
Quick Update & Perspective on COVID-19

Just a quick update on some key points today. #1 The UK has downgraded the virus: “As of 19 March 2020, COVID-19 is no longer considered to be a high consequence infectious diseases (HCID) in the UK.” Are we hearing anything about this from the media? Of course not. … Read More

Anthony Migchels –“We Face the Mother of all Depressions”

There is no pandemic. Coronavirus is cover for unprecedented money creation, a pretext to bankrupt and destroy the West.  “Ten years from now, the West will be unrecognizable. Not a shadow of its former self.” “Pure Magick. They’re at the top of their game at the moment. This is a huge high point for them. It’s … Read More

COVID-19 / Coronavirus: A Contagion Of Fear

(^Note the predictive programming in the movie Contagion^.) By Chuck Baldwin March 19, 2020 Does anyone remember these words: “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself”? Those words are from President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s First Inaugural Address delivered on March 4, 1933. These words were spoken at … Read More

COVID-19 & 501c3: Churches Submit to Contrived Fear

Church? Where are you? This has been on my heart ever since I started hearing about churches closing because of the highly exaggerated, possibly false coronavirus scare and ridiculous excuse for a complete lockdown of the entire world, removal of our rights as citizens, and destruction of our economy. Where … Read More

MUST WATCH! Stunning Insights into the Corona-Panic by Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg

Please Share Aircrap Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg is the first specialist we met to understand the current crisis about the coronavirus. Please support us so that we can investigate further in making a 90min cinema documentary: Why we need to make this film: Crowd Funding Video Wolfgang Wodarg says: The corona … Read More

March Madness War on Citizens – March 17 2020

Churches are closing all over the country because of a fake “pandemic” Where is discernment? Aircrap I Post you decide – Coronavirus – Figures Show There is NO Pandemic – CDC Funding Cuts – (CDC unleashed this phony virus to stay in business) – DARPA Injectable Gels – Health Food Store … Read More

Here we go! Coronavirus Destruction to Bring a More “Righteous and Just” World Under Noahide Laws!

Here we go folks. This says it all. Here are their aspirations for this world to be destroyed and replaced by a more “Righteous and Just” world under NOAHIDE LAWS. From today’s Israel365 newsletter: “Chapter 24 [Isaiah] begins four chapters which describe the total destruction of the earth, for it … Read More

Ongoing Corona Virus Escalation – Trump Enacts Stafford Act

We’re going beyond the toilet paper jokes now. Regardless of how real the threat of COVID-19 is or isn’t, the shut downs are real, the store shelves are empty and other disconcerting events surrounding this “pandemic” are mounting. On the bright side, people are waking up. As schools, churches, restaurants, … Read More

Cortana, Quarantine and Pandemic: Coronamadness

The social engineering runs much deeper than most would dare to think. By C.A. Patin   I believe AI controls, monitors and manipulates the internet . Bill Gates chose Cortana to do his bidding for Windows. She was an AI character on Halo modeled after Nefertiti. Her name means ‘shortened” … Read More

Tetragrammaton (YHWH) Revisited: About the “Sacred Names” of God

UPDATE: 8/7/20 – The use of sacred names for God (Yahweh, Yahashua…) has become so prevalent that I’ve actually been accused of heresy for looking into the origins of the Tetragrammaton. But the more I looked into it, the more strongly I became convicted about this and I am standing … Read More

Time To Put Americans Back In Charge Of America

By Chuck Baldwin February 20, 2020 Members of the “right” and “alt-right” love to use terms such as “the establishment,” “Deep State,” “globalists,” etc., in describing freedom’s political enemies. And, yes, I often use those terms too. For the sake of brevity, I will refer to the above as simply “the … Read More

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