
Solar Eclipse Hoax

Don’t ever look at the sun and never look at an eclipse! The sun’s light is very harmful but haven’t we been told that the sun reflects off of the moon? Why is it okay to look at the moon then? In this video you will see that the entire … Read More

Hope For Autism! Detoxing Mercury, Aluminum, other Heavy Metals

There is hope for children with autism and ADD as well as for adults who suffer from heavy metal toxicity. Here is some information about detoxing heavy metals. In this video, Craniosacral therapist, Karen Thomas’ shares her personal story of helping her child recover from autism. You can read more on her … Read More

How CDC Uses False Fears to Promote Vaccine Uptake

By Dr. Mercola Five years ago, political lobbyist Jack Abramoff shocked the nation when, in a 60-Minute Report, he revealed just how corrupt the U.S. political system really is. As it turns out, it’s actually worse than most critical outsiders could have imagined. Now, the downfall of yet another high-powered … Read More

What’s In Those Vaccines?

Robert Kennedy Jr and Robert DeNiro’s recent public call for “open and honest” discussion about vaccine safety has brought some long overdue scrutiny to the industry. Still, it’s confusing to sort through all the information. Are any vaccines safe? If so, which ones? Are any vaccines beneficial? What about those awful … Read More

Flat Earth Timeline

Of all the arguments against NASA’s globe earth model, I want a (rational, non-double-speak) explanation for this one: Question: What is considered “low earth orbit”? Answer according to NASA: 999 – 1,200 miles / 160 – 2,000 Kilometers Question: How far away is the moon? Answer according to NASA:  237,000 miles … Read More

British Jews Tried To Stop The Balfour Declaration

Here’s one for those of you who are still afraid that to deny the political state of Israel equivalent to being anti-Semitic. More about the: Balfour Document. (above, Edwin Montagu, a hero for assimilated Jews)  One hundred years ago, Jewish MP Edwin Montagu accused the British government of anti-Semitism for colluding with the … Read More

The Trump Tower

It seems like everywhere we turn, we find the Babylonian mystery religion, and the mystery of iniquity at work around us. While I don’t agree with some of the doctrinal views on Watchman’s Cry (“End Times prophecy”), Nathan Leal put some extensive research into this and I found it to … Read More

Communism & the NWO are Based on Judaism

Ever wondered why? Why would people want to enslave other people? What was the incredible driving force behind the creation of the Communist system? Of course, tyranny is as old as time and we know it’s true author, but according to Israel Shahak, Communism and the planned global Communistic Government … Read More

The Globe Earth Lie(?)

About a year ago my friend Dan Dapper encouraged me to look into the flat earth theory. I did some reading, watched a few videos and found the subject compelling but I thought it might be a “red herring” argument. I didn’t see what the big deal about the shape … Read More

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