
Urgent Action Needed: This medical freedom petition needs 15,000 signatures in 3 days


After the White House censored and shut down this medical choice petition to prevent it from reaching 100,000 signatures, they were forced to reactivate it thanks to health freedom activists who exposed their fraud.

Now, the petition stands at a little over 85,000 signatures. There are only 3 days left to achieve the required 100,000 signatures to trigger a response from the White House.

We need your help to sign this petition and confirm your signature.

This petition calls for the protection of your medical choice and the halting of any legislation that would allow the government to violate your physical body with harmful medical interventions.

The White House is still playing games with this petition, manipulating the numbers in real time. As one reader told us today, “I just signed the petition (again) and the signature count went down from 82025 to 81978. A few seconds later I reload the site and the number is 82188. Clearly something is not right.”

Another reader told us, “I just signed it but the number didn’t change.”

It’s clear that the petition has already received at least 200,000 signatures, but the White House tried to bury the petition; then it tried to throttle the maximum signatures down to 100 per hour; and then it just shut off all signatures for over 48 hours.

They will try everything to manipulate this and make sure it doesn’t reach 100,000, but you can make that censorship more difficult for them by signing the petition today and contributing higher numbers of confirmed signatures.

The petition link is here. Make your voice count by helping us overcome White House censorship and petition fraud as we fight for the universal human right of medical choice, right alongside great civil rights leaders of world history such as Gandhi who also opposed the government forcing toxic medical interventions on the public.


Thank you for your support,

– Mike Adams, the Health Ranger


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