergency, Scanadu is using imaging and sound analysis, molecular diagnostics, data analytics and a suite of algorithms to create devices that offer a comprehensive, real-time picture of your health data
“Consumers don’t have the tools they need to monitor their health and make informed decisions about when they’re actually sick and need to see a doctor. We want to empower consumers to take control of their health and give them direct access to their personal healthfeed.”
Scanadu Product Family Scandu SCOUT Scanadu SCOUT is a small, speedy and affordable device that puts vital health information at your fingertips. Simply hold Scanadu SCOUT to the temple, and in less than ten seconds it will accurately read more than five vital signs. Data collected by the Scanadu SCOUT is uploaded to the Scanadu smartphone app via Bluetooth to show:
Comment: Guaranteed that this information (If not now) will soon be available to the Medical Mafia so they can monitor your data. If you don’t go along with the recommendations (depending on the diagnosis & especially if a vaccine is mandated) sever repercussions will eventually occur. • Pulse transit time • Heart rate (pulse rate) • Electrical heart activity • Temperature • Heart rate variability • Blood oxygenation (pulse oximetry)
Project ScanaFlo Project ScanaFlo is a low-cost tool that uses the smartphone as a urine analysis reader. Designed to be sold over-the-counter as a disposable cartridge, Project ScanaFlo will test for pregnancy complications (Comment: So you will have yet another excuse to abort your baby), preeclampisa, gestational diabetes, kidney failure and urinary tract infections. For pregnant women, Project ScanaFlo will be the first to provide a healthfeed throughout the duration of a pregnancy.
Project ScanaFlu Project ScanaFlu is a low-cost tool that uses the smartphone as a reader to assess cold-like symptoms quickly, removing the guess work from early diagnosis of upper respiratory infections. By testing saliva, the disposable cartridge will provide early detection for Strep A, Influenza A, Influenza B, Adenovirus and RSV. Scanadu will introduce all three products to market by the end of 2013.
(Comment: Guaranteed, the main recommendations will be vaccinations) Play: other short videos on the specific ‘scout’ device from scanadu:
Can Vaccination Replace Natural Immunity?
Contributed by GreenMedInfo At the outset it should be acknowledged that there could be no medical justification for vaccination in the first place if it were not for the observation that periodic infection from wild type pathogens confers lasting, natural immunity.
In a very real sense periodic infectious challenges are Nature’s immunizations, without which the very concept of vaccination would make absolutely no sense. Unfortunately the vaccination process artificially simulates and co-opts a natural process, generating a broad range of adverse intended consequences, many of which have been documented here.
Vaccine proponents would have us believe that natural immunity is inferior to synthetic immunity, and should be replaced by the latter.
In some cases they even suggest breastfeeding should be delayed during immunizations because it “interferes” with the vaccine efficacy.
Sounds like globalist depopulation schemes & naked economic incentives have trumped genuine, serious health concerns for the entire population, especially the very young, the elderly and the sick.
This warped perspective follows from the disingenuous standard vaccine researchers use to “prove” the “efficacy” of their vaccines. The chemical kitchen sink is thrown at ones the immune system when vaccinated in order to generate a more intense immune response – a process, not unlike what happens when you kick a beehive.
These chemicals include detergents, anti-freeze, heavy metals, xenotrophic retroviruses, DNA from aborted human fetuses (diploid cells) and other species, etc.
Another point that can not be understated is that the trivalent (3-strained) influenza vaccines are incapable of protecting us against the wide range of pathogens which produce influenza-like illness:
Over 200 viruses cause influenza and influenza-like illness which produce the same symptoms (fever, headache, aches and pains, cough and runny noses).
Without laboratory tests, doctors cannot tell the two illnesses apart. Both last for days and rarely lead to death or serious illness.
It is therefore exceedingly clear that it is a mathematical impossibility for influenza vaccines to be effective at preventing wild-circulating strains of influenza.
Nutritional support, then, becomes the most logical and reasonable solution. Immune Status Determines Susceptibility To Infection
The fact is that our immune status determines susceptibility. If the immune system is continually challenged with environmental toxicants, nutritional deficiencies and/or incompatibilities, chronic stress, influenza is far more likely to take hold.
If your immune system is strong, many infectious challenges occur, are met with an appropriate response, and often go unnoticed. In other words, it is not a lack of a vaccination that causes infection, rather, the inability of the immune system to function effectively. [Note: In some cases, we may become infected and the ultimate outcome is that we enjoy even greater immunity.]
While there are a broad spectrum of natural substances which have been studied for their anti-influenza properties, vitamin D deserves special consideration due to the fact that it is indispensable to produce antiviral peptides (e.g. cathelicidin) within the immune system, and can be supported for pennies a day. Dr. Johnson Comment: See far below for Vitamin D-3 recommendations.
A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2010, revealed that children receiving 1200 IUs of vitamin D a day were at 59% reduced risk for contracting seasonal Influenza A infection.
Moreover as a secondary outcome, only 2 children in the treatment group versus 12 for the control group, experienced an asthma attack.
There are actually a broad range of preventive strategies that are evidence-based, and available without prescription.
1) Echinacea Tea: J Altern Complement Med. 2000 Aug;6(4):327-34 Dr. Johnson Comment: For the best most powerful Echinacea I know of see:
2) Probiotics: Pediatrics. 2009 Aug;124(2):e172-9. 3) Vitamin D: PLoS One. 2010;5(6):e11088. Epub 2010 Jun 14.
Flu epidemic strikes millions of Americans already vaccinated against the flu
(NaturalNews) The USA is in an official flu pandemic panic right now, with Boston declaring a public health emergency and hospitals setting up flu treatment tents as if cities were war zones. The CDC says it’s the worst flu pandemic in a decade, and it’s of course urging everybody to get injected with flu vaccines. Additionally, nurses are being denied the right to refuse flu vaccinations, even on religious grounds, and are being fired for any resistance. But here’s the dirty little secret the vaccine industry doesn’t want you to know: Most people getting the flu right now are the same people who were vaccinated with the flu shot. The CDC refuses to release any statistics on this, of course, because then the total hoax of the flu shot would be exposed. But I’ve been making phone calls to a large network of friends and professional contacts, and they’re all telling me the same thing: Of the people they know who are getting sick, about two-thirds routinely get flu shots! Check with your own friends, family members or co-workers on this point. Ask the ones who got sick: Did you get a flu shot? See if the answers you get are about the same as mine: Two-thirds. If this holds true across a larger data set, it means that flu shots actually make you MORE susceptible to the flu. That’s because far less than two-thirds of the U.S. population takes flu shots. So if two-thirds of those getting the flu this year are the same people who got flu shots, mathematically it can only mean that flu shots INCREASE vulnerability to the flu. In this way, people who get flu shots are acting irresponsibly because they increase their risk of spreading the flu to others. Instead of taking care of their health with supplements like colloidal silver, Echinacea, whole food vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc they act with neglect and seek out a flu shot that poses a very real increased risk to public health and safety.
The CDC openly admits that vaccines contain a toxic cocktail and metals and synthetic chemicals like aluminum, mercury, squalene, MSG, aborted fetal tissue and formaldehyde that can cause massive damage internally. These metals and chemicals also suppress the immune system, and that’s the primary purpose of vaccines: To actually cause an epidemic so that more people rush out to buy more vaccines. The whole point is to sell more vaccines, not to improve public health. And the fastest way to sell more vaccines is to make sure the vaccines themselves contain chemicals and metals that make people more vulnerable to infection. What, you don’t believe me? You think Big Pharma is a collection of compassionate, loving angels who care about the people more than they care about profits? Wake up and smell the chemicals. Vaccine manufacturers are, on the record, criminal organizations that are repeatedly found guilty of felony crimes — everything from price fixing to the bribery of doctors and the commission of marketing fraud. Drug companies have zero ethics. They kill children to test their vaccines. They conduct medical experiments on prisoners and mental patients. Do you honestly think they wouldn’t use vaccines as a way to make people sick and create an infectious disease scare that sells more vaccines?
