
The Dysphoria Programme

Just a quick break from the revival series to post The Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction’s newest video. It’s dizzying to see how furiously satan is working to dethrone God in the minds of men and take faith from the earth. when the Son of man comes, will he find … Read More

Revivals Pt 6 | John Wesley (1 of 2) – The Mystery School Dialectic & Christian Mysticism

“Statements such as ‘I follow Christ, not creeds’ smack of Christian mysticism. Anyone who downplays the role of theology in the church or who speaks of going ‘beyond doctrine’ is following the path of the mystic. Such a person will usually gravitate toward practices such as contemplative prayer or walking … Read More

Revivals Part 2: Enlightenment In The Land Of The Plumed Serpent

This will be a bit of a “Crash Course” on several topics, but I feel like it’s an important backdrop before we jump into the American Revivals.. In part one we talked about the Asbury revival and its lack of a clear gospel message. We considered the differing definitions of … Read More

A Knowledge Greater than the Number of Man (Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction)

Modern “science” congratulates man on his achievements, emboldening him to believe that nothing exists outside of his glorious ability to reason. Like parents distracting a toddler with candy, its philosophies keep us worshipping our idols, avoiding thoughts of our inevitable demise. There’s no need for a supernatural God. Death is … Read More

Rihanna: ‘If Jesus Hasn’t Answered Your Prayers, Try Satan’

UPDATE 2-15-2023 At least one backlash against the criticism of Rihanna’s satanic Half Time performance claims that only “Republicans” think it was satanic. …Wait… what? Nah, nothing to see here. 🙄 Is it a coincidence that the show features the dancers floating around in what look like “cigar shaped” UFOs … Read More

Damar Hamil; a Freemasonic Ritual

UPDATE 2/13/23 Hamil appeared at the Super Bowl in Phoenix yesterday donning a jersey that blatantly mocks Christ. “GLENDALE, ARIZONA: Damar Hamlin was spotted again at the Super Bowl. The Buffalo Bills safety made his third Super Bowl week appearance in Phoenix, this time on the field at State Farm … Read More

What If There Is NO “7 Year Tribulation?” And Does It Matter?

In consideration of the arrival of 2024, and while I’m working on a piece about Millennialism’s role in Social Justice, I thought it would be timely to repost two older articles from my friend Cheryl Devine Tuumalo’s Facebook page: This one about the 7-year tribulation, and the other containing some … Read More

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