
70 Nations Planning Discussion Meeting Summary

From the Facebook page “The Seventy Nations

70 Nations Planning Discussion Meeting Summary – Credit to Hidden in the Crag for finding this.

1. Next year we will try to initiate World events in Jerusalem according the goals in the documents and what we spoke about the Concert, Pilgrimaging of the Seventy Nations such like Sukkot ( Feast of Tabernacles)

2. Plan for an International Court: Planning for the development of the International Court by both wings. 1.A Professional Juristic Court Wing and A Peoplehood Wing [simple people that are nominated and representative of the 70 nations] according the documents. We will raise a committee that will apply by specifications to the Nations all the world with not excluding any of them). Most of the court will discuss topics by the internet methods but critical and major resolutions by video conference and organized meetings face to face. The procedure will be written and voted on.

3. Communications with Trump and other major world political Leaders:

The Sanhedrin appealed to Trump and Putin on 16/11/ 2016 immediately after President Trump was elected. I wrote it as a Spokesman that they declare that their great mission is to announce the building the Third Temple in Jerusalem. This means on its recognized site is the main goal and that this will bring peace instead of war.

We analyzed that some aspects of President Trump are considered as a type of “moshiach” ( messiah according to Jewish thinking) . This has good and bad aspects and that if he is allowed to take resolution against Biblical Laws like dividing Israel’s Holy Land from the borders mention by the Bible from Genesis and on or in spite Ezekiel borders (not only West bank but from Efrat to the Nile north wing. BUT if he will do so he will not succeed because it is not legitimate.

4. We spoke about the fact that I invent all the Temple Coins as they appear in the booklet and hope that Seventy Nations Organization will produce the real David Gold Coin in pure Gold 14 karats, 14 grams of gold and that the profits will be for goals that will be agreed upon.

5. We have to deal with all the legal registering and demand of Law in Israel and U.S.A and so on if needed

6. We spoke on an Economic Rails World Program and that I will write about.

7. That you will be my censorship .

Economic Plan

Meanwhile it is the global bullet trains that should connect all the Seventy Nations, entire states, countries, continents to one technological electromagnetic system. A partnership by shares.

Writing the program especially the economic virtues.

Having the task to producing maps. Give the big Empires and leader it for the benefit of all. We said it will take a year to display it. But the intention to display it a major goal to be announced in three months as the flag of the Organization because of the values it promotes.

Coins and Currency
As the inventor and the one that has all the copyrights on Temple coins and the commercial rights we will raise a Bank that holds the International Coin. Not just as cryptographic or papers but with real values. I will give the organization the copy rights. Will be very effective for pilgrimaging, contributions, accommodations, and credit cards.

Seven Laws: Will announce a booklet with lot of examples and legal norms.

Intranational conflicts need models for solving temporary and long run conflicts.


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