Real solutions to the flu
If you really want to stay healthy this flu season, the answer is pretty simple. It all starts with the top three nutrients for flu prevention: 1) Foodstate Vitamin C (See below) 2) Colloidal Silver (Specifically: Mild Silver Protein) See below &: 3) Foodstate Vitamin D-3 (See Below) If you’re not taking at least 5,000 IUs of vitamin D-3 each day during the winter flu season, you’re probably vitamin D-3 deficient and that’s making you a sitting duck for influenza. In addition to vitamin D-3, there are all sorts of other herbal remedies, trace minerals (like zinc), and superfood nutrients that can help protect you. And, of course, don’t suppress your immune system with flu shots, chemotherapy or prescription medications. All those things make you more vulnerable to infection and makes you a repeat customer for the “sick care” cartels that profit from human suffering. Immune System Supplement Recommendations:
++ If you order any quantity of Invive 5000ppm Silver (with any of the Innate Response Formulas listed below) the shipping is free within the United States. Dr. J. Comment: While supplies last I will be offering the 5000ppm Invive Mild Silver Protein silver at 95.00 per bottle for quantities from 1-5 bottles and 85.00 per bottle for quantities of 6 or more bottles. This is a 5.00 savings per bottle at both quantity levels mentioned and for this special the shipping is free (Sorry US orders only) on all orders (which would be anywhere from a 15.00 to 40.00 savings over factory shipping; as when you order off my website the order goes through the Invive factory). These are the lowest prices for Invive Silver you will be able to find. This special is not available off my website. ++For a price total just reply to with what you would like to order & your shipping address; and a total will be emailed to you. For all non US orders see the below.
Payment options:
I can take a check or money order or I can take Paypal (email me at: to request a Paypal invoice)
You can send payment to:
Dr. Scott Johnson 450 Conover Blvd. West #202 Conover, NC 28613
Dr. Johnson’s Presentation Colloidal Silver-Mild Silver Protein it’s uses and history
Colloidal Silver-Mild Silver Protein it’s uses and history. The Truth About Electrically Produced Liquid Silver & Silver Generators–Learn the Difference Between Ionic Silver and True, Colloidal Silver Invive Mild Silver Protein: The Ultimate Immune System Product For Colds, Flu’s and Infections
Play All
++If you are outside the US you can still order the Invive Mild Silver Protein at:
++Sorry I just don’t have the time to get into overseas shipping but I posted the contact information below for the company that manufactures the Innate Response Formulas:
Toll Free: 800.634.6342 Local: 603.432.5022 Fax: 603.437.0796 8 Bowers Rd, Derry, NH 03038 Innate Response, Inc.
New Formula C-Complete Powder C Complete Powder is a full spectrum formula exclusively developed by Innate that incorporates FoodState vitamin C and a plethora of vitamin C rich whole food concentrates. The necessity for whole food in this formula is due to the fact that vitamin C does not work alone but rather as a synergistic network that inherently contains an array of supportive phytochemical compounds, enzymes and other cofactors. This combination of nutrients delivers potent immune support as well as a myriad of beneficial bioflavonoids known to have nutritive activity in the body. This formula is naturally buffered and therefore gentle on the stomach and less acidic than vitamin C alone. Most animals can synthesize their own vitamin C from glucose, but humans are an exception to this ability. Therefore, daily dietary intake of this necessary nutrient becomes ever more important for maintaining general health.
Vitamin D-3 2,000 IU – 90 tablets Price 41.00
Vitamin D-3 by Innate provides this critical component of optimal health. True Active™ FoodState® vitamin D-3 is an effective, bioavailable whole food form of vitamin D, complete with the amino acids and sterols which act to catalyze mineral utilization.* Vitamin D-3 plays a vital role in bone health and immune health, calcium utilization, cardiovascular and lung health. With vitamin D deficiencies at an all-time high,
supplementation of this nutrient is of paramount importance. This comprehensive formulation also includes an organic whole foods blend, an immune blend and plant-sourced enzymes. Vitamin D-3 by Innate is an extraordinary 100% whole food solution to support o
Vitamin D-3 1,000 IU – 90 tablets Price: 29.00
Vitamin D-3 by Innate provides this critical component of optimal health. True Active™ FoodState® vitamin D-3 is an effective, bioavailable whole food form of vitamin D, complete with the amino acids and sterols which act to catalyze mineral utilization.* Vitamin D-3 plays a vital role in bone health and immune health, calcium utilization, cardiovascular and lung health. With vitamin D deficiencies at an all-time high, supplementation of this nutrient is of paramount importance. This comprehensive formulation also includes an organic whole foods blend, an immune blend and plant-sourced enzymes. Vitamin D-3 by Innate is an extraordinary 100% whole food solution to support overall wellbeing.*
Vitamin D 5,000 IU – 60 capsules Price: 32.00
Vitamin D 5,000 comprehensive blend of D-3,
New Formula
Vitamin D 5000 is an expertly crafted exclusive blend of FoodState whole food vitamin D and cholecalciferol combined with vitamins K1 and K2. Vitamin K1 is a cabbage based form which lends to optimal absorption and utilization. The FoodState vitamin D is complete with the amino acids and sterols which act to catalyze mineral utilization. Vitamin D plays a vital role in bone health, immune system health, calcium utilization, cardiovascular health and lung health. With greater than 50% of the global population at risk for vitamin D deficiency, it is of the utmost importance to be diligent in maintaining adequate
K1 & K2
levels of this crucial nutrient. Vitamins K1 and K2 are essential components for healthy bone and cardiovascular health and should be considered an essential part of your nutritional intake. Vitamin D 5000 is a remarkable synergistic blend of nutrients to support various key functions of the body as well as overall health.
Power Couple: Vitamins D & K The synergistic blend of these vitamins act together in harmony to achieve a combination with far-reaching effects on the body. The efficacy and bioavailability of these fat-soluble vitamins are enhanced with FoodState sources of whole foods such as cabbage. The combo of these two vitamins in Vitamin D 5000 makes for a power couple that can work together to support each other’s actions to positively influence overall health.
Cardiovascular and Bone Support Studies suggest that there is extensive overlap between their physiologic and metabolic functions in the body, particularly within cardiovascular and bone health. With many people living a modern “industrial” lifestyle of limited sun exposure and a diet short of foods naturally rich in these nutrients, adequate levels of these nutrients become vitally important.
Dr. Johnson’s Comment: Also if you are deficient in Calcium the D-3 will be hindered in its action. See below for why this is the case. From my health newsletter “Colds, Flues and the Immune System” we read:
Most people are not aware of the role that calcium plays in our immune system. It is actually one of the chief fuels upon which our immune system runs on. White blood cells are the main tool our immune systems use to destroy foreign infectious invaders. White blood cells use calcium as the main fuel to propel themselves and destroy these invaders through a process called Phagocytosis. If we don’t have enough usable calcium in our body, our immune system cannot ramp up, get to and kill these foreign infectious invaders. It’s like having a guided missile, with no way of getting it off the ground. Consequently, if you have a low amount of usable calcium in your system, forget about having a strong immune system. It won’t happen because it can’t happen. And calcium is not something that can be manufactured in the body unless we leach it from our own bones, which over time would lead to osteoporosis. One of the main signs we are deficient in Calcium during the throws of an infection, is a high body temperature or fever. One of the things that got me into the alternative health field was a poorly functioning immune system. I have found one of the main components in building a strong immune system is keeping calcium reserves high in the body. The best product to accomplish this is Calcium Lactate by Standard Process. See: Before you ask about all the other calcium products on the market let me tell you why this one is superior to most. After this product is ingested it takes only one biological step in the body to convert
calcium lactate into active usable calcium which is Calcium Bicarbonate. Calcium Bicarbonate is the only form of calcium are bodies can use, and there is not another form of Calcium on the planet that takes less than one step to get converted to Calcium Bicarbonate. To give you an example, Calcium Carbonate (which is the calcium form used in Tums, Rolaids and most cheap drug store brand Calcium products) takes 13 steps to convert to usable Calcium Bicarbonate in the body. In addition Calcium Lactate by Standard Process is not derived from milk, so people that are lactose intolerant won’t have a problem digesting this calcium. The only people that would have a problem with this product would be people who have too little stomach acid to digest calcium. As sufficient stomach acid is essential for the breakdown of not only calcium but protein, iron and several other trace minerals. If low stomach acid is a factor, Zypan by Standard Process should be taken with the Calcium Lactate and with food. See: Or as an alternative taking 1-2 tsp. or organic apple cider vinegar twice a day should do the trick. One other thing that is important when talking about calcium is the Omega-3 fatty acids which are high in flaxseed oil. You see the omega-3 fatty acids in flaxseed oil are necessary for healthy cell membranes and to transport calcium into the white blood cells, where the calcium is used to support cell motility (movement) and phagocytosis (killing the foreign infectious invaders). Of the Omega 3 good fats, flax seed oil is very important. Barleens (in the refrigerated section of the health food store) is good just keep it refrigerated and do not open the cap to expose the flax oil to air, as flax oil is very volatile and will go rancid very easily. Beyond that I only recommend grinding your own flax in a coffee grinder and consuming it immediately or taking Linum B6 for women and Cataplex F Tablets for men both by Standard Process. It is a risky proposition buying flax oil off the shelf as usually there is no way to verify quality. This is also an excellent protocol for skin protection as Calcium and Omega 3 fatty acids are essential in preserving and protecting the skin. If these products are taken in conjunction with a good whole food multi-vitamin mineral product (see far below) you should be in pretty good shape.
Dr. Johnson’s Comment: If you have been on Antibiotics or eat a lot of inorganic meat consider taking a good flora product on an empty stomach like:
Flora 20-14 Ultra Strength – 60 capsules Price: 42.00
Read 16 Reviews Flora 20-14™ Ultra Strength 20 billion viable cells of 14 bacterial strains
Take 1 capsules on an empty stomach once per day.
42.00 for 60 Capsules
Cultivating and maintaining a balance of beneficial microflora is a foundational element in supporting the integrity of digestion. Probiotic supplementation supplies the beneficial
microflora that work with the body in digestive processes, detoxification, elimination, nutrient production and absorption. Flora 20-14 is formulated to repopulate and promote the growth of beneficial bacteria in the small and large intestine. Supporting the beneficial microflora of the digestive system, Flora 20-14 contains only naturally occurring non-competing flora in a non-dairy food base. Innate guarantees 20 billion viable cells, providing 14 different clinically researched strains.
Other Products Dr. Johnson Recommends:
Multi-Vitamin/Mineral Products & More
by Innate Response Formulas Offered by Dr. Johnson
Innate Response™ foundational multi-vitamin and mineral formulas are primarily crafted from 100% whole food nutrients. The vitamins and minerals in each formula are not in an isolated state, but rather exist within a biodynamic True Active™ FoodState, whole food concentrate. True Active™ FoodState concentrates not only deliver essential vitamins and minerals, but numerous other vital constituents as well, including bioactive peptides, enzymes, food compounds and macronutrients that inherently comprise whole food. The food constituents delivered with each whole food vitamin and mineral have irreplaceable roles as co-factors in key metabolic bodily functions, and as bio-carriers that govern nutrient delivery to the cells. It is the bio-carriers that are considered to be the “intelligence” of whole food nutrients, enabling the body to readily recognize, assimilate and utilize the nutrients and other vital constituents being delivered. True Active™ FoodState nutrients therefore have a higher rate of utilization and are also retained longer in the body compared to all other forms of nutrients, particularly pure, isolated forms. ++Also see the end of this document for a full report on the importance and the
difference of synthetic vs. whole food vitamins and minerals.
++ If you order any quantity of Invive 5000ppm Silver (with any of the Innate Response Formulas listed below) the shipping is free. Dr. J. Comment: While supplies last I will be offering the 5000ppm Invive Mild Silver Protein silver at 95.00 per bottle for quantities from 1-5 bottles and 85.00 per bottle for quantities of 6 or more bottles. This is a 5.00 savings per bottle at both quantity levels mentioned and for this special the shipping is free (Sorry US orders only) on all orders (which would be anywhere from a 15.00 to 40.00 savings over factory shipping; as when you order off my website the order goes through the Invive factory). These are the lowest prices for Invive Silver you will be able to find. This special is not available off my website. ++For a price total just reply to with what you would like to order & your shipping address; and a total will be emailed to you. For all non US orders see the below.
Payment options:
I can take a check or money order or I can take Paypal (email me at: to request a Paypal invoice)
You can send payment to:
Dr. Scott Johnson 450 Conover Blvd. West #202 Conover, NC 28613
Dr. Johnson’s Presentation Colloidal Silver-Mild Silver Protein it’s uses and history
Colloidal Silver-Mild Silver Protein it’s uses and history. The Truth About Electrically Produced Liquid Silver & Silver Generators–Learn the Difference Between Ionic Silver and True, Colloidal Silver Invive Mild Silver Protein: The Ultimate Immune System Product For Colds, Flu’s and Infections
Play All
++If you are outside the US you can still order the Invive Mild Silver Protein at:
++Sorry I just don’t have the time to get into overseas shipping but I posted the contact information below for the company that manufactures the Innate Response Formulas:
Toll Free: 800.634.6342 Local: 603.432.5022 Fax: 603.437.0796 8 Bowers Rd, Derry, NH 03038 Innate Response, Inc.
Womens One Daily – 60 tablets Price: 35.00
Read 14 Reviews
Women’s One Daily is crafted exclusively from nutrient-rich whole foods to support and promote the health of women in their reproductive years. Organic botanicals known to help balance and support the reproductive, endocrine and nervous systems were included to help meet the demands of a woman’s cycle.• Provided in the quantities consistent with the traditional tonic use of herbs, the organic botanicals include those revered as gentle cleansers, such as dandelion, as well as endocrine and immune restoratives such as ashwagandha, eleuthero, schizandra and astragalus. Iron is an important mineral with which to supplement, particularly for women during the reproductive years; Women’s One Daily supplies iron from True Active™ FoodState®, which is not only gentle on the stomach, but also non-binding. Providing 100% whole food vitamins and minerals, Women’s One Daily is the perfect one daily foundation to support the female physiology.•
Women Over 40 One Daily – 60 tablets
Price 40.00
Read 11 Reviews
Women Over 40 One Daily provides a balanced and complete nutritional foundation for women in the climacteric phase of life and beyond. This foundational formula provides a broad spectrum of nutrients, including 100% whole food B vitamins, as well as rejuvenating and immune-boosting herbs to promote energy levels and a sense of wellbeing. Provided in the quantities consistent with the traditional tonic use of herbs, the organic botanicals include those known to help soothe and support women through the different phases of menopause, such as chaste tree berry, red clover and saw palmetto.* The organic botanicals also include those revered as gentle cleansers, such as milk thistle, as well as endocrine and immune restoratives such as ashwagandha, eleuthero and astragalus. Supporting healthy digestion and enhancing bioavailability with a gentle digestive enzyme blend, this select combination of 100% whole food vitamins, minerals and organic herbs makes Women Over 40 One Daily a powerful ally.*
Mens One Daily Iron Free – 60 tablets Price: 35.00
Read 7 Reviews
Men’s One Daily Iron Free is selectively designed to provide dynamic nutritional support to promote the health and vigor of men. Provided in the quantities consistent with the traditional tonic use of herbs, the organic botanicals known to help restore and strengthen the male reproductive and cardiovascular systems are included to help meet the demands of the male physiology.* Organic botanicals include those known to energize, such as fo-ti; supply prostate support, such as saw palmetto; as well as endocrine and immune restoratives, such as eleuthero, schizandra and astragalus.s This balanced one daily formula also supports healthy digestion and enhances bioavailability with a gentle digestive enzyme blend. Formulated exclusively from 100% whole food vitamins and minerals, iron-free Men’s One Daily is the perfect one daily foundation to support the male physiology.*
Men Over 40 One Daily Iron Free – 60 tablets Price: 40.00
4.8 (11 reviews)
Read 11 Reviews
Men Over 40 One Daily is designed specifically to provide a dynamic and complete nutritional foundation for men. As men age, the requirements of the male physiology shift. Provided in the quantities consistent with the traditional tonic use of herbs, the organic botanicals include adaptogenic herbs to strengthen and promote wellbeing; cardiovascular support, such as hawthorne and ginkgo; prostate supporting herbs, such as saw palmetto; as well as endocrine and immune restoratives such as ashwagandha, eleuthero, schizandra and astragalus.* This balanced one daily formula also supports healthy digestion and enhances bioavailability with a gentle digestive enzyme blend. Men Over 40 One Daily is iron-free and provides a complete spectrum of 100% whole food nutrients for
extraordinary nutritional support.* * This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Kids Multi (One a day) – 60 tablets Price: 23.00
Kid’s Multi by Innate is crafted exclusively for children from select whole food concentrates to provide a comprehensive spectrum of essential nutrients and other vital food constituents. Suitable for children five and older, this superior foundational one daily formula not only delivers the essential nutrients and macronutrients, but also the complex, synergistic compounds inherent in nourishing whole foods. Bioavailability of this balanced formulation for children is further enhanced by the inclusion of plant-sourced enzymes, and is gentle enough for even the most sensitive digestion. Providing 100% whole food vitamins and minerals in an easy to swallow mini tablet, Innate’s Kid’s Multi is the perfect one daily foundation to support the growing body.
Kids Complete Multi Powder 93 G Price: 28.00
New Formula Kid’s Complete Multi Powder with added immune support Kid’s Complete Multi Powder is a complete formula designed to fulfill the needs of small children and developed using a synergistic blend of FoodState whole food nutrients and biologically active forms of vitamins and minerals to maximize insurance against potential nutrient gaps in the child’s diet. This great tasting powder can be mixed with water (or the child’s favorite beverage) or easily included in a smoothie. This formula contains essential vitamins and minerals needed for a healthy growing child. Kid’s Complete Multi Powder also contains two important immune supporting nutrients, arabinogalactan and beta 1,3/1,6 glucan, both of which have demonstrated incredible potential in helping people stay healthy. This unique blend of whole food nutrients and bioactive vitamins and minerals is a perfect foundational product to promote healthy growth in children.
Nothing Short of the Best for Kids Every parent wants to provide their children with the tools needed for optimal health and development as there is nothing more precious than their children’s good health. Kid’s Complete Multi Powder was designed with the health-conscious parents in mind as Innate Response understands that parents want nothing short of the best for their child’s health and wellness.
Developmental Support A deficiency in any of the essential nutrients may affect a child’s immune, cognitive, emotional, physical, creative, and behavioral development. Many studies have shown that children who receive a multivitamin/mineral to alleviate nutritional deficiencies are able to perform better all-around while achieving their developmental milestones.
Renewal Greens – 300 G
Price: 46.00
(12 reviews)
Read 12 Reviews
Great Taste Without Compromise – Renewal Greens is hands down, the best tasting greens product on the market. Easy to mix and easy to digest, Renewal Greens features the nutrition of 41 organic fruits, vegetables and botanicals. Clinically Proven Benefits – The Renewal Greens line contains Capros, which has been scientifically proven to promote cardiovascular health, act as an effective detoxifier and rejuvenator, to promote healthy skin and to reduce free radical activity. Proven Antioxidants – Specially formulated blend of fruits and vegetables high in antioxidants, including Capros which possesses one of the highest known ORAC values. Renewal Greens is readily bioavailable and helps to protect against cellular damage by inactivating free radicals. Low Glycemic – With a minimal glycemic impact, Renewal Greens is formulated with balanced sources of soluble and insoluble fiber, as well as a complete detoxifying combination of certified organic greens rich in chlorophyll and organic milk thistle. Alkalizing Formula – Our phytochemical blend helps to restore pH balance in the body & probiotics help to support the immune system. Digestive Health Blend – Utilization-enhancing CereCalase® enzymes, 3 billion multi-strain viable probiotics crafted to effectively repopulate in the digestive tract. Restorative & Revitalizing Renewal Greens Adaptogenic Botanicals – Helps the body to preserve collagenic proteins and helps to protect against the visible signs of aging.
intraMAX® is a 100% organic liquid microcomplexed™ all-in-one multivitamin with 415+ essential nutrients in each bottle. It contains 71 trace minerals along with other health promoting “super foods”, herbs, fruits, vegetables, probiotics, amino acids, and much more. “intraMAX® is the most scientifically advanced, clinically proven, health promoting organic nutritional supplement available today!”
 71+, 100% organic microcomplexed™ organic trace minerals (full spectrum)
 proprietary organic “carbon-bond” intraCELL™ V Technology
 124 antioxidants (“free radical” scavengers / anti-aging)
 40 amino acids (“building blocks” of protein)
 carbon (living), 100% organic (144,500 mg/l)
 7 essential fatty acids (EFA)-omega 3, 6 & 9
 oxygen – 427 mg/l (dissolved & stabilized)
 14 digestive enzymes (pure plant derived)
 43 super green foods & phytonutrients
 54 herbs (adaptogenic & supportive)
 38 essential oils (organically bound)
 64 vitamins and nutrients (essential)
 19 macro minerals (100% organic)
 23 vegetables (antioxidant rich)
 65 electrolytes (100% organic)
 aloe vera (organically bound)
 8 protein mineral nutrients
 30 fruits (antioxidant rich)
 silver (organically bound)
 13 probiotics (non-dairy)
 noni (organically bound)
 11 carotenoids (mixed)
 25 fibers (all natural)
 ultra hypoallergenic
 11 optimum seeds
 110 bioflavonoids
 fulvic acid (9.2%)
 100% drug free
 NO additives
 100% natural
 100% vegetarian
 intraMAX® does NOT contain: preservatives, colloids, fat, cholesterol, wheat, gluten, caffeine, corn, yeast, rice flour, peanuts, nuts, soy, dairy, fish or fish oil, animal products, artificial additives, artificial colors, artificial flavors, fillers, pesticides, herbicides, antibiotics (drugs), chemicals, starch, binders, coatings, excipients, or flow agents.
intraMAX: The Only 415 Ingredient, Liquid, Organic, ALL-IN-ONE Health Supplement
For More Information click here:
**In order to purchase IntraMAX you have to be referred by a health care professional. So just use the Professional Referral/Ordering Code: 800 at the following link:
Questions or to order? Call Customer Service toll free at:
C-Complete Multi Powder 81 G Price: 28.00
New Formula C-Complete Powder vitamin C w/phenolic rich food blend C Complete Powder is a full spectrum formula exclusively developed by Innate that incorporates FoodState vitamin C and a plethora of vitamin C rich whole food concentrates. The necessity for whole food in this formula is due to the fact that vitamin C does not work alone but rather as a synergistic network that inherently contains an array of supportive phytochemical compounds, enzymes and other cofactors. This combination of nutrients delivers potent immune support as well as a myriad of beneficial bioflavonoids known to have nutritive activity in the body. This formula is naturally buffered and therefore gentle on the stomach and less acidic than vitamin C alone. C Complete Powder is a premier biologically active formula to promote overall wellness and support a healthy immune response.
Vital for Life Most animals can synthesize their own vitamin C from glucose, but humans are an exception to this ability. Therefore, daily dietary intake of this necessary nutrient becomes ever more important for maintaining general health. C complete powder delivers more than the essential support needed by the human body with its therapeutic blend of rich organic whole food sources of bioflavonoids and vitamin C. Many studies show how potent antioxidants, such as vitamin C and bioflavonoids, have increasingly diverse uses in health promotion and lifestyle enhancement.
Vitamin D-3 2,000 IU – 90 tablets Price 41.00
Vitamin D-3 by Innate provides this critical component of optimal health. True Active™ FoodState® vitamin D-3 is an effective, bioavailable whole food form of vitamin D, complete with the amino acids and sterols which act to catalyze mineral utilization.* Vitamin D-3 plays a vital role in bone health and immune health, calcium utilization, cardiovascular and lung health. With vitamin D deficiencies at an all-time high, supplementation of this nutrient is of
paramount importance. This comprehensive formulation also includes an organic whole foods blend, an immune blend and plant-sourced enzymes. Vitamin D-3 by Innate is an extraordinary 100% whole food solution
Vitamin D-3 1,000 IU – 90 tablets Price: 29.00
Vitamin D-3 by Innate provides this critical component of optimal health. True Active™ FoodState® vitamin D-3 is an effective, bioavailable whole food form of vitamin D, complete with the amino acids and sterols which act to catalyze mineral utilization.* Vitamin D-3 plays a vital role in bone health and immune health, calcium utilization, cardiovascular and lung health. With vitamin D deficiencies at an all-time high, supplementation of this nutrient is of paramount importance. This comprehensive formulation also includes an organic whole foods blend, an immune blend and plant-sourced enzymes. Vitamin D-3 by Innate is an extraordinary 100% whole food solution to support overall wellbeing.*
Vitamin D 5,000 IU – 60 capsules Price: 32.00
Vitamin D 5,000 comprehensive blend of D3, K1 & K2
New Formula Vitamin D 5000
Vitamin D 5000 is an expertly crafted exclusive blend of FoodState whole food vitamin D and cholecalciferol combined with vitamins K1 and K2. Vitamin K1 is a cabbage based form which lends to optimal absorption and utilization. The FoodState vitamin D is complete with the amino acids and sterols which act to catalyze mineral utilization. Vitamin D plays a vital role in bone health, immune health, calcium utilization, cardiovascular health and lung health. With greater than 50% of the global population at risk for vitamin D deficiency, it is of the utmost importance to be diligent in maintaining adequate levels of this crucial nutrient. Vitamins K1 and K2 are essential components for healthy bone and cardiovascular health and should be considered
an essential part of your nutritional intake. Vitamin D 5000 is a remarkable synergistic blend of nutrients to support various key functions of the body as well as overall health.
Power Couple: Vitamins D & K The synergistic blend of these vitamins act together in harmony to achieve a combination with far-reaching effects on the body. The efficacy and bioavailability of these fat-soluble vitamins are enhanced with FoodState sources of whole foods such as cabbage. The combo of these two vitamins in Vitamin D 5000 makes for a power couple that can work together to support each other’s actions to positively influence overall health.
Cardiovascular and Bone Support Studies suggest that there is extensive overlap between their physiologic and metabolic functions in the body, particularly within cardiovascular and bone health. With many people living a modern “industrial” lifestyle of limited sun exposure and a diet short of foods naturally rich in these nutrients, adequate levels of these nutrients become vitally important.
Flora 20-14 Ultra Strength – 60 capsules Price: 42.00
Read 16 Reviews Flora 20-14™ Ultra Strength 20 billion viable cells of 14 bacterial strains
Take 1 capsules on an empty stomach once per day.
42.00 for 60 Capsules
Cultivating and maintaining a balance of beneficial microflora is a foundational element in supporting the integrity of digestion. Probiotic supplementation supplies the beneficial microflora that work with the body in digestive processes, detoxification, elimination, nutrient production and absorption. Flora 20-14 is formulated to repopulate and promote the growth of beneficial bacteria in the small and large intestine. Supporting the beneficial microflora of the digestive system, Flora 20-14 contains only naturally occurring non-competing flora in a non-dairy food base. Innate guarantees 20 billion viable cells, providing 14 different clinically researched strains.
Calm Response 60 capsules
Price: 35.00
New Formula Calm Response support for a healthy emotional response
Formulation Improvement! Calm Response™ has undergone an exciting transformation! We’ve maintained the same purity and efficacy. We’ve created a botanical blend with research driven ingredients and combined them with L-Theanine! Calm Response™ is expertly crafted with calming, soothing botanicals and nutrients known to help replenish and gently support the body during times of stress. The impact of stress in modern day life can be devastating and this formula provides key ingredients to help promote a healthy stress response.
The Keys To Calm: All of the botanicals in this formula are provided in the quantities consistent with traditional tonic use of herbs. Skullcap, ashwagandha and bacopa are renowned nervine tonics, revered for the support they supply in strengthening and toning the nervous system. The inclusion of passionflower brings about added support for promoting a calm, healthy nervous system. Another key substance is the amino acid L-theanine, which preliminary research suggests may support concentration and mental stamina.* With a superior synergy of nutrients, Calm Response™ is a unique formulation providing exceptional support during periods of stress.
CoEnzyme B Complex – 60 capsules
Price: 34.00
5.0 Read 1 Review
CoEnzyme B Complex represents the gold standard of B-Complexes with an incredible blend of biologically active forms of B vitamins with the FoodState whole food nutrients that contain the inherent cofactors naturally found in food. B vitamins are essential for a foundational regiment as insurance against nutrient gaps in the diet and are crucial for the health of the nervous system, cardiovascular system, neurological system to name a few. This formula also exhibits FoodState Folate, which is the biologically active form of this nutrient that inherently exists in whole food. Further enhancing this formula is methylated B12, essential for various functions in the body including cognitive function and energy production. CoEnzyme B Complex blends the best of whole food B vitamins with the most biologically active forms for a therapeutic B complex ideal for maintaining overall health.
Essential for Wellness This formula emanates versatility with the many functions of the body that require these nutrients for energy and for the nervous and endrocrine systems. These powerhouse vitamins provide some fuel of turning carbohydrates and fatty acids into energy for the body.
Stress Support Chronic stress increases our need for B vitamins. The “anti-stress” and “pick-me-up” CoEnzyme B Complex can help alleviate this demand during stressful times by supporting appropriate neurological and adrenal hormone responses. B vitamins are involved in the synthesis of neurotransmitters, myelin, and adrenal hormones.
Magnesium 300 – 120 capsules Price: 28.00
5.0 Read 2 Reviews
Magnesium 300 exemplifies the best of nutritional formulations by blending a therapeutic dose of the most well absorbed forms of magnesium blended with organic whole food. Magnesium is an essential nutrient required for proper functioning of nearly every system in the body. Among its critical roles are assisting with ATP production, promoting healthy neurotransmitter levels and cognitive health as well as cardiovascular support. It is also necessary to drive enzymatic reactions and is a major contributor to the production of protein in the body. There have been studies demonstrating widespread deficiencies of this vital nutrient even in developed countries indicating the need for an increased intake of magnesium. Innate’s Magnesium 300 boasts the citrate, glycinate and malate forms, all of which have been shown to be well absorbed and helpful in restoring adequate magnesium levels. The infusion of organic spinach, a whole food magnesium source, provides a whole food complex to accompany the clinical dose of magnesium and optimize its utilization.
Vital Mineral for Optimum Health Magnesium is an essential mineral needed by just about every cell type of the body. More than 300 enzymatic processes in the body depend on magnesium. Hence, attaining optimal magnesium levels is an absolute requirement for optimal health. Whole organic spinach leaves are affectionately infused for its rich source of nutrients and phytochemicals. Magnesium 300 provides the best option for enhanced absorbability, bioavailability, and utilization for the path to optimum health.
Baby & Me Trimester I & II – 120 tablets (49.00)
(8 reviews)
Read 8 Reviews
Baby & Me Trimester I & II is a comprehensive foundational formula crafted exclusively from 100% whole food nutrients, designed specifically for use prior to and throughout pregnancy. Carefully formulated, this herb-free formula meets the special challenges of prenatal nutrition support with a combination of select nutrient-dense whole foods. Iron is an important mineral for pregnant women with which to supplement, but regular forms of iron have been implicated in contributing to discomfort; Innate solves this by supplying iron from True Active™ FoodState®, which is not only gentle on the stomach, but also non-binding. This formula is well-tolerated by women experiencing nausea, and suggested use fulfills 100% of the daily value of key nutrients with 800 mcg of folate and with 18 mg of iron. Baby & Me Trimester I & II provides balanced nutritional support throughout one of the most nutritionally demanding periods of a woman’s life.
Baby & Me Trimester III & Post – 120 tablets (50.00)
Baby & Me Trimester III & Post is a comprehensive foundational formula crafted exclusively from 100% whole food nutrients, designed specifically for use in the last trimester of pregnancy, throughout postpartum and lactation. Dandelion leaf and root are included to help reduce swelling and water retention, conditions often experienced by women in their last trimester and postpartum; chamomile helps to tone and relax the nervous system. Iron is an important mineral for pregnant women with which to supplement, but regular forms of iron have been implicated in contributing to discomfort; Innate solves this by supplying iron from True Active™ FoodState®, which is not only gentle on the stomach, but also non-binding. Baby & Me Trimester III provides balanced nutritional support throughout one of the most nutritionally demanding
For additional detailed information please reference the following:
Digestive Enzymes
Renewal Greens pdf file
Renewal Greens Brochure
Vitamins and Antioxidants
Womens Mulitples
Immune Response Rationale
Immune Response Rationale
MetaCore Clinical Brochure
MetaCore Overview
Innate Response Product Guide
Shifting the Undercurrents of Metabolic Syndrome
Synthetic Nutrient Glossary
The Importance of Saccharomyces Cerevisiae
What Kind of Nutritional Supplements are American’s Taking?
Option #1 Synthetic Vitamin Supplements
This is the by far, the most popular way to supplement the diet with nutrients. During the manufacturing process, the organic nutrient that is considered to contain the “essential component” of a vitamin complex is synthesized in a laboratory from non food compounds such as coal tar. This is very similar to the way in which most drugs are made.
Thiamine Mononitrate, for example, is a B1 molecule derived from coal tar, and is labeled as “vitamin B1” in nearly all of the popular “B-Complex” supplements. . This factor has been directly linked to the 78% reduction in sperm count among American males from 1938-1990. “Their analysis of data collected from 1938 to 1990 indicates that sperm densities in the United States have exhibited an average annual decrease of 1.5 million sperm per milliliter of collected sample, or about 1.5 percent per year,”-(National Institute of Health)
White bleached wheat flour has more than thirty known nutrients removed with four synthetically added back in. This “enrichment” of flour began in 1939 when by law, the FDA required the addition of a few synthetic factors. These are: thiamin (B1 ), riboflavin (B2 ), nicotinic acid (B3 ), and iron. Coincidence? Excess Thiamine Mononitrate consumption also mimics most of the signs and symptoms of hyperthyroid disorder.
This synthetic version of Thiamine differs from a food source of vitamin B1, such as whole wheat, in the following ways:
1. Thiamine Mononitrate B1 contains none of the co-factors necessary for vitamin B1 to be utilized in the body. Vitamins analyzed in food are always found in combination with numerous enzymes, co-enzymes, trace minerals, and other activators that are necessary for the vitamin to be utilized. This is how God intended man to get vitamins and minerals.
2. The amount of Thiamine Mononitrate B1 found in synthetic B-complex supplements is far more B1 than could ever be consumed in a food based diet. (Example: The typical orange has about 5 mg. Ascorbic Acid (which is commonly referred to as vitamin C). Whereas some “authorities” today advocate taking as much as 20,000 mg of Ascorbic Acid a day ongoing. How can this discrepancy be reconciled? Nowhere in the history of mankind has anyone ever consumed these kinds of concentrated, isolated, synthetic nutrients; not to mention in the sheer quantities that are being advocated.
Other examples of the commonly synthesized vitamins used in supplements include d-Alpha Tocopherol (labeled ‘Vitamin E’), and Beta Carotene (labeled ‘Vitamin A’). Like Thiamine Mononitrate, these synthesized vitamins contain none of the co-factors that are found in the food source of the vitamin, and are used in far greater quantities than could ever be consumed in the diet.
Important: “Just as a chemist cannot create life, neither can he create a co

mplex vitamin: the life element in foods and nutrition. This is a mystery the chemist has never solved and probably never will, and the synthetic vitamins he creates on the basis of chemical formulae bear as much resemblance to the real thing as a robot does to a living man, lacking an elusive quality that chemistry cannot supply.” Dr. Royal Lee, D.D.S., 1953
Did you know? Most vitamins on the market claiming to be natural only have to be 10% natural to make this claim. While the word “Organic” means anything that contains a carbon atom which could be a synthetic substance, not just organically grown produce.
Salient Point: The problem is that when the body is lacking nutrition, it’s not lacking in one isolated nutrient. Whatever the patient did to create the vitamin C (ascorbic acid) deficiency; they at the same time created a deficiency of all the other co-factors. We don’t develop synthetic vitamin deficiencies; we develop food deficiencies. Some foods have up to 3,800 nutrient components. To nourish the body and make up for nutrient deficiencies, you have to give the body real food.
The problem with taking partial nutrients, as in isolated synthetic vitamins, is that in order to use that food, the body has to make up the difference with its own reserves. Dr. Joel Robbins
More Studies:
1) Researchers found that at the 500 milligram level, synthetic Vitamin C (or Ascorbic Acid) promoted genetic damage to the DNA. The genetic damage was so great that the study had to be stopped prematurely. (Nature 392:559, April 9, 1998 Leicester, UK “High Doses of Vitamin C May be Harmful”)
2) Mega doses of Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) blunt the beneficial effects of chemotherapy treatment for breast cancer. Cancer cells have numerous receptor sites for synthetic vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid), making the vitamin C act as a growth tonic for cancer cells. Professor Brain Scott Peskin
3) Dr. Weston A Price in his book, Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, reports the test effects of vitamin D in 500 human pregnancy cases. All the women given Synthetic vitamin D developed calcified and diseased kidneys, while those given vitamin D from natural sources had no observable changes in the kidneys.
4) A study on the effects of synthetic vitamin A supplementation in pregnant mothers was done by Boston University School of Medicine and published in the New England Journal of Medicine (Nov. 1995). In this study, synthetic vitamin A was given to 22, 748 pregnant women at a dosage of 10,000-20,000 iu per day. A 240% increase in birth defects occurred in the women taking the 10,000 iu, and a 400% increase of birth defects in those taking 20,000 iu. The defects included cleft lip, cleft palate, heart malformations, and nervous system damage such as hydrocephalus. The same study stated that nnoo bbiirrtthh ddeeffeecctt rriisskk wwaass nnootteedd ffrroomm ffooooddss ccoonnttaaiinniinngg vviittaammiinn AA..
5) Investigators found that woman whose dietary source of the Vitamin E complex was dietary, displayed significant reductions in LDL (bad cholesterol) oxidation. However, women who took in synthetic vitamin E supplements actually increased their LDL oxidation levels. “The more they took in, the worse their LDL oxidation.” Dr. Lauri Mosca of the University of Michigan as told to Reuters Health Publication
The bottom line is that a synthetic vitamin is created by a scientist in a laboratory when he/she has reconstructed the exact molecular structure of a vitamin by putting together or chemically combining molecules from other know sources. The synthetic vitamin has no synergists, no
enzymes or co-enzymes, minerals, mineral activators, or co-vitamin helpers. It is a chemically pure vitamin but reverse mirror image of the real thing. Legally it is not necessary to give the source from which the synthetic chemical is derived (coal-tar)
Option #2 Phytochemical Supplements
These are supplements derived from food sources that contain a single therapeutic component of that food. Examples of phytochemical supplements include Indole 3-Carbinol extracts from broccoli and Lycopene extracts from tomatoes.
Although they are generally safer than synthetic vitamins, like a synthetic vitamin, a phytochemical supplement is an isolated nutrient or compound that can’t provide the full benefits of its original food source. Isn’t it possible that there are other beneficial nutrients in tomatoes that are necessary for lycopene to work most effectively?
Option #3 Organic Whole Food Supplements
Jeremiah 6:16a “Thus saith the Lord, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls.”
This type of supplement provides nutrients from concentrated food sources. The only alteration to the food when making these supplements is the removal of moisture and fiber. A food supplement contains all the trace minerals, enzymes, co-enzymes and other activating factors that are necessary for specific vitamins to be safely utilized in the body. In contrast with a synthetic vitamin A or Beta Carotene supplement, a vitamin A food supplement would primarily contain foods that are rich in vitamin A, such as carrots and alfalfa.
Vitamin C Complex
Another danger inherent to crystalline-pure, megavitamin usage is the consumption of ascorbic acid–the so-called vitamin C that is recklessly (but usually unknowingly) prescribed by the “pseudo-nutritional pharmacologists” who have little, if any, realistic training in this most important field. Ascorbic acid is not vitamin C! Ascorbic acid is a fraction of the biologically utilizable Vitamin C complex. Most all ascorbic acid sold is synthetically produced from corn sugar and even though it is synthetically manufactured, it is called “natural” and “organic” because corn is found in nature. Technically, anything with a carbon atom can be called “organic.” The terms natural and organic are totally meaningless. This article alerts the general public to the fact that as little as 1,500 milligrams of ASCORBIC ACID, taken daily, depletes blood copper, leading to serious health problems. You jeopardize your important “fight or flight” (stress) response by depletion of copper. Just 500 mg. of ascorbic acid with 3 meals can do just that. The late Dr. Albert Szent Giorgi in America officially discovered Vitamin C in 1937. Dr. Giorgi, who received the Nobel Prize for his vitamin C work, stated that with just isolated ascorbic acid, he had not found the active anti-scurvy factor of the C-complex. “Ascorbic” means “anti-scurvy.” The symptoms of clinical scurvy include swollen joints, muscular aches, bone pain, edema, weakness, fatigue, anemia, loose teeth, hyperkeratosis, impaired wound healing. Behavioral changes may include apathy, depression, and emotional disturbances, weakening of the walls of blood vessels such as swollen and bleeding gums, ocular hemorrhages, bruising, and varicosities of small blood vessels which are seen under the tongue. Sub clinical vitamin C deficiency may exist in a large segment of the population, and can lead to impaired health and increased susceptibility to other diseases. Ascorbic acid therefore is incorrectly named. With isolated ascorbic acid (from Hungarian red pepper), he could not stop the capillary hemorrhaging, so characteristic of scurvy, that he could reliably influence with the C-complex. He went back to the laboratory and discovered vitamin P, the rutin factor of the C-complex, which exists more in buckwheat (grain and leaf) than in citrus.
Vitamin C is a very misunderstood vitamin. The government is responsible for this because they have decided that you rate any vitamin C product according to the amount of ascorbic acid it
contains. Ascorbic acid is an antioxidant. It is the preservative part of the C complex. To refine out or to synthesize the preservative is a mistake. The real vitamin C complex contains the P factors, which maintain vascular integrity. These are deficient in people who bruise easily or who have “pink toothbrush.” Their blood vessels break too easily and bleed. The P factors strengthen the vascular system. They make the vessels tougher and more durable. Vitamin K is another part of the C complex. It promotes prothrombin. That means it helps in coagulation (blood clotting). Bleeders do not have enough vitamin K. Another factor in the C complex is J. The J factor is the part of the C complex which increases the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood. If you have a cold, you want to get oxygen to your tissues where it oxidizes the toxins and carries them off as carbon dioxide and water.* In addition to these, the C complex contains enzymes, the outstanding one being tyrosinase. That’s organic copper, an adrenal activator, If you want to rate vitamin C according to one thing, it would be logical to rate the tyrosinase. All of these factors are important for the reasons mentioned, In addition to all these factors; the vitamin C complex also contains ascorbic acid. To say that ascorbic acid is vitamin C is like looking at a steering wheel and calling it an automobile, while it is just a small part of an automobile.*
The body doesn’t want ascorbic acid; it wants the C-complex being preserved by ascorbic acid. Once in the body, the body sheds the ascorbic acid, the preservative wrapper, the way you shed the peel of an orange; takes the rest of the C-complex and places it as the lance of the lymphocyte; and kills bacteria with it. A lymphocyte unarmed with C complex will fail in its function, it will be impotent, it won’t be able to destroy infectious organisms. Lymphocyte potency is dependent on copper, the core trace mineral of the tyrosinase enzyme.
The reason one gets any relief from taking ascorbic acid is that ascorbic acid lowers the pH to the acid side of the pH scale. It acidifies the body, creating an unfavorable medium of growth for pathogenic bacteria. Acting in this way, ascorbic acid is not producing a “vitamin effect” but rather an “acidifying effect.” Most infectious pathogenic bacteria thrive in an alkaline pH. The following bacteria, all well-known enemies of modern science’s war on bacterial infection, grew optimally on alkaline media of pH 7.4 and above: staphylococcus (staph infection), streptococcus (strep throat), pneumococcus (pneumonia), h. influenza (the flu),meningococcus (meningitis), corymbacterium diptheria (diptheria), clostridium tetani (tetanus), and others.
Excess quantities of so-called vitamin C can reduce the pH of the urine to as low as 4.0, and cause the precipitation of large quantities of urates, increasing incidence of kidney stones. It appears that excessive doses of ascorbic acid interfere with purine metabolism, increasing the risk of gout. There is some evidence that high doses of ascorbic acid reduce fertility in some women. Large doses of ascorbic acid and vitamin E are undesirable as they may reduce availability of vitamin A. Ascorbic acid increases intestinal peristalsis and may produce diarrhea. This laxative action, along with its acidifying effect, may be the only benefit ascorbic acid has against a cold. High doses of so-called vitamin C, as popularly used in home remedies for the common cold, destroy substantial amounts of vitamin B12. Ascorbic acid in quantities in excess of a half a gram will destroy 50% to 95% of B12 content in food. Megadoses of phony vitamin C may produce B12 deficiency by destroying the cobalamins during transport through the digestive tract, and possibly also in the tissues. No further discussion should be needed to establish the lack of wisdom leading to taking or prescribing ascorbic acid.
Apple cider vinegar is 5% malic acid, a natural colorless crystalline acid normally found in the body. It can be taken with water during meals, and is much less expensive than ascorbic acid and does a better job in lower doses at acidifying the body, without causing rebound deficiencies as ascorbic acid does. Ascorbic acid has long been recognized as a contributing factor in tyrosine (copper) depletion.
In the book New Dynamics Of Preventive Medicine, 1974, Dr. Linus Pauling is quoted as saying: “What is called rosehips vitamin C is the same pure crystalline ascorbic acid with a pinch of rose hips powder added. It is almost impossible to buy ascorbic acid from a natural source.” He continues, “The rose hip and ascerolebarus ascorbic acid is from the same barrel at Hoffman-LaRoche, as the others, but with a pinch of rose hip powder.” That’s straight from the most renowned Vitamin C researcher known.
Vitamin E
The chemical name for vitamin E is tocopherol, which is derived from the Greek tokos (childbirth) and pherin (to bear). The name tocopherol was bestowed on this vitamin in 1938. Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin, as are vitamins A, D, and K. Fat-soluble vitamins can be stored in the body whereas water-solubles cannot.
Alpha and delta tocopherols or mixed tocopherols are not vitamin E. They are merely antioxidant or protective agents (banana peel) for the more complex parts of the vitamin E assemblage (xanthine, phospholipids, lipositols, sex hormone precursors)–see functional architecture of vitamin E. There are seven tocopherols in all, alpha being one of them. The government has decided to rate any vitamin E product according to the amount of alpha tocopherol it contains. The tocopherols are antioxidants, just like ascorbic acid. They are a part of the E complex, but they are not the active ingredient. Their function is to preserve the active factor. Tocopherols are measured on the basis of cell growth. The entire E complex contains the polyunsaturated fatty acids. (Vitamin F) Vitamin F is part of the E complex. Also, vitamins A and K. There are some forms of vitamin D and manganese in the E complex, as well. The traditional source for vitamin E is vegetable oils. But the best quality vitamin E comes from vegetables. Lettuce is one of the best sources and the pea plant is equally as good. If you take any laboratory-chelated products, your body has to do some combining to make them work. But if you take your minerals the way nature provides them, combined with protein and vitamins through the growing process of plants, they are bound to work. For example, we could take vitamin E and separate the tocopherols from the manganese. Putting them back together in the laboratory–chelating them artificially–we would find they wouldn’t work like they did before you took them apart. If you take a watch apart piece by piece and analyze it and then throw all the
parts back together, it isn’t going to work! Although it is the same watch, it has now lost its function. A nutritional concentrate is an organized mechanism that has a function. If you break the function by separating the parts, the body can no longer use the mechanism. High potency vitamin E is made this way. Tocopherols are broken down and separated from oils–the natural tocopherols are separated from vegetable oil.
Natural forms of vitamin E complex lose up to 99% of their potency when separated from their natural synergists (Ann. Review Biochemistry, 1943, page 381). These synergists include tannins, fatty acids (vitamin F complex), phospholipids, and other synergistic factors. Chemically purified vitamin E (tocopherols), in high unit doses, reverses its effect and produces the same symptoms as a deficiency (including bone decalcification). The Vitamins In Medicine, Page 623 by Bicknell and Prescott, 3rd Ed. Without selenium (the trace mineral activator of vitamin E), vitamin E cannot perform many of its functions.
Whole food supplements have never been popular to manufacture for the following reasons:
1. Manufacturing costs
2. Marketing difficulties
3. Limited shelf life.
Salient Point: “Even is we consume a totally perfect diet, it does not contain enough nutrition to take care of today’s needs and have enough left over for paying back long-standing nutritional deficiencies. That’s why I highly recommend whole food supplements to the majority of my clients…
Taking supplements bridges the gap between what you would like to take and what you actually eat. It can take a long time between the depletion of vitamin stores in our body and the full blown deficiency symptoms to manifest. By then it’s often advanced, and the person requires several supplements over a longer period of time.
The body uses nutrition first for day-to-day survival. Healing is the body’s second priority. It’s only when nutrients are left over at the end of the day that the body can heal. That’s why natural healing takes time.” Lorrie Medford Author of “Why Do I Need Whole Food Supplements”
Salient Point: “It costs money to stay healthy! There is no way around it. It is not cheaper to eat better or healthier. You have to think of this as an investment in your health. Isn’t it cheaper to spend money today and prevent heart disease than end up with a triple by-pass surgery operation 10 years later? This surgery costs thousands of dollars and could have been prevented! Which was the better investment?”
Lorrie Medford Pg. 99“Why Do I Need Whole Food Supplements”
“There’s no question about that. You have to pay more for real things than you do for counterfeits.” Dr. Royal Lee, D.D.S.,10/16/1955
Unfortunately the modern day medical/pharmaceutical professions have conditioned most Americans to believe that if your symptoms are helped by taking a drug, then so is the underlying problem that caused the symptom. But this is normally the furthest thing from the truth as drugs are wonderful at masking symptoms, but typically do little to ever correct the underlying cause. Not only that, but the drugs have to usually be taken in ever increasing dosages as your bodies receptors (to a given drug) become desensitized. To further this problem all drugs have side effects and are very hard on the liver. Many times these side effects necessitate the addition of more toxic drugs to offset the side effects of a given medication. Where does it end? Why is all this perpetuated on the American public? The simple answer is money and control. You see this whole system has been designed by the Pharmaceutical Cartels (who incidentally own the Medical Colleges where the MD’s are trained) in the pursuit of the massive reoccurring revenue generated by millions of Americans habitually taking prescriptions.
So in light of these facts it is imperative for any patient to be in the right mindset before starting any natural health care plan. I tell my patients that the current problems they are experiencing have typically taken a lifetime to develop and as a result it takes time to turn these problems around and restore health. This process does not happen overnight as Rome was not built in a day and the same concept holds true when trying to rebuild ones health. It is for this very reason I typically recommend a minimum of a 12 week initial commitment to any clinical health protocol I would recommend. If it took you a lifetime to get into the shape your in, you owe yourself the proper time needed to restore health. After the 12 weeks (depending on the case) we may be able to reduce dosage on some products and phase out others but many times after 12 weeks we then proceed to some other area of the body that needs addressed. After the initial 6 weeks it is a good idea to fill out another symptom survey to evaluate your progress. Also it is important to remember that the products I prescribe are for the most part organic, whole food concentrates that are vital for everyday health. These are not drugs and should be viewed as foods we need everyday but are typically not getting. You will not build anymore dependency on these types of products than any other good food you would consume. If a patient cannot commit to the above mentioned guidelines than it is better for them to not start a course of care.
My goal is to help all my patients achieve optimal health but in reality this is a team effort. It is totally up to the patient to implement my recommendations as no one can really do this for them. In this sense it is important for the patient to be willing to totally take responsibility for their own health. Health is something that we are not just entitled to, it is something that has to be earned. I will do everything I can to make sure you are armed with the proper information and products for your unique case. It is then up to you to implement the recommendations.
Salient Point: “Healing does not occur in a straight line, it tends to occur in cycles as in an upward trend (like on a graph) but even in an upward trend you will encounter valleys. It is in these valleys that you can feel worse, but that is also part of the healing process. Limiting stress would also greatly help ones body to achieve optimum health quicker.” Dr. Johnson
The types of products I recommend are primarily professional, clinical, nutritional supplements. These types of supplements have to be dispensed by a health care professional and are not available in health food stores. They are unique, organic, whole food concentrates and herbs designed for specific health issues and concerns. With health supplements quality is everything and I strive to only use the best I can find so my patients can achieve optimal results.


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